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Laporan Struktur Rumah Tinggal Kemakmuran

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Rumah Tinggal
Jl. Kemakmuran Komplek Pelita 1 B No. 20, Kota Samarinda











Laporan ini merupakan hasil desain yang disusun sebagai Laporan Detailed Engineering
Design Struktur untuk proyek Rumah Tinggal milik Bapak Jonny Setia Wibowo yang
berlokasi di Jl. Kemakmuran Komplek Pelita 1 B No. 20, Kota Samarinda.

Secara umum desain struktur yang didesain dalam laporan ini merupakan bangunan yang
terdiri dari 3 lantai dan memiliki fungsi bangunan sebagai rumah tinggal.

Data desain struktur dilakukan berdasarkan dari pengukuran berupa data gambar
arsitektur dan data penyelidikkan tanah. Untuk informasi data penyelidikan tanah di lokasi
berdasarkan laporan penyelidikkan tanah oleh Politeknik Negeri Samarinda.

Sistematika laporan terdiri dari bagian Ketentuan Umum, Perhitungan Beban, Pemodelan,
Analisis Persyaratan Gempa, Desain Struktur Beton, dan Desain Pondasi. Peraturan yang
digunakan untuk analisis mengacu SNI 1727:2020, SNI 2847:2019, dan SNI 1726:2019.
Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dalam
penyusunan laporan desain struktur ini.

Hormat kami,

Perencana Struktur

1.1. Deskripsi Umum Bangunan

Denah Rumah

Potongan Rumah
Bangunan : Rumah Tinggal
Jumlah Lantai : 3 Lantai
Panjang Gedung : 16.78 m
Lebar Gedung : 8.75 m
Tinggi Gedung : 10.75 m
Sistem Struktur : Rangka Beton Bertulang Pemikul Momen Menengah
Fungsi Gedung (Ie) :1
Lokasi Bangunan : Samarinda
Jenis Tanah : Tanah Keras (SD)

1.2. Mutu Bahan

Mutu Beton
Mutu Beton Kolom : K-250
Mutu Beton Balok : K-250
Mutu Beton Pelat : K-250
Mutu Beton Pondasi : K-250

Mutu Baja Tulangan

Diameter > 13 mm : BJTS 420A
Diameter < 13 mm : BJTP 280

Mutu Material Beton

Mutu Material Baja Tulangan

1.3. Peraturan Yang Digunakan

Dasar-dasar analisis struktur eksisiting dari gedung mengikuti peraturan-peraturan struktur yang sudah ada dan
berlaku di Indonesia, antara lain
- SNI 1726:2019 Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan
Non Gedung
- SNI 2847:2019 Peraturan Struktur Beton Bertulang Indonesia
- SNI 1727:2020 Peraturan Pembebanan Bangunan Gedung Indonesia
1.4. Alat Bantu Perhitungan
SANSPRO V.5.20 +Drawing Module (Integrated Structural Analysis and Design System for Building and General

1.5. Satuan Dalam Perhitungan

Satuan yang digunakan pada perhitungan ini adalah :
- Satuan pada program Sanspro 5.20 adalah kgcm

2.1. Beban Gravitasi
Pembebanan-pembebanan gravitasi berikut ini merupakan pembebanan minimum yang dipakai sesuai dengan
yang terdapat dalam Pedoman Perencanaan Pembebanan Minimum Indonesia SNI-1727-2013

a.Beban Mati (DL)

Dihitung dengan bantuan program SANSPRO
- Beban dinding 1/2 bata merah : 2.5 kN/m2
- Beban mati tambahan (ADL) : 1.5 kN/m2
b.Beban Hidup (LL)
Beban Hidup yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :
- Beban Hidup : 1.92 kN/m2
- Beban Dak Atap :1 kN/m2

2.2. Beban Gempa

Pembebanan gempa berikut ini merupakan pembebanan minimum yang dipakai sesuai dengan yang terdapat
dalam Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan non-Gedung SNI-1726-

2.2.1. Klasifikasi Situs

Penyelidikkan tanah telah dilakukan oleh Politeknik Negeri Samarinda dengan 2 titik sondir. Lokasi berada di
Jl. Kemakmuran Komplek Pelita 1 B, Samarinda.

Gambar 2.1. Denah Pengujian tanah dengan Sondir

Klasifikasi situs ditetapkan pada SNI 1726:2019 pasal 5.3 berdasakan kecepatan rata-rata gelombang geser,
tahanan penetrasi standar lapangan rata- rata, dan kuat geser rata-rata dari tanah lokasi. Klasifikasi tanah
berdasarkan nilai hasil NSPT dari permukaan tanah sampai kedalaman 30m tersebut dibedakan atas tanah
keras, sedang, lunak maupun tanah khusus. Klasifikasi dan syarat dapat dilihat pada Tabel 2.1
Tabel 2.1
Klasifikasi Situs

Sumber: SNI 1726:2019, halaman 25, BSN

Dimana :
𝑉𝑠 = Kecepatan rata-rata gelombang geser
𝑁 = Tahanan Penetrasi Standart Lapangan rata-rata
𝑆𝑢 = Kuat Geser Rata-Rata

Perhitungan nilai rata-rata untuk harga N dilakukan dengan Persamaan berikut sesuai SNI 1726:2019 sebagai
berikut: :

𝑖=1 𝑑𝑖
𝑛 𝑑
𝑖=1 𝑁

Dimana :
𝑛 : ketebalan lapisan 30 meter pertama diukur dari muka tanah, di adalah tebal lapisan
𝑑𝑖 tiap antara 0-22 m, dan Ni nilai tiap lapisan tanah antara 0-30 m. Berikut hasil
𝑖=1 perhitungan klasifikasi tanah

Jenis klasifikasi situs disekitar lokasi adalah : Tanah Keras (SD)

2.2.2. Kategori Resiko Situs

Kategori resiko gedung ditetapkan pada SNI 1726:2019 pasal 4.1.2. berdasarkan fungsi bangunan. Berikut
Tabel 2.3 dalam menentukan kategori resiko Gedung.
Tabel 2.3
Kategori Risiko Bangunan Gedung dan Non-gedung Untuk Beban Gempa
Sumber: SNI 1726:2019, halaman 25, BSN
Dari Tabel 2.3, ditentukan untuk Bangunan ini memiliki kategori resiko bangunan : II

2.2.3. Faktor Keutamaan Gempa (Ie)

Faktor keutamaan ditetapkan pada SNI 1726:2019 pasal 4.1.2. berdasarkan fungsi bangunan. Berikut Tabel 2.4
dalam menentukan faktor keutamaan gedung.

Tabel 2.4
Faktor Keutamaan Gempa (Ie)

Sumber: SNI 1726:2019, halaman 25, BSN

Dari Tabel 2.4, ditentukan untuk Bangunan ini memiliki Faktor Keutamaan Gempa (Ie) = 1
2.2.4. Parameter Percepatan Respons Spektral MCE dari peta gempa (Ss & S1)

Parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE dari peta gempa ditetapkan pada SNI 1726:2019 pasal 6.
Parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE dari peta gempa terdiri dari Ss (parameter percepatan respons
spektral MCE dari peta gempa pada perioda pendek) dan S1 (parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE dari
peta gempa pada 1 detik). Nilai dari kedua parameter bergantung pada kondisi tanah dan lokasi bangunan, tiap
lokasi memiliki nilai parameter yang bervariasi. Nilai parameter ini dapat diambil dari Peta Sumber dan Bahaya
Gempa Indonesia 2017. Berikut peta SS dan S1 pada Gambar 2.2 dan Gambar 2.3.

Gambar 2.2. Peta nilai Ss pada Peta Sumber dan Bahaya Gempa Indonesia 2017

Gambar 2.3. Peta nilai Ss pada Peta Sumber dan Bahaya Gempa Indonesia 2017
Dari hasil pengamatan untuk Gedung dengan lokasi di : Balikpapan
Nilai Ss = parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE dari peta gempa pada 0.1
perioda pendek
Nilai S1 = parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE dari peta gempa pada 1 0.1

2.2.5. Kefisien Situs (Fa dan Fv)

Koefisien situs ditetapkan pada SNI 1726:2019 pasal 6.2 yang ditetapkan berdasakan nilai SS, S1, dan kelas
situs. Koefisien Situs terdiri dari Fa (koefisien situs pada periode 0,2 detik) dan Fv (koefisien situs pada periode 1
detik). Berikut Tabel 2.5 dan Tabel 2.6 dalam menentukan koefisien situs.

Tabel 2.5
Koefisien Situs Fa

Sumber: SNI 1726:2019, halaman 34, BSN

Tabel 2.6
Koefisien Situs Fv

Sumber: SNI 1726:2019, halaman 35, BSN

Dari tabel di atas didapatkan nilai masing masing
Fa = koefisien situs pada periode 0,2 detik 1.60
Fv = koefisien situs pada periode 1 detik 2.40

2.2.6. Parameter Percepatan Respons Spektral MCE (SMS& SM1)

Parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE ditetapkan pada SNI 1726:2019 pasal 6.2 yang ditetapkan
berdasakan nilai Fa, Fv, SS, dan S1. Parameter percepatan respons spektral MCE terdiri dari SMS (Parameter
percepatan respons spektral MCE pada periode 0,2 detik) dan SM1 (Parameter percepatan respons spektral
MCE pada periode 1 detik). Berikut Persamaan dalam menentukan Parameter percepatan respons spektral

SMS = Fa * SS = 1.6 * 0.1 0.160

SM1 = Fv * S1 = 2.4 * 0.1 0.240

2.2.7. Parameter percepatan respons spektral (SDS & SD1)

Parameter percepatan respons spektral ditetapkan pada SNI 1726:2019 pasal 6.3 yang ditetapkan berdasakan
nilai SMS, dan SM1. Parameter percepatan respons spektral terdiri dari SDS (Parameter percepatan respons
spektral pada periode 0,2 detik) dan SD1 (Parameter percepatan respons spektral pada periode 1 detik). Berikut
Persamaan dalam menentukan Parameter percepatan respons spektral

SDS = 2/3 * SMS = 2/3 * 0.16 0.10g

SD1 = 2/3 * SM1 = 2/3 * 0.24 0.16g

2.2.8. Ketegori Desain Seismim (KDS)

Kategori Desain Seismik ditetapkan pada SNI 1726:2019 pasal 6.5 yang ditetapkan berdasakan nilai SDS, dan
SD1 dan kategori resiko. Berikut Tabel 2.7 dan Tabel 2.8 dalam menentukan Kategori Desain Seismik. Kategori
Desain Seismik diambil yang terbesar kategorinya dari KDS yang berdasarkan SD1 dan KDS yang berdasarkan
Tabel 2.7
Kategori Desain Seismik Berdasarkan SDS

Sumber: SNI 1726:2019, halaman 37, BSN

Tabel 2.8
Kategori Desain Seismik Berdasarkan SD1

Sumber: SNI 1726:2019, halaman 37, BSN

Menurut Tabel 2.7. dan 2.8. disimpulkan bahwa KDS pada bangunan ini berdasarkan
KDS berdasarkan SDS A
KDS berdasarkan SD1 C

Untuk perhitungan digunakan KDS terbesar yaitu KDS C

2.2.9. Sistem Penahan Gempa

Pada bangunan ini, bangunan terdiri dari sistem rangka atap beton bertulang dan sistem portal beton daktail
dan memiliki kategori desain seismik C
Untuk menentukan pemilihan Sistem Rangka digunakan tabel 2.9
Tabel 2.9
Faktor R, Cd, dan Ω0 untuk sistem penahan gaya gempa

Sumber: SNI 1726:2019, halaman 50, BSN

Dari tabel didapat Sistem struktur = Rangka Beton Bertulang Pemikul Momen Menengah
dengan nilai, R = 5
Cd = 4.5
Ω0 = 3
2.2.10. Faktor Redudansi

Untuk struktur yang dirancang untuk kategori desain seismik D, E, atau F, faktor redundansi (ρ) harus sama
dengan 1,3 kecuali jika satu dari dua kondisi berikut (SNI 1726:2019 pasal dipenuhi, di mana faktor
redundansi (ρ) dijinkan diambil sebesar 1,0
a. Masing-masing tingkat yang menghambat lebih dari 35 persen dalam Arah yang ditinjau harus
sesuai dengan Tabel 12

Struktur dengan denah beraturan di semua tingkat dengan sistem penahan gaya gempa terdiri dari
paling sedikit dua bentang perimeter penahan gaya gempa yang merangka pada masing-masing
sisi sisi struktur dalam masing-masing arah ortogonal di setiap tingkat yang menghambat lebih dari
35 persen. Dinding geser harus dihitung sebagai dinding Panjang dengan tingkat tinggi, h, untuk
konstruksi ringan (ref. SNI 1726:2019 pasal
Maka dengan sistem struktur penahan gaya gempa pada bangunan ini, digunakan secara konservatif ρ=1
karena KDS struktur adalah C

2.2.11. Perhitungan Gaya Geser Dasar (Statik Ekivalen)

Berikut data parameter-parameter seismik pada bangunan ini hasil perhitungan pada langkah sebelumnya yang
ditunjukkan pada Tabel 2.10

Tabel 2.10
Data Parameter Seismik

Data Bangunan

Fungsi Bangunan : Rumah Tinggal

Jumlah Lantai : 3 Lantai
Lokasi : Samarinda
Kondisi Tanah : Tanah Keras (SD)

Kategori Resiko : II
Faktor Keutamaan Bangunan, Ie :1
Kelas Situs : Tanah Keras (SD)
Percepatan Respon Spectral (MCE) terpetakan
SS : 0.100
S1 : 0.100
Koefisien Situs
Fa : 1.6
Fv : 2.4
Percepatan Respon Spectral (MCE) terpetakan
SMS : 0.160
SM1 : 0.240
Percepatan Respon Spectral
SDS : 0.10g
SD1 : 0.16g
Kategori Desain Seismik :C
Sistem Struktur Penahan Gempa : Rangka Beton Bertulang Pemikul
Momen Menengah
Koefisien Modifikasi Respons, R : 5
Faktor Perbesaran Defleksi, Cd : 4.5
Faktor Kuat Lebih, Ω0 : 3
Faktor Redudansi, ρ : 1
Parameter Gempa
2.3. Kombinasi Beban
Reduksi masa gempa yang dignakan adalah sebagai berikut :
Faktor Reduksi Berat sendiri / Self-Weight (DL) 1
Faktor Reduksi Beban mati tambahan / Super impose Dead Load (SDL) 1
Faktor Reduksi Beban Hidup (LL) 0.25

Faktor reduksi kekuatan yang digunakan pada perhitungan desain struktur beton bertulang mengacu pada SNI
2847 : 2013 “Persyaratan Beton Struktural Untuk Bangunan Gedung” yang ditunjukkan pada Tabel 3.1

Tabel 3.1.
Faktor Reduksi Kekuatan
Kuat Rencana Fakor Reduksi Kekuatan
Penampang terkendali tarik 0.9
Penampang terkendali tekan
- Komponen struktur dengan tulangan spiral 0.75
- Kompenen struktru lainnya 0.65
Geser dan torsi 0.75
Tumpuan pada beton 0.65
Beton polos Struktural 0.55
3.1 Pemodelan Struktur Gedung Serbaguna

3.1.1 Visualisasi 3 dimensi

Visualisasi 3 Dimensi Visualisasi 3 Dimensi

Visualisasi 3 Dimensi Visualisasi 3 Dimensi

3.2.2 Rencana Balok dan Kolom

Pemodelan dilakukan dengan pemodelan berdasarkan denah arsitektur dan denah struktur. Berikut pemodelan
struktur Gedung Serbaguna.

Denah Balok-Kolom Elv. 0 m

Denah Balok-Kolom Elv. +7 m
Denah Balok-Kolom Elv. +10.5 m

3.2.3 Input Parameter Beban Pelat Lantai

Penempatan Beban Pada Pelat Lantai

Beban Pelat Lantai Elv. +3.5 m

Beban Pelat Lantai Elv. +7 m

Beban Pelat Lantai Elv. +10.5 m
3.2.4 Input Parameter Beban Dinding Pada Balok Lantai

Penempatan Beban Dinding Lantai Elv. +3.5 m

Penempatan Beban Dinding Lantai Elv. +7 m


4.1 Displacement

Kontrol displacement Ijin dengan 240/L - 360/L > Defleksi Rencana bentang terpanjang balok di struktur ini
adalah 445 cm , Maka (445/360 = 1.24 cm) Harus <defleksi rencana

Displacement pada kolom Elv. +4.5 m

Displacement pada kolom Elv. +7 m

Displacement pada kolom Elv. +10.5 m

Displacement < 1.24 cm = OK

4.2 Gaya Dalam Momen

Gaya Dalam Momen pada Balok Elv. +3.5 m

Gaya Dalam Momen pada Balok Elv. +7 m

Gaya Dalam Momen pada Balok Elv. +10.5 m

Gaya Dalam Momen pada Bangunan

4.3 Reaksi Perletakan dan Pondasi Gedung Serbaguna

Reaksi Perletakan Bangunan


Pondasi yang akan diterapkan adalah pondasi minipile s = 20 cm. Berikut hasil yang didapat dari SANSPRO

Data Desain Pondasi Bangunan

Hasil Pondasi pada Bangunan

Analisis perhitungan struktur beton bertulang yang meliputi elemen, balok, dan kolom dilakukan dengan hasil
luaran software dan diverifikasi analisis sesuai SNI 2847:2019. Berikut review pada elemen struktur berdasarkan
SNI 2847:2019 dengan software Sanspro 5.20

5.1 Kolom dan Balok dari Program Sanspro

Tulangan Kolom Elv. +3.5 m

Tulangan Kolom Elv. +7 m
Tulangan Kolom Elv. +10.5 m
Tulangan Balok Elv. +3.5 m
Tulangan Balok Elv. +7 m
Tulangan Balok Elv. +10.5 m

5.2 Hasil Desain

Lokasi Komponen Profil Desain

Balok Induk B20/40 Memenuhi syarat
Lantai 1 Balok Anak B15/25 Memenuhi syarat
Kolom K25/45 Memenuhi syarat
Balok Induk B20/40 Memenuhi syarat
Lantai 2 Balok Anak B15/25 Memenuhi syarat
Kolom K25/45 Memenuhi syarat
Balok Induk B20/35 Memenuhi syarat
Lantai 3 Balok Anak B15/25 Memenuhi syarat
Kolom K20/40 Memenuhi syarat
SANSPRO V.5.20 - Steel Capacity Design
Design Code : ACI-89, PBI-91, ACI-2002, PBI-2003, PBI-2012, PBBI-2013
Unit system :,,
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, 1992-2017
Engineering Software Research Center
Revised for Material Schedule, 2017

LICENSEE : Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima RT.051, Sidodadi, Samarinda Ulu, SAMARINDA

Design Code : PBI-2003, ACI-2002 (Using 1.25 fy and 1.4 fps)
Unit System : kg,cm,

Project : Residential Pelita 20

Notes :

Flr Beam Id | L | Left | Mid | Right | Bar | Bw / Ht | s-lft s-rgt Bar | Atl Atr
1 1 55 | 222.5 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.1 0.0
1 2 56 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 3 57 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 4.4 7.2
1 4 58 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 5 59 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 6 60 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 7 61 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 8 62 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 9 63 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.9 0.0
1 10 64 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.4 3.6
1 11 65 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 12 66 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 13 67 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 14 68 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 15 69 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 16 70 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 17 71 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 18 72 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.8 3.4
1 19 73 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 20 74 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 21 75 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 22 76 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.5 0.0
1 23 77 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 24 78 | 107.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.9 2.3
1 25 79 | 222.5 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.0 0.0
1 26 80 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.0 1.7
1 27 81 | 215.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.2 3.2
1 28 82 | 215.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.8 2.6
1 29 83 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.7 0.0
1 30 84 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.0 2.1
1 31 85 | 215.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.6 3.4
1 32 86 | 215.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.5 2.7
1 33 87 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.1 0.0
1 34 88 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 1.1
1 35 89 | 215.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.2 2.5
1 36 90 | 215.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.9 2.0
1 37 91 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.0 0.0
1 38 92 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.0 0.9
1 39 93 | 215.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.9 3.8
1 40 94 | 215.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.8 3.3
1 41 95 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.4 0.6
1 42 96 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.2
1 43 97 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 44 98 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 45 99 | 400.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 46 100 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 47 101 | 127.7 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.3 0.0
1 48 102 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.1
1 49 103 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 50 104 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 51 105 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 52 106 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.8 0.0
1 53 107 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 54 108 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.4
1 55 109 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.8 1.4
1 56 110 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 57 111 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
1 58 112 | 229.2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.3 4.8
1 59 113 | 228.6 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 3.0 2.7
1 60 114 | 443.2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 1 115 | 222.5 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.1 0.0
2 2 116 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 3 117 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 4.4 7.2
2 4 118 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 5 119 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 6 120 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 7 121 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 8 122 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 9 123 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.9 0.0
2 10 124 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.2 3.4
2 11 125 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 12 126 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 13 127 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 14 128 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 15 129 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 16 130 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 17 131 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 18 132 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.7 3.2
2 19 133 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 20 134 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 21 135 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 22 136 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.4 0.0
2 23 137 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 24 138 | 107.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 2.1
2 25 139 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.0 0.0
2 26 140 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.1 1.7
2 27 141 | 215.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.2 3.4
2 28 142 | 215.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 3.0 2.6
2 29 143 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.8 0.0
2 30 144 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.2 2.3
2 31 145 | 215.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.7 3.6
2 32 146 | 215.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.7 2.9
2 33 147 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.2 0.0
2 34 148 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 1.3
2 35 149 | 215.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.3 2.7
2 36 150 | 215.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.0 2.1
2 37 151 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 1.1 0.0
2 38 152 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 1.0
2 39 153 | 215.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.0 4.0
2 40 154 | 215.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 3.0 3.5
2 41 155 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.3 0.4
2 42 156 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.2
2 43 157 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 44 158 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 45 159 | 400.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 46 160 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 47 161 | 127.7 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.3 0.0
2 48 162 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.1
2 49 163 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 50 164 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 51 165 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 52 166 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.8 0.0
2 53 167 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 54 168 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.4
2 55 169 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.8 1.5
2 56 170 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 57 171 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
2 58 172 | 229.2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 2.4 5.1
2 59 173 | 228.6 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 2.8
2 60 174 | 443.2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 40 | 8.8 8.8 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 1 175 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 2 176 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 3 177 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 4 178 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 5 179 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 6 180 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 7 181 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 8 182 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 9 183 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 10 184 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 11 185 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 12 186 | 107.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 13 187 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 14 188 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 15 189 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 16 190 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 2.1 0.0
3 17 191 | 222.5 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 3.0 3.2
3 18 192 | 215.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 2.1 4.4
3 19 193 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 2.9
3 20 194 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 1.6 0.0
3 21 195 | 222.5 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 4/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 1.8
3 22 196 | 215.0 | 4/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 1.2 0.0
3 23 197 | 215.0 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 2.6
3 24 198 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 3 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 25 199 | 222.5 | 2/ 3 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.9
3 26 200 | 215.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.8 0.0
3 27 201 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 28 202 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 29 203 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 3/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 2.8
3 30 204 | 215.0 | 3/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 1.7 0.0
3 31 205 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 3.2
3 32 206 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 33 207 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 34 208 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 35 209 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 36 210 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 37 211 | 173.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 38 212 | 400.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 39 213 | 300.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 40 214 | 350.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 41 215 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 42 216 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 43 217 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 44 218 | 0.1 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 45 219 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 46 220 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 47 221 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 48 222 | 222.5 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 5.7
3 49 223 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 3.8 0.0
3 50 224 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 51 225 | 229.2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 52 226 | 228.6 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 53 227 | 443.2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 54 228 | 167.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 55 229 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 56 230 | 215.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 57 231 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 3.8 5.5
3 58 232 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 20/ 35 | 7.7 7.7 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 59 233 | 127.7 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 60 234 | 222.4 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.0 0.0
3 61 235 | 73.0 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | 2/ 2 | d13 | 15/ 25 | 5.1 5.1 d10 | 0.6 0.8
SANSPRO V.5.20 - Steel Capacity Design
Design Code : ACI-89, PBI-91, ACI-2002, PBI-2003, PBI-2012, PBBI-2013
Unit system :,,
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, 1992-2017
Engineering Software Research Center
Revised for Material Schedule, 2017

LICENSEE : Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima RT.051, Sidodadi, Samarinda Ulu, SAMARINDA

Design Code : PBI-2003, ACI-2002 (Using 1.25 fy and 1.4 fps)
Unit System : kg,cm,

Project : Residential Pelita 20

Notes :


Id | Ml-top Ml-bot | Mr-top Mr-bot | Vl Vr | Tl Tr
55 | 824099.19 438488.16 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 8642.0 1474.9 | 31499.48 31499.48
56 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 965.9 2270.1 | 25819.57 25819.57
57 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 980.5 444.1 | 48834.81 48834.81
58 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 1020.4 2067.9 | 12943.27 12943.27
59 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2118.0 1696.4 | 14146.57 14146.57
60 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3630.3 3455.6 | 4412.31 4412.31
61 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2791.0 2295.9 | 1634.97 1634.97
62 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3187.3 2899.1 | 3025.05 3025.05
63 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2803.8 790.8 | 33923.50 33923.50
64 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3272.3 4134.4 | 83429.46 83429.46
65 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2772.1 353.5 | 5722.71 5722.71
66 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 189.9 731.5 | 5722.71 5722.71
67 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 988.3 3473.2 | 14885.05 14885.05
68 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3056.5 2993.6 | 1626.70 1626.70
69 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2446.0 2618.5 | 1331.16 1331.16
70 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3534.5 3501.3 | 1022.75 1022.75
71 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 1582.1 1749.0 | 18658.53 18658.53
72 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 824099.19 438488.16 | 3349.6 4855.5 | 37325.46 37325.46
73 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4931.7 4465.9 | 2557.70 2557.70
74 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3471.7 3136.6 | 755.53 755.53
75 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4005.6 3997.4 | 3622.55 3622.55
76 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4362.1 2945.3 | 20337.85 20337.85
77 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 945.7 1255.0 | 12520.88 12520.88
78 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2465.2 6463.6 | 31001.99 31001.99
79 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 6033.7 2503.7 | 19298.58 19298.58
80 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 824099.19 438488.16 | 3859.4 7389.4 | 25445.07 25445.07
81 | 824099.19 438488.16 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 7804.5 4346.1 | 70851.98 70851.98
82 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 3332.6 6706.2 | 62078.45 62078.45
83 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4523.6 2772.9 | 24200.66 24200.66
84 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 3667.4 5508.0 | 24188.33 24188.33
85 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 6761.8 5029.3 | 40205.95 40205.95
86 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 4434.4 6166.9 | 41700.61 41700.61
87 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4287.7 2450.1 | 14376.75 14376.75
88 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 3276.6 5117.2 | 13038.08 13038.08
89 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 6301.7 4569.2 | 23798.71 23798.71
90 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 3959.2 5691.8 | 23482.70 23482.70
91 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4827.8 3031.1 | 14710.00 14710.00
92 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 3874.0 5670.7 | 12533.69 12533.69
93 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 5912.3 4209.7 | 39014.21 39014.21
94 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3509.3 5208.9 | 39431.53 39431.53
95 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 3268.4 3090.2 | 8209.97 8209.97
96 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 390.1 2399.3 | 3509.55 3509.55
97 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 271446.47 234419.53 | 3696.6 3834.2 | 166.73 166.73
98 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2965.7 3246.6 | 56.40 56.40
99 | 271446.47 234419.53 | 271446.47 234419.53 | 4524.8 4324.6 | 42.62 42.62
100 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1214.3 126.7 | 8232.57 8232.57
101 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2329.4 621.6 | 4926.73 4926.73
102 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 286.7 3076.1 | 1014.88 1014.88
103 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2210.8 2079.6 | 97.35 97.35
104 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1603.1 1814.4 | 138.75 138.75
105 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2588.0 2575.3 | 48.56 48.56
106 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1488.9 263.6 | 7413.05 7413.05
107 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2382.3 821.6 | 1462.09 1462.09
108 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 127.9 1838.1 | 3464.39 3464.39
109 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2056.0 1501.7 | 10123.58 10123.58
110 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 741.5 302.1 | 10972.94 10972.94
111 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 942.4 1265.5 | 641.98 641.98
112 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4487.5 2428.2 | 36309.16 36309.16
113 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 2376.9 5225.1 | 30363.73 30363.73
114 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3765.0 3335.4 | 6262.15 6262.15
115 | 824099.19 438488.16 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 8595.0 1353.4 | 32902.44 32902.44
116 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 1004.8 2333.2 | 25487.62 25487.62
117 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 978.2 407.1 | 50810.80 50810.80
118 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 896.3 1943.8 | 12644.63 12644.63
119 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 1952.8 1395.7 | 19341.27 19341.27
120 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3638.8 3447.0 | 6462.17 6462.17
121 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2810.2 2276.7 | 1714.55 1714.55
122 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3198.8 2887.5 | 4878.30 4878.30
123 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2768.1 670.9 | 34829.11 34829.11
124 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3535.6 4397.7 | 80227.09 80227.09
125 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2770.8 318.6 | 4940.17 4940.17
126 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 169.5 744.0 | 4940.17 4940.17
127 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 989.5 3474.4 | 15070.19 15070.19
128 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3055.4 2994.8 | 1975.20 1975.20
129 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2431.6 2632.9 | 1570.56 1570.56
130 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3537.8 3498.0 | 1086.87 1086.87
131 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 1255.2 1732.9 | 21914.81 21914.81
132 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 824099.19 438488.16 | 3419.8 4925.7 | 35296.19 35296.19
133 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4942.9 4454.8 | 3587.43 3587.43
134 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3488.4 3120.0 | 813.00 813.00
135 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4001.3 4001.7 | 4661.47 4661.47
136 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4430.7 3013.9 | 19547.67 19547.67
137 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 886.6 1195.9 | 11520.13 11520.13
138 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 2350.3 6548.7 | 27801.98 27801.98
139 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 5899.3 2156.1 | 17848.05 17848.05
140 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 824099.19 438488.16 | 3475.8 7144.5 | 24684.90 24684.90
141 | 824099.19 438488.16 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 7514.6 4008.7 | 72210.25 72210.25
142 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 2941.4 6586.1 | 62172.38 62172.38
143 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4230.7 2390.1 | 24241.64 24241.64
144 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 3306.0 5146.6 | 24142.44 24142.44
145 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 6572.8 4668.4 | 39965.65 39965.65
146 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 4041.4 5826.0 | 41535.18 41535.18
147 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3930.9 2090.3 | 14732.02 14732.02
148 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 2924.9 4765.5 | 13379.37 13379.37
149 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 6055.0 4213.1 | 23690.08 23690.08
150 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 3588.3 5352.5 | 23296.53 23296.53
151 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4519.6 2696.4 | 15399.81 15399.81
152 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 3558.9 5472.3 | 13007.06 13007.06
153 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 5739.7 3896.7 | 39688.64 39688.64
154 | 418625.79 611698.77 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3142.8 4842.4 | 39782.00 39782.00
155 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 3398.8 3220.6 | 6071.49 6071.49
156 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 376.8 2412.7 | 3305.53 3305.53
157 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 271446.47 234419.53 | 3697.9 3832.9 | 182.60 182.60
158 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2965.7 3246.6 | 51.42 51.42
159 | 271446.47 234419.53 | 271446.47 234419.53 | 4525.1 4324.3 | 65.37 65.37
160 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1190.0 130.2 | 8740.21 8740.21
161 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2321.6 613.8 | 4717.89 4717.89
162 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 294.3 3083.7 | 886.69 886.69
163 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2205.7 2084.7 | 60.14 60.14
164 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1602.9 1814.6 | 133.48 133.48
165 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2588.6 2574.8 | 57.07 57.07
166 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1512.5 270.5 | 7498.19 7498.19
167 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2378.0 825.9 | 1351.37 1351.37
168 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 126.6 1842.6 | 3437.55 3437.55
169 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2052.0 1505.6 | 10675.57 10675.57
170 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 756.7 286.9 | 11546.05 11546.05
171 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 720.8 1077.9 | 1356.71 1356.71
172 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 4248.8 2032.3 | 35733.96 35733.96
173 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 611698.77 418625.79 | 2096.6 4944.9 | 28859.49 28859.49
174 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 418625.45 418625.45 | 3666.4 3164.4 | 7409.72 7409.72
175 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1398.4 1338.8 | 3100.93 3100.93
176 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1046.9 821.4 | 2089.87 2089.87
177 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1238.5 1064.3 | 5327.00 5327.00
178 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 896.3 285.9 | 9201.91 9201.91
179 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1334.6 1362.1 | 1429.37 1429.37
180 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 979.8 870.4 | 1144.80 1144.80
181 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1151.5 1122.0 | 1828.06 1828.06
182 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 2536.6 2076.6 | 865.71 865.71
183 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1628.0 1474.9 | 258.96 258.96
184 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1937.3 1920.8 | 1647.60 1647.60
185 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 2245.6 1071.0 | 4401.19 4401.19
186 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1203.8 1459.5 | 9618.10 9618.10
187 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 602.2 509.4 | 13215.65 13215.65
188 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 674.5 313.8 | 5931.60 5931.60
189 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 529020.45 361878.87 | 2004.9 3252.7 | 4322.56 4322.56
190 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361878.87 529020.45 | 2990.5 1186.6 | 23064.43 23064.43
191 | 361878.87 529020.45 | 529020.45 361878.87 | 2109.0 3995.5 | 32661.38 32661.38
192 | 529020.45 361878.87 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 3870.2 2110.5 | 31274.83 31274.83
193 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1197.2 2878.0 | 20004.00 20004.00
194 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361878.87 529020.45 | 3242.3 1397.0 | 17510.16 17510.16
195 | 361878.87 529020.45 | 691382.69 361837.35 | 2465.0 4398.3 | 17014.00 17014.00
196 | 691382.69 361837.35 | 361878.87 529020.45 | 4240.5 2420.5 | 16783.35 16783.35
197 | 361878.87 529020.45 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1367.8 3070.7 | 18128.20 18128.20
198 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361878.87 529020.45 | 3050.7 1217.5 | 10712.33 10712.33
199 | 361878.87 529020.45 | 529020.45 361878.87 | 2189.5 4122.8 | 9636.50 9636.50
200 | 529020.45 361878.87 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 3997.2 2177.2 | 10914.13 10914.13
201 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1200.5 2895.2 | 11486.02 11486.02
202 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 2629.1 891.1 | 20829.92 20829.92
203 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 529020.45 361878.87 | 1612.6 3500.0 | 22497.34 22497.34
204 | 529020.45 361878.87 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 3597.9 1812.2 | 21071.98 21071.98
205 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1047.6 2699.0 | 21273.02 21273.02
206 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 141.5 941.4 | 8744.01 8744.01
207 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2130.2 2142.5 | 417.72 417.72
208 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1486.0 1349.3 | 110.67 110.67
209 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1823.1 1730.9 | 326.86 326.86
210 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 526.9 343.3 | 2464.28 2464.28
211 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 110.4 972.5 | 8922.92 8922.92
212 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 2087.0 2104.6 | 457.50 457.50
213 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1461.4 1337.6 | 80.43 80.43
214 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1814.3 1681.0 | 302.89 302.89
215 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 945.0 70.9 | 2202.70 2202.70
216 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 402.2 590.0 | 4153.34 4153.34
217 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 627.7 309.3 | 2038.30 2038.30
218 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 309.3 309.3 | 2038.30 2038.30
219 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 763.8 516.3 | 7728.17 7728.17
220 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 551.5 340.0 | 8012.89 8012.89
221 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1559.2 520.5 | 10186.80 10186.80
222 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 202.5 978.7 | 31820.79 31820.79
223 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 921.7 205.5 | 31576.69 31576.69
224 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 510.6 1487.0 | 13767.95 13767.95
225 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 992.3 607.2 | 8284.19 8284.19
226 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 472.5 1384.9 | 3903.89 3903.89
227 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 883.5 763.8 | 3983.91 3983.91
228 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 1112.3 353.7 | 14125.73 14125.73
229 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 54.4 115.7 | 9738.48 9738.48
230 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 166.3 574.4 | 9738.48 9738.48
231 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 988.0 1112.1 | 32354.20 32354.20
232 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 361939.58 361939.58 | 433.1 682.5 | 1904.78 1904.78
233 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 210.5 350.8 | 1102.00 1102.00
234 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 244.4 763.9 | 2707.38 2707.38
235 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 222643.55 222643.55 | 1746.0 1905.7 | 6397.47 6397.47
SANSPRO V.5.20 - Steel Capacity Design
Design Code : ACI-89, PBI-91, ACI-2002, PBI-2003, PBI-2012, PBBI-2013
Unit system :,,
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, 1992-2017
Engineering Software Research Center
Revised for Material Schedule, 2017

LICENSEE : Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima RT.051, Sidodadi, Samarinda Ulu, SAMARINDA

Design Code : PBI-2003, ACI-2002 (Using 1.25 fy and 1.4 fps)
Unit System : kg,cm,

Project : Residential Pelita 20

Notes :


Flr Id | Mux Nmax Nmin | Muy Nmax Nmin
3 37 | 306646.9 2498.1 1141.6 | 65635.0 2498.1 1960.3
| 245609.4 3170.1 1813.6 | 68413.4 3170.1 2632.3
3 38 | 25052.5 1740.1 358.1 | 158042.5 1744.7 -1254.1
| 30675.7 2412.1 1030.1 | 147566.5 2416.7 -582.1
3 39 | 79784.1 1177.0 337.1 | 113761.5 1282.5 -642.7
| 93823.8 1849.0 1009.1 | 98929.7 1954.5 29.3
3 40 | 25019.6 4246.5 3357.5 | 197867.6 4250.4 2320.4
| 30214.9 4918.5 4029.5 | 164608.6 4922.4 2992.4
3 41 | 44872.9 3767.8 2073.5 | 198231.9 3767.8 3100.7
| 39516.7 4439.8 2745.5 | 165381.5 4439.8 3772.7
3 42 | 82827.5 4299.4 2428.9 | 214530.5 4299.4 3456.1
| 67175.9 4971.4 3100.9 | 157716.7 4971.4 4128.1
3 43 | 56574.4 4165.4 2236.2 | 215397.7 4165.4 3301.0
| 48487.4 4837.4 2908.2 | 180396.3 4837.4 3973.0
3 44 | 61381.6 4534.1 2346.2 | 230553.9 4534.1 3605.0
| 55047.9 5206.1 3018.2 | 194912.0 5206.1 4277.0
3 45 | 105971.6 3931.4 1874.6 | 227954.5 3852.1 2939.4
| 100552.9 4603.4 2546.6 | 193393.8 4524.1 3611.4
3 46 | 84375.1 10555.5 9011.8 | 191963.3 10555.5 10076.6
| 64739.5 11227.5 9683.8 | 167839.6 11227.5 10748.6
3 47 | 43197.9 9580.5 7764.7 | 162745.3 9580.5 9023.6
| 40361.0 10252.5 8436.7 | 151283.5 10252.5 9695.6
3 48 | 51755.0 8961.0 7425.1 | 151676.9 8961.0 8489.9
| 41727.8 9633.0 8097.1 | 144307.8 9633.0 9161.9
3 49 | 15217.4 8838.9 7213.9 | 140658.6 8838.9 8278.7
| 25893.3 9510.9 7885.9 | 126150.8 9510.9 8950.7
3 50 | 55332.3 4653.6 2562.5 | 228103.2 4653.6 3776.9
| 49260.3 5325.6 3234.5 | 168823.7 5325.6 4448.9
3 51 | 118137.2 4191.7 2157.8 | 223881.1 4065.5 3185.0
| 104364.4 4863.7 2829.8 | 185570.5 4737.5 3857.0
3 52 | 56340.3 1558.7 612.7 | 44479.7 1558.7 -1118.9
| 39261.5 1894.7 948.7 | 39699.1 1894.7 -782.9
3 53 | 45575.6 1534.0 308.9 | 201269.9 1534.0 1158.5
| 35430.1 2206.0 980.9 | 150262.2 2206.0 1830.5
3 54 | 43019.0 1626.4 341.5 | 188669.0 1626.4 1191.1
| 38145.8 2298.4 1013.5 | 119148.4 2298.4 1863.1
2 19 | 203569.1 13825.0 7973.5 | 434102.6 12573.8 10450.6
| 197432.7 14770.0 8918.5 | 380949.2 13518.8 11395.6
2 20 | 79622.1 13328.2 8394.2 | 366474.6 12881.9 10810.6
| 68749.8 14273.2 9339.2 | 328720.4 13826.9 11755.6
2 21 | 132472.3 12366.5 7518.3 | 345429.6 11658.3 9747.5
| 127106.2 13311.5 8463.3 | 309460.2 12603.3 10692.5
2 22 | 100800.6 12248.0 8040.0 | 399570.7 12180.1 10269.3
| 95765.4 13193.0 8985.0 | 358316.3 13125.1 11214.3
2 23 | 61048.1 14302.7 10251.2 | 407874.5 14302.7 10460.6
| 53303.6 15247.7 11196.2 | 367652.5 15247.7 11405.6
2 24 | 81845.0 13559.4 8557.2 | 444623.3 12849.7 10868.5
| 78018.3 14504.4 9502.2 | 380949.2 13794.7 11813.5
2 25 | 104395.6 14736.8 9530.4 | 480525.5 14183.3 12035.8
| 95440.5 15681.8 10475.4 | 380949.2 15128.3 12980.8
2 26 | 175386.8 14104.5 8238.7 | 482228.7 13008.4 10807.0
| 165831.1 15049.5 9183.7 | 380949.2 13953.4 11752.0
2 27 | 74980.8 21260.7 17868.8 | 416820.6 21260.7 20180.1
| 75543.3 22205.7 18813.8 | 380949.2 22205.7 21125.1
2 28 | 70215.8 23027.6 19371.7 | 434244.6 23027.6 21877.2
| 64629.5 23972.6 20316.7 | 380949.2 23972.6 22822.2
2 29 | 87810.0 27870.9 24092.2 | 456351.5 27870.9 26660.5
| 83255.4 28815.9 25037.2 | 435656.9 28815.9 27605.5
2 30 | 51042.1 9243.8 4529.0 | 324242.7 9454.6 4083.2
| 31707.0 10188.8 5474.0 | 235904.6 10399.6 5028.2
2 31 | 199923.4 7282.1 3720.9 | 280592.9 7309.5 3693.6
| 184787.5 8227.1 4665.9 | 236671.5 8254.5 4638.6
2 32 | 583373.3 13946.8 10678.1 | 181116.6 13946.8 12449.2
| 455575.3 14891.8 11623.1 | 164203.2 14891.8 13394.2
2 33 | 65548.7 22626.0 18995.2 | 356839.2 22626.0 21306.6
| 64194.0 23571.0 19940.2 | 336713.0 23571.0 22251.6
2 34 | 108842.1 4816.8 2579.4 | 88304.6 4816.8 1386.5
| 87090.3 5341.8 3104.4 | 82622.2 5341.8 1911.5
2 35 | 81567.9 10084.8 7653.7 | 358356.3 10084.8 5777.3
| 77594.4 11029.8 8598.7 | 332661.9 11029.8 6722.3
2 36 | 60139.5 4820.0 2160.7 | 261800.7 4820.0 284.3
| 52896.2 5765.0 3105.7 | 190474.6 5765.0 1229.3
1 1 | 133834.9 24424.8 14139.5 | 348654.3 21432.3 18066.4
| 81877.2 25369.8 15084.5 | 151127.0 22377.3 19011.4
1 2 | 84766.0 22629.6 14475.4 | 310907.8 21195.4 18093.9
| 33092.1 23574.6 15420.4 | 131871.6 22140.4 19038.9
1 3 | 87464.1 21121.9 12868.0 | 292690.9 19240.4 16299.3
| 61593.3 22066.9 13813.0 | 125664.4 20185.4 17244.3
1 4 | 68421.0 21273.4 14289.1 | 314077.1 20661.5 17720.4
| 47430.8 22218.4 15234.1 | 138523.4 21606.5 18665.4
1 5 | 47404.4 25107.4 17430.2 | 318955.3 23986.4 18886.2
| 27481.5 26052.4 18375.2 | 141834.5 24931.4 19831.2
1 6 | 65335.7 23655.9 15149.6 | 340473.5 21757.2 18707.6
| 32765.5 24600.9 16094.6 | 156477.5 22702.2 19652.6
1 7 | 81270.4 25607.0 16963.3 | 364065.1 23931.3 20715.3
| 32735.6 26552.0 17908.3 | 169241.0 24876.3 21660.3
1 8 | 120058.2 25312.5 15053.2 | 367032.0 22615.3 19125.1
| 58783.7 26257.5 15998.2 | 176253.5 23560.3 20070.1
1 9 | 41826.0 33891.0 28618.8 | 353015.5 33891.0 32176.7
| 38480.9 34836.0 29563.8 | 111752.5 34836.0 33121.7
1 10 | 53983.4 36772.0 31253.3 | 369177.4 36772.0 35005.3
| 12843.0 37717.0 32198.3 | 115197.3 37717.0 35950.3
1 11 | 67088.5 45456.0 39409.1 | 388390.5 45456.0 43481.0
| 20679.0 46401.0 40354.1 | 126938.1 46401.0 44426.0
1 12 | 53303.9 17077.5 9029.9 | 235904.6 16356.8 9750.6
| 24721.0 18022.5 9974.9 | 135912.6 17301.8 10695.6
1 13 | 140745.7 13707.0 7424.6 | 236671.5 12782.0 8349.7
| 54561.1 14652.0 8369.6 | 96530.9 13727.0 9294.7
1 14 | 455575.3 25838.9 20462.6 | 128743.1 25520.7 23186.2
| 268074.4 26783.9 21407.6 | 56006.5 26465.7 24131.2
1 15 | 27271.7 36719.2 31010.4 | 313688.8 36719.2 34568.3
| 32405.3 37664.2 31955.4 | 98735.2 37664.2 35513.3
1 16 | 98078.8 8407.6 4703.2 | 51185.7 8407.6 4049.0
| 47691.1 8932.6 5228.2 | 23880.7 8932.6 4574.0
1 17 | 55384.7 18910.9 15240.9 | 221336.6 18910.9 10638.6
| 48508.6 19855.9 16185.9 | 170687.7 19855.9 11583.6
1 18 | 46310.0 8142.3 4062.6 | 190474.6 8142.3 -539.7
| 26291.7 9087.3 5007.6 | 136629.0 9087.3 405.3
SANSPRO V.5.20 - Steel Capacity Design
Design Code : ACI-89, PBI-91, ACI-2002, PBI-2003, PBI-2012, PBBI-2013
Unit system :,,
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, 1992-2017
Engineering Software Research Center
Revised for Material Schedule, 2017

LICENSEE : Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima RT.051, Sidodadi, Samarinda Ulu, SAMARINDA

Design Code : PBI-2003, ACI-2002 (Using 1.25 fy and 1.4 fps)
Unit System : kg,cm,

Project : Residential Pelita 20

Notes :


Flr No. Id Set | H | Nbt Nbf %As Atr ntr spc | Nx Ny | Atx Aty | spcx spcy
3 22 37 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 16 38 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 21 39 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 15 40 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 13 41 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 10 42 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 12 43 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 9 44 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 6 45 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 5 46 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 8 47 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 11 48 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 14 49 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 7 50 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 4 51 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 27 52 44 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 2.0 0.00 0 5.00 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.00 5.00
3 1 53 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
3 3 54 105 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.0 0.00 0 4.72 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 4.72 4.72
2 4 19 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 7 20 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 10 21 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 13 22 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 15 23 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 12 24 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 9 25 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 6 26 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 11 27 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 8 28 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 5 29 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 16 30 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 21 31 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 22 32 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 14 33 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 27 34 45 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.3 0.00 0 6.25 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 6.25 6.25
2 1 35 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
2 3 36 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 4 1 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 7 2 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 10 3 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 13 4 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 15 5 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 12 6 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 9 7 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 6 8 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 11 9 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 8 10 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 5 11 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 16 12 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 21 13 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 22 14 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 14 15 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 27 16 45 | 350.00 | 4 0 d16 1.3 0.00 0 6.25 | 4 4 | 0.00 0.00 | 6.25 6.25
1 1 17 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
1 3 18 104 | 350.00 | 8 0 d16 1.4 0.00 0 5.38 | 8 8 | 0.00 0.00 | 5.38 5.38
"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.4


For Non-Composite Inverted Steel Form Deck System with Two Layers of Reinforcing
Subjected to Either Uniform Live load or Concentrated Load
Job Name: Subject:
Job Number: Originator: Checker:

Input Data:
Form Deck Type = 1.5C18 bm=13.85
Form Deck Gage = 18
Deck Steel Yield, Fyd = 33.0 ksi P=5 kips
Thk. of Topping, t(top) = 0.0000 in. w(LL)=200 psf
Total Slab Thickness, h = 6.3000 in. d2 t(top)=0
Concrete Unit Wt., wc = 150 pcf
Concrete Strength, f'c = 3.6 ksi d4
Deck Clear Span, L = 6.0000 ft. d3 b2=4.25 rwt=4.25 d1 tc=4.8
Slab Span Condition = 2-Span h=6.3
Top Main Reinf., As2 = 0.200 in.^2/ft. hd=1.5
Depth to As2, d2 = 0.7900 in. rw=3.5
Bot. Main Reinf., As1 = 0.040 in.^2/ft. p=6 18 ga. Deck
Depth to As1, d1 = 5.5000 in.
Top Distrib. Reinf., Ast2 = 0.200 in.^2/ft. Nomenclature
Depth to Ast2, d4 = 2.2500 in.
Bot. Distrib. Reinf., Ast1 = 0.040 in.^2/ft. Include Deck in Beam Shear Capacity? Yes
Depth to Ast1, d3 = 5.0000 in.
Reinforcing Yield, fy = 71.0 ksi Note: Form deck is assumed not to add to flexural moment
Uniform Live Load, w(LL) = 200 psf capacity of slab. User has option to include or not include
Concentrated Load, P = 5.000 kips form deck shear capacity in total shear capacity of slab.
Load Area Width, b2 = 4.2500 in.
Load Area Length, b3 = 4.2500 in.

Properties and Data:
hd = 1.500 in. hd = deck rib height
p= 6.000 in. p = deck rib pitch (center to center distance between flutes)
rw = 3.500 in. rw = deck rib bearing width (from Vulcraft Table)
rw(avg) = 3.875 in. rw(avg) = average deck rib width (from Vulcraft Table)
td = 0.0474 in. td = deck thickness (inch equivalent of gage)
Idp = 0.295 in.^4 Idp = inertia of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table)
Idn = 0.289 in. Idn = inertia of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table)
Sp = 0.327 in.^3 Sp = positive section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table)
Sn = 0.318 in.^3 Sn = negative section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table)
tc = 4.800 in. tc = h-hd = thickness of slab above top of deck ribs
Wd = 2.72 psf Wd = weight of deck/ft. (from Vulcraft Table)
Wc = 72.11 psf Wc = ((t(top)+$h-hd)*12+2*(hd*(rwt+rw)/2))/144*wc (wt. of conc. for 12'' width)
w(DL) = 74.83 psf w(DL) = Wd+Wc = total dead weight of deck plus concrete

Bending in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads:

P= 0.150 kips P = 0.75*200 lb. man (applied over 1-foot width of deck)
W2 = 20.00 psf W2 = 20 psf construction load
Fb(allow) = 31.35 ksi Fb(allow) = 0.95*Fyd
+Mu = 0.67 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd)/1000*0.096*L^2+1.4*(0.203*P*L)
or: +Mu = 0.37 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.070*L^2
+fbu = 24.43 ksi +fbu = +Mu(max)*12/Sp +fbu <= Allow., O.K.
-Mu = 0.39 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd)/1000*0.063*L^2+1.4*(0.094*P*L)
or: -Mu = 0.66 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = (1.6*Wc/1000+1.2*Wd/1000+1.4*W2/1000)*0.125*L^2
-fbu = 24.90 ksi -fbu = -Mu*12/Sn -fb <= Allow., O.K.

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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.4

Beam Shear in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads:

fVd = 4.160 kips fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table)
Vu = 0.550 kips Vu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.625*L
Vu <= Allow., O.K.
Shear and Negative Moment Interaction in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads:
S.R. = 0.648 S.R. = (Vu/fVd)^2+(Mu/(Fb(allow)*Sn/12))^2 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

Web Crippling (End Bearing) in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads:
fRd = 4.220 kips fRd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table)
Rui = 0.825 kips Rui = ((1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*1.25*L)*0.75 (allowing 1/3 increase)
Ri <= Rd, O.K.
Deflection in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads:
D(DL) = 0.106 in. D(DL) = 0.0054*(Wc+Wd)/12000*L^4/(Es*Id) (Es=29000 ksi)
D(ratio) = L/681 D(ratio) = L*12/D(DL)

Strong Axis Positive Moment for Uniform Live Load:

+fMno = 1.16 ft-kips/ft. +fMno = (0.90*As1*Fy*(d1-a/2))/12
+Mu = 1.54 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.4*(0.096*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.096*w(LL)/1000*L^2)
+Mu > Allow.
Strong Axis Negative Moment for Uniform Live Load:
-fMno = 4.75 ft-kips/ft. -fMno = (0.90*As2*Fy*((h-d2-hd/2)-a/2))/12
-Mu = 2.00 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.4*(0.125*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.125*w(LL)/1000*L^2)
-Mu <= Allow., O.K.
Beam Shear for Uniform Live Load:
fVd = 4.16 kips fVd = Beam shear capacity of form deck is included (from SDI Catalog)
Ac = 60.83 in.^2 Ac = 2*hd*((2*rw(avg)-rw)+rw)/2+(h-hd)*(Pitch+(2*rw(avg)-rw))/2
fVc = 6.17 kips fVc = 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000
fVnt = 10.33 kips fVnt = fVd + fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000
Vu = 1.67 kips Vu = 1.4*(0.625*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.7*(0.625*w(LL)/1000*L)
Vu <= Allow., O.K.
Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Uniform Live Load:
S.R. = 0.204 S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(+fMno))^2 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

Deflection for Uniform Live Load: (assume use of cracked section moment of inertia)
wa(LL) = 209.89 psf wa(LL) = allow. live load = (fMno *(1/0.070)/L^2-1.4*w(DL))/1.7
+Ma = 0.95 ft-kips/ft. +Ma = (0.096*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+(0.096*w(LL)/1000*L^2)
Ie = 110.59 in.^4 Ie = (Mcr/Ma)^3*Ig+(1-(Mcr/Ma)^3)*Icr <= Ig
D(LL) = 0.0060 in. D(LL) = 0.0054*w(LL)/12000*L^4/(Ec*Ie) (Ec=Es/n)
D(ratio) = L/11934 D(ratio) = L*12/D(LL)

Maximum Effective Slab Strip Width for Concentrated Load:

be(max) = 81.37 in. be(max) = 8.9*(tc/h)*12

Strong Axis Positive Moment for Concentrated Load:

x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending)
bm = 13.85 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc
be = 37.85 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max)
a= 0.078 in. a = As1*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) where: b = 12"
+fMno = 1.16 ft-kips/ft. +fMno = (0.90*As1*Fy*(d1-a/2))/12
+Mu = 3.64 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.4*(0.096*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.203*P*L)*(12/be)
+Mu > Allow.


2 of 4 11/19/2022 12:56 AM
"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.4

Strong Axis Negative Moment for Concentrated Load:

x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending)
bm = 13.85 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc
be = 37.85 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max)
b= 7.75 in. b = 12/p*rw(avg) = width for negative bending
a= 0.606 in. a = As2*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b)
-fMno = 4.75 ft-kips/ft. -fMno = (0.90*As2*Fy*((h-d2-hd/2)-a/2))/12
-Mu = 1.99 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.4*(0.125*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.094*P*L)*(12/be)
-Mu <= Allow., O.K.
Beam Shear for Concentrated Load:
x= 6.30 in. x = h (assumed for beam shear)
bm = 13.85 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc
be = 19.60 in. be = bm+(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max)
fVd = 4.16 kips fVd = 0, as beam shear capacity of form deck alone is neglected
Ac = 60.83 in.^2 Ac = 2*hd*((2*rw(avg)-rw)+rw)/2+(h-hd)*(Pitch+(2*rw(avg)-rw))/2
fVc = 6.17 kips fVc = 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000
fVnt = 10.33 kips fVnt = fVd + fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000
Vu = 5.60 kips Vu = 1.4*(0.625*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.7*(P*12/be) Vu <= Allow., O.K.

Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Concentrated Load:

S.R. = 0.470 S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(-fMno))^2 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

Punching Shear for Concentrated Load:

bo = 36.20 in. bo = 2*(b2+b3+2*tc)
fVc = 17.62 kips fVc = 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*bo*tc/1000
Vu = 8.50 kips Vu =1.7*P Vu <= Allow., O.K.

Deflection for Concentrated Load:

n= 8 n = Es/Ec = 29000/(33*wc^1.5*SQRT(f'c*1000)/1000), rounded
fr = 0.447 ksi fr = 7.5*SQRT(f'c*1000)
kd = 0.5156 in. kd = (SQRT(2*d1*(b/(n*As1))+1)-1)/(b/(n*As1))
Ig = 110.59 in. Ig = 12*tc^3/12
Mcr = 1.72 ft-kips/ft. Mcr = (fr*Ig/(tc/2))/12
Ma = 2.19 ft-kips/ft. +Ma = 0.096*w(DL)/1000*L^2+0.203*P*L*(12/be)
Icr = 8.50 in.^4 Icr = b*kd^3/3+n*As1*(d1-kd)^2
Ie = 57.86 in.^4 Ie = (Mcr/Ma)^3*Ig+(1-(Mcr/Ma)^3)*Icr <= Ig
D(P) = 0.04231 in. D(P) = 0.015*P*(12/be)*L^3/(Ec*Ie) (Ec=Es/n)
D(ratio) = L/1702 D(ratio) = L*12/D(P)

Weak Axis Moment for Concentrated Load:

A'c = 57.60 in.^2 A'c = 12*tc
Ast(min) = 0.043 in.^2/ft. Ast(min) = 0.00075*A'c Ast >=Ast(min), O.K.
x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending)
bm = 13.85 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc
be = 37.85 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max)
w= 40.25 in. w = (L*12)/2+b3 <= L*12
a= 0.078 in. a = Ast1*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) where: b = 12"
fMnw = 1.06 ft-kips/ft. fMnw = (0.90*As*Fy*(d2-a/2))/12
Muw = 0.53 ft-kips/ft. Muw = (1.7*(P*be*12/(15*w)))/12 Muw <=Allow., O.K.

Crack Control (Top Face Tension Reinf. Spacing Limitations) per ACI 318-99 Code:
-Ma = 1.24 ft-kips/ft. -Ma = (0.125*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+(0.125*w(LL)/1000*L^2)
fs = 17.03 ksi fs=12*Ma/(As2*d*(1-((2*As2/(b*d)*n+(As2/(b*d)*n)^2)^(1/2)-As2/(b*d)*n)/3))
fs(used) = 17.03 ksi fs(used) = minimum of: 'fs' and 0.6*fy
s2(max) = 25.36 in. s2(max) = minimum of: (540/fs(used))-2.5*(d2-0.25) and 12*36/fs(used)

3 of 4 11/19/2022 12:56 AM
"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.4

Concentrated Load Distribution for Slab on Metal Deck

4 of 4 11/19/2022 12:56 AM
SANSPRO V.5.10 Foundation Design Utility
(C) Nathan Madutujuh, 1988-2018
Code: ACI-318-2011, PBI-91, PBI-2002, PBI-2013
Licensee: Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima RT.051, Sidodadi, Samarinda Ulu, SAMARINDA


1. Reactions Forces

- Reactions are taken Automatically from Load Cases and combined into design group
- User Load Factors will not be used for combinations
- Live Load Reduction Factors use user defined live load reductions:
- Live Load Reduction Factor for Storey Number LLRF1 = 0.7
- Live Load Reduction Factor for Temporer Load LLRF2 = 0.5
- Load combinations for maximum tension/uplift use 0.9*DL
- Load combinations selected = ALL
- Use Vertical Earthquake, Av = 0.02
- Earthquake Magnification, Rho = 1.000

- Forces Included: N,Vx,Vz,Mux,Muz (Axial and Biaxial Bending)

- Axial forces used : Nmin, Nmax to accomodate compression and tension
- Foundation capacity is increased by 130.0 % for temporary loading

Capacity Design of Foundation (ASD), EQ reduced by 1/3 = 0.77 :

DL + LLrg <= Pall
(1+0.77*av)*DL + LLre + rho*0.77*EQ <= Pall
(1+0.77*av)*DL + LLre + omega*0.77*EQ <= 1.2*Pall
0.6*DL <= Pall
(0.6-0.77*av)*DL + rho*0.77*EQ <= Pall
(0.6-0.77*av)*DL + omega*0.77*EQ <= 1.2*Pall

2. Spread Footing

- Three Conditions of Soil Stress Pattern (no tension allowed)

- Uplift Force is resisted by slab weight and soil weight
- Rebar Minimum uses value given by user (rho >= 0.15%)
- Slab Thickness is checked for punching shear
- Slab Rebar is calculated for compression and tension condition

3. Pile Foundation

- Pile configuration is from standard/optimum configuration

- Pile to pile/edge distance ratio are determined by user
- Pile min/max force is determined using rigid slab assumption
- Rebar Minimum uses value given by user (rho >= 0.15%)
- Tension pile rebar is determined using max tension force

- Capacity Design Method used

- OmegaFacX = 3.00
- OmegaFacZ = 3.00
- RR1FAC = 0: Pile capacity is not increased, P = 1.0 x P
- RR1FAC = 1: Pile capacity P = 1.0 * P, E already reduced by 0.77 = 1/1.3
(moderate earthquake case)
- RR1FAC > 0: Pile capacity P = 1.2 * P, E already reduced by 0.77 = 1/1.3
(strong earthquake case, capacity design)

- Pile capacity is NOT reduced by pile self-weight

- Pile axial capacity is reduced by pile group efficiency
eff = 1.0 - (D/(Pi*s*m*n)) * (m*(n-1)+n*(m-1)+(m-1)*(n-1)*sqrt(2))
- Pile lateral capacity reduction factor for 1x1 pile : 1.0
- Pile lateral capacity reduction factor for 2x2 pile : 0.75
- Pile lateral capacity reduction factor for > 3x3 pile : 0.5

4. Pilecap Design

- Pilecap size is from standard/optimum configuration

- Pilecap Thickness is checked for punching shear from column and group block
- Punching shear from column is neglected if d > 1.1*(2*dp-bcol)
- Mininum Thickness from punching shear of column is 1.1*(2*dp-bcol)
- Pilecap Thickness is checked for punching shear from pile
- Pilecap rebar is designed for nett bending (beam action)
- Pilecap rebar is designed differently for top and bottom rebar
- Minimum Pilecap rebar ratio is 0.18% to 0.25% depends on Fy or user defined
- Top and Bottom Concrete Cover can be different values
- Segment of pile embedded to pilecap is included in calculation
- Bending Moment Mx = cmbx * P1, My = cmby * P1
- Where P1 = Single Pile Compression Capacity
- Where cmbx, cmby are properties of pilecap configuration

5. Tie Beam/Sloof Design

- Longitudinal rebar is designed for tension and bending

- Tension is calculated from 10% of maximum column compression
- Bending is calculated from self-weight and uplift force (LxW area)

6. Cost Calculation

- Pile cost is unit cost per pile (for total length of pile)
- Cost includes pilecap, excludes tie beam/sloof and basement slab
- Only detail calculation for foundations with minimum cost are displayed
- Unit price of concrete = 1500000 / m3
- Unit price of rebar = 18000 / kg


1. SUPPORT NO. 1, Node= 1, Location: x= 0.00000, y= 0.00000

phi,m = 0.80 phi,v = 0.60

fc1 = 250.0 kg/cm2 fy = 4200.0 kg/cm2
fyv = 4200.0 kg/cm2 fys = 2800.0 kg/cm2
s,ratio = 3.00 s1,ratio = 1.50
col,bx = 25.00 cm col,bz = 45.00 cm
sloof db=1.60 cm, dbv=1.30 cm, dbs=1.20 cm
pilecap db=1.60 cm, dbv=1.30 cm, dbs=1.20 cm
foot db=1.60 cm, pile embeded=7.5 cm

Unfactored forces: all(f1*f2), static, temporary (f1*f2), temporary (f1*f2=1)

Maximum Axial, Pu = 20330.7, 19970.0, 20330.7, 20288.7 kg
Minimum Axial, Pu = 11621.3, 19502.3, 11621.3, 11663.3
Moment, X-Dir, Mux = 272074.1, 73961.2, 272074.1, 140734.0
Moment, Y-Dir, Muy = 72722.2, 24558.6, 72722.2, 40857.3
Horiz Force, Vux = 1549.3, 690.1, 1549.3, 983.4 kg
Horiz Force, Vuy = 296.7, 83.7, 296.7, 155.5 kg

Factored forces: all(f1*f2), static, temporary (f1*f2), temporary (f1*f2=1)

Single Axial, Pu = 0.0, 0.0 kg
Maximum Axial, Pu = 27958.0, 27958.0, 24145.2, 24085.3 kg
Minimum Axial, Pu = 17457.7, 23215.7, 17457.7, 17517.7
Moment, X-Dir, Mux = 368860.7, 103545.6, 368860.7, 181232.0
Moment, Y-Dir, Muy = 97084.0, 34382.1, 97084.0, 51562.7
Horiz Force, Vux = 2029.9, 966.2, 2029.9, 1221.4 kg
Horiz Force, Vuy = 399.9, 117.1, 399.9, 198.2 kg


1. Pilecap Thickness:

a. Given Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 50.00 cm

b. From Punching of Single Pile:

Factored Punching Force, 1 pile, Pu = 45000.00 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 16.77 kg/cm2, fc1 = 250.00 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp1 = 160.00 cm
Tpmin from Punch Shear of One Pile = 40.00 cm
c. From Punching of Single Column:
Punching of Single Column Status = Skipped
Factored Punching Force, Column, Pu = 27958.01 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 16.77 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp2 = 276.80 cm

d. Minimum Thickness required by user, Tpmin = 50.00 cm

e. Selected Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 50.00 cm

Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 16.77 kg/cm2
Shear Stress, Punching of Pile, vc = 13.71 kg/cm2 -> OK
Shear Stress, Punching of Column, vc = 4.92 kg/cm2 Neglected

2. Pile Number Calculation:

a. First Trial (pilecap weight = 0, + for compression)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 19.97 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 20.33 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 20.29 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force, Np1 = 1 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 11.66 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 11.62 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Vu1 = 0.69 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Vu1 = 1.55 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Vu1 = 0.98 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Lateral Force, Vu = 0.00 ton
Lateral Capacity of One Pile, P3 = 1.70 ton
Number of Piles needed for Lateral Force, Np3 = 1 piles
Total Lateral Capacity (No Earthquake), Vn = 1.70 ton -> OK
Total Lateral Capacity (f1*f2 = 1.0), Vn = 1.70 ton -> OK
Total Lateral Capacity (f1*f2 > 0), Vn = 1.70 ton -> OK

Number of Piles needed, Np = 1 piles

b. Second Trial (with Pilecap Weight)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 19.97 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 20.33 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 20.29 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 19.97 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force,Np1 = 1 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 11.66 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 12.05 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK
Number of Pile needed, Np = 1 piles
Compres: P1 = (Nmax+Wpcap-Po)/np = 20720.74 kg, dPMx = 0.00 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Tension: P1 = (Nmin+Wpcap-To)/np = 12095.27 kg, dPMx = 0.00 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Pcomp= 39000.00 Ptens= 19500.00, P1max = 20720.74, P1min = 12095.27
c. Third Trial (with Group Efficiency and Bending Moment)

Number of Pile needed, Np = 1 piles

Group Efficiency Method = Los Angeles
Group Efficiency, e = 1.000
Unfactored Max Force, (+ -> compression), Pumax = 20.33 ton
Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 11.62 ton
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Max Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 19.97 ton
Unfactored Min Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu2 = 12.10 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Nett Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile, P2 = 15.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile + Pile weight, P22 = 15.00 ton
Maximum Compression on Pile, P1max = 20.72 ton -> OK
Minimum Compression on Pile, P1min = 12.10 ton -> OK

Optimum Foundation Selected, Index = 1

Pile, Rect, a= 20 cm

Pile Size Parameter:

a = 20.00000 cm
b = 20.00000 cm
sp = 60.00000 cm
sp1 = 30.00000 cm
spx = 60.00000 cm
spy = 60.00000 cm
Ap = 400.00000 cm2
dp = 20.00000 cm
Apw = 0.00000 cm2
Kp = 80.00000 cm
Kp1 = 160.00000 cm


1. Pilecap Thickness:

a. Given Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 50.00 cm

b. From Punching of Single Pile:

Factored Punching Force, 1 pile, Pu = 45000.00 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 16.77 kg/cm2, fc1 = 250.00 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp1 = 160.00 cm
Tpmin from Punch Shear of One Pile = 40.00 cm

c. From Punching of Single Column:

Punching of Single Column Status = Skipped
Factored Punching Force, Column, Pu = 27958.01 kg
Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 16.77 kg/cm2
Perimeter Length of Punching Area, Kp2 = 276.80 cm

d. Minimum Thickness required by user, Tpmin = 50.00 cm

e. Selected Pilecap Thickness, Tp = 50.00 cm

Allowable Punching Stress, vc = 16.77 kg/cm2
Shear Stress, Punching of Pile, vc = 13.71 kg/cm2 -> OK
Shear Stress, Punching of Column, vc = 4.92 kg/cm2 Neglected

2. Pile Number Calculation:

a. First Trial (pilecap weight = 0, + for compression)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 19.97 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 20.33 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 20.29 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force, Np1 = 1 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 11.66 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.00 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 11.62 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Vu1 = 0.69 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Vu1 = 1.55 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Vu1 = 0.98 ton, Pcap1 = 15.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Lateral Force, Vu = 0.00 ton
Lateral Capacity of One Pile, P3 = 1.70 ton
Number of Piles needed for Lateral Force, Np3 = 1 piles
Total Lateral Capacity (No Earthquake), Vn = 1.70 ton -> OK
Total Lateral Capacity (f1*f2 = 1.0), Vn = 1.70 ton -> OK
Total Lateral Capacity (f1*f2 > 0), Vn = 1.70 ton -> OK

Number of Piles needed, Np = 1 piles

b. Second Trial (with Pilecap Weight)

Unfactored Max Force, Static Load Pu1 = 19.97 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=f1*f2, Pu1 = 20.33 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Unfactored Max Force, Temp. Load, F=1.0, Pu1 = 20.29 ton, Pcap1 = 30.00 ton, np1=1
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 19.97 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Nett Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Number of Piles needed for Compression Force,Np1 = 1 piles
Total Compression Capacity (No Earthquake), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (f1*f2=1.0), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK
Total Compression Capacity (Use f1*f2), Pn = 30.00 ton -> OK

Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 11.66 ton

Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Tension reduced by Pilecap Wgt, Tu = 12.05 ton (compression)
No Tension Force Occured -> OK
Number of Pile needed, Np = 1 piles

Pile Configuration:

np, total = 1, npx= 1, npy= 1

Pilecap, bx= 60.0 cm, by= 60.0 cm
Column Block size, cx= 25.0 cm, cy= 45.0 cm
Furthest pile, xp,max = 0.00, yp,max= 0.00
Sigma dx^2 = 0.00, Sigma dy^2 = 0.00
Bending Moment Coefficient, cmbx = 0.00000, cmby = 0.00000
Bending Moment (Factored) : Mx = 0.00000, My = 0.00000
Compres: P1 = (Nmax+Wpcap-Po)/np = 20720.74 kg, dPMx = 0.00 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Tension: P1 = (Nmin+Wpcap-To)/np = 12095.27 kg, dPMx = 0.00 kg, dPMy = 0.00 kg
Pcomp= 39000.00 Ptens= 19500.00, P1max = 20720.74, P1min = 12095.27

c. Third Trial (with Group Efficiency and Bending Moment)

Pile Configuration:

np, total = 1, npx= 1, npy= 1

Pilecap, bx= 60.0 cm, by= 60.0 cm
Column Block size, cx= 25.0 cm, cy= 45.0 cm
Furthest pile, xp,max = 0.00, yp,max= 0.00
Sigma dx^2 = 0.00, Sigma dy^2 = 0.00
Bending Moment Coefficient, cmbx = 0.00000, cmby = 0.00000
Bending Moment (Factored) : Mx = 0.00000, My = 0.00000

Number of Pile needed, Np = 1 piles

Group Efficiency Method = Los Angeles
Group Efficiency, e = 1.000
Unfactored Max Force, (+ -> compression), Pumax = 20.33 ton
Unfactored Min Force, (Tension=negative), Pumin = 11.62 ton
Pilecap Weight Wpcap = 0.43 ton
Unfactored Max Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu1 = 19.97 ton
Unfactored Min Force + Pilecap Weight, Pu2 = 12.10 ton
Weight of One Pile, Wp = 0.00 ton
Gross Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Nett Compression Capacity of One Pile, P1 = 30.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile, P2 = 15.00 ton
Tension Capacity of One Pile + Pile weight, P22 = 15.00 ton
Maximum Compression on Pile, P1max = 20.72 ton -> OK
Minimum Compression on Pile, P1min = 12.10 ton -> OK

3. Pilecap Rebar Design:

Rebar pct min = 0.15 %

Minimum Rebar Spacing = 10.00 cm
Bx,By,Tp = 60.00 x 60.00 x 50.00
Bending Section in X-direction, b = 60.00 cm, h = 50.00 cm
Bending Section in Y-direction, b = 60.00 cm, h = 50.00 cm
Bending Moment in X-direction, Mpx = 0.00
Bending Moment in Y-direction, Mpy = 0.00
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.20%)
Rebar Spacing, X-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.15%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Bottom = d16- 30.0 cm ( 0.20%)
Rebar Spacing, Y-Dir, Top = d16- 40.0 cm ( 0.15%)


Tie Beam / Sloof Width, B = 20.00 cm

Tie Beam / Sloof Width, H = 30.00 cm
Factored Maximum Column Axial Load, Pu = 27958.01 ton
10% of Factored Axial Load, Tu = 2795.80 ton
Required Rebar for Tension, Ast = 0.90 cm2

Nett Uplift Height, Hw = 0.00 m

Tie Beam / Sloof Length, L = 4.45 m
Tie Beam / Sloof Tributary Width, W = 4.55 m
Distributed Load on Tie Beam, qL = 0.00 kg/m
Distributed Weight on Tie Beam, qsw = 144.00 kg/m
Bending Moment, Mql = 28515.60
Shear Force, Vql = 320.40 kg
Req. Rebar for Bending Moment, Bottom = 4.02 cm2
Req. Rebar for Bending Moment, Top = 0.36 cm2

Longitudinal Rebar, at Support = 2 d16 / 2 d16

Longitudinal Rebar, at Midspan = 2 d16 / 2 d16
Shear Reinforcement Spacing at Support = d13 - 0.00


Foundation Type Table:

No. Foundation Type a=b=D Spun,Tp L,Depth Qa P,capa. Unit Price
(cm) (cm) (m) (kg/cm2 (ton) per pile
1 Square Pile 20.00 0.0 7.6 30.0 0.0

Foundation Design Summary:

Design for Axial and Bending: P,Mx,My
Support Found No. of Cost1 Cost2 Tot.Cost Concrete Steel Pmax Pmin
Index Type Pile (Rp) (Rp) (Rp) (m3) (kg) (kg) (kg)
1 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 20288.7 11663.3
2 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 8999.2 5041.9
3 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 22477.3 11668.2
4 1 2 0.0 897966.6 897966.6 0.4 19.9 48627.6 27970.1
5 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 23558.2 12355.6
6 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 22229.4 11991.6
7 1 2 0.0 897966.6 897966.6 0.4 19.9 39870.6 22941.4
8 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 24967.1 13487.5
9 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 20306.2 10781.6
10 1 2 0.0 897966.6 897966.6 0.4 19.9 36746.7 21132.0
11 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 22794.6 12196.4
12 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 21548.4 11848.0
13 1 2 0.0 897966.6 897966.6 0.4 19.9 39580.5 22645.2
14 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 23995.1 12820.3
15 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 15315.5 7441.4
16 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 12377.1 6053.2
17 1 2 0.0 897966.6 897966.6 0.4 19.9 26525.8 14882.1
18 1 1 0.0 451824.3 451824.3 0.2 10.1 8062.9 4255.6

Pilecap or Footing Size and Rebar Design

Support Foundation Wid,x Wid,y Thick db spx,top spx,bot spy,top spy,bot
Index Type & npile cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
2 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
3 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
4 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 18.63 40.00 30.00
5 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
6 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
7 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 18.63 40.00 30.00
8 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
9 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
10 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 18.63 40.00 30.00
11 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
12 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
13 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 18.63 40.00 30.00
14 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
15 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
16 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
17 2 x R 20 120.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 18.63 40.00 30.00
18 1 x R 20 60.00 60.00 50.00 1.60 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00

Total Number of Piles/Footing = 23

Total Pile Cost (Only piles) = 0.0
Total Slab or Pilecap Cost = 10363549.4
Total Cost (Piles+Slab/Pilecap) = 10363549.4

Total Slab/Pilecap Concrete Volume = 4.1 m3

Total Slab/Pilecap Rebar Weight = 230.8 kg
1. 3(Square Pile), a= 20.0 cm, Pa= 30.0 ton

Pilecap ( 0 piles) = 0 units

Pilecap ( 1 piles) = 13 units
Pilecap ( 2 piles) = 5 units


1 x R 20

2 x R 20

1 x R 20 1 x R 20

1 x R 20 2 x R 20 1 x R 20

1 x R 20 2 x R 20 1 x R 20

1 x R 20 2 x R 20 1 x R 20

1 x R 20 2 x R 20 1 x R 20

1 x R 20 1 x R 20

Proyek : Rumah Tinggal

Lokasi : Samarinda

Bagian dari tangga beton bertulang diperhitungkan terjepit pada 2 ujungnya.

Panjang datar : 5m
Tinggi tangga : 1.75 m
Tebal pelat (h) : 150 mm 5m
Mutu beton (f'c) : 24.9 MPa
Mutu baja (fy) : 420 MPa 1.75 m
Berat beton (gc) : 24 kN/m3
Beban hidup (qL) : 4.79 kN/m2
Tulangan pokok : 10 mm a
Tulangan bagi : 10 mm

Momen lapangan diperhitungkan sebesar (1/11) qL2 dan tumpuan : (1/16) qL2

Perhitungan ukuran Tanjakan dan Injakan :

Kemiringan tangga
tg a = 1.75 / 5 36 cm
= 0.35
Maka, T = 0.35 . I
15 cm
Diambil, 1 lgkh. = 61 cm 150 mm
Maka :
2.T+I = 61 cm
Sehingga, I = 35.8824 cm
Dipakai Injakan = 36 cm (bisa diganti sesuai kebutuhan)
= 360 mm
Maka Tanjakan = 12.6 cm
= 15 cm (bisa diganti sesuai kebutuhan)
= 150 mm

Perhitungan pembebanan :
Berat pelat = 0.15 x 24 = 3.6 kN/m2
Berat anak tangga = 0.075 x 24 = 1.8 kN/m2
(setengah tinggi)
Beban mati total (qD) = 5.4 kN/m2

Beban perlu (qU) = 1,2.qD + 1,6.qL

= 6.48 + 6.72
= 13.2 kN/m2

Perhitungan penulangan Lapangan:

Momen lapangan = (1/11) . qU . L2
= 0.09091 x 13.2 x 25
= 30 kN-m
= 3E+07 N-mm
Dipakai ds = 25 mm
d = h - ds
= 150 - 25
= 125 mm
K = Mu
= 30000000
0.8 x 1000 x 15625
= 2.4 Mpa
< K maks
 2.K 
a = 1  1  .d
 0,85.f' c 

= 15.0845 mm

Tulangan pokok
As = 0.85 x f'c x a x b
= 0.85 x 24.9 x 15.08 x 1000
= 760.152 mm2
As min = 2,5 . h
= 2.5 x 100
= 250 mm2

Digunakan As, u = 760.152 mm2

Jarak tul. Pokok =

s < 250 x p x 100
760.15 Dipilih terkecil :
< 103.269 mm s = 100 mm
s < 2 x 150
< 300 mm

Cek luas tulangan = 250 x p x 100

= 785 mm2
> 760.152 mm2

Tulangan bagi
As.b = 20% x As,u
= 20% x 760.15
= 152.03 mm2
As min > 0,0020 . b . H
= 300 mm2

Digunakan As.b, u = 300 mm2

Jarak tul. Bagi =

s < 250 x p x 100
300.00 Dipilih terkecil :
< 261.667 mm s = 150 mm
s < 5 x 150
< 750 mm
Cek luas tulangan = 250 x p x 100
= 523.333 mm2
> 300 mm2

Perhitungan penulangan Tumpuan:

Momen tumpuan = (1/16) . qU . L2
= 0.0625 x 13.2 x 25
= 20.625 kN-m
= 2.1E+07 N-mm

Dipakai ds = 25 mm
d = h - ds
= 150 - 25
= 125 mm
K = Mu
= 20625000
0.8 x 1000 x 15625
= 1.65 Mpa
< K maks
 2.K 
a = 1  1  .d
 0,85.f' c 

= 10.16 mm

Tulangan pokok
As = 0.85 x f'c x a x b
= 0.85 x 24.9 x 10.16 x 1000
= 511.869 mm2
As min = 2,5 . h
= 2.5 x 100
= 250 mm2

Digunakan As, u = 511.869 mm2

Jarak tul. Pokok =

s < 250 x p x 100
511.87 Dipilih terkecil :
< 153.36 mm s = 150 mm
s < 2 x 150 (biasanya disamakan
< 300 mm dengan tul. lapangan)

Cek luas tulangan = 250 x p x 100

= 523.333 mm2
> 511.869 mm2

Tulangan bagi
As.b = 20% x As,u
= 20% x 511.87
= 102.374 mm2
As min > 0,0020 . b . H
= 300 mm2
Digunakan As.b, u = 300 mm2

Jarak tul. Bagi =

s < 250 x p x 100
300.00 Dipilih terkecil :
< 261.667 mm s = 150 mm
s < 5 x 150 (jarak tul. bagi tumpuan
< 750 mm tdk perlu sama lapangan)

Cek luas tulangan = 250 x p x 100

= 523.333 mm2
> 300 mm2

Kesimpulan :
Tul. Lapangan
Tul. Pokok : D 10 - 100
Tul. Bagi : f 10 - 150
Tul. Tumpuan
Tul. Pokok : D 10 - 150
Tul. Bagi : f 10 - 150

Gambar sketsa penulangan tangga :

Tulangan tumpuan :
D 10 - 150
f 10 - 150

Tulangan lapangan :
D 10 - 100
f 10 - 150
Standard Ver + DM

Floor View, Above

Element Id
1 2 316 Support (x 1 )
G G Column Element
Beam Element
Col/Wall Below Floor

Loading Comb = ALL

15 18

12 13 14
Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima
RT.051, Sidodadi,
Samarinda Ulu,


9 10 11



FL-0, Flr-0, 0.00 m
6 7 8



3 4 5

1 2
4450 4300
1 2 3
TP=200 mm
TP=180 mm
TP=150 mm
TP=140 mm
TP=130 mm TP=120 mm
S6 S7
TP=100 mm
TP=120 mm
Standard Ver + DM
QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2
QLL=-2000 kg/m2 QLL=-1000 kg/m2 QLL=-600 kg/m2 QLL=-500 kg/m2 QLL=-400 kg/m2 QLL=-200 kg/m2 QLL=-100 kg/m2 QLL= 200 kg/m2 Floor View, Above
Id=13 Element Id
1 2 3 Support (x 1 )
G 11 4 G Column Element
Beam Element
Floor Slab

Col/Wall Below Floor

112 Loading Comb = ALL

Id=12 Id=16

F 22 F

107 108 109 110







4 8 12 17


Id=4 91 92 Id=15 93 94 Id=5

Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima
RT.051, Sidodadi,
Samarinda Ulu,




3 7 11 16


Id=3 87 88 Id=9 89 90 Id=6






2 6 10 15

Id=2 83 84 Id=10 85 86 Id=7
FL-1, lt_1, 3.50 m




1 5 9 14


Id=1 79 80 Id=11 81 82 Id=8




18 19 20 21


Id=17 55 56 57 58 Id=18

4450 4300
1 2 3
TP=200 mm
TP=180 mm
TP=150 mm
TP=140 mm
TP=130 mm TP=120 mm
S6 S7
TP=100 mm
TP=120 mm
Standard Ver + DM
QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2
QLL=-2000 kg/m2 QLL=-1000 kg/m2 QLL=-600 kg/m2 QLL=-500 kg/m2 QLL=-400 kg/m2 QLL=-200 kg/m2 QLL=-100 kg/m2 QLL= 200 kg/m2 Floor View, Above
Id=31 Element Id
1 2 3 Support (x 1 )
G 17 4 G Column Element
Beam Element
Floor Slab

Col/Wall Below Floor

172 Loading Comb = ALL

Id=30 Id=34

F 22 F

167 168 169 170








4 8 12 17
Id=22 151 152 Id=33 153 154 Id=23

Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima
RT.051, Sidodadi,
Samarinda Ulu,





3 7 11 16
Id=21 147 148 Id=27 149 150 Id=24







2 6 10 15

Id=20 143 144 Id=28 145 146 Id=25
FL-2, lt_2, 7.00 m






1 5 9 14

Id=19 139 140 Id=29 141 142 Id=26






18 19 20 21
Id=35 115 116 117 118 Id=36

4450 4300
1 2 3
TP=200 mm
TP=180 mm
TP=150 mm
TP=140 mm
TP=130 mm TP=120 mm
S6 S7
TP=100 mm
TP=120 mm
Standard Ver + DM
QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2
QLL=-2000 kg/m2 QLL=-1000 kg/m2 QLL=-600 kg/m2 QLL=-500 kg/m2 QLL=-400 kg/m2 QLL=-200 kg/m2 QLL=-100 kg/m2 QLL= 200 kg/m2 Floor View, Above
Id=39 Element Id
1 2 3 Support (x 1 )
G 22 7 G Column Element
Beam Element
Floor Slab

Col/Wall Below Floor

225 Loading Comb = ALL

Id=38 Id=52

F 43 F

217 218 234 219 220








26 30 34 38
202 203 204 205
Id=41 Id=49 Id=40

Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima
RT.051, Sidodadi,
Samarinda Ulu,





25 29 33 37
198 199 200 201
Id=42 Id=48 Id=43







24 28 32 36

194 195 196 197
Id=50 Id=47 Id=44
FL-3, roof, 10.50 m





23 27 31 35

190 191 192 193
Id=51 Id=46 Id=45





39 40 41 42
221 222 223 224
Id=53 Id=54

4450 4300
1 2 3
TP=200 mm
TP=180 mm TP=150 mm
S3 S4
TP=140 mm
TP=130 mm
TP=120 mm
TP=100 mm
TP=120 mm
Standard Ver + DM
QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2
QLL=-2000 kg/m2 QLL=-1000 kg/m2 QLL=-600 kg/m2 QLL=-500 kg/m2 QLL=-400 kg/m2 QLL=-200 kg/m2 QLL=-100 kg/m2 QLL= 200 kg/m2 Floor View, Above
Set=104 Elset Id
1 2 3 Support (x 1 )
G 14 G Column Element
Beam Element
Floor Slab

Col/Wall Below Floor

14 Loading Comb = ALL
10 Set=45


F 8 F

10 10 10 10







8 8 8 8


Set=104 14 14 Set=104 14 14Set=104

Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima
RT.051, Sidodadi,
Samarinda Ulu,




8 8 8 8


Set=104 14 14 Set=104 14 14Set=104






8 8 8 8

Set=104 14 14 Set=104 14 14Set=104
FL-1, lt_1, 3.50 m




8 8 8 8


Set=104 14 14 Set=104 14 14Set=104




8 8 8 8


Set=104 14 14 14 14Set=104

4450 4300
1 2 3
TP=200 mm
TP=180 mm TP=150 mm
S3 S4
TP=140 mm
TP=130 mm
TP=120 mm
TP=100 mm
TP=120 mm
Standard Ver + DM
QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2
QLL=-2000 kg/m2 QLL=-1000 kg/m2 QLL=-600 kg/m2 QLL=-500 kg/m2 QLL=-400 kg/m2 QLL=-200 kg/m2 QLL=-100 kg/m2 QLL= 200 kg/m2 Floor View, Above
Set=104 Elset Id
1 2 3 Support (x 1 )
G 14 G Column Element
Beam Element
Floor Slab

Col/Wall Below Floor

14 Loading Comb = ALL
10 Set=45


F 8 F

10 10 10 10







8 8 8 8


Set=104 14 14 Set=104 14 14Set=104

Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima
RT.051, Sidodadi,
Samarinda Ulu,




8 8 8 8


Set=104 14 14 Set=104 14 14Set=104






8 8 8 8

Set=104 14 14 Set=104 14 14Set=104
FL-2, lt_2, 7.00 m




8 8 8 8


Set=104 14 14 Set=104 14 14Set=104




8 8 8 8


Set=104 14 14 14 14Set=104

4450 4300
1 2 3
TP=200 mm
TP=180 mm
TP=150 mm
TP=140 mm
TP=130 mm TP=120 mm
S6 S7
TP=100 mm
TP=120 mm
Standard Ver + DM
QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-125 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2 QDL=-183 kg/m2
QLL=-2000 kg/m2 QLL=-1000 kg/m2 QLL=-600 kg/m2 QLL=-500 kg/m2 QLL=-400 kg/m2 QLL=-200 kg/m2 QLL=-100 kg/m2 QLL= 200 kg/m2 Floor View, Above
Set=105 Elset Id
1 2 3 Support (x 1 )
G 13 G Column Element
Beam Element
Floor Slab

Col/Wall Below Floor

13 Loading Comb = ALL

Set=105 Set=44

F 7 F

10 10 10 10 10




7 7 7 7





13 13 13 13
Set=105 Set=105 Set=105

Moro Sukirno, JL.Delima
RT.051, Sidodadi,
Samarinda Ulu,

7 7 7 7





13 13 13 13
Set=105 Set=105 Set=105



7 7 7 7 pelita_20.mdl




13 13 13 13
Set=105 Set=105 Set=105
FL-3, roof, 10.50 m


7 7 7 7




13 13 13 13
Set=105 Set=105 Set=105


7 7 7 7




13 13 13 13
Set=105 Set=105

4450 4300
1 2 3

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