Frutas AestheticGreen PlumsPersian DishesSour PlumIran FoodHealthy Fruits And VegetablesFruit LoveGreen PlumLebanese FoodSour PlumsExplore Hayat-i Ebediye's 782 photos on Flickr!151
Benefits Of PlumsGreen PlumsPlum BenefitsPlum LeavesCanned PlumsPlum JuiceSour PlumGreen PlumDried Plums24 Wonderful Health Benefits Of Plum: Uses, Warnings And MoreIt is a very rich fruit in terms of vitamin B. Plum, which is usually grown in Turkey, has been grown by adapting itself to different climatic regions DUE1
Sour PlumExotic FruitDessert TableFitness HealthPlumAlmondDessertFruitHealthExotic FruitsCherries, starfruit, fresh almonds, sour plums4
Persian VeganSpicy Pickle RecipesGreen PlumsRainbow FoodsSour PlumSyrian FoodSpicy PicklesGreen PlumSalmon PotatoIngredient Spotlight: Sour Green PlumsAt the farmers’ market last week, we overheard someone complain rather sharply that a vendor was selling “unripe plums.” By the time we turned around he was gone, doomed to miss out on the true delicacy of sour plums. While it is true that these cherry-sized fruits are unripe, in the case of green plums that’s not necessarily a bad thing.Young, sour plums have traditionally been enjoyed in the Middle East and Asia, where they may be eaten raw or preserved.18
Weird Oreo FlavorsSour PlumFrozen Cocktail RecipesOreo FlavorsKawaii DessertTravel To JapanJunk Food SnacksCute SnacksJapanese SnacksOreo releases new sakura strawberry & sour plum flavours!Let your taste buds travel to Japan this spring with brand-new Oreo flavours, featuring seasonal sakura strawberry and sour plum for all things sweet and wonderful.1.3k
Rare FruitsWords And Their MeaningsSour PlumAfrican BotanicsBulk HerbsOrganic Herbal TeaSeed OilsGardening InspirationOrganic Green TeaSourplum (Ximenia caffra) fruitsS58 Road East of Punda Maria, Kruger NP, SOUTH AFRICA9
Chinese DrinksSummer TeasPlum DrinkAsian FeastChinese DrinkHibiscus Flower TeaPistachio MilkSour PlumDried Hibiscus FlowersSour Plum Drink (Suan Mei Tang - 酸梅汤)Before any commercial beverage companies made their way into China, sour plum tea was, and still is, the ultimate thirst quencher––especially in the heat of the summer! The color is a deep magenta and it's deliciously refreshing!165
Plum DrinkAsian DrinkShots JelloKey LimesSour PlumCocktail MixologyPlum RecipesAsian PartySweet SoupJin Ju Nin Meng (Limequat Drink with Honey and Sour Plums)If you can't find limequats, a slightly bitter fruit created from the marriage of Key limes and kumquats, substitute regular limes and kumquats for this tangy drink.1
Green PlumsTraditional Japanese FoodJapanese Home CookingSour PlumJust One CookbookJapanese DrinksJapanese PlumPlum RecipesJapanese GroceryPlum Wine (Umeshu) 梅酒 – ‘Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories’Plum Wine or Umeshu (梅酒) is a fragrant Japanese liqueur that you can make homemade with fresh Japanese plum (ume) steeped in shochu and sugar.18