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Lesson Plan Thanking (Spoken)

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School : SMP Negeri 4 Pemalang

Subject : English
Year/Semester : VII/ I
Core Materials : Spoken Thanking and the Responses
Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes (one meeting)

A. Core Competence

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa
ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena
dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah
dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Basic Competence, Indicators, and Emphasized Character Values

Basic Competence Indicators

3.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi 3.1.1 To identify the vocabulary used in

sosial, struktur teks, dan expressions of thanking and its response in
unsur kebahasaan teks interpersonal conversation.
interaksi interpersonal lisan 3.1.2 To identify the pronunciation and stress of
dan tulis yang melibatkan expressions thanking and its response in
tindakan menyapa, interpersonal conversation.
berpamitan, mengucapkan
terimakasih, dan meminta
maaf, serta menanggapinya,
sesuai dengan
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi 4.1.1 To complete the expressions of thanking and
interpersonal lisan dan tulis its response in interpersonal conversation.
sangat pendek dan sederhana 4.1.2 To pronunce the expressions of thanking and
yang melibatkan tindakan its response in interpersonal conversation
menyapa, berpamitan, acceptably.
mengucapkan terimakasih,
dan meminta maaf, dan
menanggapinya dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks

Emphasized Character Values: responsible, cooperative, and confident.

C. Learning Objectives
In the end of teaching and learning process, students are able to:
a. To identify the vocabulary used in expressions of thanking and its response in
interpersonal conversation..
b. To identify the pronuciation and stress of expressions thanking and its response. in
interpersonal conversation.
c. To complete the expressions of thanking and its response in interpersonal
d. To pronunce the expressions of thanking and its response in interpersonal conversation

D. Learning Materials
 Regular Teaching Materials

Activity 1
Pay attention to your teacher’s explanation about expressions of thanking and its
Thanking is the expression that we show to appreciate someone who gives help,
invitation, gift, compliment, etc.

Expressions of thanking and responses Meaning

o Thanks/ thank you. Terima kasih.
o Thank you for your help. Terima kasih atas bantuannya.
o Thank you for your invitation. Terima kasih atas undanganmu.
o Thanks for the gift. Terima kasih atas hadiahnya.
o Thanks for your kindness Terima kasih atas kebaikanmu.
o Thanks a lot/ Thank you so much. Terima kasih banyak.
o Thank you very much Terima kasih banyak.
o You’re welcome. Terimakasih kembali.
o Not at all. Tidak perlu.
o Don’t mention it. Tidak apa apa.
o (It’s) my pleasure. Dengan senang hati.
o It’s nothing. Tidak apa apa.
o Okay/ alright. OK/ baiklah
o No, Problem Tidak masalah

Activity 2
Listen to your teachers’ about the expressions of thanking and its response
then repeat after the teacher!
Thanking Responding Thanks
o Thanks/ thank you. o You’re welcome.
o Thank you for your help. o Not at all.
o Thank you for your invitation. o Don’t mention it.
o Thanks for the gift. o (It’s) my pleasure.
o Thanks for your kindness o It’s nothing.
o Thanks a lot/ Thank you so much. o Okay/ alright.
o Thank you very much o No, Problem

Activity 3
Listen to the expressions of thanking and its response in conversation! Then
repeat after the teacher!

Conversation 1
Miki : Good morning, Honoka. You look so beautiful today.
Honoka : Thank you so much, Miki.
Miki : You are welcome.

Conversation 2
Simon : Hi Erik. Can I borrow your dictionary?
Erik : Sure, here it is.
Simon : Thanks a lot.
Erik : Don’t mention it.

Conversation 3
Miyu : Hi, Tsuji.
Tsuji : Hi, Miyu. Anyway, thanks for inviting me to your birthday party.
Miyu : My pleasure! We’ll have a lot of fun.
Tsuji : Sure. Well, I need to go to class now. Bye, see you tonight.
Miyu : See you, Tsuji.
Exercise 1
Identify the expression of Thanking and its response on the conversations

Conversation 1
Hotaru : Hi Dian, Can I help you to bring the books?
Dian : Yes please. Thank you so much for your help, Hotaru.
Dian : Don’t mention it. Let’s go to the Class.

1. Based on the conversation 1, which one is the expression of thanking?

a. Hi Dian
b. Thank you so much for your help
c. Don’t mention it.

2. Based on the conversation 1, which one is the expression of responding thanks?

a. Hi Dian
b. Thank you so much for your help
c. Don’t mention it.

Conversation 2
Shizuka : Hallo Aisya, How are you?
Aisya : Hi Shizuka. I’m fine. What about you?
Shizuka : I’m fine too, Aisya. Anyway, thank you for the gift, I like it so
Aisya : You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it. Well, I have to go now. I’ll call
you later. Okay?
Shizuka : Okay. Bye.
Aisya : Bye

1. Based on the conversation 2, which one is the expression of thanking?

a. Hi Shizuka.
b. Thank you for the books.
c. You are welcome.

2. Based on the conversation 2, which one is the expression of responding thanks?

a. Hi Shizuka
b. Thank you for the books
c. You are welcome

Exercise 2
Listen to the audio played! Then complete the missing words on the dialogue below!

A: Hey, I just wanted to call and say ______________.

B: Oh, _____________.
A: Really you helped me a lot this weekend. ________________.
B: ________________.
A: But I want you to know that it means a lot to me. It was not easy for me to
study for that test.
B: Yes it was.
A: Oh. Really? Well, thanks for all your help.
B: _______________.

Answer key
Dialogue of the video
A: Hey, I just wanted to call and say thanks for your help.
B: Oh, you’re welcome.
A: Really you helped me a lot this weekend. Thanks a lot for your help.
B: It was my pleasure.
A: But I want you to know that it means a lot to me. It was not easy for me to
study for that test.
B: Yes it was.
A: Oh. Really? Well, thanks for all your help.
B: No problem.

Activity 4
Listen carefully to the pronunciation of expressions of thanking and its
responses! Then Repeat after the teacher!

Expressions of thanking Expressions of responding

Thanks/θæŋks/ You are welcome / jʊ ɑːr ˈwel.kəm /
Thank you /θæŋk juː/ Not at all /nɒt æt ɑːl /
Thank you for your help /θæŋk juː fɔːr jʊr help/ Don’t mention it /doʊnt ˈmen. t  ʃ ə n ɪt /
Thanks for your invitation /θæŋks fɔːr jʊr (It’s) my pleasure / ɪts maɪ ˈpleʒ.ə r /
/ˌɪn.vɪˈteɪ.ʃ ə n/
It’s nothing /ɪts ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ /
Thanks for your kindness /θæŋks fɔːr jʊr
(That’s) alright /ðæts ɔːlˈraɪt /
ˈkaɪn d  .nəs /
No problem /nəʊ ˈprɑː.bləm /
Thanks for the gift /θæŋks fɔːr ðə gɪft /

Thanks a lot /θæŋks ə lɒt/

Thank you so much /θæŋk juː səʊ mʌtʃ /
Thank you very much /θæŋk juː ‘ver.i mʌtʃ /
Exercises 3
Identify the correct and incorrect pronunciation of expressions of thanking
and its responses by giving check mark () on A or B!
Num. Words Sounds
1 Thanks. A. B.
2 Thank you so much. A. B.
3 Thanks a lot. A. B.
4 Alright A. B.
5 No problem A. B.

Exercise 4
Pronunce the expressions of thanking and its responses below correctly !

Num. Expressions of thanking and it’s response

1 Thanks.
2 Thank you for your help.
3 You are welcome.
4 Don’t mention it.
5 No problem

 Remedial Learning Materials

o The expressions of thanking and its responses
Expressions of thanking Expressions of responding

o Thank you for your help  Don’t mention it.

o Thanks for your invitation  (It’s) my pleasure.
o Thanks for your kindness  It was nothing.
o Thanks for the gift  (That’s) alright.
o Thank you so much.  No problem.
o Thank you very much.

 Pronunciation of thanking and its responses

Expressions of thanking Expressions of responding
Thank you for your help /θæŋk juː fɔːr jʊr help/ Don’t mention it /doʊnt ˈmen. t  ʃ ə n ɪt /
Thank you for inviting /θæŋk juː fɔːr ɪnˈvaɪ.tɪŋ / (It’s) my pleasure /ɪts maɪ ˈpleʒ.ə r /
Thank you so much /θæŋk juː səʊ mʌtʃ / It was nothing /ɪt wəz ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ /
Thank you very much /θæŋk juː ‘ver.i mʌtʃ / (That’s) alright /ðæts ɔːlˈraɪt /
No problem /nəʊ ˈprɑː.bləm /

 Example of dialogue of thanking and the responses

o Miyu : Hi, Tsuji.
Tsuji : Hi, Miyu. Anyway, thanks for inviting me to your birthday party.
Miyu : My pleasure! We’ll have a lot of fun.

o Miki : Good morning, you look so beautiful today.

Honoka : Thank you so much, Miki.
Miki : Don’t mention it.

 Enrichment Learning Materials

o The expressions of thanking and its responses
Expressions of thanking Expressions of responding

o Thanks so bunch o Any time

o (That’s) okay
o Thanks a million
o It was very kind of you

o The pronunciation of expressions of thanking and its responses

Expressions of thanking Expressions of responding

Thanks so bunch /θæŋks səʊ bʌn t  ʃ / Any time /ˈen.i taɪm/

Thanks a million /θæŋks ə mɪl.jən/ (That’s) okay / ðæts oʊˈkeɪ/
It was very kind of you / ɪt wəz ver.i kaɪnd ɒv juː/

Example of dialogue of thanking and its responses

1. Chiya : Good morning, Saki.
Saki : Good morning.
Chiya : How are you?
Saki : Good. What about you?
Chiya : I’m fine thank you.
Can I help you to bring your books? It looks very heavy.
Saki : Thanks a million, Chiya. Here you are.
Chiya : Anytime. Let’s go to the Class now!
Saki : Okay.

2. Melanie : Hi, Veerle.

Veerle : Hi Melanie.
Melanie : You look different. Did you cut your hair?
Veerle : Yes, true.
Melanie : You look wonderful in your new hairstyle.
Veerle : Thank you, Melanie. It was very kind of you.
Melanie : Okay.
Veerle : By the way, I have to go to the laboratory now. See you later,
Melanie : See you.

E. Teaching method
 Text Based Approach: Spoken Cycle.

F. Teaching Media
1. Video/film: English Conversation: Thanks for your Help. 2013. English
948D10B3&sparams=clen,dur,ei,expire,gir,id,i : February, 14th 2018)

2. presentation

G. Source
1. Text Book: Wachidah, Siti, dkk. 2013. When English Rings a Bell. Jakarta:
Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud. (hal. 14-18)
2. Text Book: Wardiman, Artono, dkk. 2008. English in Focus for Grade VII
Junior High School. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (20-
3. Internet Site: Nuryani, Nuri. 2012. Expressing Gratitude/ Thanking.
thanks/: February, 19th 2018)
4. Internet Site: Min, Om. 2016. Contoh Ungkapan Terima Kasih Atau Thanking
Expression Beserta Respon Dalam Bahasa Inggris.
expression-beserta-respon-dalam-bahasa-inggris/: February, 19th 2018)

H. Teaching and Learning Stages

a. Opening ( 10 minutes)

1) Students and teacher greet each other.

2) One of the students leads to pray.

3) Students respond to attendance call

4) Students recall the previous lesson.

5) Students get the explanation about the learning objectives.

b. Main Activity (60 minutes)

Stages Description Time allotment

1st Stage  Students pay attention to the teacher’s 10 minutes

Building explanation about expressions of
Knowledge of thanking and its response. (activity 1)
the Field

2nd Stage  Students repeat after the teacher about 10 minutes

Modeling of the example of the expressions of
the Text thanking and its responses. (activity 2
and 4)
 Students repeat the conversation of
thanking and its responses after the
teacher. (Activity 3)
3rd Stage  Students work in goups, each goup 10 minutes
Joint consist of 2 students.
Construction  Students practice doing task of
of the Text expressions of thanking and its
responses. (exercise 1 and 3)

4th Stage  Students sit back on their chairs 30 minutes

Independent  Students do the task given by the teacher
Construction individually. (Exercise 2 and 4)
of the Text

c. Closing ( 10 minutes)
1) Students conclude the materials.

2) Students get feedback from teacher.

3) Students get homework from the teacher.

4) Students get clues for the learning activities that will be learnt next week.
I. Assessment
1. Knowledge :
a. Technique of assessment : spoken test
b. Form of assessment : identify the suitable vocabulary and correct pronunciation
c. Table of specification :

No Indicator Test item

1 To identify the Exercise 1
vocabulary used Identify the expression of Thanking and its response on
in expressions of the conversations below!
thanking and its
response in Conversation 1
interpersonal Hotaru : Hi Dian, Can I help you to bring the books?
Dian : Yes please. Thank you so much for your help,
Dian : Don’t mention it. Let’s go to the class.

1. Based on the conversation 1, which one is the expression

of thanking?
a. Hi Dian
b. Thank you so much for your help
c. Don’t mention it.

2. Based on the conversation 1, which one is the expression

of responding thanks?
a. Hi Dian
b. Thank you so much for your help
c. Don’t mention it.

Answer key:
1. b
2 To identify the Exercise 2
pronunciation and Identify the correct and incorrect pronunciation of
stress of expressions of thanking and its responses by giving check
mark () on A or B!
thanking and its
response in
Num. Words Sounds
conversation 1 Thanks. A. B.
2 Thank you so A. B.
3 Thanks a lot. A. B.
4 Alright A. B.
5 No problem A. B.
Answer key
Num. Words Sounds
1 Thanks. A. B.
2 Thanks a lot. A. B.
3 Alright A. B.
4 No problem A. B.

Exercise 1 and 2
Scoring Rubric:
Criteria Score
correct 1
incorrect 0
Each right number has four numbers.
Total score = 4x 25
= 100

a. Skill
1) Technique of assessment : Spoken test
2) Form of assessment : Completing and Pronuncing
3) Table of specification :
No. Indicators Test item
1. To complete the expressions Listen to the audio played! Then complete
of thanking and its response the missing words on the dialogue below!
in interpersonal
A: Hey, I just wanted to call and say ________.
conversation. B: Oh, _____________.
A: Really you helped me a lot this weekend.
B: ________________.
A: But I want you to know that it means a lot to
me. It was not easy for me to study for that
B: Yes it was.
A: Oh. Really? Well, thanks for all your help.
B: _______________.

Answer key
A: Hey, I just wanted to call and say thanks
for your help.
B: Oh, you’re welcome.
A: Really you helped me a lot this weekend.
Thanks a lot for your help.
B: It was my pleasure.
A: But I want you to know that it means a
lot to me. It was not easy for me to study
for that test.
B: Yes it was.
A: Oh. Really? Well, thanks for all your
B: No problem.

2. To pronunce the expressions Pronunce the expressions of thanking and

of thanking and its response its responses below correctly!
in interpersonal
conversation acceptably
Num. Expressions of
thanking and it’s
1 Thanks.
2 Thank you for your
3 You are welcome.
4 Don’t mention it.
5 No problem

Answer key:
1. Thanks. /θæŋks/
2. Thank you for your help.
/θæŋk juː fɔːr jʊr help/
3. You are welcome/ jʊ ɑːr ˈwel.kəm /
4. Don’t mention it. /doʊnt ˈmen. t  ʃ ə n ɪt /
5. No problem /nəʊ ˈprɑː.bləm /
Exercise 3 and 4
Scoring rubric:
Criteria Score
correct 2
50 % correct 1
Incorrect 0
Acknowledge by, Semarang, February 27th , 2018
Principal of SMP N 04 Pemalang English Teacher

__________________________ Adinda Rizki Amalia Zulfa

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