आईफोन ऐप्स
Kickstarter iPhone एप्लिकेश
Backers on Kickstarter are passionate, creative visionaries that find joy and connection in funding new ideas and bringing them to life. Discover projects in categories like art, design, film, games, hardware, and music, then pledge to your favorites right from the app. Make the world a more creative and innovative place while receiving awesome (and often exclusive) rewards.Creators can use the app to keep up with their own projects on the go, as well as stay in touch with their backers.
With the Kickstarter app, you can:
• Join like-minded backers to help make new ideas a reality.
• Stay connected with updates from projects you've backed.
• Save your favorites and get reminders before projects end.
Project creators can stay up to date from anywhere:
• Easily track your funding progress.
• Keep up with comments and pledges.
• Post updates and respond to backer messages.
We’ve been working hard to improve the Kickstarter app and incorporate your feedback. This release includes bug fixes, internal upgrades, and other updates to the experience. जानकारी जानकारी
रेटिंग और समीक्षाएं (0)
समीक्षा सारांश
वर्तमान में इस ऐप के लिए कोई समीक्षा नहीं है
अपनी समीक्षा सबमिट करें
शायद तुम्हे यह भी अच्छा लगे:
Ogre War Room
45 | मनोरंजन -
60 | स्वास्थ्य -
1K | फोटोग्राफी -
Lil Ye Land
2K | ऑडियो
दिखाए गए ऐप्स:
iPhone ऐप्स सेवा PHONEKY द्वारा प्रदान की जाती है और यह 100% निःशुल्क है!
iOS ऐप्स को Apple iPhone 15, iPhone 14, iPhone 13, iPhone 12, iPhone 11, iPhone X और iPhone SE मोबाइल फोन पर डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है।