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Bioethics and Biosafety MK Rektan III

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MK Rekayasa Tanaman III Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Unpad

Bioetika dan Biosafety - Dalam Ilmu Pertanian

Sebagai konsep sebenarnya sudah dikenal

dan merupakan warisan yang turun temurun dari nenek moyang Sebagai sebuah definisi baru dikenal sejak tahun 1970 an

Dalam pengertian umum Bioetik adalah The love of life

Apakah etika?
Ethics: the rules of

conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture

Presented by UC Berkeleys STELA: The Science, Technology, Ethics, and Law Working Group

Bioethics: a field of

study concerned with the ethics and philosophical implications of certain biological and medical procedures, technologies, and treatments, such as organ transplants, geneticbyengineering, Technology, Ethics, and Law Presented UC Berkeleys STELA: The Science, Working Group and care of the

Contoh klasik keputusan bioetika

Kloning gen penting siapa yang berhak mempatenkannya?

Pemerintah? Masyarakat? Perusahaan?


Contoh klasik keputusan bioetika


lokal siapa yang berhak mempatenkannya?

Pemerintah? Masyarakat? Perusahaan?

Contoh klasik keputusan bioetika

Terdapat satu jantung siapa yang berhak?
17-year old girl 40-year-old school principal 70-year-old woman

Bioetika sebagai deskriptif (descriptive

Tiga Cara Pandang Bioetika

bioethics): adalah cara orang memandang hidup, interaksi moral dan tanggung jawab terhadap mahluk hidup sekitarnya bioethics): adalah memberitahu orang lain apakah suatu hal baik atau buruk atau prinsipprinsip penting dalam mengambil keputusan bioethics): adalah debat atau diskusi antar kelompok orang mengenai descriptive dan

Bioetika sebagai prespektif (perspective

Bioetika sebagai interaktif (interactive

Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Bioethics

1. Rasa hormat terhadap hak-hak orang lain
Menghargai diri sendiri (Autonomy)


Mendapat penghargaan dari orang lain (Dignity)

1. Mengerjakan sesuatu yang baik atau

menghasilkan sesuatu yang baik: keuntungan harus sebanding dengan resiko (loving good)

Keuntungan= resiko

Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Bioethics

3. Adil: tersebar merata di masyarakat

(love of others)

Semua strata masyarakat mempunyai akses yang sama

4. Menghargai hidup: tidak membuat kerusakan (loving life)

Penelitian-penelitian harus dihentikan jika

menimbulkan kerusakan/ membahanyakan

Isu-isu etika dalam ilmu tanaman

Harus bisa menjawab/ memberi

pengertian yang mendalam dalam dua aspek:

Filosofi (concept of love)

memenuhi 4 prinsip dalam bioetik


Tanaman Kita harus memperhatikan sekitar Transgenik

pertanyaan: Apakah kita sudah bertindak seperti Tuhan ketika memasukkan gen dari suatu organisme ke organisme lainnya? Apakah kita beranggapan bahwa kita mengetahui banyak hal dari apa yang sebenarnya tidak kita ketahui ketika akan melepas tanaman transgenik ke alam? Apakah kita sedang mempertontonkan banyak hal yang tidak pasti ketika kita melakukan rekayasa genetik?

Fluorescent Glow Fish, the first genetically modified animal to be sold as a pet. Source:



Beberapa Sisi Keuntungan Dari Tanaman Transgenik There are potential benefits to agricultural
productivity through the development of crops more resistant to pests, disease, and severe weather, decreasing the risk of devastating crop failure (kegagalan panen). Potential benefits to the environment including: a. Improved productively could result in more food from less land and a decreasing reliance (ketergantungan) on the cultivation of marginal land. b. Genetically engineered pest and disease resistance could reduce the need for pesticides and other chemicals, thereby decreasing the environmental load and farmer exposure to toxins. c. The potential longer shelf life (daya simpan) of fruits and vegetables could decrease the gross


Beberapa Sisi Keuntungan ..

3. Potential benefits to human health and wellbeing. a. Genetic engineering could be used to remove genes associated with allergies, e.g., the blocking of the gene that produces the allergenic protein in peanuts. b. The insertion of genes into crops such as rice and wheat can enhance their nutritional value, e.g., Golden Rice. c. Genetic modification could be used to produce healthier foods, e.g., by eliminating trans fats or caffeine for example. d. Genetic engineering could be used to develop pharmaceuticals and vaccines in plants,

Contoh klasik keputusan biosafety

Bt Corn mengurangi: Aplikasi insektisidda Produksi mycotoxin

Bt corn Apakah aman?

Ligkungan Masyarakat


75% makanan di USA mengandung bahan-bahan GM: crackers, breakfast cereals, and cooking oils. Almost everything that contains soy or corn has been genetically modified. 80 percent of the soybeans and 40 percent of the corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified Bagaimana dengan


Resiko-resiko yang perlu diperhatikan (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
1. Potential risks to the environment and wildlife. a. Genes may "escape" and find their way into other members of the species or other species. Imagine the trouble if herbicide-resistant genes found their way into weeds. b. GM crops could compete or breed with wild species threatening biodiversity. c. Monogenetic crops may not react sufficiently to environmental stresses. d. What are the risks to birds, insects and other nontarget species that come into contact with or

2. Potential risks to human health. a. There is the potential that allergy-producing genes will be inserted into unrelated foodstuffs. Since GM foods are not labeled, a person could suffer a potentially fatal allergic reaction, e.g., an allergenic Brazil nut gene was transferred to a soybean variety, but the resultant modified crop was never released to the public. b. GM products may inadvertently enter the human food supply as evidenced by the settlement earlier this month between Syngenta and the U.S. government over the accidental sale of unapproved GM (Bt10) corn seed to farmers.

Resiko-resiko yang perlu diperhatikan (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

Rsiko-resiko yang perlu diperhatikan (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

3. Potential socio-economic effects. a. Small-scale farmers could be negatively impacted by the market dominance of a few powerful seed companies. Some worry about the potential loss of traditional farming practices such as collecting, storing, and replanting seed. b. The proprietary nature of biotechnology may slow basic research, and patent protection may hinder the entry of GM foods into developing countries as has been the case with pharmaceuticals. 4. Potential risk to public trust generated in part by industry refusal (menolak) to label GM foods as such.

Prinsip-prinsip dari perakitan tanaman transgenik :

1. Scientifically based, based on information of organism, used technology and effects to humans and environment 2. Product-based approach, use existing productbased legislation (Hukum/ peraturan) 3. Familiarity and substantial equivalence, experience with the use of that species. The determination is based on scientific literature and practical experience with the plant and similar plant varieties. 4. Case-by case, allow the development of knowledge that could inform criteria and requirement over time.

Prinsip-prinsip ..:
5. Step-wise fashion, products should be assessed throughout the chain of development : From laboratory to greenhouse and finally large-scale field trial Transparency Precautionary principle/approach (prinsip atau prosedur pencegahan/ penanganan jika timbul masalah, derived from Rio Declaration, regulatory groups can make decisions about products based on scientific uncertainty. Harmonization, sharing of or acceptance of another groups review

6. 7.


Open conclusion

Meskipun menimbang keuntungan dan resiko dari suatu produk sangat mungin dilakukan, akan tetapi tidak mudah mengaplikasikan bioethic itu sendiri dalam bioteknologi pertanian. Dua hal yang menjadi perhatian utama adalah produk bioteknologi dapat meningkatkan hidup manusia dan secara lingkungan aman, tetapi kewajiban etika kita tidak hanya terbatas pada dua hal tersebut di atas. Kita harus juga memperhatikan rasa keadilan, environmental sustainability, berbagai norma, agama dll.

Thank you!

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