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Martin Dytrych
41 articles

Kinetic E-2C Hawkeye

April 25, 2014 · in Aviation · · 23 · 4.4K

This is my very last build. Just finished before competition in Mosonmagyarovar. I found many issues when building it, some of them too late, unfortunately. The biggest one was balancing the model - I put around 80-90 gr until the model finally stood on front wheels. I like weathered aircrafts, but was the most difficult one to make it real. I studied many photos and kits and I must say I had to make it from zero by my own way.
The issue list is very long - more than 30 topics. Some of them are known, but a lot of them I may discover only when building...
I will add it for you after finishing the translation - I did all article in czech language, but till this time I haven't a while to do it in english. I guess it would be useful for somebody, what do you think?

made really impressive kit, I would like to enjoy building another one...
If you are beginner, you should try another else, this is for experienced modellers only.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Looks like a cracking effort! No wonder you needed plenty of weight with wings folded, but 90g sounds like a lot.

  2. I've not heard many good things about Kinetic and have had similar "issues" with ones I've tried. But on the other hand, I've seen some excellent examples of Kinetic's builds and this is most certainly among the elite. You've done an outstanding job on this kit and it looks perfect from here! Very nice photography as well.

  3. Wow, how impressive is that? Great job, Martin.

  4. Issues or no issues this is one impressive model Martin.
    Well done.

  5. Very nicely done, Martin. An inspiration.

  6. What a terrific build, Martin!

  7. Very nice build Martin! I like how you left the rotodome removable so detail under it can be viewed. The wing fold area is also wonderful! This is a kit I've been wanting to add to my collection (along with the C-2 Greyhound.) I was bummed when you said that this is your last build then I saw you were translating from Czech. Did you mean to say your latest build?

  8. As a guy who did 3 tours in Hawkeyes (VAW 124, 120 and 115) I can say you nailed it! Great job, really nice to see a Hawkeye! You even got the exhaust stains I used to hate scrubbing off the wings when I was a Plane Captain correct!

  9. Rob knows more about this airplane than I do, but I have seen a couple examples in real life, and you definitely have "the look."

    It. Looks. Real.

    Can't say more.

  10. Martin, a prime example of subtle weathering and a modeller's skills triumphing over indifferent production control. Very nice indeed.

  11. Very, very impressive. Bravo.
    Looking forward to your full build article in english.

  12. Can't think of anything to add to what has already been said. What a great looking model. Nicely done.

  13. It looks great Martin, you persevered and built a spot on E 2.
    Well done sir.

  14. very beautiful, love the details

  15. It is modelling skills like this that have inspired me to take up this hobby again after so long - I just registered on this page and this is the first comment I have posted. While I am more interested in WWII era aircraft, I love to see any model built as well as this - Excellent Work, you should be proud!

  16. Nice clean build, weathered with a fine hand.

  17. Uniquely masterpiece!

    Best regards, Vlad.

  18. WAOUH! fantastic paint and buiding for this model !
    i must build one french Hawkeye...but i love yours! specially the wings...

  19. That looks amazing mate. One of the best paint jobs I've ever seen!

  20. Fantastic weathering, great photos, it looks like real thing.

  21. Thank all guys. I am very happy to see that you like it and also very proud after reading comment from Rob. And sorry for mistake - this was my LATEST build! ๐Ÿ™‚ (I was really tired when I wrote it.) I have started P-47 in 1/72 already and Warburton's Martin 167F in 1/48. I want to relax a bit before next NAVY legend - F-4 Phantom.

  22. Martin,
    After agreeing with all of the above compliments I will only ad that this is stunning.

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