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Un apprentissage de bout-en-bout d'adaptateur de domaine avec des réseaux antagonistes génératifs de cycles consistants

Houssem Eddine Boulahbal , Adrian Voicila , Andrew I. Comport
Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique, Nov 2020, Visioconference, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03365983v1
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A Chiral fNIRS Spotlight on Cerebellar Activation in a Finger Tapping Task

Giulia Rocco , Jerome Lebrun , Olivier Meste , Marie-Noële Magnié-Mauro
43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC 2021), IEEE, Nov 2021, Mexico (virtual), Mexico. pp.1018-1021, ⟨10.1109/EMBC46164.2021.9629565⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-03484193v1
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The Web We Mix: Benevolent AIs for a Resilient Web

Fabien Gandon
WebSci ’19, Jun 2019, Boston, United States
Document associé à des manifestations scientifiques hal-02148911v1
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Empirical study of Amdahl’s law on multicore processors

Carsten Bruns , Sid Touati
[Research Report] RR-9311, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée; Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, I3S, France. 2019
Rapport hal-02404346v2

A novel hybrid recommender system approach for student academic advising named COHRS, supported by case-based reasoning and ontology

Charbel Obeid , Christine Lahoud , Khoury El , Pierre-Antoine Champin
Computer Science and Information Systems, 2022, 19 (2), pp.979-1005. ⟨10.2298/csis220215011o⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04087175v1
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Génération de colonnes pour le routage et l'ordonnancement dans les réseaux radio maillés

Christelle Molle , Fabrice Peix , Hervé Rivano
Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP) - Best student paper award, Mar 2008, Les Arcs, France. pp.119-130
Communication dans un congrès hal-00250166v1

A Multi-Level Consensus Clustering Framework for Customer Choice Modelling in Travel Industry

Sujoy Chatterjee , Nicolas Pasquier
iCETiC'2020 International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computing (iCETiC'2020 Best Paper Award), Aug 2020, London, United Kingdom. pp. 142-157, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-60036-5_10⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-02889946v1
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How can imitation counterbalance innovation? An ABM Bass model for competing products

Philippe Collard , Wilfried Segretier
IEEE RCIS 2014 Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, May 2014, Marrakech, Morocco
Communication dans un congrès hal-01288467v1

Rapid development of optimized DSP code from a high level description through software estimations

Alain Pegatoquet , Michel Auguin , Emmanuel Gresset , Luc Bianco
Proceedings 1999 Design Automation Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36361), Jun 1999, La nouvelle Orléans, United States. pp.823-826
Communication dans un congrès hal-01929291v1
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OmniFlowNet: a Perspective Neural Network Adaptation for Optical Flow Estimation in Omnidirectional Images

Charles-Olivier Artizzu , Haozhou Zhang , Guillaume Allibert , Cédric Demonceaux
25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Jan 2021, Milan, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-02968191v1
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On the sequential construction of optimum bounded designs

Luc Pronzato
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2006, 136, pp.2783 - 2804. ⟨10.1016/j.jspi.2004.10.020⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00416063v1

Evénements et conditions en Grafcet

Ch. André , D. Gaffé
APII-AFCET/CNRS, 1994, 28 (4), pp.331-352
Article dans une revue hal-00974274v1
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Model-Based Methodology for Requirements Traceability in Embedded Systems

Arnaud Albinet , Jean-Louis Boulanger , Hubert Dubois , Marie-Agnès Peraldi-Frati , Yves Sorel , et al.
Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Model Driven Architecture® Foundations and Applications, ECMDA'07, 2007, Haifa, Israel
Communication dans un congrès inria-00413488v1
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Unobserved classes and extra variables in high-dimensional discriminant analysis

Michael Fop , Pierre-Alexandre Mattei , Charles Bouveyron , Thomas Brendan Murphy
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 2022, 16, pp.55-92. ⟨10.1007/s11634-021-00474-3⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03132362v1
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Transforming CCSL partially-ordered Traces into UML Interaction Diagrams

Kelly Garcés , Julien Deantoni , Frédéric Mallet
[Research Report] RR-7842, INRIA. 2011
Rapport hal-00652987v1
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Localization Game on Geometric and Planar Graphs

Bartłomiej Bosek , Przemyslaw Gordinowicz , Jaroslaw Grytczuk , Nicolas Nisse , Joanna Sokol , et al.
[Research Report] Inria. 2017
Rapport hal-01620365v1
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Scalable spatio-temporal video indexing using sparse multiscale patches

Paolo Piro , Sandrine Anthoine , Eric Debreuve , Michel Barlaud
CBMI '09, Jun 2009, Chania, Greece. pp.95-100, ⟨10.1109/CBMI.2009.48⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-00417411v1
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Characterization of fibronectin networks using graph-based representations of the fibers from 2D confocal images

Anca-Ioana Grapa
Signal and Image processing. Université Côte d'Azur, 2020. English. ⟨NNT : 2020COAZ4031⟩
Thèse tel-03052167v1
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Relationship between k-cutsets and comb inequalities

Nicolas Isoart , Jean-Charles Régin
Pré-publication, Document de travail hal-02969598v1

Communication synthesis and HW/SW integration for embedded system design

G. Gogniat , M. Auguin , L. Bianco , A. Pegatoquet
Sixth International Workshop on Hardware/Software Codesign. (CODES/CASHE'98), Mar 1998, Seattle, United States. ⟨10.1109/HSC.1998.666237⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01930644v1
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A local graph-based structure for processing gigantic aggregated 3D point clouds

Arnaud Bletterer , Frédéric Payan , Marc Antonini
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020, pp.2822 - 2833. ⟨10.1109/TVCG.2020.3042588⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03106333v1
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Single molecule localization by $\ell_2-\ell_0$ constrained optimization

Arne Bechensteen , Laure Blanc-Féraud , Gilles Aubert
iTWIST'18, Nov 2018, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02400407v1
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Introduction de contraintes structurelles pour la résolution du problème du voyageur de commerce

Nicolas Isoart , Jean-Charles Régin
JFPC, Jun 2019, Albi, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02160046v1
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Path protection in optical flexible networks with distance-adaptive modulation formats

Andrea Tomassilli , Brigitte Jaumard , Frédéric Giroire
2018 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), May 2018, Dublin, France. ⟨10.23919/ONDM.2018.8396102⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01921082v1
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Resource Requirements for Reliable Service Function Chaining

Andrea Tomassilli , Nicolas Huin , Frédéric Giroire , Brigitte Jaumard
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2018), May 2018, Kansas City, United States. ⟨10.1109/ICC.2018.8422774⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01921096v1

Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems

Olivier Boissier , Andrei Ciortea , Fabien Gandon , Simon Mayer , Alessandro Ricci
Agents on the Web, Feb 2023, Wadern, Germany. pp.117-118
Communication dans un congrès emse-04240524v1
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Khaled Masmoudi , Marc Antonini , Pierre Kornprobst , Laurent Perrinet
The 35th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2010, Dallas, United States. paper 21
Communication dans un congrès hal-00481348v1

The Goals Approach: Agile Enterprise Driven Software Development

Pedro Valente , Thiago Rocha Silva , Marco Winckler , Nuno Nunes
Jerzy Goluchowski; Malgorzata Pankowska; Henry Linger; Chris Barry; Michael Lang; Christoph Schneider. Complexity in Information Systems Development: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2016), 22, Springer International Publishing, pp.201--219, 2017, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation book series (LNISO), 978-3-319-52592-1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-52593-8_13⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-03120291v1
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The complexity of finding arc-disjoint branching flows

Jørgen Bang-Jensen , Frédéric Havet , Anders Yeo
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2016, 209, pp.16-26. ⟨10.1016/j.dam.2015.10.012⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01360910v1
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Pipeline following by visual servoing for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Guillaume Allibert , Minh-Duc Hua , Szymon Krupínski , Tarek Hamel
Control Engineering Practice, 2019, 82, pp.151-160
Article dans une revue hal-01920255v1