
From IndieWeb
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The home youโ€™ve always wanted on the internet.

Your homepage represents you on the web, typically at the top of your domain, with your name and an iconic representation, often marked up with h-card, and fairly commonly one or more streams of recent, topical, or most relevant posts marked up with h-entry.

For work on the IndieWeb.org homepage itself, see:


All the reasons why and more.

Use your own personal domain to own your identity on the web.

By making your homepage more useful, you will feel more motivated to share your URL instead of just your Twitter handle or other social media profile.


What should be on your indie web site home page?

About You

Your homepage should have some basic information about you:

Your home page is the URL you share with people, therefore it's useful to set it up with:

  • role - brief summary of what it is you do
  • discovery of what else you have on your site
  • Your local time
  • Last seen (last checkin/location post)
  • upcoming events
  • projects
  • disclosure - disclosures of various types, e.g. cookies or analytics tracking


Main article: personal feed

Next, it's quite popular to have:

See the Stream of Updates examples below for some inspiration.

Archive Navigation

If you show a stream of recent posts on your home page, it may also be useful to show a small navigation interface for your archives.

More: archive navigation.


Among early 2000s bloggers it was popular to also have on your home page:

IndieWeb Examples

Contact Homepages

Some interesting homepage examples of simple contact/about information, maps for location, live IM status etc.

Stream of Updates

All that and most of the content they post online as a stream:

Mixed/composite feed examples with complete posts:

See personal_feed#IndieWeb_Examples for more examples.

Other Examples

Some interesting personal create home page examples that are not in clear categories:

Homepage Brainstorming

Things which could go on homepages which arenโ€™t currently implemented, or are underimplemented. Sometimes there is an intent to implement.

  • payment links/buttons
  • local weather/daylight (extra context)
  • people Iโ€™ve mentioned recently
  • tags Iโ€™ve used recently
  • actions like subscribe, contact, add to address book
  • latest comments
  • โ€œliveโ€ banner image/gallery made from recent posts tagged with #banner or similar, to show off recent photo highlights without requiring a separate UI to manage it

I might be adding links to /me (my profile page) and /about (about the site, license info, powered by, hosted at, etc.) to my homepage. --Sandeep Shetty

Signed-in Features

When signed-in to your own site, it might be useful to have:

  • reader - integrated reader showing posts from others you follow

It may also be interesting to change your homepage for visitors who have signed in (/and are in your contact list etc)

  • Showing replies, likes and other posts not usually shown on a homepage feed for signed-in viewers


I did some homepage sketches/brainstorming here --Waterpigs.co.uk 14:32, 18 June 2013 (PDT)

Webmention to homepage

Webmentions sent directly to home pages could serve a number of use-cases:

Silo Examples

Silos don't technically give you access to their home page, but they do typically provide you with something resembling a home page, albeit typically at a path (not at the root), and they call it a profile. Though they really should be providing subdomains instead of profile paths.


As an example, Twitter let's you customize your profile page with:

  • icon - upload (min/max resolution/bytes?)
  • header image - upload (min/max resolution/bytes?)
  • bio - 160 character text field, @ and # auto-linked.
  • website - auto-linked URL
  • location - ??? character text field.


Articles and posts about homepage design and features:

Related Sessions

See Also

  • about
  • icon
  • payment
  • webmention
  • add to home screen
  • now
  • Interesting personal homepage example: https://awarm.space/ providing two "primary" streams, "fast" and "slow" series of posts, with only the "fast" stream showing date posted.
  • 2023-02-10 Jeremy Keith: Home stream

    Here on my site, my home page is kind of a stream. Iโ€™ve got notes, links, and blog posts one after another in chronological order.

  • 2024-05-01 The Revenge of the Home Page / As social networks become less reliable distributors of the news, consumers of digital journalism are seeking out an older form of online real estate.