
From IndieWeb

site-homepage is an ongoing project to iteratively improve the site homepage to make it more responsive, and more accessible & useful to more generations. Current specific project:

See homepage for general personal homepage discussion efforts.


New live modules

New live modules which could be used to improve the apparent freshness / usefulness of the homepage (in no particular order, feel free to mention which ones you might like more).

Many inspired by the this-week newsletter and homepage

  • Featured Article (like Wikipedia’s "From today's featured article") β€” an article (page on our wiki) that we display more prominently, and perhaps near the top of the this-week-in-the-indieweb newsletter
    • it could be a new page (that week) or a highly edited recent page (per the newsletter)
    • could be a page at random that meets a few thresholds (min number of edits, min length of content, min number of editors)
    • looks like Wikipedia is grabbing the "primary" image and first two paragraphs of a wiki page to summarize as the "featured article"
    • apparently the Wikipedia featured article image becomes the featured photo for the entire Wikipedia home page!
      • e.g. on 2022-11-18 when their featured article was "I Drink Wine" (a song by Adele), a Wikipedia home page link, when pasted in Slack, displayed a link-preview of

        (favicon) "Wikipedia"
        "Main Page (308 kB)"
        (a giant image of Adele)

  • In the News could be from the past 7 days (rolling) from IndieNews
  • Did you know ... is harder, because it requires some combination of interestingness / usefulness, and extraction of a fact from an existing wiki page. That's going to take some time (and may be an AI-hard problem πŸ˜‚)
  • on this day (like on Wikipedia) - include events from timeline first, history second (could automate if those were marked up with h-event?), and maybe later allow overriding with custom pages for each day of the year? E.g. we could have pages for months like December, and maybe specific mm-dd pages (or categories for events on those pages?) to check for before looking in timeline and history.
    • most notable three things in linked sentence form (like on WP)
    • list of 6 next things (timeline, then history)
    • site births/deaths
  • Today's featured picture β€” would need better tagging of images uploaded to the wiki, to indicate that they were photos (not just diagrams, icons, screenshots), or maybe we could auto-pick from individual IndieWebCamp pages "Photos" sections β€” that might work. Though we'd need enough summary text copy to accompany the photo, and I'm not sure we have that.
  • Recent events - in particular photos from four most recent events (with photos) in the past 7-14 days. Link photos to events.
  • Upcoming events - replace Sidebar (manual updates) and Main_Page#Homebrew_Website_Club & IWCs section below it by some sort of automated box maybe listing events for the next two weeks, and a calendar with days highlighted with IndieWeb related events
  • New Community Members (inspired by this-week, e.g. from 2017-09-01)
  • In the news (like Wikipedia) - recent posts about
  • Recent podcasts about
    • Maybe automate most recent "This Week in the IndieWeb" audio edition linking at least
  • New wiki pages (e.g. 10 most recently created)
  • Recently active pages (e.g. 10 most edited pages in the recent past week? 2 weeks? month?)
  • IndieWeb News summary a list of some recent posts from IndieWeb News
  • ... feel free to add more! Perhaps more ideas from homepage?


See Also