Asigurarea suportului necesar pentru consolidarea performanței Academiei
de Studii Economice din Bucureşti pe piața educațională globală, în acord cu
obiectivele instituționale strategice de internaționalizare
Perioada de implementare: 27 Martie 2023 – 15 Decembrie 2023

Comisia Europeană își dorește ca anul 2023 să fie dedicat competențelor, manifestându-și permanent preocuparea în raport cu deficitul de competențe în Uniunea Europeană, care trebuie în cele din urmă să fie depășit printr-un efort major care să fie pus în aplicare imediat. În plus, documentele programatice la nivel european (Strategia Europeană pentru Universități, EHEA, EUA) pun accentul pe necesitatea asigurării sustenabilității și rezilienței învățământului superior european, cu o creștere a contribuției mediului academic în societate.

Premisa de la care pleacă proiectul nostru este că internaționalizarea se bazează pe o abordare strategică ce oferă spațiu pentru mobilitatea studenților, contribuind astfel la îmbunătățirea capacității de angajare a acestora, dobândită prin interacțiunea și experiența în străinătate. Totodată, acest proces încurajează schimbul de cele mai bune practici academice prin interacțiuni între diverse sisteme educaționale și contribuie la formarea unor cetățeni globali prin mobilitatea cadrelor didactice.

Ne dorim să consolidăm mediul multicultural din cadrul ASE oferind spațiu pentru diversitatea competențelor și o abordare globală care aduce beneficii multiplelor părți interesate, inclusiv studenților, cadrelor didactice, personalului administrativ, partenerilor internaționali și altor servicii de sprijin, precum și o contribuție globală a capacității diverselor grupuri de a funcționa cu succes în acest mediu.

Internaționalizarea este o prioritate strategică a ASE, urmărind dezvoltarea unor parteneriate internaționale sustenabile în domeniul educației și cercetării, precum și dezvoltarea unei comunități academice care împărtășește o cultură organizațională deschisă, orientată spre performanță și promovarea valorilor umane universale.

Ne propunem totodată să continuăm și să îmbunătățim activitățile derulate în cadrul proiectului CNFIS-FDI-2022-0370 (

Scopul și obiectivele proiectului

Sprijinirea internaționalizării ASE prin intensificarea promovării inteligente pentru consolidarea prestigiului academic extern, îmbunătățirea activităților și competențelor specifice internaționalizării și susținerea adaptării curriculare și îmbunătățirii practicilor instituționale în raport cu tendințele actuale la nivel european în materie de dezvoltare și perfecționare a competențelor.

OS1. Asigurarea vizibilității programelor de studii cu predare în limbi de circulație internațională ale ASE, în vederea creșterii numărului de studenți internaționali și îmbunătățirii prestigiului academic extern, prin participarea la târguri internaționale și implementarea de instrumente inteligente de promovare.

OS2. Intensificarea cooperării academice și valorificarea oportunităților de cercetare științifică prin intermediul creșterii mobilității internaționale a cadrelor didactice pentru a participa la activitățile și proiectele comune derulate în cadrul rețelelor universitare internaționale.

OS3. Dezvoltarea competențelor necesare implementării activităților cu caracter internațional prin participarea persoanelor resursă (management academic, cadre didactice, studenți și personal administrativ), la conferințe, programe de instruire și ateliere de lucru în domeniul internaționalizării învățământului superior și cercetării.

OS4. Dezvoltarea de kituri informaționale și a unei unei aplicații digitale dedicate facilitării interacțiunii specifice derulării mobilităților outgoing de studii și internship, predare și instruire pentru studenți și cadre didactice.

OS5. Facilitarea participării active a ASE București în cadrul alianței academice transnaționale REform, care dezvoltă pe termen lung cooperarea sistemică în educația, cercetarea și inovarea de excelență și oferă oportunități de mobilitate academică permanente pentru studenți, profesori, cercetători și personal administrativ.

OS6. Susținerea, prin facilitarea transferului de bune practici, a procesului de adaptare și îmbunătățire a practicilor curriculare instituționale, prin dezvoltarea unui cadru operațional specific adoptării și implementării sistemului de microcredențiale.

Implementarea activităților proiectului

În concordanță cu obiectivele specifice enunțate, în cadrul proiectului vor fi dezvoltate următoarele activități și sub-activități:

Activitatea A1

Corelată cu OS1 – Desfășurarea de acțiuni de promovare a programelor de studii cu predare în limbi de circulație internațională la nivel de licență, masterat și doctorat

  • 2023, Hanoi, VIETNAM

    Our University is taking part in the BMI International Recruitment Fair in Vietnam and on 21st and 22nd of October our representatives introduced the educational & research offer of ASE to potential candidates and interested stakeholders during the fair organised in Hanoi.

  • 2023, Tbilisi, GEORGIA

– Attending the International Education Fair Tbilisi 2023: we are looking forward to welcoming future candidates from Georgia and the region.

Activitatea A2

Corelată cu OS2 – Participarea reprezentanților ASE la activitățile și proiectele comune derulate în cadrul rețelelor universitare internaționale din care Universitatea face parte.

  • 28.03.2023, ONLINE

UNICA Webinar Reaching Out: ​Universities Coping with Societal Challenges

  • 20-21.04.2023, Gdansk, POLONIA

EUA Annual Conference

Our vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Marius Constantin Profiroiu is attending the European University Association’s 2023 Annual Conference, hosted by Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland, 20th and 21st of April current. This referential conference for the European Higher Education area is tackling this year the heterogeneous concept of the impact of Universities on individuals and societies, by looking into how universities impact different communities and shape critical public policies at a time of great change and, in many cases, crisis. Moreover, with this year’s conference EUA also intends to foster wider awareness and debate surrounding universities’ different forms of impact and myriad roles within society. On this occasion, Professor Profiroiu met in person with Professor Josep M. Garrell Guiu, the recently elected President of EUA and the former Rector of the University Ramon Llull in Spain from 2012 to 2022. In their conversations, the two participants reminisced with delight about our university administration’s visit to the University Ramon Llull last year and discussed ways to strengthen academic cooperation in higher education across Europe.

  • 16.05.2023, ONLINE

Online UNICA IRO meeting “ctrl + alt + Erasmus+: shortcut to the European Student Card Initiative – continuing the conversation between IROs and DG EAC”

Together, representatives of the DG EA and Erasmus+ coordinators of the member
universities of the network, discussed about the state of play of the ESCI initiative and
implementation of EWP at UNICA universities, exchanging best practices and challenges
encountered during these processes.

  • 17.05.2023, ONLINE
EUA Workshop series: ”The future of the digital transformation in universities – trends & responses”
  • 25-27.05.2023, Belgrade, SERBIA

31st NISPAcee Annual Conference 2023 ”The future of public administration enabled through emerging technologies”

Between 25th and 27th of May, Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, our Vice-Rector for International Relations. is attending the 31st NISPAcee Annual Conference in Belgrade. Organized in cooperation with the National Academy for Public Administration in Serbia, the Conference is addressing ”the future of public administration enabled through emerging technologies”. Prof. Profiroiu’s scientific communication is focused on the next-level public administration, overviewing the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the development of public administration in the EU Member States. The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) was established in 1994 having set a goal to respond to the changing and increasing role of Public Administration during the post-Soviet political as well as economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Throughout its almost 25 years of legal existence, NISPAcee has made remarkable contributions to the development of national and regional public administration and local governance practices in CEE. Between 2014 and 2016, the network was chaired by Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu.

  • 11-15.06.2023, Lyon, FRANCE

2023 EFMD Annual Conference

  • 14-15.06.2023, Madrid, SPAIN

AACSB Europe, Middle East, and Africa Accreditation Conference

Our colleagues attended the AACSB Business Accreditation Seminar in Madrid. The seminar is contributing to building skills and network in interactive, workshop-style lessons focused on each accreditation standard, allowing us to create effective plan of action for our University.

  • 14-17.06.2023, Bruxelles, BELGIUM
33rd UNICA General Assembly & Rectors Seminar
  • 5/9/2023 – 9/9/2023, Zagreb, CROATIA
On the side of the 2023 EGPA Conference (the annual meeting of a community of Public Administration academics, young researchers, and practitioners in Europe), our Vice-Rector for International relations Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu attended today the EGPA Steering Committee Meeting that was held in Zagreb, Croatia.
  • 20-22 of September 2023, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN
Between 20-22 of September 2023, Prof.univ.dr. Vasile Strat, Dean of the Faculty of Bucharest Business School attended the 31st CEEMAN Annual Conference entitled “Leadership for a Sustainable World ” that was held at Almaty Management University. This prestigious event brought together approximately 120 participants from 25 countries, including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and India. Among the attendees were academics, deans, presidents, and business leaders. The conference received accolades for its outstanding content, quality of speakers, and the depth of the topics discussed..
Activitatea A3

Corelată cu OS3 – Participarea la conferințe de referință în domeniul internaționalizării, organizate de instituții de prestigiu din străinătate și organizarea de evenimente care contribuie la dezvoltarea competențelor în domeniul managementului activităților cu caracter internațional.

  • 30.05-02.06.2023, Washington DC, USA

NAFSA 2023 Annual Conference & Expo

Our University’s delegation participated in the NAFSA Conference and presented Bucharest University of International Studies’s research and study offer at the international exhibition, within the Study in Romania booth. Many new contacts were established, cooperation opportunities were discovered as we also found again old friends and partners.

  • 03-05 July 2023, Warsaw, POLAND

Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations and Prof. Bogdan Iftimie, Vice-dean in charge with international relations at the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, are attending the Times Higher Education Europe Universities Summit in Warsaw, Poland. The event is co-organised in partnership with the University of Warsaw, 03-05 July 2023.

  • 27/9/2023 – 2/10/2023, Lisbon, PORTUGAL

Being entitled ”Beyond resilience: How European higher education is preparing for the future”, the Summit is focusing on how universities and other higher education institutions continue to play a pivotal role in the recovery, unification and progression of societies across Europe and beyond

Teodora Fulga and Oana Sabie attended the Intensive training session on the Management and Coordination of EC Funded Projects; The PM² Methodology, organised by the European Academy in Lisbon, Portugal, 27/9/2023 – 2/10/2023.

  • 26.09-01.10.2023, Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS

The 33rd edition of #EAIE Annual Conference and Exhibition held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Our University is represented by a delegation led by the Rector of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Professor Nicolae Istudor, together with Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations, Professor Liliana Feleagă, Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems and Mrs. Lelia Sanda Iordan from the International Relations Department..

  • 24/9/2023 – 1/10/2023, Florence, ITALY

Liviu Cotfas, director for international relations and Andreea Niculae, research assistant attended the International Seminar in European Project Planning and in European Project Management organised by Pixel in Florence, Italy 24/9/2023 – 1/10/2023 .

Pixel, is an international education and training institution with 22 years of experience in international cooperation and European project management.

  • 23-25.11.2023 – 2023 European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF)

Our University, together with other Romanian Universities as well as the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, is represented at the 2023 European Quality Assurance Forum organised by the European Universities Association in partnership with the University of Aveiro in Portugal, 23 to 25 of November.

EQAF 2023 is exploring Quality Assurance policies and practices that support new forms of internationalisation, and is inviting the audience to reflect on how quality assurance can meet emerging needs and arising challenges in the sector.

Activitatea A4

Corelată cu OS4 – Dezvoltarea de kituri informaționale și a unei unei aplicații digitale dedicate facilitării interacțiunii specifice derulării mobilităților outgoing de studii și internship, predare și instruire pentru studenți și cadre didactice.

  • …, …


Activitatea A5

Corelată cu OS5 – Facilitarea participării active a ASE București în cadrul alianței academice transnaționale REform, care dezvoltă pe termen lung cooperarea sistemică în educația, cercetarea și inovarea de excelență și oferă oportunități de mobilitate academică permanente pentru studenți, profesori, cercetători și personal administrativ.

  • Kufstein, AUSTRIA

Our University’s representatives attended on 26th and 27th of October the reunion of the REform Alliance of European Universities. The meeting was held in Kufstein, Austria being hosted jointly by FH Kufstein and University of Passau. This was the third in-person reunion, after those in Bucharest and Lyon.

  • Between 30.10-04.11.2023

Prof. Anca Gabriela Ilie, Vice-dean of the Faculty of International Business and Economics and Maria Todircan, Erasmus+ officer, visited Universidade Fernando Pessoa of Porto. The scope of this encounter is to find synergies in order to push cooperation for joint research in common interest areas, to foster the mobility of students and staff and to develop joint blended intensive programs.

  • 28.11.2023-01.12.2023

Prof. Nadia Carmen Ciocoiu and Assoc. Prof. Laura Mina-Raiu visited Kajaani University of Applied Sciences: in Finland, in the framework of the FDI support project for internationalisation of our University. Beside the overview of the current cooperation within the REform Alliance of European Universities, discussions about the opportunities for joint educational and research projects were held. Our colleagues also visited the KAMK virtual reality lab..

Activitatea A6

Corelată cu OS6 – Susținerea, prin facilitarea transferului de bune practici, a procesului de adaptare și îmbunătățire a practicilor curriculare instituționale, prin dezvoltarea unui cadru operațional specific adoptării și implementării sistemului de microcredențiale. .

International Knowledge Fair 2023 – Raport IKF 2023

AACSB Accreditation

Workshop on AACSB Accreditation Challenges facilitated by Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu and reuniting deans and vice-deans of our University’s Faculties as well as IROs experts on Accreditation


    Workshop “The sustainability of economic activities in the context of climate change” having as guest speakers Mr. Dan Craita, Regional Director of Schlumberger Romania and Ms. Ecaterina Burlacu, Sustainability Leader at Schlumberger Romania.

    Webinar #IKF2023

    Webinar entitled “Sustainable Marketing Trends”, organised by BBS within the International Knowledge Fair 2023 #IKF2023

    Academic Workshop

      Academic Workshop EU ‘s promises further integration and expansion, financing the reconstruction of Ukraine and Allie’s shoring in Eastern Europe. This event is organised by ASE in collaboration with the German Marshall Fund of the United States and it includes 4 panels of debate: Path dependencies of EU integration process to date; The EU Investment State and new financing mechanisms; Donor coordination and the future of recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine and the broader region and Policy Discussions – Institutional perspectives. We’re delighted to have as guest speakers Mr. Laszlo Bruszt (PhD) from Central European University in Hungary, Ms. Jelena Dzankic (PhD) from European University Institute in Florence in Italy, Ms. Visnja Vukov (PhD) from University of Vienna in Austria and Mr. Dan Mocanu, PhD candidate at University of Oxford

      Info session

        Info session with faculties representatives on the new Erasmus+ opportunities: Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs) and short-term mobilities for studies and placements.


        Webinar Follow-Up: Digital Platforms and Microcredentials – international experiences from projects BLOCKS and FOReSiGHT.


        Micro-credentials is an extremely important topic today, in the context of global developments as well as phenomena such as the demographic transition or the post-COVID paradigm shift. Higher education faces both an opportunity and a substantial challenge when it comes to micro-certification.

        At #IKF2023, we had a very interesting discussion today with Mr. Karmo Kroos, R&D Programme Officer at Estonian Business School. He shared with us his university’s experience in this field as well as his views on the future of this type of training programmes.

        The session was facilitated by Faculty of International Business and Economics.


        As Diversity and Inclusion are among our University’s core values, we continuously strive to highlight and enhance the cultural diversity of our academic community.

        Thus, we have organised for the second year the Student Workshop on Cultural Diversity for international students and the topic for this year’s encounter was related to the international experience in ASE.

        08-10.12.2023The sixth edition of the Internationalisation Think-tank, Sinaia 2023.

        Three intensive working days where we have overviewed the state of internationalisation of our University and benchmarked solutions for future enhancement of the process.

        Participants concluded that the process will continue to develop along the guiding axes established by the internationalisation strategy: internationalisation “at home”, internationalisation of research, international mobility and consolidation of ASE’s international prestige with a view to obtaining international recognition through international accreditation and active participation in the European Universities Initiative.