
From IndieWeb
Revision as of 00:29, 20 December 2018 by Loqi.me (talk | contribs) ([tantek] added "https://twitter.com/mspowahs/status/1075209376950935552" to "See Also")

📅 An event is a type of post that in addition to a post name (event title) has a start datetime (likely end datetime), and a location.

For information on IndieWebCamp events themselves, see:


Why publish indie events

You should post events on your own site to own your events and so your friends with indieweb sites can directly RSVP to you (as well as post invitations to others) without depending on a silo to mediate your event related interactions.

Why POSSE events

You should POSSE copies of your events to the silos where your friends without their own indieweb sites keep track of their events and/or calendar.

How to

How to markup

Event posts must be marked up with h-event.

Example of an h-event with an embedded h-card for the p-location:

<div class="h-event">
  <p> <a class="u-url p-name" href="https://indieweb.org/2017">IndieWeb Summit</a> </p>
  <p> <time class="dt-start" datetime="2017-06-24 09:30">June 24, 2017 9:30am</time> to
  <time class="dt-end" datetime="2017-06-25 18:00">June 25, 2017 6:00pm</time> at
  <span class="p-location h-card">
    <a class="u-url p-name p-org" href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/MozPDX">Mozilla</a>, 
    <span class="p-street-address">1120 NW Couch St #320</span>, 
    <span class="p-locality">Portland</span>, 
    <span class="p-region">Oregon</span>, 
    <span class="p-postal-code">97209</span>, 
    <abbr class="p-country-name" title="United States">US</abbr>

How to provide an RSVP UI

Event posts should have webaction buttons for RSVP actions and inviting others. E.g. some subset of: [ Going ][ Maybe ][ Interested ][ Can't Go ][ Ignore ][ Invite ] perhaps based on private vs. public events, if you've already RSVPd, or relationship with the person.

See Facebook's RSVP UI:

How to accept RSVPs

A site publishing event posts should accept rsvp webmentions and update the event's attendance information accordingly.

See: http://microformats.org/wiki/rsvp

How to accept invitations

A site publishing event posts should accept invitation webmentions and update the event's "invited" information accordingly.

How to limit capacity

Some events have limited capacity and want to offer "tickets," ie only accept the first N RSVPs.

To do this, the site that hosts the canonical h-event should set the capacity. When it renders the event, it should show the space remaining based on its current number of yes rsvps.

It should handle RSVP webmentions for the event in serial. When it gets a yes RSVP, it should check the capacity against the current number of yes RSVPs. If the event is full, it should reject the RSVP webmention. This could be done with either an explicit 403 Forbidden, or an implicit status like 203 Non-Authoritative Information or 304 Not Modified along with a human-readable message saying the event is full.

The host could also put overflow yes RSVPs on an ordered waiting list, mention that in the reject message, and automatically upgrade people on the waitlist when existing yes RSVPs are withdrawn.

IRC discussion of whether/how this fits into the webmention spec.

IndieWeb Examples

In implementation order:

Ben Werdmuller

Ben Werdmüller uses idno on werd.io to post events since 2013-06-25 (right after IndieWebCamp 2013!), which automatically accept RSVPs from other sites using RSVP webmentions. Events may also be replied to in the same manner as notes and articles. E.g.

As of 2017-06-14, Ben's event posts have a h-event as the top level item.

Aaron Parecki

Aaron Parecki uses p3k on aaronparecki.com to post events since 2013-07-08, which automatically accept RSVPs from other sites using RSVP webmentions. E.g.

Bret Comnes

As of 2017-06-14 it appears Bret Comnes's old permalinks no longer work.

Bret Comnes has implemented events inside of jekyll for bret.io since 2013-07-25. It supports receiving webmentions, but does not parse responses for RSVP status or display reply contexts at the moment. Example:

The event data is stored in the YAML which separates the final layout and the event data. A form is used to assist in creating the event post via prose.io.


Jeena Paradies has implemented events on his website because he wanted to host HWC:s and it wouldn't look good without the possibility to RSVP to a indie event. The event page receives RSVP:s and displays them under the event. Example:

Ryan Barrett

Ryan Barrett is manually posting events inside article posts on snarfed.org since 2014-01-15. Examples:

Kyle Mahan

Kyle Mahan added event posting with RSVPs to Red Wind on 2014-12-14. Example:

gRegor Morrill

gRegor Morrill added event posts (sans RSVP) on 2015-10-01. Example:

Shane Becker

Shane Becker uses Dark Matter on veganstraightedge.com to post events since 2016-01-10] sans RSVPs. Back-dated events were added at that time. Examples:

Sebastiaan Andeweg

Sebastiaan Andeweg published / hosted an HWC event at his site on 2017-01-06. It shows received RSVPs in a facepile.

Calum Ryan

Calum Ryan added event posts on 2016-06-15. Open to RSVP via same Webmention.io Jekyll Plugin that's present for all blog posts. Further work planned to possibly separate RSVP from other replies.

UPDATE 2016-08-06 Since improved with separate events section modeled on Facebook events UI.


Tantek Çelik added events support to Falcon on 2017-06-25 at IndieWeb Summit 2017! Receives webmentions via webmention.io, still needs to process and display RSVPs etc.


  • h-event as top-level microformat
  • additional properties beyond usual h-event: dt-created, dt-published

Previously: Prototype event as a note:

More work to do: Falcon#event_posts.

Marty McGuire

Marty McGuire added events support to his site 2016-09-19 in preparation for hosting the first Baltimore Homebrew Website Club meeting.

Martijn van der Ven

Martijn van der Ven supports 2 separate methods for hosting indie events on his site:

  1. An h-event nested within h-entry was implemented and first used to host an event post for the 2017-06-14 virtual Homebrew Website Club.
  2. Just an h-event was implemented later and first used to host an event post for the 2017-07-26 virtual Homebrew Website Club.

The first method is officially deprecated as of 2017-07-15 when the second method became easy to do.

Chris Aldrich

Chris Aldrich began posting events to his stream website using the core functionality of Known to mark up with h-event on 2015-08-18.

With changes in the ability to properly receive facepile RSVPs in WordPress (including yes, no, maybe, and even invited) using the Webmention and Semantic Linkbacks plugins, on 2017-11-30 he began manually marking up events with h-entry top level and secondary h-event markup (a limitation to his WordPress theme) and syndicating copies to silos including Facebook, Meetup, Google+, and Twitter. Bridgy currently allows backfed responses from Twitter, and Google+, though only Facebook RSVPs backfeed properly as Facepiles. Hopefully future updates to the Post Kinds Plugin will automate/preformat some of the microformats markup. Additionally he uses the u-featured microformat to include a header image for events and has the ability to add an embedded map with geo-coordinates of the location of the event.

He's been posting RSVPs to his WordPress site for some time as well, originally doing so manually, but later moving to using Post Kinds functionality when that became a simpler option.

IndieWeb Itches

The following people either strongly want to implement events on their site, or are in the process of doing so, you may find some implementation clues in their notes

Amy Guy

Amy Guy: "events is my biggest itch currently"[1]

Staged implementation[2]

  1. I'm going to work with jarofgreen to get webmentions in opentechcalendar (since most events, at least ones I attend in scotland, are on there, and if they're not I can add them)
  2. then do all my events through that
  3. and rsvp from my site
  4. longer term hopefully we can get something working so I can post an event on my site initially
  5. POSSE (perhaps by sending a webmention) to opentechcalendar and have it create a public event copy

Consuming Tools And Services


Quill (site/service, open source) parses for h-event in particular to:

  • generate an event-aware reply-context
  • whether to show the RSVP dropdown to enable posting a RSVP post!


IndieNews (site/service) parses for h-event differently from h-entry

  • How? Why? Which Properties?

This Week

  • The this-week newsletter (service, open source) generation code consumes h-event differently, specifically for:
  • start/end date info (for determining recent and upcoming events)
  • name/location - for display as such for an event
  • photo - for display and POSSEing


mf2util (open source python library) parses specifically for h-event vs h-entry to determine post type, and provides cleaned data to applications using it (timestamps get converted to Python types, locations are normalized, ...). An application using this is the IRC bot by Sven Knebel that announces new Indieweb livestreams on #indieweb, which parses /events to determine on which days IWCs happen.

mf2 to iCalendar

mf2-to-iCalendar is a PHP library that converts h-event markup to iCalendar.


As ideas here are implemented, they should be moved to actual sections of their own with links to examples.

Image header

Typical silos event posts (e.g. Facebook, Google+) provide (encourage) the option of an event image - used as a header for the event. This header is used at the top of the event permalink page, and also often shown in an event list view (e.g. on Facebook).

Such header images are often quite a good visual/emotional draw for the event. Header images are typically representative of the event, sometimes displayed with the name of the event superimposed on top.

If you're posting events, consider providing this option for yourself (in your event posting UI or otherwise as part of your publishing system) as part of your indieweb event posts as well.

Since the photo would be deliberately chosen to represent the event, we could extend h-event to represent the photo as well with:

Note that u-featured is more appropriate for a header image than u-photo, since u-photo really should be used for photos of the event itself, taken at the event (We are now doing this with Homebrew Website Club photos, which gets them included in this-week in the IndieWeb).

Screenshots needed

Map image

Some silos event posts (e.g. Facebook, Plancast) automatically generate a horizontal rectangle map view of the event location.

In particular, on event posts, the location is shown *first* as a centered dot in a wide and short rectangle map that shows the local area, and then second underneath as text address.

Showing a map and showing it early is both visually striking and instantly provides a sense of "is this near me", or "is this near somewhere I'd like to be or might be anyway". It quickly gives you context in a way that a purely textual address does not.

Screenshots needed

A horizontal map (banner map?) from a Facebook event:


Event posts should display attendees, RSVPs in general, and invitations.

There are two typical existing approaches to displaying RSVPs:

  • clustered by state (yes, no, maybe) - current silos do this - see below
  • in time order regardless of RSVP state

Clusters are typically displayed as facepiles, either entirely, or abbreviated at some fixed number with a method to expand / view the whole set.

Time order presentation usually include some text about the RSVP, e.g. "is going", "is attending"

Silo Attendees

Every event silo by default shows who else is has RSVPed that yes they're going, and more so, often first display who you know that's going to the event. Quickly seeing "who else is going" or might go or is invited is a huge sense of context/comfort as well, especially with little face icons.

E.g. Facebook clusters (potential) attendees by:

  • Going
  • Maybe
  • Invited

(and declined is typically hidden)

More screenshots needed

Event attendees on Facebook:

Note the going/maybe/invited sections on FB first show *only* those you know (if any), and *only if* there's no one you know in a section, does the section show 5 icons of others who said they're going/maybe or were invited. In either case, the order of icons is most recently responded/invited first.

Public events don't necessarily have a public list of invited users, depending on the system, but nonetheless list attendees. For example, on Plancast:

Plancast only shows invitees on an event to the event organizer, i.e. when the event organizer themselves is looking at the event permalink page.


Main article: invitation

People like being explicitly invited to events. One way to send invitations with indieweb events is:

  • Add people explicitly to an invited list on the event (present on the event page as noted above in Attendees) - with icon and name linked to their home page.
  • Send webmentions to their home page from the event permalink.

The idea is that a person's site's webmentions queue sees webmentions from the event to the home page and interprets that as an invitation to the event. If needed we could add some markup like rel="invitee" or class="u-invitee" or class="p-invitee h-card" to the event page so that consuming applications could tell the difference between mentions and invitations of people.

Also see indieweb messaging, which also uses a webmention to the user's homepage.


How and where should event posts be POSSEd?

Event-aware destinations to consider:

POSSE to Eventbrite

Eventbrite - has best API for creating events, getting updates, perhaps backfeeding attendees etc.

  • Bridgy feature request: publish Eventbrite events
  • Lots of people seem to use Eventbrite
  • It seems to be good at getting people to show up to events - e.g. with reminders etc.
  • Eventbrite also emails people when some number (2+?) of their friends are going to an event.

POSSE to Facebook

Facebook - likely has broadest reach of people you might want to explicitly invite. However, the Facebook API disallows creating, updating, or deleting events. Thus you have to POSSE events to Facebook manually:

  • Create a manual POSSE event copy on FB of an event on your site
    1. copy name, description, start/end time, and location if applicable.
    2. re-use a featured image (if any) from your indie event (e.g. photo of French press coffee on this event) as the FB event's "Event Photo"
    3. Add your indie event URL to the FB event description, e.g.:

      Originally posted at: URL-TO-YOUR-INDIE-EVENT

  • Support RSVPs from Facebook by setting up Bridgy to backfeed them for you
    1. Support receiving RSVP Webmentions on your site
    2. Support displaying RSVPs on your event posts
    3. Authenticate Bridgy with Facebook at https://brid.gy/ (click the Facebook button)

RSVPs on the FB event will then send webmentions to your site via Bridgy, and thus display people's FB RSVPs *on the event on your site* E.g.

Check out the indie events above, and make note of the RSVPs that are from Facebook/Bridgy.


POSSE to Lanyrd

Lanyrd - has an API for creating events, getting updates, backfeeding RSVPs

POSSE to Plancast

Plancast - event-specific silo

POSSE to Google+

Google+ - another silo that has explicit event posts, but has enough challenges to be considered problematic:

POSSE to Twitter

Despite not supporting event posts per se, Twitter is worth considering as a POSSE destination.

  • Can we compress the details of an event post into 140 characters or less? (117 to leave room for event permalink URL, 116 for https).
  • How do we abbreviate what/when/where "fields"? E.g.
    • What: summary... (ellipsed)
    • Where: @-alias of venue (how do we do venue lookup on Twitter? Perhaps use Foursquare to lookup the venue and see if their venue entry has a Twitter for the venue?
    • When: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (seems quite long, what's the best way to compress a datetime in a human readable way?)
    • CC: @-names (of folks to explicitly notify, like an invitation)
  • Should such fields be explicitly labeled e.g. with "What: / Where:" etc. with linebreaks between them?
  • Or should we figure out a plain text event serialization format since things like an @-named venue already reads well "at venue"? (see picoformats for prior work/research on this)
  • "featured" or map image -> tweet photo?
    • Should an event post with a featured/header photo be POSSEd to Twitter as a tweet with a photo?
    • Should an event post without a featured/header photo, but with a location, be POSSEd to Twitter as a tweet with a photo which is just a static rendered image of the map view of the venue / location?
    • What is the "engagement" or "response rate" is on tweets/events with header photos vs. events without? *guessing* that with photos is much higher
  • Where -> tweet location? Though tweet location is supposed to mean where the tweet was posted from, would it be too much of an abuse to stuff the event location into the tweet location?

IndieWeb Examples - real world IndieWeb experiments with POSSEing events to Twitter:

Tantek POSSE to Twitter

Tantek Çelik automatically POSSEing event posts to Twitter

Events index

Indieweb sites with event posts (and perhaps even just RSVP posts) could also provide an index of what events they're attending, e.g.

  • at a /events URL

From a human design perspective this makes sense as:

  • "these are the events I'll be at"

which is likely a union of personal event posts and RSVP yes (and maybe maybes too?) posts.

Kind of like a view of your public calendar of events, regardless of whether you're organizing/hosting or just attending.

Such an events index could be displayed as a list view (similar to the default view of fb.com/events) or as a calendar view (like gCal), or with an option to toggle between them.

An easily-discoverable link should probably be displayed from the user's index or homepage.

  • Potential for microformats or microformats-like markup to indicate a user's calendar as linked from their h-card?

Markup design

Markup for an h-event on a site must include a number of properties to enable presentation and user interaction as implied by some of the above brainstorming, and some of the better silo UX as documented in "Silo Examples"

The following fields/properties are necessary in the markup somewhere:

  • p-name
    • optional u-featured for an event background photo
  • dt-start (likely in the future)
  • p-location
    • with possible nested object h-card venue
      • with a map u-url - but how to identify it as a map URL?
      • with a map u-photo - but how to identify it as a map photo?
  • p-organizer (reserved h-event property)
  • e-description
  • p-attendee h-card for who is going
    • not sure how to indicate RSVP status for each
  • p-x-responses h-feed - event activity, e.g. h-entrys inside for:
    • event creation, comments, when RSVPs were received

Markup example:

  • TBD after a plain text design

Markup in feed file

feed files (like Atom, RSS, JSONFeed) lack a way of expressing events as items, thus it makes sense to brainstorm how to do this in a manner that is both easy/simple for publishers, and hopefully reasonably implementable by consuming code (with good backcompat behavior).

One proposal is to use an embedded single h-event as the only child / value of the feed file "item" or "entry-content". E.g.

  • a single <div class="h-event">…</div> as the only child inside an Atom <content> element
  • a single <div class="h-event">…</div> as escaped XML only child inside an RSS <item> element
  • a single <div class="h-event">…</div> as escaped JSON entire value of a JSON feed item property

(to be expanded based on brainstorming between Tantek Çelik and Manton Reece in chat somewhere in the 2018 August archives)

Possible consuming code and user-cases:

  • micro.blog syndication input being able to parse and support showing indie event posts from inside feed files, and perhaps offering micro.blog users the ability post RSVP posts in response to them (and sending Webmentions accordingly!)
  • ...

Possible tangents:

  • Use the event use case to help explore and possibly drive the possibility of other single <div class="h-*">…</div> handling inside feed file items as a common extension point to feed files without having to update separate feed file formats/syntaxes themselves, thus supporting a growing and extensible set of indieweb posts types (especially responses) across all of them
  • ...

Response context CRUD

Similar to the general reply context: CRUD protocol, when an event changes (name, location, times, description, etc.) you should send webmentions to all the responses to the event that you've accepted, e.g. to all:

  • RSVPs in response to your event
  • invitations to your event
  • and all other generic responses like comments, likes, reposts

What about when an event is cancelled? Options:

  • Implement event cancellation as a delete and return 410, based on real world existing silo example:
    • Facebook notifies you when an event you've indicated interest in has been cancelled, but then clicking that notification doesn't go anywhere - the event permalink itself just 404s.
  • ... other options?

Calendar Reminders

Some event hosting silos, such as Eventbrite offer "Add to Calendar" functionality which allow users to add event reminders to the calendar system of their choice. Some example export options include ICS for standalone calendar software such as Apple Calendar or Microsoft Outlook and links that pre-populate the event creation form for web-based calendars such as Google Calendar.

Marty McGuire

Marty McGuire implements "Add to Calendar" functionality for each event post on his site since 2017-07-13, including options for ICS and Google Calendar.

Silo Examples


Main article: Attending

Attending is a nice looking event silo that allows RSVPing via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and email.


Lanyrd was an event silo focused on conferences. It went down—presumed dead—in 2018-01.


Upcoming.org is a social event sharing silo. It was acquired and shutdown by Yahoo, and later recreated by its original founder at its original domain name. The current version is open source on github at https://github.com/upcoming/upcoming-www.


This section describes viewing event posts on Facebook. You may also be looking for:

Redesign 2017

In early 2017 Facebook redesigned their event page presentation, putting everything to do with the event itself in a single main/primary column in the middle, with a menu of calendar options on the left, and ads / related events on the right.

Event page:


Single column specifics:

Redesign 2015

Sometime in 2015, Facebook redesigned their events presentation again, which in many ways seemed to regress even more, especially in the mobile web view:

Mobile Web UI:

Redesign 2014-02-27

Here is what the 2014-02-27 redesign (limited rollout as of that date, but subsequently broadly rolled out) looks like:


Mobile Web UI:

Shall we count the design regressions?

  1. Global noise in the left column replaces the very relevant and easily skimmable who is going, maybe, invited lists of people
  2. Big blank area where there is no event header image
  3. Lots of visual noise from the gray background between the white blocks of text
  4. Missing the map overview graphic
  5. Less clear who is going/maybe/invited
  6. Lack of hierarchy (ordering) of going/maybe/invited removes subtle invitee incentive to upgrade from invited to maybe to going.
  7. ... more?

Before 2014-02-07

This was perhaps the pinnacle of Facebook's event page design.

Facebook has had one of the more interesting/nicer/cleaner event page designs for quite some time.

Here is a screenshot of the 2014-02-12 Homebrew Website Club event (for the SF location) on Facebook, manually POSSEd by Ben Werdmuller from http://werd.io/2014/homebrew-website-club-meeting :

Desktop Web UI

Mobile Web UI:

Mobile Web UI

Before 2014

Facebook pre-2014:

Facebook pre-2014


IndieWebCamp sessions about events:

See also

See Also

  • https://twitter.com/mspowahs/status/1075209376950935552
    • "Decentralized status-update services seem to be coming along nicely, but where are we at with the equivalent in event invitations? I think the next true Facebook killer is going to be whatever enables people to manage their social calendar, or integrates with something that can." @mspowahs December 19, 2018