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Schedule for IndieWebCamp Nuremberg 2017.

Saturday May 20, 2017

Day 1 is discussions in a BarCamp-like environment. Bring a topic you'd like to discuss or join in on topics as they are added to the board.

Time Post-it room Robot room Breakout space
??:?? Introductions (▶️1:45:09s)
Lightning session Microformats (#microformats) ▶️38:59s HWC (#hwc)

Homebrew Website Club organizing and stuff

12:30 Group Photo and Lunch
13:30 Introduction to basic building blocks (#buildingblocks) ▶️54:14s Private posts and webmentions (#private)
14:30 Building blocks 2: IndieAuth + Micropub (#micropub) ▶️51:46s Onboarding & Personas (#onboarding) How to own your pictures in an open way (#pictures)
15:30 Decentralized social network (#decentralized)

Code, Strategies, Scaling Up, Community, Movement

Licenses in IndieWeb (#law) ▶️52:15s Static dynamics (#static)
16:30 Location (#location) ▶️54:27s

Lat, lon, maps, ’n’ stuff

IndieWeb by mail (#email) How to get people connected? (#TalkToEachOther)

Sunday May 21, 2017

Day 2 is create day and demos!

Other Years

See Also