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Acquisitions present one of the possible ways of external growth of enterprises in the time of globalization, which are giving the chance for quickly and effectively adapting to the environment, positioning, competitiveness and... more
• Development of computer and communication technology has led to significant technological changes in the functioning of banks, so nowadays we can talk about the creation and development of electronic banking or e-banking. Positive... more
Criminal morality, nepotism, fear culture, and corruption grow into the general culture, paralysing and stagnating the country. The social pyramid of corruption consists of its massive broad base, everyday corruption whose actors are... more
Although the trend of democratization is a reality, there are still great antagonisms and oppositions towards adapting the nation-state to different forms of diversity, be they ethnic, national, linguistic, religious, or cultural. In the... more
In a symbolic sense, this region may be burdened with a kind of negative ontology that is very difficult to change. Extremist ideologies are, in fact, just a continuation of the war by other means. They have entered education, and... more
Ethnic, national, and confessional affiliation in ex-Yugoslavia add to political radicalization. As a form of political power, politicized religions are, psychologically speaking, unconscious non-faith. Due to new national-state... more
Elite su u vrijeme krize najosjetljivije na pritiske društvenih pokreta i radikalnije promjene postaju moguće. Potrebno je podržati pozitivnu vrijednost ove i svake krizne situacije: ona je uvjet tranzicije. Potrebna je perspektiva na... more
In post-Yugoslav spaces, democracy has not been won by independent and robust social groups that can act as a counterweight to the state structure, with formed interests that act "transformatively"; not directing political change and form... more
The study aims to critically analyze the EU's political identity and how the migrant crisis embodies the most challenging political issue facing the E.U., implicating growing xenophobia and questioning European multiculturalism. Moreover,... more
Akvizicije predstavljaju jedan od mogućih načina eksternog rasta preduzeća u vremenu svjetske globalizacije, koje daju šansu brzog i efikasnog prilagođavanja okruženju, pozicioniraju, konkurentnosti, te privlačnosti za investicije. Fokus... more
Dobar sistem sigurnosti predstavlja največi stupanj jedinstva različitosti što znači da se sve različite pojedinosti dovode u međusobni sklad. BiH nema adekvatnu cyber sigurnost: privatizacija političkog utjecaja, nedovoljna... more
A sound security system represents the most significant degree of unity of diversity, which means that all the different details are brought into harmony. B&H does not have adequate cybersecurity: privatization of political influence,... more
The study critically analyzes the root causal and consequential transnational human trafficking factors from the Balkan wars to the present, implying stigmatization discourse, gender-discriminatory climate, the role of masculinity by... more
A rational analysis of the international community's failure to prevent war crimes in BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) can be a lesson for the future's morality model. The EU's role in Southeast Europe is inconsistent between its normative... more
The critical security studies should be not to establish "objective truth" but to enable a broader understanding of security based on respect for specific theoretical and political starting points in its conceptualization. Issues of... more
The paper focuses on the political position populism occupies in representative democracies as an inclusionary pylon for fascism, with the analog review of the Balkans and its global security lessons. Populism implies a constant conflict... more
This article references the technological advances in alternative and social media outlets, and the ways in which Russia has used them to provide partially accurate information to gain trust from its audience before pushing its own... more
The study's objective is to critically explore the relationship between politics, morality, ethics, and law, focusing on the Western Balkans. Like morality, politics is an activity and an effort around the community. As a concern for the... more
The studyʼs objective is to explore the social and political framework of terrorism and critically analyze the antihumanist approach to denominational hypocrisy of Western and non-Western terrorism. Radicalization and violent extremism... more
Undemocratic processes of hybrid and psychological geopolitical warfare blurred relations and security paradigm. The legacy of conflicts and the applied Western policies to the region is the strengthening of ethnonational discourses and... more