
From IndieWeb

500px is a photo-sharing silo.

API lockdown


The history of 500px has always encouraged creative development, but as of January 24th 2018, 500px will no longer be offering free access to our API. This decision was made in order to protect our assets and improve our website's performance. On June 15th, access to the API will be shut down. This is part of a larger strategic shiftβ€”focusing our energy on continuing to build the world’s best photography community at 500px.com.

I have an existing key, so what does this mean for me?

If you have an existing API key, you will lose access on June 15th 2018. You can email [email protected] to discuss further usage of the API.


List if likes can't be retrieved

A Like on an image serves as a "Well done!" nod to a photographer, while adding a photo to a Gallery is a "Wow, I love your photo so much that I want to be able to view it later. Amazing job!". Users can review the images added to a Gallery, but not the images that they have simply Liked (Heart icon) in passing.


hostile Terms and Conditions

TOS summary of 500px

See Also