Teaching Documents by shahbaz(Changiz) - pey(PAHLAVAN)

Religious Teaching
Five years before 1357 when I was working as the Research Deputy of the High council of C... more Note
Five years before 1357 when I was working as the Research Deputy of the High council of Culture and Arts, I started a project to measure and evaluate the preliminary first five years of the schoolbooks.
I tried to use quantitative and qualitative methods to be able to reach the goal.
This project concluded to use the Content analysis of the main books of this period of the schoolbooks.
For such a purpose I tried to set up a research committee which did not function practically for all the project, where as it was useful for single parts of the project.
Many data collected was not interpreted.
I myself did certain parts and published them separately.
Hope now to publish parts ready or parts published. And hope to deposit parts ready although not published.
Following parts are partially published or kept ready to be published or distributed.
History by Shahroch Meskub; Occupation by Prof.Dr Firoose Tofigh,
Men and Women in the elementary books by Changiz Pahlavan; Poesie in the elementary Books in 1352.By Changiz Pahlavan ;Science by M.Heydari Malayeri;Arts by different collaborators ; The role of the Schools; Geography and ,,, by Changiz Pahlavan
Notes of Dr Manuchehr Hezarkhani concerning society are being kept as they were given to me.I had no chance to edit them.
Now hope to publish gradually some of the texts published or distributed.
Further notes may follow.
Editor: Dr.Changiz Pahlavan
Manifestations of Culture, 2017
This is the second edition of the collection of 20 articles and essays concerning the Manifestati... more This is the second edition of the collection of 20 articles and essays concerning the Manifestations of Culture.
Chawosh , 1995
Dies ist eine persische Uebersetzung vom "Das Urteil" von Kafka. Ich habe es im Jahre 1374 veroe... more Dies ist eine persische Uebersetzung vom "Das Urteil" von Kafka. Ich habe es im Jahre 1374 veroeffentlicht.
Ist das Iranische Regime reformierbar?, 2003
This the Text of a speech in Berlin
Die arabische Poesie vor Islam, 2000
Dies ist die Uebersetzung von einem Teil der Geschichte der Arabischen Literatur von Carl Brocke... more Dies ist die Uebersetzung von einem Teil der Geschichte der Arabischen Literatur von Carl Brockelmann.
خانه تکانی در علو اجتماعی
This is a persian Text on the necessity of reevaluating the present situation of the Social Scien... more This is a persian Text on the necessity of reevaluating the present situation of the Social Sciences in Iran: It has bee also published as a part of a longer essay called My Notes.
Anthology of Contemporary Afghanistan Poetry, 1992
this book is a collection of Contemporary Afghanistan Poetry
What is culture?What is Civilization?, 2018
This a compiled Book concerning the concepts of Culture and Civilization with regard to the origi... more This a compiled Book concerning the concepts of Culture and Civilization with regard to the original languages and in the Persian language
On religious fundamentalists in Iran
Afghan Poetry gathering in Paris
this book is dealing with two important discourses of the contemporary Iran
RAnBzT¯A ³¦v¦w Ç ²o ozÇ »îBªT]A¨±¦î /²k¯n°Cjo£ , Ç 13 1 8 ,q¼¢®a ,¬A±¦´Q »¦îkªd« oYA »wBwA ± e º³... more RAnBzT¯A ³¦v¦w Ç ²o ozÇ »îBªT]A¨±¦î /²k¯n°Cjo£ , Ç 13 1 8 ,q¼¢®a ,¬A±¦´Q »¦îkªd« oYA »wBwA ± e º³ §Bwn°»wB¼w º³wnk« º³¯±ª¯jk\U ºBµ³z½n q¼¢®a pA ºn°Cjo£°yµ°sQ , ¼ §FU . ³wnk« jB®wA pA ºA³î±ª\«°» °o / 1 3 8 2 ,²o oz¯:¬Ao´U Ç /¬A±¦´Q ( 4 0 ;»îBªT]A¨±¦î / 4 1ì ;²o oz¯RAnBzT¯A ³¦v¦w) Ç /| 49 2 , [3 2] /BP¼ RBîÀ A tBwA oM »v½±®Two´ /u½±¯o½p Rn±ae³M ³«B®MBT Ç ¬Ao½A Ç »wB¼w¨±¦î / 2 / nAk«°jB®wA Ç g½nBU Ç »wB¼w¨±¦î º³wnk« / 1 Ç jk\U / 5 /¬Ao½A Ç »wBwA ± e / 4 /¬Bª¦í« Ç »wB¼w¨±¦î º³wnk« / 3 /g½nBU :¬A±®î /Z /»wB¼w¨±¦î º³wnk« º³¯±ª¯:¬A±®î /J /¬A±®î / §A / nAk«°jB®wA / nAk«°jB®wA pA ºA³î±ª\«°» °o »¦îkªd« oYA »wBwA ± e º³ §Bwn 37 8 . 5 5
Teaching Documents by shahbaz(Changiz) - pey(PAHLAVAN)
Five years before 1357 when I was working as the Research Deputy of the High council of Culture and Arts, I started a project to measure and evaluate the preliminary first five years of the schoolbooks.
I tried to use quantitative and qualitative methods to be able to reach the goal.
This project concluded to use the Content analysis of the main books of this period of the schoolbooks.
For such a purpose I tried to set up a research committee which did not function practically for all the project, where as it was useful for single parts of the project.
Many data collected was not interpreted.
I myself did certain parts and published them separately.
Hope now to publish parts ready or parts published. And hope to deposit parts ready although not published.
Following parts are partially published or kept ready to be published or distributed.
History by Shahroch Meskub; Occupation by Prof.Dr Firoose Tofigh,
Men and Women in the elementary books by Changiz Pahlavan; Poesie in the elementary Books in 1352.By Changiz Pahlavan ;Science by M.Heydari Malayeri;Arts by different collaborators ; The role of the Schools; Geography and ,,, by Changiz Pahlavan
Notes of Dr Manuchehr Hezarkhani concerning society are being kept as they were given to me.I had no chance to edit them.
Now hope to publish gradually some of the texts published or distributed.
Further notes may follow.
Editor: Dr.Changiz Pahlavan
Five years before 1357 when I was working as the Research Deputy of the High council of Culture and Arts, I started a project to measure and evaluate the preliminary first five years of the schoolbooks.
I tried to use quantitative and qualitative methods to be able to reach the goal.
This project concluded to use the Content analysis of the main books of this period of the schoolbooks.
For such a purpose I tried to set up a research committee which did not function practically for all the project, where as it was useful for single parts of the project.
Many data collected was not interpreted.
I myself did certain parts and published them separately.
Hope now to publish parts ready or parts published. And hope to deposit parts ready although not published.
Following parts are partially published or kept ready to be published or distributed.
History by Shahroch Meskub; Occupation by Prof.Dr Firoose Tofigh,
Men and Women in the elementary books by Changiz Pahlavan; Poesie in the elementary Books in 1352.By Changiz Pahlavan ;Science by M.Heydari Malayeri;Arts by different collaborators ; The role of the Schools; Geography and ,,, by Changiz Pahlavan
Notes of Dr Manuchehr Hezarkhani concerning society are being kept as they were given to me.I had no chance to edit them.
Now hope to publish gradually some of the texts published or distributed.
Further notes may follow.
Editor: Dr.Changiz Pahlavan
I was one of the invitees . I tried to tackle with the basic concepts . Later on was intending to deal with the basic problems of a modern constitution. But it was almost impossible to finish the work I was intending to present. Political situation did not allow to go into details.
Deutschlandfunk-Interview am Morgen, 14. Januar 2004
This essay is a famous piece of Dr. Mostapha RAHIMI, the famous Iranian Jurist and Writer. He is dealing here with Changiz Pahlavan,s article on” May68”.
DR Rahim was at the time a Jurist invited by French Government and had finished his studies preparing himself to leave Paris to go back home when the Revolt of May 68 was spreading all over France .
Dr Pahlavan was at that time an active Participant of Student Movements all over Europe.
The Article of Changiz Pahlavan is psblished in “Ketabnamaye Iran “ Vol.II.Tehrahn1991(1370).
I did not attend the Conference because of the behaviour of the person who was introducing himself as organizer . The paper was published in a book with same title published by the US-Institute of Peace Press in 1996.
The present Vol. is including the second half of the Manuscript i.e. chapters 11 to 2o. The typsetting and publication in limited numbers was finished in the month Day of 1391 .
All the details concerning the Manuscript and the chapters are mentioned in the prefaces of the two Vols.I and II.
In this very first book many concept are presented like Histrory of the subject,Culture and State etc.
This a talk with ASSU-Site in England. It is about the present socio-cultural-political situation and the critical future of the country.
Typsetting and Typography of the Book needs to be corrected!!