जावा गेम्स

जावा खेल शैली खेल

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विश्व दंड फुटबॉल विश्वकप खेल एफ

गेम आईडी:
Glu Mobile
आकार का:
774 KB
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विश्व दंड फुटबॉल विश्वकप खेल एफ जावा गेम

World Penalties 2010 is a Java Symbian S60 5th game for touch screen devices such as Nokia N97, N97 Mini, 5800 XpressMusic, 5530 XpressMusic, 5230, 5233 and X6. World Penalties 2010 is the best and most realistic penalty shoot-out simulator for your mobile.

You can complete in friendlies between 2 teams which you can pick or complete in the World Cup. After you have chosen your squad, you should pick your players, bearing in mind their characteristics. Before you start you will be able to pick which of your players are best suited for the game at hand, making changes if you wish to increase your chances of success by choosing your most skilled ones.

During the penalty shoot-out you will first have to vary the direction and angle of your shot using the cursor and fire key. A confident and accurate curl of your shot, followed by a measurable degree of strength applied to it will allow you to shoot with as much power as you think is needed in any irection of your choice.

When you have to play as the gatekeeper against an adversary who will take a shot, after you hear the whistle you will have to decide quickly which way to dive by using your cursor. You can dive before or after he takes the shot, so you will have to guess which way the ball will be launched.

In Competition Mode, your club and the other teams are all arrayed in a penalty tournament where you must climb the ranks all the way up to a final match between you and the most hardened team to best all the others. Good Luck!
World Penalties 2010

जानकारी जानकारी

रेटिंग और समीक्षाएं (31)


समीक्षा सारांश

94% प्रतिशत 31 समीक्षक इस खेल की सिफारिश करेंगे.


सभी समीक्षाएं पढ़ें

अपनी समीक्षा सबमिट करें


रजिस्टर अपने नाम के साथ समीक्षा पोस्ट करने, अपने पसंदीदा मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन, गेम, रिंगटोन और वॉलपेपर को अपलोड करने और संग्रहीत करने के लिए एक PHONEKY खाते को पंजीकृत करें।

रजिस्टर या PHONEKY से साइन इन


  • से: Reserved
  • फोन / ब्राउज़र: OperaMini(MAUI_MRE;Opera Mini


  • से: Nigeria
  • आयु: 59
  • लिंग:नर
  • फोन / ब्राउज़र: OperaMini(MAUI_MRE;Opera Mini


  • से: Bangladesh
  • फोन / ब्राउज़र: NativeOperaMini(Spreadtrum

Sanjay Hembrom

  • से: India
  • फोन / ब्राउज़र: Videocon V1539N Maui Wap Browser



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अपने पसंदीदा जावा गेम्स को PHONEKY पर मुफ्त में डाउनलोड करें!

जावा खेल सेवा PHONEKY द्वारा प्रदान की जाती है और यह 100% नि: शुल्क है!

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