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Marcius Hollanda Pereira da Rocha (PUC) Em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo e ávido por soluções padronizadas e reutilizáveis, o gerenciamento de projetos clássico preconiza que as práticas de gestão de projetos... more
Marcius Hollanda Pereira da Rocha (PUC) A realização de um evento como os XV Jogos Pan-americanos Rio 2007 suscita vários questionamentos, principalmente, quando se fala em gerenciamento de projetos. Um ponto de... more
Resumo Em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo e ávido por soluções padronizadas e reutilizáveis, o gerenciamento de projetos clássico preconiza que as práticas de gestão de projetos podem ser utilizadas em qualquer tipo de projeto ao... more
The present research project has the aim to assess how consumers perceive EU quality labels: (PDO: Product designation of origin; PGI: Protected Geographical Indication and TSG: Traditional Speciality Guaranteed) labelled food and how... more
Leadership is an enthralling theme to investigators and professionals from all sectors of activity. It was considered a key topic in labour relations (Razi et al, 2012), as it was understood that the applied style of leadership might... more
The Sharing Economy (SE) has been growing at an impressive rate across the globe (Cohen & Kietzmann, 2014) and emerging as an innovative and rapidly growing sector of the economy (Hira & Reilly, 2017), which attracted the attention of the... more
The sharing economy is an emerging niche for innovation capable of disrupting established socio-technical and economic regimes. Because of this potential to cause radical changes in a wide array of domains, research in multiple... more
The sharing economy (SE) has drawn significant attention from several society stakeholders in the last five years. While business actors are interested in financial opportunities to meet consumer needs, new business models, academia and... more