I. (v.) enkestigar, enbuxigar; pozar en, kovrar per etuyo, gaino; inkluzar, envelopar.
II. (n.)
- (long, narrow, with opening at the end, as for a sword) gaino;
- (in a sense of a holder; suffix) -uy.o;
- (wrapper) envelopilo;
- (box) kesto, buxo, kofro;
- (of a watch) framo (di horlojeto).
- glass (show) case - vetrino.
- enclosing case - kadro.
- crank, chain case - kartero.
- case knife - kultelo en gaino, gainokultelo.
- case of conscience - kazo (od, questiono) di koncienco.
- such being the case - en tala kazo, eventuale, okazione.
- according to the case - segun la kazo.
- in any case - omnakaze, omnasupoze.
- in that case - takaze.
- in case that - kaze ke.
- in no case - nulakaze.
- in most cases - maxim-multa-kaze.
- as the case may be - segun la kazo / kazi.
- use case - aplikokazo.
- (cabane) kabano.
- (compartiment) fako, faketo.