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Scaffoliding Grade IX Kelas 9 Joko Priyana Riandi Anita P Mumpuni 2008

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English for Junior High School Students

Joko Priyana
Anita P Mumpuni


Riandi, saat ini sedang menyelesaikan studi S1 pada program studi Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.


Joko Priyana, Ph.D., memperoleh gelar sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dari
IKIP Negeri Yogyakarta tahun 1989, MA dalam bidang TESOL dari Canberra
University, Australia tahun 1995, dan Ph.D. dalam bidang Applied Linguistics
dari Macquarie University Sydney tahun 2003. Sejak tahun 1990 penulis adalah
dosen pada program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di FBS UNY.


caffolding: English for Junior High School Students Grade IX disusun dengan acuan
Standar Isi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris 2006. Materi dan tugas pembelajaran
dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip Pendekatan Komunikatif untuk
mengembangkan kompetensi siswa dalam keempat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu
menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis yang diorganisasikan ke dalam dua siklus
pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan menekankan
pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa lisan (menyimak dan berbicara), siklus tulis
mengembangkan keterampilan dalam berbahasa tulis (membaca dan menulis). Sesuai dengan
prinsip keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan keempat
keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus tulis tersusun atas
empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan terhadap bahasa Inggris, penjelasan
mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris secara
terbimbing maupun bebas. Untuk pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas
terstruktur berupa pekerjaan rumah dan evaluasi.



Anita P. Mumpuni, saat ini sedang menyelesaikan studi S1 pada program studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Buku ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP)
dan telah dinyatakan layak sebagai buku teks pelajaran berdasarkan
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor ................. tentang
Penetapan Buku Teks Pelajaran yang Memenuhi Syarat Kelayakan
untuk digunakan dalam Proses Pembelajaran.

HET (Harga Eceran Tertinggi) Rp .................

English for
Junior High School Students



Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Hak Cipta pada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang


English for Junior High School Students Grade IX

Disusun oleh
Joko Priyana
Anita P Mumpuni


Scaffolding : english for Junior High School Students Grade IX/
Joko Priyana, Riandi, Anita P Mumpuni ; editor Suharso. -Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.
vi, 225 hlm. : ilus. ; 29 Cm.
Bibliografi : hlm. 205-206
ISBN 979-462-961-8
1. Bahasa Inggris Studi dan Pengajaran
I. Judul
II. Riandi
III. Mumpuni, Anita P
IV. Suharso

Diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Tahun 2008
Diperbanyak oleh

Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya,
Pemerintah, dalam hal ini, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, pada tahun 2008, telah
membeli hak cipta buku teks pelajaran ini dari penulis/penerbit untuk disebarluaskan
kepada masyarakat melalui situs internet (website) Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional.
Buku teks pelajaran ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan dan
telah ditetapkan sebagai buku teks pelajaran yang memenuhi syarat kelayakan untuk
digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran melalui Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional
Nomor 34 Tahun 2008.
Kami menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada para
penulis/penerbit yang telah berkenan mengalihkan hak cipta karyanya kepada
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional untuk digunakan secara luas oleh para siswa dan
guru di seluruh Indonesia.
Buku-buku teks pelajaran yang telah dialihkan hak ciptanya kepada Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional ini, dapat diunduh (down load), digandakan, dicetak,
dialihmediakan, atau difotokopi oleh masyarakat. Namun, untuk penggandaan yang
bersifat komersial harga penjualannya harus memenuhi ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh
Pemerintah. Diharapkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran ini akan lebih mudah diakses
sehingga siswa dan guru di seluruh Indonesia maupun sekolah Indonesia yang berada
di luar negeri dapat memanfaatkan sumber belajar ini.
Kami berharap, semua pihak dapat mendukung kebijakan ini. Kepada para siswa
kami ucapkan selamat belajar dan manfaatkanlah buku ini sebaik-baiknya. Kami
menyadari bahwa buku ini masih perlu ditingkatkan mutunya. Oleh karena itu, saran
dan kritik sangat kami harapkan.

Jakarta, Juli 2008

Kepala Pusat Perbukuan

Scaffolding | English f or Grade IX Students



Puji sy u k ur kami panjatkan kepada T uhan Yang M aha Esa yang telah
melim pahkan petunju k, kesehatan, ketabahan, dan kesabaran kepada kami sehingga
penulisan bu k u Scaffolding: Engl ish for Junior H igh School Students (G rade I X) ini
Bu k u ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan bahan ajar mata pelajaran
bahasa Inggris untu k kelas IX dengan acuan Standar Isi mata pelajaran bahasa
Inggris tahun 2006. Bahan ajar ini dirancang untu k pemakaian secara nasional dan
oleh karenanya guru di seluruh Indonesia dapat menggunakannya langsung di
dalam kelas atau dengan melak u kan adaptasi seperlunya menyesuaikan K TSP
M ateri dan tugas pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip
Pendek a t an K omuni k a t if untu k mengembangkan kom petensi sisw a dalam keem pat
keteram pilan berbahasa, yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Selain
itu materi dan tugas pembelajaran secara integratif mengembangkan kecakapan
hid u p dalam arti luas dan peningkatan kesadaran akan kebhinnekaan.
M ateri dan tugas-tugas pembelajaran dalam bu k u ini diorganisasikan ke
dalam d ua siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus
lisan menekankan pengembangan keteram pilan menyimak dan berbicara, siklus tulis
mengembangkan keteram pilan membaca dan menulis. Sesuai dengan prinsip
keterpad uan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, ked ua siklus tersebut mengembangkan
keem pat keteram pilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan mau p un siklus
tulis tersusun atas em pat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembu ka, pajanan
terhadap bahasa target, penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan
berkom unikasi dalam bahasa target secara terbimbing maupun bebas. Selain itu,
untu k keperluan pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas
terstru ktur beru pa pekerjaan ru mah dan evaluasi. U ntu k memberi kesem patan
kepada peserta didik mengevaluasi dirinya secara mandiri, disediakan format
evaluasi diri.
M ateri dan kegiatan pembelajaran dalam bu k u ini lebih dikembangkan untu k
men dorong terjadinya learning pada diri sisw a. K egiatan-kegiatan belajar
dikembangkan untu k menjadikan sisw a secara individ u, berpasangan, dan
kelom pok kecil secara aktif belajar bahasa Inggris melalui kegiatan memahami dan
menggunakan bahasa Inggris untu k mengekspresikan gagasan dan perasaan secara
alami. G uru lebih bertindak sebagai fasilitator, pemberi feedback, dan pendorong


Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

sisw a agar berani mengekspresikan dirinya dengan tidak mengabaikan pentingnya

ak urasi berbahasa. D engan kegiatan-kegiatan pembelajaran dan peran guru yang
demikian, sisw a terbimbing dan mem peroleh fasilitasi dalam berlatih
mengekspresikan dirinya sehingga secara bertahap akhirnya mam p u berkom unikasi
dengan baik.
Sehubungan dengan terselesaikannya penulisan bu k u ini kami mengucap kan
terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah memberikan d u k ungannya selama
proses peny usunannya. Secara khusus kami mengucap kan terima kasih dan
penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada istri, anak, ayah, ibu, sau dara-sau dara,
dan kekasih kami yang telah dengan sabar menyemangati langkah demi langkah
dalam penulisan bu k u ini. M ohon maaf atas hari-hari libur dan akhir-akhir pekan
yang tidak bisa kita le w atkan bersama dan terima kasih atas pengertiannya.
K ami menyadari bah w a bu k u ini masih memiliki kek urangan-kek urangan.
M asu kan dari berbagai pihak, terutama guru dan sisw a pemakai bahan ajar ini,
untu k perbaikan sangat kami harap kan. Semoga bahan ajar ini memberikan manfaat
bagi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di tanah air.


Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

Diunduh dari


K ata Sambutan



K ata Pengantar
Table of Contents


K ey to Pronunciation

.............................................................................................................. viii

List of A bbreviations


U nit 1

U nit 2

...................................................................................................................... 1
Asking for Certainty
Responding to U ncertainty
Functional Text: Procedure
C O M P U T ERS A N D M O BIL E P H O N ES ................................................................. 21
Asking for Repetition
Expressing Gratitude
Functional Text: Procedure

U nit 3

............................................................................................ 41
Admiring Something or Somebody
Functional Text: Procedure

U nit 4

Showing A ttention
Functional Text: Report

U nit 5

Expressing Doubts
Responding to Doubts
Functional Text: Report

Revie w Semester 1

..................................................................................... 61

.......................................................................................... 81

................................................................................................................... 101

U nit 6

A ttracting Someones A ttention
Telling Interesting N ews
Functional Text: Report

U nit 7

................................................................................................................ 131
Telling Interesting N ews
O ffering Something
Functional Text: N arrative


........................................................................... 109

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

U nit 8

U nit 9

............................................................................................................ 153
Inviting Someone
Accepting Invitations and Refusing Invitations
Functional Text: N arrative
............................................................................................................. 175
Responding to N ews Given
Functional Text: N arrative

Revie w Semester 2

................................................................................................................... 197

Picture Sources
A ppendices
Listening Scripts
A nsw er K ey
Teachers Scripts


G lossary
Subject Index

................................................................................................................... 223
................................................................................................................... 225

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students



V o w els
Phonetics sy mbols












[g t]

sa w

[s ]

p ut




cu p

[k p]














no w



[dZ In]





p ure


Exam ple











[g t]








[f l]





C onsonants
Phonetics sy mbols


Exam ple

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students











ho w














w et


Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


kb: kata benda
kki: kata kerja intransitif
kkt: kata kerja transitif
ks: kata sifat
kk: kata keterangan

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


In your every day life you sometimes feel uncertain about something.
W hen that happens, w hat do you say? D o you kno w ho w to express uncertainty
w ell?
D o you like cooking? W hen you cook something ne w you might use a
recipe to help you cook it. D o you kno w ho w to follo w recipes w ell? D o you
kno w ho w to w rite your o w n recipe? You can learn all those and more in this

A. Lead-in

T ask 1

I n pairs, stu d y the p icture an d answ er the q uestions belo w.


W hat food is that?

H ave you ever tried it? If so, ho w does it taste?
W hich flavour do you like?
D o you kno w ho w to make it?

Picture 1.1

T ask 2

Pic. 1.2

M atch the measuri ng tools belo w w ith their names. T hen, d iscuss
w ith your classmates w hen you usual l y use each of the measuri ng
tools an d w h ich one that you use most.

cu p

Picture 1.2

Picture 1.3

Scaffolding | English for Grade IX Students


Picture 1.4

Picture 1.5

B. Lesson Proper
Focus on L isten i ng an d Spea k i ng

T ask 3

I n grou ps of four, f i n d the mean i ngs of the w ords belo w . T hen,

l isten to the d ialogue bet w een K etut T antri an d Lai la. A fter that,
answ er the q uestions. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

equip ment [IkwIpmnt] kb

ingredient [Ingridint] kb

lid [lId] kb

mixture [mIkstS] kb

mix [mIks] kkt

pour [p ] kkt

roll [rUl] kkt

seal [sil] kkt

shake [SeIk] kkt

tape [teIp] kb

vanilla extract [vnIl ekstrQkt] kb

w hipped cream [wIpt krim] kb

w rap [rQp] kkt

Picture 1.6 Ice cream

Q uestions

W hat are K etut Tantri and Laila talking about?

W ho kno ws ho w to make ice cream?
Is K etut Tantri serious that she can make some ice cream?
Laila says the w ord RE A L L Y? W hat does it mean?
In the dialogue K etut Tantri says the w ord A BSO L U T E L Y. W hat does it mean?

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

T ask 4

I n pairs, com p lete the sentences usi ng the su itab le w ords from the


ad d

w rap

1. M ilk, sugar, w hipped cream, vanilla extract, and salt are the to make ice cream.

W e need to the lid w ith a tape.

W e should the can like a w heel.
a cup of salt to the ice, to make the temperature lo w .
together the ingredients.
The that w e need to make ice cream inclu de cans, ice, salt, and a cloth or glove.
the large can w ith a cloth.
the can to mix the salt and ice.

T ask 5

I n smal l grou ps, stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

In the dialogue bet w een Laila and K etut Tantri you find the follo w ing
o Yes, of course.
o Really?
o A bsolutely.
o A re you sure?
The expressions above are used to ask for certainty and respond to
A sk i ng for certai nty
Respon d i ng to u ncertai nty
o Really?
o Yes, sure.
o A re you sure?
o O f course.
o Is that right?
o Absolutely.
o A re you certain?
o Certainly.
o A re you certain about ..?
o Im very certain.

Scaffolding | English for Grade IX Students

T ask 6


C om p lete the fol lo w i ng d ialogues usi ng the su itab le expressions.

A sep

: D o you kno w ho w to make tomato juice?

A sep

: Yes I do.
: .
: Yes, of course!

2. D anias
K etut Tantri
D anias
K etut Tantri

: Is this the right step to make cand y?

: Yes, thats right.
: Really?
: .

3. Putri
A di
A di

: W ould this fried rice be delicious?

: O f course.
: .
: Yes.

4. Panji
D anias

: A re you sure that a pinch of salt is enough?

: .

5. Bay u
Bay u

: W e dont need to ad d sugar.

: .
: Im very certain, Sal.

T ask 7


I n pairs, have d ialogues i n the fol lo w i ng situations.

Your mom asks you if youre really O K helping her cook dinner instead of w atching
movies w ith your classmate.
Youre not sure if the instruction of the recipe that your classmate gave you is
correct. You w ant to make sure that the cooking time is right. Then your classmate
says that he is very sure that the cooking time is correct.
Your partner is not sure if your group can w in the competition.



Variety is the spice of life.

Doing a lot of different things makes life more interesting.

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

T ask 8

L isten to the fol lo w i ng monologue an d com p lete the reci pe belo w .

T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

I ngred ients:
1 cup of
8 cups of iced w ater
1 cup of boiling w ater
D irections:
1. juice from lemons into a bo w l. Set lemon rinds aside.
2. lemon juice into a large pitcher.
3. sugar and ice w ater; until sugar is dissolved. Set aside.
4. Place lemon rinds in a bo w l and ad d boiling w ater. Let stand until w ater is cold.
5. the rinds, ad d w ater to pitcher and stir w ell. Refrigerate until w ell chilled.

T ask 9


Read the reci pe that you have com p leted above. T hen, i n pairs f i n d
the mean i ng of the fol lo w i ng w ords. M atch each w ord w ith its
I n donesian eq u i valent on the right.

iced w ater


5. lemon rind


buah lemon
k ulit lemon
air es
lim un


Why did the man throw the butter out the window?

Scaffolding | English for Grade IX Students

Based on the monologue above, deci de w hether the fol lo w i ng

statements are true or false. C orrect the false statements.

T ask 10


T rue


C orrections

1. The recipe sho ws ho w to make a

2. You need 1 cup of boiling w ater.
3. You can thro w a w ay the lemonade
rinds after you squish its juice out.
4. The boiling w ater is used to soak the
lemon juice.
5. You need four ty pes of ingredients to
make some lemonade.



What can't be used until it's broken?

T ask 11

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

Some w ords are spelt and pronounced similarly except for one letter and one
H ere are some exam ples:
[kQn] and






[mIlk] and




[mIks] and



E very pair of w ords above is a m i n i mal pair.

M ad and sad form a minimal pair because they have the same sounds and
spellings except for one soun d and letter.

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

T ask 12



T ask 13

A ngelina
A ngelina

M atch the m i n i mal pairs for the w ords belo w . C om pare your
answ ers w ith a classmates.


su n

Stu d y the d ialogue an d deci de w hether each statement is true (T) or

false (F). T hen, act the d ialogue out w ith your partner.

: D o you kno w ho w to make roast corn?

: Yes, I think I do kno w ho w to make it.
: Really? W ould you sho w me ho w?
: O f course. To make roast corn you w ill need some ears of
sw eet corn, 5 or more table spoons of margarine, 2 cloves
of garlic, a pinch of salt and you could ad d some chillies if

you w ant them to taste hot.

: A re you sure thats all the ingredients w e need?
A ngelina : C ertainly.

Picture 1.7 C orn

: Then w hat do w e need to do?
A ngelina : First, you have to peel the corn skin. Second, you have to grind the garlic,
salt, and chilli (if desired). Third, you have to mix the margarine w ith the
ground garlic mixture. Fourth, brush the corn w ith the margarine mixture
and roast on a grill until a bit burned. Fifth, brush the corn w ith the
margarine mixture again and roast until cooked. Serve hot or w arm.
: Thats not too hard to do. Thanks A ngelina.
A ngelina : A nytime.
T rue


1. Sanusi w ants A ngelina to sho w him ho w to make popcorn.

2. A ngelina is certain that you only need five ingredients to
make roast corn.

Scaffolding | English for Grade IX Students

3. The first step in making roast corn is to peel the corn skin.
4. It is best to serve the corn w hen it is cold.
5. W e have to ad d chilli.

T ask 14

Picture 1.8

I nterv ie w three of your classmates. A sk them i f they are sure they

can ma k e the foods belo w.

Fried rice

Exam ple:
I W ayan Lega w a
I W ayan Lega w a
I W ayan Lega w a

T ask 15

Picture 1.9 O melette

Picture 1.10 O range juice

: D o you kno w ho w to make fried rice?

: O f course.
: Really?
: Certainly, it is easy.
: I dont think I can make some.
: Im sure you can do it.

I n pairs, ma k e d ialogues based on the fol lo w i ng situations.

1. You made some cookies and your classmate say they are delicious. You w ant to
k no w if your classmate is serious or honest.
2. Your classmate asked if the ice cream that he made tasted good. You w ant to comfort
him and tell him that it tastes fine.
3. Your classmate is in doubt of her ability. You w ant to assure and support her.

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

T ask 16

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng reci pe. T hen, answ er the q uestions. C om pare
your answ ers w ith a classmates.
Pi neap p le Ste w

I ngred ients:
1 pineapple cut into dice
3 glasses of w ater
1 glass of granulated sugar

2 sticks of cinnamons
10 clovers

D irections:
Boil w ater until boiled. Then ad d sugar, cinnamon, and clovers. Bring it to boil and ad d
the pineapples. W ait until you can smell the pineapple. Remove from heat and serve
Adapted from:

Q uestions
1. W hat does the recipe sho w you ho w to make?
2. W hat are the ingredients?
3. H o w m uch sugar do you need?
4. W hen do you have to stop boiling the pineapple?
5. H o w should you serve the pineapple ste w?

T ask 17

C om pare the w ritten an d spo k en forms of the reci pe belo w .

I denti f y the d i f ferences bet w een those t w o forms of reci pe.

Pi neap p le Ste w
I ngred ients:
1 pineapple cut into dice
3 glasses of w ater
1 glass of granulated sugar
2 sticks of cinnamons
10 clovers
D irections:

To make some pineap ple stew

you w ill need 1 pineapple cut into
dice, 3 glasses of w ater, 1 glass of
granulated sugar, 2 sticks of
cinnamons, and 10 w hole clovers.
The first thing that you need to
do is boil the w ater and bring it to

1. Boil w ater until boiled.

2. A d d sugar, cinnamon, and clovers.
Bring it to boil and ad d the
3. W ait until you can smell the
pineap ple.
4. Remove from heat and serve cold.

boil. Then, you have to the ad d

sugar, cinnamon, and clovers. O nce
it is boiled, ad d the pineap ples.
A fter that you need to w ait until
you can smell the pineapple aroma.
Finally, remove from heat and serve

Scaffolding | English for Grade IX Students

T ask 18

Read alou d the fol lo w i ng reci pe as i f you are a chef on a T V sho w .

T hen, ta k e turns ask i ng an d answ eri ng the q uestions w ith your
classmate sitti ng next to you.

I ngred ients:
1 large ginger
granulated sugar as desired
100 g peanut, fried and get rid of its inner skin.
100 g green bean, boiled
3 slices of bread, slice into dices
100 g pomegranate seeds, boil until soft
I nstructions:
G inger w ater:
1. Peel and slice the ginger.
2. Boil it in a litre of w ater.
3. A d d some granulated sugar and
4. Strain once its boiled.

piece of palm sugar.

Serv i ng:
1. Pour some boiled ginger w ater into a small bo w l.
2. A d d 1tbs of pomegranate seed, green bean and peanut.
3. A d d some bread on top.
Adapted from:

Q uestions to
Your friend

: W hat did you learn from the recipe?
: Is the recipe clear for you?

Your friend
Your friend

: D o you think you can cook the food yourself?

Your friend

: A re you sure about it?




It's no use crying over spilt milk.

Don't express regret for something that has happened and cannot be


Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

Focus on Read i ng an d W riti ng

Read the i nstruction on ho w to ma k e coo k ies an d f i n d the

mean i ngs of the fol lo w i ng w ords based on the context. T hen,
answ er the q uestions.
bake [beIk] (kkt)

T ask 19

baking po w der [beIkIN paUd] (kb)

batter [bQt] (kb)

beat [bit] (kkt)

combine [kmbaIn] (kkt)

drop [dr p] (kkt)

floured [flaUd] (ks)

greased [grisd] (ks)

stir [st] (kkt)

vanilla extract [vnIl ekstrQkt] (kb)

w ire rack [waI rQk] (kb)

Picture 1.11

Picture 1.12

( M a k es 4 dozen)
I ngred ients:
1 cups all purpose flour
teaspoons baking po w der
teaspoons vanilla extract

2 eggs
1 cu p sugar
Picture 1.13 Cookies

D irections:

Combine flour and baking po w der, set aside.

Beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing bo w l until light-coloured.
Stir in the flour and baking po w der mixture.
D rop the batter by teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto a greased and
floured baking sheet. Set aside in a room temperature for 6 hours.
5. Bake at 350F for 6 minutes.
6. Remove from baking sheet to a w ire rack to cool.
Adapted from: Landdoll, Americas Best Vol. I A Collection of Savory Recipes

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Q uestions
1. W hat does the recipe tell you?
2. W hat do you need to make vanilla drops cookies?

H o w many steps are there to make vanilla drops cookies?

H o w long do you need to bake the cookies?
H o w long do you need to leave them in room temperature?


H o w many cookies w ill you get w ith the above recipe?

T ask 20

C om p lete the sentences w ith the su itab le w ords.




You ad d to make the cookie sw eet.

You need t w o to make vanilla drops cookies.
is the synony m of mix.
is a thick mixture of flour, eggs, milk etc used for making cakes or cookies.
baking sheet avoid the cookies from getting burned.

T ask 21

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

In giving instructions w e usually use w ords that tell us actions. H ere are some
sentences using those w ords:
Combine flour and baking po w der.
Beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing bo w l until light-coloured.
Stir in the flour and baking po w der mixture.
D rop the batter by teaspoonfuls.
Bake at 350F for 6 minutes.
Remove from baking sheet to a w ire rack to cool.
The w ords in italic are called action verbs.
A n action verb describes or sho ws an action.


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T ask 22

W rite sentences to descri be each action belo w. Loo k at the exam p le.

Exam p le:

Someone w h isks the eggs.

Picture 1.14



Picture 1.15

T ask 23


Picture 1.16

Read the reci pe on ho w to ma k e can d y an d answ er the q uestions.

C om pare your answ ers w ith some classmates.

H omemade C an d y
I ngred ients:
po w dered sugar
1 c. w ater
1 c. granulated sugar
1 c. light corn syrup
1 / 2 tsp. peppermint oil or other flavour
D irection:
Step O ne
Step T w o

Picture 1.17

H o w to ma k e or do
someth i ng
T h i ngs needed to
ach ieve the goal

Steps needed to be ta k en

: Sprinkle a thick coat of po w dered sugar on a cookie sheet.

: Combine the granulated sugar, light corn syru p and w ater in a heav y

Step Three

: Cook over mediu m-high heat until the hard-crack stage. (W hen the
cand y caramel cracks, then dip into cold w ater).
Step Four : Remove from heat.
Step Five
: A d d the peppermint oil or other flavour. Stir w ell.
Step Six
: Pour onto the cookie sheet.
Step Seven : Sprinkle w ith more po w dered sugar.
Step Eight : C ut w ith a knife as soon as cool enough to handle.
Adapted from:

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Q uestions
1. W hat do you learn from the recipe?
2. W hat do you need to make it?
3. H o w many steps are there to make cand y?
4. H o w long do you have to cook?
5. W hat is the flavour of the cand y that you can make?
6. W hen can you cut the cand y?
Picture 1.18 Lollipop

T ask 24



C om p lete the fol lo w i ng p u z z le.

_____ S____
_________ S____
___ _____

T ask 25


A long thin break in something.

A flat metal tray for baking cookies in an
A cooking pot w ith a lid and a handle.
To scatter small drops of liquid or po w dery
N ormal w hite sugar.
Syrup made from cornstarch.

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation i n smal l grou ps of three.

Proced ures tell ho w to do something. This inclu des instructions on ho w to do

something (to play games, carry out tasks, make recipes, sho w direction to get to a
place, etc.).
Instructions and recipes consist of three parts. They are:
1. W hat is going to be made or done (goal or aim), e.g.: making homemade cand y.
2. Things needed to achieve the goal (ingredients, materials, equip ment), e.g.:
w ater, po w dered sugar, corn syrup, etc.
3. The w ay ho w to achieve the goal (steps or instruction), e.g.: sprinkle thick coat
of po w dered sugar.
The com mon gram matical patters of a proced ure inclu de:
the use of com mands (i.e. the imperative form of the verb), e.g. put, dont mix;
the use of action verbs, e.g. turn, pick up, dont run; etc.
the use of precise vocabulary, e.g. whisk, lukewarm; etc.
the use of connectives to sequence the actions in time, e.g. then, while; etc.


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T ask 26

T ask 27

W rite a reci pe to ma k e i nstant nood le. You can loo k at T asks 16, 18,
19, or 23 as models.

W rite an i nstruction to ma k e or coo k your favourite food. Be sure to

fol lo w the parts of i nstruction an d reci pe that you have learnt.
T hen, present it to your class.

C. Homework

T ask 28

W rite w hat you w ou l d say i n the fol lo w i ng situations.

1. Your friend says she is w illing to help you bu y groceries in the market. You w ant to
kno w if she really means it since the market is far.
2. You and your brother are frying some chicken. Your brother says that the chicken is
cooked. H o w ever, you are uncertain about it.
3. Your friend asks you to help him bake a special cake for his mothers birthday. You
w ant to ask if he is serious about it since you have no idea ho w to make a cake.

T ask 29

Read the fol lo w i ng reci pe an d answ er the q uestions.

D escri ption:
This traditional beverage has the function of red ucing bod y odour, refreshing,
smoothing, and slim ming our bod y.
I ngred ients:
1 kg turmeric
1 kg palm sugar
250 g black tamarind
salt as m uch as needed
3 l of w ater
Picture 1.19 T urmeric

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D irections:
Peel turmeric and w ash it. Then, slice it. Use a grinder or blender to grind the sliced
turmeric. Pour the ground turmeric into a deep pan and ad d the rest of the ingredients.
Bring it to boil. Stir it occasionally. O nce it is boiled strain the mixture. Let it cool off and
serve it w ith some ice cubes.
Taken from:

Q uestions
1. W hat does the text tell you?
2. W hat are the ingredients?
3. W hat are the steps to make it?
4. W hat is the Indonesian equivalent of the w ord STR A I N ?
5. H o w do you serve the drink?

T ask 30

T ask 31

F i n d t w o reci pes of trad itional foods from another region. Present

them to the class an d con v i nce your classmates that you are sure
that the food is del icious.

W atch a coo k i ng sho w on T V an d w rite do w n the reci pe an d the

steps to ma k e the food.

D. Evaluation

T ask 32

C hoose one of the situations belo w an d have a d ialogue based on


1. Your friend is uncertain if she can finish cooking before dinner starts. You w ant to
assure her that she can finish cooking just in time for dinner.
2. You ask your mother if she is sure that the avocado is ripe enough to be juiced. A nd
your mother says that she is very sure.
3. Your friend offers you to eat some fried grasshoppers. You are unsure if grasshoppers
are edible or not. You ask your friend about it. A nd your friend tells you that he is
very certain that it is eatable.


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T ask 33

Read the fol lo w i ng i nstructions an d choose the correct answ er for

every q uestion belo w.
M I X E D I C E (ES C A M P U R)
(1 serv i ng)

I ngred ients:
of avocado
3 tbs. of condensed milk
1 can of coconut w ater and coconut shavings
some ice cubes
H o w to ma k e it:
1. C ut the avocado into small pieces.
2. Put ice cubes into the glass.
3. Fill of the glass w ith some coconut w ater and coconut shavings.
4. A d d the sliced avocado.
5. A d d the condensed milk on the top of avocado.
6. M IX E D I C E is read y to be served.
Taken from:

1. The text tells you .

a. about avocado
b. ho w to mix ice
c. no w to make M ixed Ice
d. ho w to eat M ixed Ice
2. You need the follo w ing things to make M ixed Ice, E X C EPT .
a. avocado
b. ice cubes
c. condensed milk
d. sugar
3. H o w m uch coconut w ater and coconut shavings do you need?
a. 1 glass.


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4. H o w many servings can you get form the recipe?

a. one.
b. t w o.
c. three.
d. four.
5. You need 3 tbs. of condensed milk. The underlined w ord is the abbreviation of .
a. spoon
b. teaspoon
c. tablespoon
d. cu p

T ask 34


W rite a reci pe of a u n i q ue food that you k no w. T hen, answ er the

fol lo w i ng q uestions.

W hat does the recipe tell you?

W hat do you need to make it?
W hat are the steps to make it?
H o w long do you need to cook it?
W hy do you thin k the recipe is unique?

E. Reflection
H o w m uch do you learn from th is u n it? Put a tick ( ) i n the right box accord i ng to ho w
m uch you have learnt.
A spects

V ery m uch

A sking if someone is sure about

Saying that you are sure
Reading proced ures
W riting proced ures


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M uch

L ittle

F. Summary
I n th is u n it you learn:

H o w to ask for an d respon d to certai nty

A sk i ng for certai nty
A re you sure?
Is that right?
A re you certain?
A re you certain about


Respon d i ng to u ncertai nty

Yes, sure.
O f course.
Im very certain.

A ction verbs
A n action verb is a w ord that describes an action.
Exam ples:
C om b i ne flour and baking po w der.
Beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing bo w l until lightcoloured.
Stir in the flour and baking po w der mixture.

3. Proced ural text

Instructions and recipes consist of three parts. They are:
a. W hat is going to be made or done (goal or aim), e.g. making homemade
cand y.
b. Things needed to achieve the goal (ingredients, materials, equip ment), e.g.
w ater, po w dered sugar, corn syrup, etc.
c. The w ay ho w to achieve the goal (steps or instruction), e.g. sprinkle thick
coat of po w dered sugar.

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G. Vocabulary List

ad d [Qd] kkt

: tambahkan

bake [beIk] kkt

: panggang

baking po w der [beIkIN paUd] kb

: soda k ue

batter [bQt] kb

: adonan

beat [bit] kkt

: kocok

can [kQn] kb

: kaleng

chilli [tSIli] kb

: cabe

combine [kmbaIn] kkt

: campur

cookie sheet [kUki Sit] kb

: alas / lembaran k ue

corn syrup [k n sIrp] kb

: sirup jagung

corn [k n] kb

: jagung

crack [krQk] kkt

: retak / pecah

cu p [k p] kb

: cangkir

drop [dr p] kkt

: teteskan

equip ment [IkwIpmnt] kb

: peralatan

floured [flaUd] ks

: tertaburi tepung

garlic [gAlIk] kb

: ba w ang putih

granulated sugar [grQnjuleItId SUg(r)] kb : gula pasir

greased [grist] ks

: terlu masi

ingredient [Ingridint] kb

: bahan-bahan

lid [lId] kb

: tutup

margarine [mAdZrin] kb

: margarin

mix [mIks] kkt

: campur

mixture [mIkstS] kb

: cam puran

pinch [pInS] kb

: ju mput

pour [p ] kkt

: tuang

roll [rUl] kkt

: gulung

salt [s lt] kb

: garam

saucepan [s spQn] kb

: panci berpegangan

seal [sil] kkt

: tutu p / segel




: porsi

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In com m unicating w ith others, sometimes you cannot hear clearly w hat they are
saying. You request them to repeat w hat they are saying. D o you kno w ho w to do it very
w ell?
If someone has helped you or done something for you, you have to express your
gratitu de. D o you kno w ho w to thank him / her appropriately?
D o you usually read the manual before using your com p uters or your mobile
phones? The manual may contain a proced ure text in it. In this unit, you w ill be exposed
to proced ures related to com p uters and mobile phones. Besides reading the proced ures,
you w ill have the chance to w rite your o w n proced ures w hich interest you most
through challenging guided as w ell as free tasks.

A. Lead-in

T ask 1

Picture 2.1

Picture 2.3

N ame every electron ic ap p l iance belo w .

Picture 2.2

Picture 2.4

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T ask 2

A nsw er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on your k no w ledge. W or k in


1. D o you kno w ho w to operate the appliances above?

2. W hich appliances have you operated?
3. W hich appliances do you frequently use?
4. W hich appliance do you find most difficult to use?
5. W ill you ask for someones help if you find some difficulties to operate some?

B. Lesson Proper

Focus on L isten i ng an d Spea k i ng

T ask 3

D iscuss the mean i ng of the w ords belo w w ith your partner. T hen,
l isten to the d ialogue bet w een Fred y an d San usi an d rearrange the
j u m b led steps. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

Situation: Fredy and Sanusi are talking about the instruction on how to turn the computer on
and off.
po w er su pply [paUw splaI] kb

CP U (central processing unit) [si pi ju] kb

monitor [m nIt] kb

click [klIk] kkt

Picture 2.5

H o w to turn on a com p uter

H o w to turn of f a com p uter

1. T urn the monitor on.

1. C lick T urn O ff.

2. T urn the po w er supply on.

2. T urn the monitor then the po w er supply off.

3. T urn the com puter on.

3. C lick start menu.

4. C lick T urn O ff again.


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T ask 4

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions.

In the dialogue bet w een Fred y and Sanusi you find the expressions I D I D N T
The expression above is used to ask for repetition.
There are many other expressions you can use to ask for repetition, for exam ple:
A sk i ng for Repetition
In formal situations

In informal situations

Im sorry, would you mind repeating that

word again, please?
Im sorry; could I ask you to repeat that word,

Im sorry?
What did you say?
What was that again?
Im sorry I didnt catch what you said.

T ask 5

L isten to some short d ialogues an d then w rite do w n expressions of

ask i ng for repetitions you f i n d i n each d ialogue. T he l isten i ng
scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.
Expressions to ask for repetition


D ialogue 1


D ialogue 2


D ialogue 3


D ialogue 4


D ialogue 5



What letter is always trying to find reason?

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T ask 6

L isten to the monologue on ho w to acti vate a mob i le p hone w ith

M u lti med ia C ard ( M M C). T hen, deci de the correct order b y
n u m beri ng the fol lo w i ng p ictures. T he f irst one has been done for
you. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

Picture 2.6

Picture 2.7

Picture 2.9

Picture 2.10

T ask 7

Picture 2.8

Picture 2.11

A nsw er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on the monologue i n T ask 6.

1. W hat does the instruction sho w you?

2. W hat should be ensured before opening the phone cover?
3. H o w do you insert the SI M card and the M M C?
4. W hat do you do before turning on the mobile phone?
5. W hen do you turn the mobile phone on?


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T ask 8

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng d ialogue an d then answ er the

q uestions to chec k your com prehension. A fter that, act it out w ith
your partner.

Situation: Asep wants to install a PC game. He calls A ndi to help him install the game. When he
calls A ndi, he finds some steps not clear enough to be heard.
A ndi

: H ello.

A sep
A ndi
A sep

: M ay I speak to A ndi?
: Speaking.
: H i, A ndi. Its me, A sep.

A ndi
A sep

: O h, hi. W hats u p?
: Ive got the C Ds for Need for Speed U nderground 2. I need your
help. I dont kno w ho w to install it. Could you help me?

A ndi
A sep
A ndi
A sep
A ndi

: Sure. H ave you turned on your comp uter?

: Yes. Im read y w ith m y com puter.
: N o w, insert C D1 and w ait for the A U T O PL A Y.
: O kay, its the A U T O PL A Y. W hats next?
: C lick the Install bar on the top of the menu and then insert the Serial
N u mber of your prod uct.
: W here can I find the SERI A L N U M BER?
: Its on the bottom of our C D case.
: Im sorry. I cant hear you clearly. C an you say that again?
: Its on the cover, on the bottom of your C D case.
: O K . Its done.
: Then, click I N ST A L L. Replace C D1 by C D2 if the
installation requires to.
: O K . Its finished.
: D ont forget to cop y C R A C K FIL ES from C D1 to C: \ Program
Files \ E A Games \ N FS U nderground2 \ . O nce youre done, youre read y to

A sep
A ndi
A sep
A ndi
A sep
A ndi
A sep
A ndi

A sep
A ndi
A sep

: O K . Its all done. Thank you very much.

: A nytime, d u de.
: Bye.

Q uestions
1. W hat does A sep ask A ndi to do?
2. H o w many C Ds are required to install N FS U nderground 2?
3. H o w many steps do you find in the dialogue? M ake a list of them.
4. W hat does A sep say w hen he does not hear clearly?
5. H o w does A sep thank A ndi for helping him install the game? W hat does he say?

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I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions.

T ask 9

In the dialogue bet w een A sep and A ndi, you find an expression of gratitu de. A sep
says T H A N K Y O U V ERY M U C H to thank A ndi for helping him install the game,
and A ndi replies it by saying A N Y TI M E.
There are many other expressions you can use to thank and to respond to thanks, for
exam ple:
Thanks for.
Thank you very/so much.
Thanks a million.
I really appreciate it.

C om p lete the d ialogues usi ng the su itab le expressions. Loo k at the

exam p le.

T ask 10

Exam p le:



Responding to thanks
Youre welcome.
M y pleasure.
A ny time.
No trouble at all.
Not at all.

: W ill you sho w me ho w to open an email account?

: Sure.
: T han ks a lot.
: D ont mention it.

Picture 2.12

E do

: Ida, ho w do you send a short message?


E do

: Its very easy. Just go to the main menu, and then select M essage.
A fter that select W rite N e w / W rite M essage and then w rite your
message. W hen youve finished w riting your message, press Send or
O K or Yes. A nd then go to phonebook and select the nu mber you
w anted to send it to.
: W o w , thats easy. Thanks.


: .

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Fred y
Fred y


A ngelina
H ereka
A ngelina

: Im sorry I didnt catch w hat you said.

: O h, Ill repeat.
: Thanks.

H ereka

: .



: Im sorry. W hat did you say?

: I said you should rety pe the passw ord.
: O h, O K . .
: .

A sep

: W hat w as that again?

H uri
A sep
H uri

: You missed the fourth step.

: Really? Thanks, I didnt kno w .
: .

A jeng
A pis
A jeng
A pis

: Could you repeat the last step?

: O K.
: .
: .

T ask 11


Your teacher w i l l gi ve you t w o p ictures of electron ic ap p l iances. I n

pairs, have short d ialogues based on the p ictures you have got. Your
d ialogues shou l d i ncl u de an y proced ures of usi ng or operati ng the
ap p l iances as w el l as expressions you have learned. You may fol lo w
the fol lo w i ng gu i del i ne.

G reeting
A sking for help
Explaining the proced ure on ho w to use the appliances
M issing some steps

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T ask 12

Based on the d ialogues you have i n T ask 11, report oral l y the
proced ures you have got from your partner to the class. You may
w rite the i m portant poi nts of the proced ure.

The steps on ho w to .
The first step is .
The second step is .
The third step is .
A nd so on .

Focus on Read i ng an d W riti ng

T ask 13

I n grou ps of four, answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on your

k no w ledge.

H ave you got a PC?

D o you kno w the parts of a com p uter?
W hat do you kno w about C D-R O M?
W hat w ill happen if a PC has no C D-R O M?
D o you kno w ho w to install a C D-R O M into your PC?

T ask 14

Read the fol lo w i ng proced ure on ho w to i nstal l a C D -R O M . T hen,

f i n d the I n donesian eq u i valents of the w ords i n the box. T hen,
answ er the q uestions to chec k your com prehension.

H o w to I nstal l C D -R O M
1. T urn off your com puter and unplug po w er cord from po w er outlet.
2. C arefully remove the computer cover.
3. Set the M aster / Slave ju m per on the rear panel of drive. (To get best results, w e
strongly suggest that you connect your device to the Secondary I D E port as the
M A ST ER device.)
4. Connect the I D E cable to the dri ve.
5. C onnect the 4-pole po w er cable to the drive.
6. Connect the au dio cable (if applicable).
7. C arefully slide the drive into the em pty bay and mount it. Then replace the
com puter cover.
8. Plug your com p uter back to po w er outlet and then turn the po w er on.
Taken from: Lite-O n C D-R O M


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W ords

Indonesian Equivalents

em pty [emti] ks

port [p t] kb
rear [rI] ks
slide [slaId] kkt
unplug [npl g] kkt
Q uestions
1. The text above sho ws us ho w to .
a. unpack C D-R O M
b. install the C D-R O M
c. uninstall C D-R O M
d. remove C D-R O M from our computer

2. W hat is the purpose of the text?

a. To explain ho w to install C D-R O M .
b. To tell the readers ho w to connect com puters using C D-R O M .
c. To discuss the influence of C D-R O M on the computer w ork.
d. To measure the effectiveness of computer w orking w ith C D-R O M installed.
3. W hat should be done first before installing the C D-R O M?
a. Remove the com puter cover.
b. U nplug all other devices first.
c. T urn off the computer and unplug the po w er cable.
d. T urn the com puter on before installing C D-R O M.
4. W hat does the w riter strongly recom mend in order to get the best result of the C DR O M installation?
a. That w e remove the computer cover first.
b. That the computer should be turned off before installing C D-R O M .
c. That the C D-R O M is set as M aster device in the Secondary I D E.
d. That C D-R O M is set as M aster device in Primary I D E.
5. W e have to connect the C D-R O M to the follo w ing ty pes of cable E X C EPT .
a. po w er cable
b. au dio cable
c. I D E cable
d. monitor cable

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6. W hat part of the C D-R O M should be set if you w ant to apply C D-R O M as M aster or
a. M otherboard slot.
b. I D E slot.
c. C able po w er.
d. M aster / Slave Ju m per.
7. Connect the au dio cable (if applicable).
The sentence im plies .
a. You may not turn the com puter on before connecting the cable
b. Your C D-R O M may not w ork properly if you do not connect the cable
c. It is not necessary to connect the cable if it is not valid
d. Reinstall the C D-R O M if you have not connected the cable
8. Connect the I D E cable to the drive.
The w ord drive in the sentence refers to .
a. C D-R O M
b. ju m per
c. motherboard
d. com p uter
9. C arefully slide the drive into the empty bay and mount it.
The w ord bay in the sentence is similar in meaning to .
a. ju m per
b. cable
c. button
d. com partment
10.Plug your computer back to po w er outlet and then turn the po w er on.
The w ord outlet in the sentence is similar in meaning to .
a. button
b. channel
c. cable
d. port



Whats got a wave but no sea?


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T ask 15

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng ru le.

In the text in Task 14, you find the follo w ing sentence:
T urn off your com puter an d unplug from po w er outlet.
The w ord an d in the sentence is called a conjunction. It connects phrases or parts
of sentences.
There are five conjunctions in English. They are:
1. A n d: used to connect w ords of the same part of speech, phrases, or clauses.
2. B ut: used before you say something that is different from or opposite w hat
you have just said.
3. O r: used bet w een t w o possibilities, or before the last in a series of
4. So: used w hen you are explaining that something makes something else
hap pen.
5. N or: used to sho w that t w o facts, qualities, actions, etc. are both not true.

T ask 16

D o you k no w ho w to sen d an S M S? I n pairs, w rite the proced ure on

ho w to sen d an S M S an d then read it out i n smal l grou ps. Use
con j u nctions that you have learned.
Sending an SMS

Steps to do:

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T ask 17

Put the i nstruction on ho w to i nstal l a pri nter i n the correct order.

T hen, answ er the q uestions. W or k i n pairs.

Connect the paper support and plug in the printer.

Press the P O W ER button to turn on the printer.
Put in the ink cartridges.
Connect the printer and com puter w ith a USB cable, and then insert the printer
soft w are C D into the C D-R O M drive.
Remove the ink cartridges from their bags.
Press the M A I N T E N A N C E button.
Follo w the instruction to install the printer soft w are.
Finally, click E XIT to exit the installation. Your printer is read y to use.
Remove the container from the box. Remove all tape and packing materials from
the printer.
Taken from: Epson C.45 Software Installation

The correct order to install printer

Q uestions
1. W hat is the first step in installing the printer?
2. W here do you install the ink cartridges?
3. W hat do you do before connecting the printer w ith your comp uter?
4. W hen do you install the printer soft w are?
5. W hat is the final step in installing a printer to your computer?


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T ask 18

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

The w ords in bold in the questions in Task 17 above are w ords to ask about i ncl usion
of detai ls. H ere is a list of w ords to ask about inclusion of details: w hat, w here,
w hen, ho w , ho w long, and ho w m uch. They are used to ask for detailed information
of something.

T ask 19

M a k e grou ps of four. Your teacher w i l l gi ve one of you the

i nstructions on ho w to pri nt f i les. T hen, the one w i l l tel l the
i nstructions. T he others cou l d ask for detai led i n formation about it.
Pri nti ng a F i le


T urn the printer on.

O pen the file that you w ant to print.
Picture 2.13
C lick File. A nd then click print.
C heck if the printers name is the same as the one you are going to use. If it is not
the same, then search for the name of the printer that you are going to use by
clicking on the small triangle or arro w beside it.
5. C lick pages and then ty pe the pages that you w ant to print.
6. Select the nu mber of copies that you w ant to print by clicking on the arro ws
beside it.
7. C lick O K or Print.
N ame

Stu dent n u m ber

Inclusion of D etails

D etailed Information

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T ask 20

M a k e grou ps of four. Your teacher w i l l gi ve you a set of p ictures.

Each p icture contai ns a step to i nstal l A v ira A nti v irus. Rearrange
the p ictures i nto a good man ual an d then w rite the man ual based
on the p ictures. T he p ictures are i n the A p pen d ix.

C. Homework

T ask 21

A sk w hether your parents or your neigh bours have man uals of

com p uters or mob i le p hones. F i n d t w o of them an d then report
them to the class. You may use the fol lo w i ng form to ma k e your
report more organ i zed.

N ame

Stu dent n u m ber

W hat is to do

T ask 22

1. Putri



C om p lete the d ialogues w ith the su itab le expressions.

: Laila, w here have you been? Ive been w aiting for you an hour no w .
: I forgot that w ere supposed to meet at one oclock.
: W hat? H o w could you forget? Ive reminded you.
: Im very sorry Putri. I w ont do that again. Please forgive me.


: But, dont make me w ait for you again.


: Thank you. I w ont do that. I promise.

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2. Sanusi : Im sorry, I missed the last step. .

E do
: Sure. The last step is press the CP U button, the monitor button, and the
po w er supply button off.
Sanusi : Youre saying it too fast. .
E do

: Im sorry. Ill repeat more slo w ly this time. Press the C P U button, the
monitor button, and then, the po w er supply button off.
Sanusi : .
E do
: Youre w elcome.

T ask 23

I n pairs, perform short d ialogues based on the fol lo w i ng situations.

1. Your friend teaches you ho w to insert a film into the camera. You miss the third step.
2. Your sister sho ws you ho w to open an email account but you cant follo w her
3. Your brother sho ws you ho w to set T V channels. You miss some steps.
4. Your father teaches you the technique to ride a motorcycle. You forget w hat to do
after starting the motorcycle.
5. Your sister teaches you ho w to ty pe in a com puter. You do not understand.

D. Evaluation

T ask 24

C hoose the correct answ er to com p lete each d ialogue belo w.

1. K etut Tantri : .
: Sure, Ill repeat that.
a. Yes. Thanks.
b. D o you have the time?
c. Youre w elcome.
d. Could you repeat that?
2. W ayan Lega w a
: .
A sep
: I said that w e should open an email account.
a. Really?
b. W hat w as that again?
c. N ever mind.
d. Is that so?

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3. Laila : Thank you for helping me open an email account.

Fred y :
a. Really?
b. I doubt it.
c. D ont mention it.
d. Sure?
4. Sanusi : for sho w ing me ho w to do w nload files from the internet.
A di
: A ny time.
a. D ont you kno w
b. Thank you
c. Im still confused
d. D o you w ant to
5. D anias : Im sorry. I cant help you.
Saly :
a. Thats O K .
b. Really?
c. Thanks.
d. I doubt it.

C on necti ng JetF lash (f lash d isk) to a C om p uter

1. Plug the JetFlash directly into an available USB port on your desktop or notebook
com p uter.

Picture 2.14

2. W hen the JetFlash is successfully connected to a com p uter, the JetFlash s L E D w ill
light u p. A Removable D isk drive* w ith a ne w ly assigned drive letter indicating the

w ill appear in the M y Com puter w indo w . In ad dition, a Removable

H ard w are icon

and an icon Q uick M enu
w ill appear in the W indo ws System Tray.


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(provided you setu p JetFlash elite)

Picture 2.15


A fter the JetFlash is connected to the com puter, you can start transferring data to

the JetFlash . Just drag and drop files or folders directly onto the Removable D isk

icon that represents the JetFlash .

Taken from: JetFlash manual

6. W hat does the text tell us about?

a. The steps to install the JetFlash .

b. The steps to uninstall the JetFlash .

c. The steps to install Q uick M enu of the JetFlash .

d. The steps to cop y files and folders to the JetFlash .

7. W here do w e plug the flash disk?
a. Into the I D E port.
b. Into the po w er slot.
c. Into the USB port.
d. Into the po w er outlet.

8. W hat indicates that the JetFlash is successfully connected to your com puter?

a. The JetFlash s L E D w ill light up.

b. The computer is restarted automatically.

c. The computer is removing the data to the JetFlash .

d. The A uto Log In of the JetFlash is running.

9. In ad dition, a Removable H ard w are icon

and an icon Q uick M enu


you setu p JetFlash elite) w ill appear in the W indo ws System Tray.
The sentence im plies ...

a. If the icons do not appear, you m ust reinstall the JetFlash elite.

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b. If the icons do not appear, you m ust check your hard w are configuration.
c. In some com puters w ith different operating systems, the icons may not appear.
d. You m ust install the icons so that the icons may ap pear in the W indo ws System

10. In ad dition, a Removable H ard w are icon

and an icon Q uick M enu


you setu p JetFlash elite) w ill appear in the W indo ws System Tray.
The w ord icon in the sentence is similar in meaning to ....
a. port
b. sy mbol
c. cable
d. drive



Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets.

E. Reflection
H o w m uch do you learn from th is u n it? Put a tic k ( ) i n the right box accord i ng to ho w
m uch you have learnt.
A spects

V ery m uch

A sking for repetition

Expressing gratitu de
U nderstanding manuals
W riting manuals


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M uch


F. Summary
I n th is u n it you learn:

H o w to ask for repetition, for exam p le:

Im sorry?
Im sorry I didnt catch w hat you said.
Could / w ould you repeat that, please?
Im sorry. W hat did you say?
W hat w as that again?


H o w to express gratitu de, for exam p le:

To express gratitu de, you can say:
I do appreciate it.
Thank you very / so m uch.
To respond to gratitu de, you can say:
Youre w elcome
M y pleasure


M an uals on com p uters an d mob i le p hones

There are t w o main parts of proced ure texts. They are w hat is going to do
(the goal) and steps to do.

4. C on j u nctions






W hat, w here, w hen, ho w ,

ho w long, ho w m uch

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G. Vocabulary List

ap pliance [plaIns] kb
bay [beI] kb
container [knteIn] kb
cord [k d] kb
device [dIvaIs] kb
gratitu de [grQtItjud] kb
install [Inst l] kkt
light u p [laIt p] kki
message [mesIdZ] kb
operate [ preIt] kkt
outlet [aUtlt] kb
plug [pl g] kkt
rear [rI] ks
soft w are [s ftwe] kb


: alat-alat
: ruang
: tem pat / w adah sesuatu
: kabel
: alat, perlengkapan
: terima kasih
: memasang
: menyala
: pesan
: mengoperasikan
: stopkontak
: colok kan
: bagian belakang
: perangkat lunak

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W hen you see something great or somebod y doing something

amazing you sometimes spontaneously express your ad miration. D o you
kno w ho w to express it?
In your daily life do you often read instructions on ho w to do
something or recipes? D o you kno w ho w to read and w rite instructions on
your o w n? Learn these and more in this unit.

A. Lead-in
T ask 1

N ame the fol lo w i ng items. You may w or k i n pairs.


Picture 3.2

Picture 3.1



Picture 3.4

Picture 3.3



Picture 3.5

Picture 3.6

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T ask 2

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng p henomena an d then i n grou ps of four answ er

the q uestions.

Picture 3.8 Garbage

Picture 3.7 Garbage

1. W hy do you think there is so m uch garbage or rubbish around us?

2. W here does the garbage come from?
3. D o you think w e can red uce the quantity of garbage thro w n a w ay? H o w?

B. Lesson Proper

Focus on Spea k i ng an d L isten i ng

T ask 3

I n pairs, recal l the mean i ngs of the w ords belo w. T hen, l isten to the
d ialogue bet w een A sep an d A d i on ma k i ng a p iggy ban k an d
deci de w hether the statements are T R U E or F A LSE. C orrect the
false statements. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

bead [bid] kb

button [b tn] kb

cutter [k t] kb

fabric [fQbrIk] kb

glue [glu] kb

paint [peInt] kb

plastic bottle [plQstIk b tl] kb

slip [slIp] kkt


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T rue


C orrections

1. A sep made his plastic piggy bank

on his o w n.
2. A di likes A seps piggy bank.
3. A sep said it is hard to make the
piggy bank.
4. A di doesnt like the idea of recycling
plastic bottles.
5. You only need a plastic bottle, a
cutter, and paint or fabric to make it.

T ask 4

C om p lete the sentences usi ng the w ords i n the box.



plastic bottles

W e can recycle to make bottle banks.

W e can use to make the bottle colourful.
is mainly used on clothing.
W e can find many necklaces made of in M alioboro.
The coin should be able to through the opening.
is the synony m of cloth.
W e can cut paper, plastic, etc. using .
is used to stick things together.

T ask 5

Stu d y the d ialogue belo w an d notice the expressions i n bol d. T hen,

stu d y the expressions.

A sep

: Loo k, I can ma k e a bo w l from C D s.

: W o w, thats a w esome! D id you really make it on your o w n?

A sep
A sep

: Yes, of course.
: T h is is real l y cool! C an you sho w me ho w to make it?
C ertainly.

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The expressions in bold above are expressions used to ad mire someone or

something. H ere are some other expressions.
looks great.
This is terrific.
Its wonderful.

T ask 6

C om p lete the d ialogues usi ng the su itab le expressions. T he f irst

one has been done for you as an exam p le.

1. Yapis
A loina
A loina

: T h is is cool! D id you make it on your o w n?

: Yes, I did. I made it from m y old C Ds.
: Really? C an you sho w me ho w?
: Sure.


A ngelina
A di
A ngelina
A di

: H o w does m y tie d ye T-shirt look?

: .
: Really? Im very satisfied w ith m y w ork.
: Yes, you should.


A jeng
D anias
A jeng
D ania
A jeng

: W hat do you think of this birthday card?

: W here did you bu y it?
: I made it on m y o w n.
: Really?
: Y u p.

4. Bay u
A spani
Bay u
A spani
5. Panji



This is fantastic.
Thats awesome.
This is cool!

: W hat are you doing A spani?

: Im making a present box for m y sisters birthday present.
: W here did you learn ho w to do that?
: From a handicraft book.
: W hat are you going to do w ith all of those cans?
: Im going to try to recycle it.
: H o w are you going to do that?
: W ell, Im going to use m y creativity and turn the cans into
something else that I can use. Like pen holders, bird feeders,
small can baskets, and other things.
: idea.
: Thanks.

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T ask 7

Say relevant expressions i n the fol lo w i ng situations.

1. Your friend has a great idea. You express your ad miration.

2. You see a unique bag made out of a coconut shell. You are amazed by it.
3. Your mother is making a rag from old cloth. You ad mire her w ork and creativity.
4. Your friend asks you to help her recycle unused paper. You are over w helmed by
the recycled paper that youve prod uced.
5. There are some handicrafts made out of unused plastic bottles, card board, and
cans. You really ad mire them.

T ask 8

L isten to the fol lo w i ng monologue on ho w to ma k e a w i n dsoc k out

of an u n used p lastic bottle. T hen, com p lete the f lo w chart belo w .
T he w ords i n the box may hel p you u n derstan d the text. T he
l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.
Steps to M a k e W i n dsoc ks:

C ut the top and the

bottom off a t w o
litre bottle.



evenly on


A ttach
fishing lines to a
large sw ivel snap
used in fishing.


Tie a 3 foot piece of

ribbon in each of the
bottom hole.
fishing line [fISIN laIn] kb

: senar pancing

p unch [p nS] kkt

: lubangi

ribbon [rIbn] kb

: pita

sand [sQnd] kkt

: am plas

sw ivel snap [swIvl snQp] kb

: roll pancing

tie [taI] kkt

: ikat

w indsock [wInd s k] kb

: penunju k arah mata angin

Picture 3.9 W indsock

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A nsw er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on the monologue i n T ask 8.

C om pare your answ ers w ith a classmates.

T ask 9


W hat does the instruction tell you?


W hat do you need to make a w indsock?

W hat are the steps to make it?
W hat are the fishing lines for?


W hat do you think is the function of a w indsock?

T ask 10

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng d ialogue w ith your classmate sitti ng next to

you an d guess the mean i ng of fol lo w i ng w ords based on the
d ialogue. T hen, act it out i n pairs.


: Putri, I have a lot of unused cloth. W hat should I do w ith it?

: You could make a quilt out of the cloth.
: But I dont kno w ho w to make a quilt.
: I kno w ho w to make a sim ple quilt.


: Really? Thats great. W ill you sho w me ho w?

: Sure. A ll you need is some unused cloth, thread, and needle. The first thing
that you have to do is cut the unused cloth or fabric into squares (8cm x 8cm or
10 cm x 10 cm). Then, fold the edges of the square a little bit (about 0.5 cm).
A fter that, se w the folded edges of t w o squares together. A nd then, keep
se w ing the square cloth together in a pattern that you w ant, for exam ple heart,
face, flo w er, stripes etc. W hen you have finished se w ing all pieces of your
square cloth, turn the se w ed squares on its back side. N ext, spread the large
fabric sheet on top of se w ed squares. Finally, se w the large fabric w ith the


se w ed squares. W o w , you have a beautiful unique table cloth.

: W o w thats great. H ave you ever made one?
: Yes, I just made one last w eek. H ere it is.
: Thats very beautiful, Putri.
: Really?


: Yes, it great.





se w



Picture 3.10 C loth

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Picture 3.11 Q uilt




T ask 11

A nsw er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on the d ialogue above.

W hat are Ida and Putri talking about?

W ho sho ws her friend ho w to make a quilt?
W hat do you need to make a table cloth quilt?
H o w many steps are there to make a table cloth quilt?
H o w many centimetres do you have to fold the edges?
W hen do you se w the sheet for the back of the table cloth?
H o w did Ida ad mire the quilt that Putri had made?

T ask 12

I n smal l grou ps of four, stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

From the dialogue bet w een Putri and Ida you can find the w ord need le. The w ord
need le has ee- (double vo w el). H eres ho w to pronounce double vo w el letters.
-ee- (double e) is pronounced / i: / . H ere are some examples:
sheet, needle, peel, screen.
-oo- (double o) can be pronounced in three w ays.
a. It is pronounced / u: / in the follo w ing w ords:
1. too, zoo
2. proof, roof
3. cool, fool, pool, tool, school
4. bloom, room
5. moon, noon, soon, spoon
6. troop
7. choose, goose
8. boot, root
b. It is pronounced / u / in the follo w ing w ords:
1. good, w ood
2. book, cook, look, shook, took
3. w ool
4. foot
c. It is pronounced / / w hen follo w ed by r, as in the w ord poor.

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T ask 13

Pronou nce the fol lo w i ng dou b le letter vo w els (-oo-). Put a tic k
u n der the correct sou n d. You may consu lt your d ictionary.
W ords


w ood

T ask 14

I n pairs, stu d y the i nstruction belo w an d guess the mean i ng of the

w ords i n the box based on the context. T hen, ta k e turns retel l i ng it
oral l y to your classmate sitti ng next to you.

W e can use clean tuna and cat food cans to make holiday cand y containers. First, paint
the outside of the cans w hite. Then, p unch t w o holes near the top edge on op posite sides
and used light w eight craft w ire to make a little handle. N o w it sort of looks like a little
basket. A fter that, stam p around the outside w ith sim ple shapes made from kitchen
sponge and craft paint, as hearts, C hristmas trees, shamrocks, etc. N ext, fill rectangles of
coloured cellophane w ith a fe w pieces of hard cand y and tie the top w ith a piece of
narro w ribbon and put that inside the can.
Contributed by Je wel l H a l w achs
Adapted from:


cat food can


p unch


craft w ire


stam p



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T ask 15

D eci de w hether the statements are T R U E or F A LSE based on the

i nstruction i n task 14. C orrect the false statements.




C orrections

1. You need a can, a hole

p uncher, w ire, paints, and
sponge to make the cand y
2. The holes should be on the
bottom edge.
3. The w ire is to make the handle.
4. The plastic cellophane is used
to w rap the candies.
5. The stam ps should be made
from w ood.



Why did the students take a ladder to school?

Focus on Read i ng an d W riti ng

T ask 16

Read the i nstruction on ho w to ma k e a bo w l from ol d C D s. T he

fol lo w i ng w ords may hel p you u n derstan d it. T hen, answ er the
q uestions.

C D (compact disc) [si di] kb

: CD

hair dryer [hedraI] kb

: pengering rambut

metal bo w l [metl bUl] kb

: mangk u k besi

saucer [s s] kb

: ca w an

bend [bend] kkt

: bengkok

hole [hUl] kb

: lubang

soften [s fn] kkt

: melunak kan

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M aterials:
O ld C Ds
H air dryer / oven
M etal bo w l
G lue
Small saucer / something to cover the C D hole

Picture 3.12 C D

D irections:
First, place the C D in a metal bo w l and heat it w ith a hair dryer. O r p ut it in the oven
on lo w heat. Then, bend the C D softly w hen it softens. A fter that, let it cool off.
Finally, glue a small plastic saucer or anything to cover the hole.
Adapted from:

Q uestions
1. W hat do you learn from the text?
2. W hat do you need to make a bo w l from C Ds?
3. W hat are the steps to make a bo w l from C Ds?
4. W hat is the hair dryer for?
5. C an w e use other things to heat the C D?
6. W hy do w e need to heat the C D?

F i n d ten action verbs i n the p u z z le. T he f irst one has been done.

T ask 17



































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T ask 18

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

In the dialogue bet w een Ida and Putri you find the follo w ing sentences:
F irst, cut the unused cloth or fabric into squares (8cm x 8cm or 10 cm x 10 cm).
T hen, fold the edges of the square a little bit (about 0.5 cm).
A fter that, se w the folded edges of t w o squares together.
F irst, secon d, th ird, etc; then, an d then, next, after that, f i nal l y are
con necti ves. C on necti ves are w ords that connect sentences to indicate that the
sentences are still related. Connectives usually are follo w ed by a com ma.

T ask 19

C om p lete the i nstruction w ith the correct con necti ves.

T ie D yei ng O l d T-sh irt

T h i ngs you need:
O ld cotton T-shirt
Large thread or rubber band
C loth d ye
First, w ash a 100 percent cotton T-shirt.
Second, place the w et shirt flat on the w ork surface.
tie knots in the T-shirt, or t w ist it and secure the folds w ith rubber bands or
heav y-d uty thread.
mix 1 / 2 c. liquid d ye (or 1 package po w dered d ye) in 1 lt. hot w ater.
D issolve 5 tbsp. table salt in the mixture.
Fifth, let the mixture cool to room temperature.
put the entire shirt in the d ye and let it soak for at least 20 minutes.
rinse the shirt in cold w ater until the w ater runs clear.
undo the knots and rinse the shirt again.
N inth, hang the shirt to dry, out of the sun.
Adapted from:

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T ask 20

I n pairs, stu d y the i nstruction belo w an d guess the mean i ngs of the
w ords i n the box based on the context.

blender [blend] kb

food processor [fUd prUses] kb

bucket [b kIt] kb

strainer [streIn] kb

w ire [waI] kb

magazine [mQgzin] kb

bleach [blitS] kb

iron [aIn] kb

iron [aIn] kkt

Picture 3.13 Recycled paper

E q u i p ment:
O ld paper, magazines, or ne wspapers
Blender / food processor
Insect screens / strainers
W ire

W hite glue
W ater

D irections:
First, shape w ires into a rectangular shape. Then, cover the w ire frame w ith
insect screens and se w it. A fter that, rip the paper into small pieces. A nd then, p ut
the torn paper in a bucket and fill it w ith w arm w ater. A d d one table spoon of
bleach. Soak the paper for a half an hour. N ext, p ut a cu p of soaked paper in a
blender, ad d some bleached w ater and blend it. A nd then, pour the blended paper in
a large rectangular container. e.g. sink or tray. A fter that, repeat step 5 and 6 until all
of the soaked paper are blended. Then, ad d and mix t w o table spoon of w hite glue to
the blended paper. A fter that, dip the screen frame into the blended paper. Lift and
rinse the w ater for a minute. Then, dry the paper (w ith the screen frame still on) in
the sun. A nd then, peel the papers out of the frame screens w hen its dry. Finally,
iron the paper.
Adapted from:


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T ask 21

Read the text agai n an d answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions.

1. W hat is the main purpose of the text in Task 20?

2. W hen should w e blend the paper?
3. H o w long do w e have to soak the paper?
4. W here should w e put the blended paper?
5. H o w much glue do w e have to ad d?
6. H o w do w e dry the paper?

T ask 22

Put the steps i n the correct order. You may w or k i n pairs.

1. A d d one table spoon of bleach. Soak the paper for a half an hour.
2. Peel the paper out of the frame screens w hen its dry, and then iron the paper.
3. Pour the blended paper in a large rectangular container. A nd ad d and mix t w o
tablespoons of w hite glue.
4. N ext, p ut a cu p of soaked paper in a blender and ad d some bleached w ater. A nd
blend it.
5. Rip the paper into small pieces. A nd then p ut the torn paper in a bucket and fill it
w ith w arm w ater.
6. Shape w ires into a rectangular shape. Then, cover the w ire frame w ith insect
screens and se w it.
7. D ip the screen frame into the blended paper. Lift and rinse the w ater for a
minute. Then, dry the paper (w ith the screen frame still on) in the sun.



Pretty Kitty Creighton had a cotton batten cat.

The cotton batten cat was bitten by a rat.
The kitten that was bitten had a button for an eye,
And biting off the button made the cotton batten fly.

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T ask 23

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions an d p ictures. N otice ho w the

w ords i n bol d are used.

Put the torn paper i n the


Picture 3.14

Pour out the blended


Picture 3.16

Picture 3.15

D ry the paper u n der the

The lam p is above the



Picture 3.17

The bucket is beh i n d the


Picture 3.20

T ask 24

The box is besi de the ball.

Picture 3.18

Picture 3.19

The boys are i n front

of the laptop.

The glass is bet w een the


Picture 3.21

Picture 3.22

C om p lete each sentence w ith the correct w ord based on each

p icture.



Picture 3.23

Picture 3.24

The paint brushes are the can.


The lamp is his head.


Picture 3.25

The mat is the feet.


The blender is on the


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Picture 3.26

The bag is the chair.

T ask 25

W rite an i nstruction on ho w to ma k e one of the fol lo w i ng th i ngs.

You may loo k bac k at the text i n T ask 20 as the model.

1. G reeting cards from unused papers

2. Toys from unused stuff
3. Flo w ers from used stra ws

C. Homework

T ask 26

Picture 3.27 C ard

T ask 27

Express your ad m iration on the fol lo w i ng th i ngs. Use the

expressions that you have learned.

Picture 3.28 Small p urse

Picture 3.29 W ind chimer

Picture 3.30 M at

Read the fol lo w i ng i nstruction. T hen, answ er the q uestions an d

retel l ho w to ma k e sno w globes to your class.

Sno w G lobes
G lue a small object to the inside of the lid - a plastic figurine, f, etc. A d d
glitter, beads, or foil confetti, etc. Fill the jar w ith equal parts w ater and corn
syrup, ad d food colouring if desired. Seal the lid onto the jar using a w atertight
sealant (the kind used for aquariu ms, or the stuff found in the plu mbing section
of your hard w are store). Put a bead of sealant on the threads of the jar and on the
inside threads of the lid. C lose it up, leave overnight to dry.
Taken from:

Picture 3.31 Sno w globe

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Q uestions
1. W hat do you learn from the text?
2. W hat do you need to make sno w globes?
3. H o w many steps are there to make sno w globes?
4. W hat is the w atertight sealant for?
5. W hy do you have to leave it over night?

T ask 28

F i n d t w o i nstructions to ma k e someth i ng from u n used th i ngs.

Re w rite them i n your o w n w ords an d present them to your class.

D. Evaluation

T ask 29


A sep
K etut Tantri
A sep
K etut Tantri
A sep

2. Elizabeth


C om p lete the fol lo w i ng d ialogue w ith the su itab le expressions.

: Look Burhan, that lad y is thro w ing rubbish into the river!
: .
: Yes, thats very shameful. She shouldnt do that. The rubbish is
polluting the river. It can also cause flood.
: A sep, w hy dont w e remind her that she shouldnt thro w rubbish
any more?
: Thats a idea Burhan. Lets go and remind her.
: Finally, w ere here. I cant w ait to see ho w plastics are recycled.
: Yeah, me too.
: H ey look at that machine. It chops and cleans the plastic.
: W o w , .
: Yes. Its so cool!
: W hat about that machine. W hat does it do?
: I think it melts the plastic.
: Recycling is great. W e can red uce pollution and save money too.
: I kno w . Sanusi, I think w e have to leave no w .
: .
: Yes, I hope that w e can stay here longer too.

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T ask 30

Say relevant expressions i n the fol lo w i ng situations.

1. You made a sno w globe from an unused jar. It looks beautiful. You w ant to ad mire it.
2. Your friend made a present box from an unused carton. It looks great and you w ant
to ad mire her w ork.
3. You sa w a unique w ind chimer from unused bottle caps and some small bells. You
are amused by it.

T ask 31

Read the fol lo w i ng i nstruction an d deci de w hether the fol lo w i ng

statements are true or false.

T ie D yei ng O l d T-sh irt

T h i ngs you need:
old cotton t-shirt (100% cotton if possible)
large thread / rubber band
cloth d ye
hot w ater
1. W ash the cotton T-shirt.
2. Place the w et shirt flat on the w ork surface.
3. Tie knots in the T-shirt, or t w ist it and secure the folds w ith rubber
bands or heav y-d uty thread.
4. M ix 1 / 2 c. liquid d ye (or 1 package po w dered d ye) in 1 qt. hot w ater.
D issolve 5 tbsp. table salt in the mixture.
5. Let the mixture cool to room temperature.
6. Put the entire shirt in the d ye and let it soak for at least 20 minutes.
7. Rinse the shirt in cold w ater until the w ater runs clear.
8. U ndo the knots and rinse the shirt again.
9. H ang the shirt to dry, under the sun.
Adapted from:

N ote: 1 qt. (q uart) =

gal lon = 1 l itre

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T rue


C orrections

1. The instruction tells you ho w

to make a t-shirt.
2. You need rubber bands to
hold the t w ists on the t-shirt.
3. You have to soak the t-shirt in
hot w ater.
4. You need to ad d the salt into
the hot w ater and d ye mixture.
5. You need to rinse the d yed tshirt more than once.

T ask 32

Picture 3.32 C an

I n pairs, d iscuss w hat you can do or ma k e w ith the fol lo w i ng items.

T hen, w rite the steps to ma k e it.

Picture 3.33 Styrofoam

Picture 3.34 Box

Picture 3.35 Bottle

E. Reflection
H o w m uch do you learn from th is u n it? Put a tick ( ) i n the right box accord i ng to ho w
m uch you have learnt.
A spects

V ery m uch

A d miring something or somebod y

Reading proced ures
W riting proced ures


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M uch

L ittle

F. Summary
I n th is u n it you learn:

H o w to ad m ire someth i ng or somebod y

This is terrific.
Its wonderful.
This is fantastic.
looks great.


C on necti ves
a. Connectives are w ords that connect sentences to indicate
that the sentences are still related.
b. First, second, third, etc ; then, and then, next, after that,
finally are connectives.


Some prepositions are in, under, or, below on, beside, above, behind, in front of, and

4. Proced ural texts (see U n it 1)

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G. Vocabulary List


bead [bid] kb

: manik-manik

bend [bend] kkt

: bengkok

bleach [blitS] kb

: pem utih

blender [blend] kb

: alat pencam p ur

bucket [b kIt] kb

: ember

button [b tn] kb

: kancing

C D (com pact disc) [si di] kb

: CD

cutter [k t] kb

: pisau pemotong

fabric [fQbrIk] kb

: kain

fold [fUld] kkt

: lipat

food processor [fUd prUses] kb

: alat penggiling makanan

glue [glu] kb

: lem

hair dryer [hedraI] kb

: pengering rambut

hole [hUl] kb

: lubang

iron [aIn] kb

: setrika

iron [aIn] kkt

: mensetrika

magazine [mQgzin] kb

: majalah

metal bo w l [metl bUl] kb

: mangk u k besi

needle [nidl] kb

: jaru m

paint [peInt] kb

: cat

pattern [pQtn] kb

: pola

plastic bottle [plQstIk b tl] kb

: botol plastik

saucer [s s] kb

: ca w an

se w [sU] kki

: jahit

slip [slIp] kkt

: menyelip kan

soften [s fn] kkt

: melunak kan

spread [spred] kkt

: gelar / bentangkan

strainer [streIn] kb

: saringan

stripe [straIp] kb

: garis-garis

thread [Tred] kb

: benang

w ire [waI] kb

: ka w at

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W hen somebod y is talking to you, you have to pay attention or listen to

him or her. If not, the person w ho talks to you may get offended. O n the other
hand, if you do pay attention to w hat others are saying, they w ill feel
appreciated. D o you kno w ho w to sho w that you are listening to others?
You can find information about general things, such as living things,
cities, countries, and planets from books, encyclopedias and even radio and
television. D o you kno w ho w to read and w rite that ty pe of text? Learn those
and more in this unit.

A. Lead-in

T ask 1

I n pairs, stu d y the an i mals belo w an d then answ er the q uestions.

Picture 4.1

Picture 4.2




kno w
kno w
k no w
kno w

Picture 4.3

the animals above?

that those animals are endangered?
anything about those animals?
w hat makes them endangered?

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T ask 2

D eci de w hether the fol lo w i ng an i mals are exti nct, en dangered or

al i ve an d w el l. T he def i n ition i n the box may hel p you.

: living things w hich have died out.
: living things which are at risk of extinction.
A live and w ell : living things w hich are still alive and in a good condition.



Picture 4.7 Polar bear

Picture 4.4 Q uagga



Picture 4.5 Flying squirrel


Picture 4.8 M oa


Picture 4.6 Siberian tiger

Picture 4.9 C hihuahua

B. Lesson Proper

Focus on L isten i ng an d Spea k i ng

T ask 3

L isten to the d ialogue bet w een T ora an d San usi an d then answ er
the q uestions. T he w ords i n the box may hel p you u n derstan d the
d ialogue. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

1. W hat are Tora and Sanusi talking about?

2. W hat endangered animal do you find in K alimantan?
3. W hat endangered animal do you find in Java?
4. W hy are orangutans endangered?
5. H o w many Javanese rhinoceros are there no w?


caught [k t] kkt

: ditangkap

destruction [dIstr kSn] kb

: kerusakan

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hunting [hntIN] kb

: perburuan

increase [INkris] kki

: meningkat

loss [l s] kb

: hilang

nu mber [n mb] kb

: ju mlah

shot [S t] kb

: ditembak

sold [sUld] kkt

: dijual

T ask 4

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

In the dialogue bet w een Sanusi and Tora you hear the follo w ing expressions:
O h, I see.
Real l y?
M m
Those expressions are used to sho w that you are listening (paying attention). It
is im portant to sho w your attention w hen you com m unicate w ith other people.
By doing so you are making the other person speaking to you feel appreciated.
It is one of the manners that you m ust remember. H ere are the expressions that
you can use to sho w your attention to others:


T ask 5

Sho w i ng attention
I see.

A nd.

C om p lete the d ialogue w ith the su itab le expressions sho w i ng that

you are l isten i ng or pay i ng attention.

Fred y
W ayan Lega w a

: Is there any endangered animal in Bali?

: Yes, there is. D o you kno w the Balinese starling or jalak Bali?

Fred y
W ayan Lega w a

: N o, I dont.
: W ell, the Balinese starling is from Bali and it is endangered because
of hunting and habitat loss.
: . H o w does it look like?
: W ell, its beautiful. Its black and w hite and it has a longer beak
than the usual starling. A nd it has a crest.

Fred y
W ayan Lega w a
Fred y

: .

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T ask 6

I n pairs, w rite a d ialogue i n the fol lo w i ng situation an d perform it.

Situation: You ask your friend about an endangered animal that you dont know and he informs
you about it. Then, you show that you are listening to him.

T ask 7

L isten to the fol lo w i ng monologue on orang-utan. T hen, com p lete

the fol lo w i ng su m mary an d f i n d the mean i ng of the w ords i n the
box based on its context. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

O rang-utan
G eneral i n formation:
Scientific name: Pongo pygmaeus
Reason(s) for becoming endangered:
Speci f ic I n formation:
H abitat
A natom y :
D iet : fruits, young leaves, soft inner barks, termites, eggs, and occasionally
Reprod uction:

give birth [gIv bT] kkt

diet [daIt] kb

fur [f] kb

gestational period
[dZesteISnl pIrid] kb

infant [Infnt] kb

mam mal [mQml] kb

mate [meIt] kki

poacher [pUtS] kb

p uffy [p fi] ks

rough [r f] ks

sack [sQk] kb


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T ask 8

C hoose the correct answ er to every q uestion belo w based on the

monologue above.

1. W hy are orangutans endangered?

a. H abitat loss and hunting.
b. H unting and helping.
c. K illing and reserving.
d. H abitat loss and saving.
2. W hat is the males throat-pouch for?
a. D igesting.
b. K eeping food.
c. Prod ucing a lou d groaning and bubbling call.
d. Prod ucing bubbling call and keeping food.
3. W here are the orangutans habitats?
a. O nly in Borneo island.
b. O nly in the Java island.
c. In Borneo and Su matra islands.
d. In Borneo, Su matra, K alimantan islands.
4. W hat do they mostly consu me?
a. Termites.
b. Leaves.
c. Fruits.
d. Soft inner barks.
5. W hen do they reprod uce?
a. E very once a year.
b. O nce every t w o years.
c. O nce every three years.
d. O nce every four to eight years.



What do tigers have that no other animals have?

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T ask 9

A ngelina
A ngelina

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng d ialogue an d u n derl i ne the

expressions used to sho w attention. T hen, deci de w hether the
statements are T R U E or F A LSE. C orrect the F A LSE statements. A ct
it out after that.

: D o you kno w anything about the tiger?

: Yes, I just read a book about the tiger.
: Could you tell me about it? I have to make a report on it.
: Sure. The tiger or panthera tigris is the largest member of the cat family. They

are also the only cat that has stripes. There are many ty pes of tiger. The
Su matran tiger is the smallest tiger, yet the Bangal tiger is the largest tiger.
Right no w they are endangered because of habitat destruction and illegal
hunting for sport and bod y parts.
A ngelina : I see. C an you tell me specific information about them?
: Certainly. W ell, tigers can be found in Southern A sia, C hina, and Russia.
They usually live in forests, grasslands, savannas, and sw am ps.
A ngelina : A nd w hat else?
: W ell, they w eigh from 75 to 258 kg. Their bod y is about 2 to 3 metres long.
A nd their tail is about 1 metre long. Their colour varies depending on their
ty pe. Some are bro w n and black, orange and black, and w hite and black.
A ngelina : M m
: Tigers are carnivore, w hich means that they eat meat. They like to eat large
mam mals, such as deer, buffalos, and antelopes.
A ngelina : Right. That w as very complete information. Thanks Laila.
: Youre w elcome A ngelina.

illegal [Iligl] ks

: ilegal / liar / tidak sah

grasslands [grAslQndz] kb

: padang ru m p ut

savanna(h) [svQn] kb

: padang ru m p ut yang sangat luas

sw am p [sw mp] kb

: ra w a

carnivore [kAnIv ( r)] kb

: karnivora
Picture 4.10 Siberian tiger


T rue


1. Tigers belong to the cat family.

2. Tigers are endangered because
of habitat destruction and
illegal hunting.


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C orrections

3. Tigers live in forests,

grasslands, and savannas only.
4. They eat large mam mals.
5. The smallest tiger comes from

T ask 10

D o the crossw ord p u z z le b y com p leti ng the sentences belo w .

C om pare your answ ers w ith a classmates.



T ask 11

1. Some tigers live in

2. K illing tigers is ..
3. are animals that eat
4. ..are large grasslands
w here no trees are found.
5. The tiger is
because of
habitat destruction and illegal

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng report. T hen, su m mari ze it an d present it to

your class. Use the q uestions as your gu i del i ne.

Su matran rh i noceros
The Su matran rhinoceros (D icerorhinus sumatrensis) is the smallest rhino species.
It is also the most distinctive rhinoceros. It has been hunted a lot that it almost extinct.
There are less than 300 Su matran rhinoceroses surviving in M alaysia and Indonesia.
Bet w een 1985 and 1995, the nu mber of Su matran rhinos declined by 50 percent because
of poaching and habitat destruction.
The Su matran rhinoceros has unique gray or red dish-bro w n coat. It is believed to
be the only survivor of the lineage that inclu ded the w oolly rhinoceros. Su matran rhinos
stand u p to 1.4 m (4.6 ft) at the shoulder and w eigh u p to 1,000 kg (2,200 lb). They have
folded skin, like the other A sian rhinos, except that it is covered w ith coarse, bristly hair.
The Su matran is the only rhino in A sia w ith t w o horns. The front horn is usually the
longest, reaching a length of 90 cm (36 in), and the rear one is sometimes so small that
the animal looks as if it is single-horned.

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They live mainly in forest-covered hills near w ater and are kno w n to be good at
climbing slopes and sw im ming. They move mainly at night, and spend most of the day
w allo w ing in m u d-holes and pools.
Su matran rhinoceroses usually feed on leaves, t w igs, and fruit.
Female rhinos reach sexual maturity at about the age of five or six. The males
mature bet w een the ages of seven and eight. H o w ever, they do not father calves until
they have claimed a territory, w hich may take them three or four years.
Rhinos al w ays have a single calf, born after a gestation period of 15 to 18 months. The
calf may feed on its mothers milk for u p to t w o years, and it usually remains w ith its
mother until she is about to give birth once more. The calf is only raised by its mother.
Adapted from: M icrosoft Encarta 2007. 1993-2006 M icrosoft Corporation. A ll rights reserved.


W hat is the text about?

H o w do you define them?
W hy are they endangered?
H o w do they look like?
H o w big and ho w m uch do they w eigh?
W here do they live?
W hat are their diets?
W hen do they reprod uce?
H o w long is the gestation period?
H o w long does the calf stay w ith its mother?

T ask 12

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

W e usually ad d an / s / at the end of a w ord to tell that the w ord is plural.

The / s / for plural can be pronounced in several w ays. They are:
1. /z/ as in rhinos, males, animals, hills, etc.
2. /-i z/ as in bushes, brushes, pushes, w ishes, etc.
3. /-z i z/ as in causes, closes, loses, horses, etc.
4. /-si z/ as in grasses, prod uces


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T ask 13

G rou p the w ords that have the same p l ural /s/ sou n d.
1. badges
2. grasses
3. chooses

7. elephants
8. loses
9. guesses

4. tigers
5. w ashes
6. catches

10. teaches
11. oranges
12. fishes

Focus on Read i ng an d W riti ng

T ask 14

Read the report about the b l ue w hale an d then d iscuss the

mean i ngs of the vocab u lary based on its context. T hen, answ er the
q uestions.

W hat is

Picture 4.11 Blue w hale

T he B l ue W hale

D efinition

H abitat
A natom y
D iet
Reprod uction

The Blue W hale is largest w hale and the largest living creature
on Earth. Blue w hales w ere hunted a lot for oil, baleen, meat, and
other prod ucts from the 1930s to the 1960s. This hunting almost
caused the extinction of the species. They are no w protected and
may grad ually be returning in several areas.
Blue w hales are mainly found in very cold w aters, like the A rctic
and A ntarctic w aters. They migrate to the tropics in the w inter and
to the A rctic and A ntarctic in su m mer.
Blue w hales can reach over 24 m (80 ft) long; mature females are
usually a bit longer than mature males. They w eigh bet w een 87,500142,500 kg. The skin has a light grey and w hite spotty pattern.
Blue w hales feed by opening its mouth into dense grou ps of
small sea creatures like plankton, krill or fish.
Blue w hales are mam mals. They give birth once every t w o or
three years. M ating occurs d uring the su m mer season, and they give
birth after about 11 months. The calf nurse for seven or eight months
and gain w eight about 90 kg (200 lb) per day.

of w hat is


Taken from: M icrosoft Encarta 2006

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migrate [maIgreIt] kki

mature [mtjU] ks

dense [dens] ks

calf [kAf] kb

nurse [ns] kkt

grad ually [grQdjUli] ks

Q uestions
1. W hat is the text about?
2. W hat is a blue w hale?
3. W hy are blue w hales endangered?
4. W here do they live?
5. W hat do they eat?
6. H o w do they look like?
7. W hat do they eat?
8. W hen do they usually mate?
9. W hen do they reprod uce?
10. H o w long does the calf nurse?

T ask 15

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation. You may do it i n pairs.

The text about Blue W hale above is called an informational report. Such a text
has several parts.
The parts of a report are:
1. W hat is being reported (title).
2. D efinition and general information of w hat is being reported.
3. D escription or specific information. It usually consists of:
a. H o w it looks (size, w eight, etc.)
b. W here you can find it (origin)
c. W hat it consu mes (diet)
d. W hen and ho w it reprod uces (reprod uction)
e. Prices (for things such as electronic devices, utilities, cars, motors, etc.)
Information reports are used to present information about something. They
generally describe an entire class of things, w hether natural or made:
mam mals, the planets, rocks, plants, com puters, countries of the region,
transport, and so on. The com mon gram matical patterns of a report inclu de:
use of general nouns, e.g. hunting dogs, not particular nouns, e.g. our dog.
use of relating verbs to describe features, e.g. Koalas are marsupials.
use of timeless present tense to tell general truth, e.g. Koalas eat eucalyptus


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T ask 16

Put the parts of the report i nto the correct order.

M ost sea turtles live in w arm seas around the w orld. The Leather Back is one
of the biggest sea turtles. Sea turtles are about 8 feet and can w eigh up to 415 lb. They
eat animals and plants. Females are the only ones that leave the w ater to lay their
eggs. The female buries its eggs and leaves because it is helpless on land.
Sea T urtle
Sea turtles are reptiles. There are at least 7 kinds of sea turtles. They sw im by
beating their flippers. They can't w ithdra w into their shells.

T ask 17

Read the report about K omodo dragons an d f i n d the mean i ngs of

the w ords based on the context. T hen, com p lete the vocab u lary
w eb.

Picture 4.12 K omodo dragon

The K omodo D ragon is the w orlds biggest
lizard. It is a reptile, a cold-blooded animal. It is
diurnal, most active d uring the day. The K omodo
D ragon is a fast runner; it can run up to 11 mph (18
k ph). It is also a good tree climber and sw im mer.
The K omodo D ragons scientific name is V aranus komodoensis. It is in danger of
extinction because of habitat lost. Its life span is about 20 years.
K omodo D ragons live on islands in Indonesia, inclu ding the island of K omodo.
They live in hot, hu mid, grassy lo w lands and in rainforests.
The K omodo D ragon is about 9 feet (2.8 m) long, but can get up to 10 feet (3 m)
long and w eighs u p to 300 pounds (135 kg). It has large ja ws, four short legs, and fivetoed feet w ith sharp cla ws. The tail is longer than the bod y. It senses chemicals w ith a
long, yello w , forked tongue.
The K omodo D ragon is a carnivore (meat-eater). It eats almost anything that it
can catch, inclu ding goats, deer, w ild boars, other lizards, and carrion (dead meat that it
finds). The K omodo D ragon has disease-rid den bacteria in its mouth. A fter it bites its
prey, the victim w ill get sick and die from blood poisoning in one or t w o days. The
K omodo D ragon w ill then find the bod y and eat it.

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The female digs a hole in the ground, lays 20-40 eggs, and then covers them u p
w ith soil. The eggs hatch in about 7 months. H atchlings eat mostly insects and live in
Adapted from:

D eer

Lo w lan d



H ab itat

135 k g
K omodo dragon

A natom y


Lay eggs

T ask 18

Four short legs

M atch each w ord belo w w ith its def i n ition.

1. prey

a. animal eaten by another animal

2. lizard
3. hatchling
4. carrion

b. organism that has just hatched from an egg

c. rotting meat
d. w ild pig

5. boar

e. ty pe of small reptile w ith four legs and a

long tail



What do you call a bear without an "ear"?


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T ask 19

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

K omodos tail is longer than its bod y.

K omodo is the largest lizard.







more interesting

most interesting

1. W hen you w ant to compare something you usually use er or more.

-er is used for short w ords and more is for long w ords.
than is also used in com paring something.
Exam ple: Bangal tigers are larger than Su matran tigers.
Exam ple: - shorter, bigger, larger, etc.
- more comfortable, more peaceful, more interesting, etc.
2. W hen you w ant to express superlative you use est or most.
-er is used for short w ords and more is for long w ords.
Exam ple: - shortest, biggest, largest, etc.
- most comfortable, most peaceful, most interesting, etc.

T ask 20

C om p lete the sentences usi ng the correct w ords. You may change
the forms of the w ords to su it the context.

1. The blue w hale is the animal on earth. (large)

2. The Su matran tiger is the tiger. (small)
3. The Bangal tiger is an the Su matran tiger. (big)
4. The cheetah is the land animal. (fast)
5. The orangutan is than the gorilla. (smart)



W hat has t w o heads, four eyes, six legs an d a tai l?

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T ask 21

T ask 22

W rite a report on giant pan das. F i n d the i n formation that you need
from the i nternet or an y sources.

A sk your classmates i f they k no w about the fol lo w i ng an i mals.

W rite the n u m ber of stu dents w ho k no w an d w ho dont. T hen f i n d
an article about the an i mal that is the least fam i l iar to your frien d.
Su m mari ze it an d present your su m mary to your class.

Picture 4.13 D ugong / sea cow

Picture 4.14 M aca w

Picture 4.15 G iant aro w ana

C. Homework

T ask 23

Read the fol lo w i ng report an d com p lete the i n formation tab le.
T hen, choose the correct answ er to every q uestion.
Polar Bear
The polar bears, w hich are usually called w hite

bears, are found on the sea ice of the A rctic C ircle

throughout the N orth Polar basin. They are classified
as U rsus maritimus. They live for about 25 to 30 years.
They are no w endangered because of habitat
Picture 4.16 Polar bear
Polar bears have w hite fur w hich may yello w in the su m mer. Their bodies are
longer than other bears and streamlined for aquatic life. The females gro w u p to 1.8 m (6
ft) long; males gro w u p to 2 m (7 ft) long. M ost male polar bears w eigh an average of
about 350 kg (about 880 lb), and most females w eigh about 250 kg (550 lb). They have the
plantigrade feet (heel and sole touching the ground, w ith five sharp, curved cla ws on
each foot for grasping the ice and holding its prey. Long hair bet w een the pads protects


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the bear's feet from the cold and provides grip on the ice. Stiff hairs on the forelegs, and
very broad front feet, help the bear sw im.
Polar bears have a strong navigational sense and an extremely good sense of
smell, and they are unusually clever at solving problems in order to obtain food. Since
they are carnivores; they eat primarily ringed seals, and occasionally bearded seals,
w alruses, or w hite w hales. They also feed on berries, sedges, m ussels, and kelp.
They live in pack ice w here w ater is accessible. They can be found throughout
A rctic regions.
Except d uring the breeding season, male polar bears are solitary and roam over
vast expanses of sea ice w hile hunting. D uring the breeding season (M ay to June), the
males fight furiously over females. Both the male and female may mate w ith other
individ uals as w ell. The female ty pically gives birth to t w o cubs after a four- to fivemonth gestation period. C ubs remain w ith the mother for about 28 months, often
nursing the entire time. The young are very small w hen born: about 1 kg (about 2 lb).
Their eyes remain closed for about 40 days and they m ust nurse every fe w hours. The
mother holds them close to keep them w arm.
Adapted from: M icrosoft Encarta 2007. 1993-2006 M icrosoft Corporation. A ll rights reserved.

Polar Bear
N ame

A natom y
D iet

Reprod uction

: 25-30 years
: endangered (habitat destruction)
: ...
: pack ice w here w ater is accessible.

Q uestions
1. W hat is the text about?

G riz zly bears.

H oney bears.
A rctic.
W hite bears.

2. H o w long can a polar bear live?

a. U p to t w o and a half years.
b. U p to t w enty years.
c. U p to fourteen years.
d. U p to forty years.

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3. The follo w ing is true about polar bears, E X C EPT .

a. It has five sharp cla ws
b. It has a nine-month-gestation period
c. It has t w o cubs at a time
d. It is the longest type of bear
4. W hat is the meaning of the w ord n urse from the last paragraph?
a. A person w ho takes care of sick people.
b. K eep feeling.
c. Take care of something special.
d. Breast-feed.
5. H o w long do the cubs stay w ith their mother?
a. T w o years.
b. Less than t w o years.
c. M ore than t w o years.
d. Three years.


T ask 24

A sk three of your classmates about f i ve en dangered an i mals that

they k no w . A sk them i f they can i n form you w h y they are
en dangered.

T ask 25

F i n d t w o texts on your favourite an i mal to w rite a report on the

an i mal. T he fol lo w i ng q uestions may hel p you w rite your report.

W hat is the scientific name of the animal?

W here does it live?
W hat does it eat?
H o w does it look like?
H o w m uch does it w eigh?



What do you call a fish without an eye?


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D. Evaluation

T ask 26

Read the report to answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions.

1. W hat is the report about?

2. W here is its habitat?
3. W hat is the giant pandas main diet?
4. W hen do giant pandas mate?
5. W hy is the giant panda endangered?
The giant panda is the com mon name for a bear found in
provinces of w estern C hina. The giant panda resembles
other bears in general appearance, w ith the exception of the
black patches over its eyes, ears, and legs and the black band
across its shoulders. G iant pandas live in bamboo forests at
high elevations and feed primarily on bamboo. U nlike other
bears, they vocalize by bleating rather than roaring.
Picture 4.17 G iant panda
Females w eigh about 80 kg (about 180 lb), and males w eigh about 100 kg (about
220 lb). The giant panda's so-called sixth front toe is not a digit or cla w but an enlarged
w rist bone that functions as a thu mb in grasping food.
G iant pandas feed almost exclusively on bamboo, w hich is not highly nutritious.
F urthermore, some bamboo species flo w er sim ultaneously and die shortly after w ard,
occasionally leading to starvation among giant panda pop ulations. If their usual food
su p ply is threatened, giant pandas may feed on gardens, crops, and even chickens, but
they are little threat to people except in close encounters.
The habitats of family grou ps and the survival of ju venile giant pandas are still
poorly understood. G iant pandas seem to have no permanent den and do not hibernate,
although they shelter in the w inter in dens or hollo w trees. G iant pandas are fairly
solitary most of the year. Females may live in loose grou ps w ithin the range of a
dominant male.
Breeding takes place from M arch to M ay, and the young are born three to six
months later w eighing only 85 to 140 g (3 to 5 oz). T w o cubs may be born, but only one
survives. The young cry lou dly for help and require great care from the mothers, and
losses of young are a serious problem in the recovery and management of giant-panda
pop ulations. The giant panda's broken range has created six isolated pop ulations. The
total nu mber of giant pandas in the w ild is no w about 1,000. Because giant pandas are
restricted to a small area of w estern C hina, their status may be the most precarious of all
the species of bears.
Taken from: M icrosoft Encarta 2007. 1993-2006 M icrosoft Corporation. A ll rights reserved.

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A sk f i ve of your classmates i f they k no w the fol lo w i ng en dangered

an i mals. I f they do, ask them to tel l you about them. Remem ber to
be pol ite an d sho w that you are l isten i ng to them.

T ask 27

Picture 4.18 Sumatran Tiger

Picture 4.19 Sno w Leopard

Picture 4.20 A sian Elephant

W rite a short report on one of the above an i mals. You can f i n d the
i n formation that you need from an y boo ks, i nternet or other peop le.

T ask 28

E. Reflection
H o w m uch do you learn from th is u n it? Put a tic k ( ) i n the right box accord i ng to ho w
m uch you have learnt.
A spects

V ery m uch

M uch

Sho w ing attention

Reading reports
W riting reports

F. Summary
I n th is u n it you learn:

H o w to sho w attention



Sho w i ng attention
I see

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A nd.

L ittle


D egree of com parison


W hen you w ant to com pare something you usually use er or more.
1) -er is used for short w ords and more is for long w ords.
2) than is also used in com paring something.
Exam ple: - shorter, bigger, larger, etc.
- more comfortable, more peaceful, more interesting,


W hen you w ant to express superlative you use est or most.

-est is used for short w ords and most is for long w ords.
Exam ple: - shortest, biggest, largest, etc.
- most comfortable, most peaceful, most interesting, etc.

3. Report text
A n informational report has the follo w ing parts:
1. W hat is being reported (title).
2. D efinition and general information of w hat is being reported.
3. D escription or specific information. It usually consists of:
a. H o w it looks (size, w eight, etc.)
b. W here you can find it (origin)
c. W hat it consu mes (diet)
d. W hen and ho w it reprod uces (reprod uction)
e. Prices (for things such as electronic devices, utilities, cars, motors,

G. Vocabulary List
boar [b ] kb

: babi hutan

calf [kAf] kb

: anak

carnivore [kAnIv r] kb

: karnivora

carrion [kQrin] kb

: daging bangkai

consu me [knsjum] k kt

: mengkonsu msi

dense [dens] ks

: padat / penuh

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destruction [dIstr kSn] kb

: kerusakankehancuran

diet [daIt] kb

: makanan

disease-rid den bacteria

[dIziz rIdn bQktIri] kb

: bakteri yang menyebabkan penyakit

diurnal [daInl] kk

: aktif disiang hari

endangered [IndeIndZ] ks

: terancam p unah

extinction [IkstINkSn] kb

: kep unahan

forked [f kd] ks

: bercabang d ua

fur [f] kb

: bulu

gestational period [dZesteISnl

: masa kehamilan

pIrid] kb


give birth [gIv bT] kkt

: melahirkan

grad ually [grQdjUli] ks

: secara bertahap

grasslands [grAslQndz] kb

: padang ru m p ut

hatchling [hQtSlIN] kb

: anak yang baru menetas

herbivore [hbIv r)] kb

: herbivora

hu mid [hjumId] ks

: lembab

hunting [hntIN] kb

: pemburuan

increase [INkris] k ki

: meningkat

infant [Infnt] kb

: bayi

lizard [lIzd] kb

: kadal

lo w lands [lUlndz] kb

: dataran rendah

mam mal [mQml] kb

: mamalia

mate [meIt] kki

: ka w in

mature [mtjU] ks

: de w asa

migrate [maIgreIt] kki

: migrasi

nurse [ns] kkt

: meny usui

poacher [pUtS] kb

: pemburu

prey [preI] kb

: mangsa

primate [praImeIt] kb

: primata

rain forest [reIn f rist] kb

: hutan hujan tropis

rough [r f] ks

: kasar

savanna [svQn] kb

: padang ru m p ut yang sangat luas / savana

shot [S t] kb

: ditembak

stem [stem] kb

: batang

sw am ps [sw mp] kb

: ra w a

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D o you sometimes feel that you are unsure or doubtful about something?
W hen someone is doubtful about something w hat should you say? A nd w hat
w ould you say if you are optimistic about something? D o you kno w ho w to
express your feeling?
D o you often w atch the discovery channel on television or read
encyclopedias and books on plants, animals, planets, natural disasters, etc.? The
texts from those sources are usually informational reports. D o you kno w ho w to
read and w rite reports? You w ill learn those and more in this unit.

A. Lead-in

T ask 1


I n pairs, answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions an d then com pare your

answ ers w ith your partners.

Picture. 5.1


Picture. 5.4


Picture. 5.2


Picture. 5.5


Picture. 5.3

Picture. 5.6

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A. Lesson Proper

Focus on L isten i ng an d Spea k i ng

T ask 2

L isten to a d ialogue bet w een Ramon an d Bay u. A fter that, answ er

the fol lo w i ng q uestions. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

Situation: Ramon and Bayu are watching television. The breaking news is on, informing that
another landslide just occurred.
1. W hat are Ramon and Bay u talking about?
2. C an w e prevent landslides?
3. H o w can w e prevent landslides?
4. W hat does Ramon feel optimistic about?
5. H o w do you think trees can prevent landslides?
Picture. 5.7 Landslide

T ask 3

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

In the dialogue bet w een Ramon and Bay u you find the follo w ing
I dou bt it.
I dont th i n k
W el l, I th i n k its possi b le to do that.
Yes, Im pretty opti m istic about it.
The first t w o expressions above are used to say or express doubts and
the next t w o are used to respond to doubts. H ere are the expressions that
you can use to express doubts.
Expressi ng dou bts
Respon d i ng to dou bts
Im not so sure .
I feel quite sure about it.
I doubt it.
You just wait and see.
Im rather doubtful .
Im very optimistic about it.
I dont think .
Well, I think it .
I dont really believe.
It will be great.


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T ask 4


A sep
M artha




A yu

C om p lete the fol lo w i ng d ialogues w ith the su itab le expression. T he

f irst one has been done for you.
: D o you think everyone in this country is w illing to participate in a
reforestation program me?
: Im not so sure about that. You see, not everybod y cares about our
mother nature.
: I cant find any report on tsunami. C an you help me?
: Im sure you can find some information on it from the encyclopaedia and
from the internet. W hy dont you try again?
: .
: O h, come on Ill help you once youve tried again.
: A lright.
: that w e can replant all of the trees that have been cut do w n. There
are just too many trees that have been cut do w n.
: as long as everyone participates in it and illegal logging is stopped.


Bay u
: D o you think w e can prevent tsunami?
Tetelepti : I dont think w e can stop the nature.
Bay u
: w e can red uce it by planting trees on the beach, building w ave
breakers, etc.


A pis
A di

T ask 5

: that w e can make people realize ho w important it is

any natural disaster that may occur.
: Im sure that they w ould.

to be read y for

W hat w ou l d you say i n the fol lo w i ng situations?


You are unsure that you can persuade your friends to plant at least a tree.


You are very certain that planting trees w ill help prevent floods and landslides.
Your friend doubts that he can find a report on a natural disaster.
Your friend asks you to help him w rite a report on earthquake. H e is unsure that he
can w rite a report on his ow n.

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I n pairs, f i n d the mean i ng of the fol lo w i ng w ords. T hen, l isten to

the fol lo w i ng monologue. A fter that, com p lete the fol lo w i ng chart.
T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.
landslide [lQndslaId] kb

T ask 6

geological phenomenon
[dZil dZIkl fen mInn] kb

soil [s Il] kb

rock [r k] kb

hill [hIl] kb

cliff [klIf] kb

mountain [maUntn] kb

erosion [IrUZn] kb

sno w melt [snU melt] kb

thunder [T nd] kb

lightning [laItnIN] kb

blasting [blAstIN] kb

mining [maInIN] kb

logging [l gIN] kb

Picture 5.8 Landslide


Thunder and lightning

M achinery vibration

H u man

M ining


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T ask 7


W hat
W hat
W hat
W hat

does the monologue tell you?

is landslide according to the monologue?
can cause landslides?
can prevent a landslide w hich is caused by erosion?

T ask 9

A di
A di
A di
A di

A nsw er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on the monologue above.

C om pare your answ ers w ith a classmates.

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng d ialogue an d deci de w hether the statements

are T R U E are F A LSE. C orrect the false statements.

: W hat are you doing A di?

: O h, Laila you startled me. I w as just w ondering if w e can make our village
: W hat do you mean?
: W ell, theres hardly any tree in our village and it feels so hot in the dry season
and w e sometimes have floods in the rainy season.
: Yes, you are right. W e should plant trees. Im sure everyone in the village
w ill agree and help.
: Im not so sure about that.
: Im very certain that everyone w ill help, everyone w ill benefit from it.
: Yes, I hope everyone w ill agree to this idea and they w ill also help.


T rue


C orrections

1. A di w as thinking w hen Laila came.

2. A di and Lailas village al w ays gets
flooded in the rainy season.
3. A di is very optimistic that everyone
w ill agree and participate to plant
4. Laila is very certain that everyone
w ill help.
5. A di and Laila live in the same village.

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T ask 8

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng d ialogue agai n an d then, act it out i n pairs.

T ask 10

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng i n formation an d read it alou d as i f you are the

an nou ncer on the D iscovery chan nel.

A tornado is a violently rotating colu mn of air w hich is in

contact w ith both a cu m ulonimbus clou d or, in rare cases, a
cu m ulus clou d base and the surface of the earth. Tornadoes come
in many sizes but are ty pically in the form of a visible Picture. 5.9Tornado
condensation funnel, w hose narro w end touches the earth and is often encircled by a
clou d of debris.
M ost tornadoes have w ind speeds of 110 mph (177 k m / h) or less, are about
250 feet (75 m) across, and travel a fe w miles (several kilometers) before disappears.
Some reach w ind speeds of more than 300 m ph (480 k m / h), stretch more than a mile
(1.6 k m) across, and stay on the ground for dozens of miles (more than 100 k m).
A lthough tornadoes have been observed on every continent except A ntarctica,
most occur in the U nited States. They also com monly occur in southern C anada, southcentral and eastern A sia, east-central South A merica, Southern A frica, north-w estern and
central E urope, Italy, w estern and south-eastern A ustralia, and N e w Z ealand.
Adapted from:

T ask 11

I n pairs, ta k e turns ask i ng an d answ eri ng the fol lo w i ng q uestions.

: W hat is tornado?
Your partner : .
: H o w fast does tornado usually go?
Your partner : .
: W here do tornadoes usually occur?
Your partner : .
: W hat is the shape of tornado?
Your partner : .
: W here have experts observed tornado?
Your partner : .


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T ask 12


I n pairs, match each of the fol lo w i ng w ords w ith its mean i ng. You
may consu lt your d ictionary. T hen, com p lete each sentence w ith the
su itab le w ord.

clou ds


angin topan
a w an

A ... is 1.61 kilometres.

M ost tornados are in the shape of .
The of things in w hich the tornadoes run through usually flies around the
has been observed in all continents except A ntarctica.
Tornados usually are in contact of w ith cu m ulonimbus and cu m ulus .

T ask 13

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

In general, stress is the lou dness w hich is given to a syllable in a w ord.

Stress is given to make a syllable in a w ord clearly pronounced than the
others. In English, the signal of stress is (). You should open your
dictionary to find the correct stress of a w ord. Look at the example.
W ords
Pron u nciation
1. earthquake


[f rIst]
[v lkeInU]

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T ask 14

I n pairs, open your d ictionary an d then f i n d the correct stress of the

fol lo w i ng w ords. T hen, ta k e turns pronou ncing the w ords. W h i le
your partner pronou nces each w ord, l isten to h i m or her caref u l l y
an d correct your partner i f he or she m ispronou nces the w ords.

1. ad vice

: [ ... ]

2. nature

: [ ... ]

3. disaster

: [ ... ]

4. program me

: [ ... ]

5. eru ption

: [ ... ]

6. thank

: [ ... ]

7. landslide

: [ ... ]

8. tornado

: [ ... ]

9. mountain

: [ ... ]

10. tsunami

: [ ... ]

T ask 15

F i n d a text about a natural p henomenon, for exam p le tornado,

lan dsl i de, volcano, an d earth q ua k e i n the encycloped ia. Read it an d
report it brief l y to your classmates i n grou ps of four.

Focus on Read i ng an d W riti ng

T ask 16

Read the fol lo w i ng report. T hen, i n pairs f i n d the mean i ngs of the
fol lo w i ng w ords based on the context. A fter that, answ er the
q uestions.

Earth q ua k e
Earthquake is a su d den shaking of the earth's surface that often causes a lot of
damage. It is the result of a su d den release of stored energy in the Earth's crust that
creates seismic w aves. Earthquakes may happen naturally or as a result of hu man
activities. Smaller earthquakes can also be caused by volcanic activity, landslides, mine
blasts, and nuclear experiments.
A t the Earth's surface, earthquakes can be seen from the shaking or displacement
of the ground. Sometimes, they cause tsunamis, w hich may lead to loss of life and
damage of property. There are t w o ty pes of earthquake that occurs naturally, they are
tectonic and volcanic earthquakes. Tectonic earthquakes are earthquakes that are caused
by tectonic plates getting stuck and p utting a strain on the ground. The strain becomes
so great that rocks give w ay by breaking and sliding along fault planes. V olcanic
earthquakes are earthquakes w hich are caused by the movement of magma in volcanoes.
In volcanic regions earthquakes may be caused both by tectonic faults and by the


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movement of

magma in volcanoes. Such earthquakes can be an early w arning of

volcanic eru ptions

The size of an earthquake is usually reported using the Richter scale or a related
M oment scale. Earthquakes w hich are 3 on the Richter scale or lo w er are hard to notice.
W hereas, those w hich are 7 on the Richter scale causes serious damage over large areas.
Adapted from:

earthquake [TkweIk] kb

earth's crust [T krst] kb

seismic w ave [saIzmIk weIv] kb

volcanic activity [v lkQnIk QktIvIti] kb

mine blast [maIn blAst] kb

nuclear experiment [njuki IksperImnt] kb

displacement [dIspleIsmnt] kb

tectonic earthquake [tekt nIk TkweIk] kb

volcanic earthquake [v lkQnIk TkweIk] kb

tectonic plate [tekt nIk pleIt] kb

magma [mQgm] kb

volcano [v lkeInU] kb

Richter scale [rIXtskeIl] kb

M oment scale [mUmnt skeIl] kb

fault planes [f lt pleIn] kb

tectonic faults [tekt nIk f lt] kb

Q uestions

W hat is the text about?

W hat is an earthquake?
H o w many ty pes of earthquakes are there? W hat causes each of them?
W hat is the measurement used for an earthquake?
To be able to cause destruction, ho w large does an earthquake have to be?

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T ask 17

C om p lete the fol lo w i ng sentences usi ng the w ords i n the box.

tectonic faults

seismic w ave
tectonic earthquakes

volcanic earthquakes
fault planes

Earthquake can cause the of the ground.

. is a shock w ave w hich spreads out from the centre of an earthquake.
are earthquakes that are caused by a volcanic activity.
is caused by a su d den release of energy from the bottom of the earths crust.
W hen occur earthquake w ill usually happen.
is the land along the side of the river.
are earthquakes that are caused by tectonic activities.
The movement of can cause an earthquake.

T ask 18

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.






w ater



The w ords on the left are cou ntab le nou ns because w e can count them.
They have singular and plural forms (w ith s / -es), e.g. mountain and
M agma, air, w ater, soil, etc. are u ncou ntab le nou ns because w e cannot
count them. They have only one form, e. g. w ater (not w aters).


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T ask 19

W rite the p l ural forms of the fol lo w i ng nou ns.



sno w
w ind

T ask 20

I denti f y some cou ntab le an d u ncou ntab le nou ns i n the text i n T ask

Countable nouns

T ask 21

U ncountable nouns

I n pairs, f i n d the mean i ngs of the fol lo w i ng w ords. T hen, read a

report on a f lood. T hen, answ er the q uestions.

absorb [bz b] (kkt)

bank (river bank) [bQNk] (kb)

flash flood [flzS fl d] (kb)

flood [fl d] (kb)

natural disaster [nQtSrl dIzAst] (kb)

periodic floods [piri dIk fl d] (kb)

pond [p nd] (kb)

reservoirs [rezvwA] (kb)

river channel [rIv tSQnl] (kb)

Picture. 5.10 Flood

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se w age pipes[suIdZ paIp] (kb)

storm[st m] (kb)

tide [taId] (kb)

vegetation [vedZIteISn] (kb)

Picture. 5.11 Flood

Flood is an overflo w of w ater that soaks or covers land. Floods
are the most frequent ty pe of natural disaster w orld w ide. It can be
caused by several things, naturally and form the effect of hu man
behavior. The most com mon cause is because of the over capacity of
the bod y of w ater, e.g. river or lake. A s a result some of the w ater flo ws
outside of the bod y of w ater. It can also occur in rivers, w hen the
strength of the river is so high that it flo ws right out of the river
channel. A flood from sea may be caused by a heav y storm, a high tide,
a tsunami, or a combination the three.
Soil and vegetation absorbs most of the surface w ater, floods
happen w hen there are lack of trees and the soil alone cannot absorb all
the w ater. The w ater then runs off the land in quantities that cannot be
carried in stream channels or kept in natural ponds or man-made
reservoirs. A flood can also be caused by blocked se w age pipes and
w ater w ays, such as the Jakarta flood.
There are several ty pes of flood. Periodic floods occur naturally
on many rivers, forming an area kno w n as the flood plain. These river
floods usually result from heav y rain, sometimes combined w ith
melting sno w , w hich causes the rivers to overflo w their banks. A flood
that rises and falls rapidly w ith little or no ad vance w arning is called a
flash flood.
Adapted from:

Q uestions
1. W hat is the report about?
2. W hat are the natural causes of flood?
3. W hat are the human causes of flood?
4. W hat is periodic flood?
5. W hat is flash flood?


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W hat is

G eneral
i n formation

Speci f ic
i n formation

C om p lete the fol lo w i ng crossw ord p u z z le. T hen, w rite the f irst
letter of each of the answ er i n the space prov i ded. T he f irst one has
been done for you.

T ask 22

1. P












V ery remarkable thing that happens.

Su d den fall of large amounts of soil and rocks do w n the side of a mountain.
To take in (a liquid, etc.).
A disaster caused by natural forces.
Lou d noise in the air follo w ing a flash of lightning.
Colu mn of sw irling w ind.
Replanting trees.
Shaking of the earth's crust.
W earing a w ay of rock or soil.
Earth in w hich plants gro w .


3 4

6 7

8 9 10
Picture. 5.12 Tree



How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

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T ask 23

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng exp lanation.

It in lines 2 and 5 (in the text in Task 21) refers to f lood.

It in line 7 refers to w ater.
It is a pronoun. It is a w ord to replace a noun or noun phrase. O ther
pronouns are as follo ws:

T ask 24

K etut




Jatu and me




Sanusi, D anu, Indra


C om p lete the sentences w ith the su itab le pronou ns.

1. Flood is the most frequent ty pe of natural disaster. may be caused by the lack of
2. Earthquake, tornado, food, landslide, tsunami are natural disasters. ... could occur in
all parts of the w orld.
3. H amam is from A ceh and w itnessed the tsunami that struck A ceh.
4. M y friend and I w atched a horrible hurricane on television. ... w ere very amazed by
5. W e should al w ays be prepared before any disasters strike because are usually

T ask 25

F i n d some i n formation on th u n derstorm an d w rite a short report on




What has three feet but no legs or arms?


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C. Homework

T ask 26

I n pairs, create d ialogues based on the fol lo w i ng situations. A ct

them out w ith your partner. T he f irst one has been done for you.

1. You are unsure that everyone in this country w ill donate some money to help the
reforestation program me.

Your friend



: D o you think everyone is w illing to donate some money to help fund

the forestation programe?
: I doubt it. N ot everyone in this country is fortunate enough to give a w ay
their money for trees.

are very optimistic that the tsunami w arning system w ill be useful.
doubt that w e can stop natural disasters.
believe that if w e plant trees w e can red uce floods and landslides.
are optimistic that illegal logging can be stopped.

T ask 27

Read the fol lo w i ng report an d answ er the q uestions.

A valanche is a su d den flo w of a large mass of sno w or ice do w n a slope or cliff.

Such flo ws can be destructive of life and property. A valanches are most com mon on
slopes exceeding 30, frequently w hen a deep sno w falls su d denly and does not have a
chance to cohere, or w hen a tha w undercuts a blanket of older sno w . Pellet like sno w
(grau pnel) is also more prone to avalanche than a fall of ordinary sno w flakes. Flo ws of
w ind-packed slabs of sno w can be especially hazardous.
M any avalanches are small slides of dry po w dery sno w that move as a formless
mass. These "sluffs" account for a tiny fraction of the death and destruction w rought by
their bigger, more organized cousins. D isastrous avalanches occur w hen massive slabs of
sno w break loose from a mountainside and shatter like broken glass as they race
do w nhill. These moving masses can reach speeds of 80 miles (130 kilometers) per hour
w ithin about five seconds. V ictims caught in these events seldom escape. A valanches are
most com mon d uring and in the 24 hours right after a storm that d u m ps 12 inches (30
centimeters) or more of fresh sno w . The quick pileu p overloads the underlying
sno w pack, w hich causes a w eak layer beneath the slab to fracture. The layers are an

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archive of w inter w eather: Big d u m ps, drought, rain, a hard freeze, and more sno w .
H o w the layers bond often determines ho w easily one w ill w eaken and cause a slide.
Storminess, tem perature, w ind, slope steepness and orientation (the direction it
faces), terrain, vegetation, and general sno w pack conditions are all factors that influence
w hether and ho w a slope avalanches. D ifferent combinations of these factors create lo w ,
moderate, considerable, and high avalanche hazards.
Taken from: 1.
2. " A valanche. " M icrosoft Student 2007 [D V D]. Redmond, W A: M icrosoft corporation,

Q uestions
1. W hat is the text about?
2. W hat is an avalanche?
3. W hat causes an avalanche to occur?
4. H o w fast can an avalanche go?
5. W hen does an avalanche usually occur?

T ask 28

I n pairs, f i n d t w o reports on the fol lo w i ng p henomena an d then

answ er the q uestions.

Picture. 5.13

V olcano

Picture. 5.14 Forest fire

Q uestions
1. W hat is the report about?
2. W hat are the causes?
3. W hat are the effects?
4. W hat should w e do to prevent the disaster?


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D. Evaluation

T ask 29

W or k i n pairs, an d then d iscuss some natural d isasters hap pen i ng

i n I n donesia. Each of you shou l d gi ve suggestions on ho w to
prevent the d isaster. Express your dou bt an d/or opti m ism regard i ng
the ef fecti veness of your partners suggestions.

T ask 30

I n pairs, create d ialogues based on the fol lo w i ng situations.

1. Your father is w ondering about rubbish in the river near your home. Your father says
that a cam paign to promote clean rivers should be held. You doubt the effectiveness
of his idea.
2. Your brother is going to have a vacation to M ount M erapi in Yogyakarta. You tell
him not to go because it is still active. H o w ever, your brother doubts that it w ill
eru pt.

T ask 31

Read the report an d choose the correct answ er to every q uestion

belo w .

Tsunami, Japanese w ord meaning harbour w ave, used as the scientific term for
a class of abnormal sea w ave that can cause catastrophic damage w hen it hits a coastline.
Tsunamis can be generated by an undersea earthquake, an undersea landslide, the
eru ption of an undersea volcano, or by the force of an asteroid crashing into the ocean.
The most frequent cause of tsunamis is an undersea earthquake.
A tsunami can have w avelengths, or w idths (the distance bet w een one w ave crest
to the next), of 100 to 200 k m (60 to 120 mi), and may travel hundreds of kilometres
across the deep ocean, reaching speeds of about 725 to 800 k m / h (about 450 to 500 m ph).
A tsunami is not one w ave but a series of w aves. In the deep ocean, the w aves may be
only about half a meter (a foot or t w o) high. People onboard a ship passing over it w ould
not even notice the tsunami. U pon entering shallo w coastal w aters, ho w ever, the w aves
may su d denly gro w rapidly in height. W hen the w aves reach the shore, they may be 15
m (50 ft) high or more. Tsunamis can also take the form of a very fast tide or bore,
depending on the shape of the sea floor.
Tsunamis have tremendous force because of the great volu me of w ater affected
and the speed at w hich they travel. Just a cubic yard of w ater, for exam ple, w eighs about

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one ton. A lthough the tsunami slo ws to a speed of about 48 k m / h (30 m ph) as it
approaches a coastline, it has a destructive force equal to millions of tons. Tsunamis are
capable of obliterating coastal settlements.
Taken from: M icrosoft Encarta 2007. 1993-2006 M icrosoft Corporation. A ll rights reserved.

1. W hat is the topic of the text?

a. natural disasters
b. catastrophes
c. tsunamis
d. storm surges
2. The follo w ing causes tsunami, E X C EPT .
a. flood
b. undersea earthquake
c. undersea landslide
d. undersea volcano eruption
3. H o w fast can a tsunami go?
a. A bout 48 k m / h.
b. A bout 100 to 200 m ph.
c. A round 450 to 500 mph.
d. A round 725 to 800 mph.
4. H o w tall can a tsunami be w hen it reaches the shore?
a. A half a metre.
b. T w o feet.
c. Fifteen feet.
d. Fifty feet.
5. The follo w ing is another name for tsunami.
a. storm
b. tide
c. w ave
d. tidal w ave


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I n pairs, w rite a report on forest f ire. I ncl u de i n formation of the

fol lo w i ng Poi nts.

T ask 32

W hat a forest fire is

The causes of forest fires
H u mans behaviour that leads to forest fires
W ays to prevent forest fires

E. Reflection
H o w m uch do you learn from th is u n it? Put a tic k ( ) i n the right box accord i ng to ho w
m uch you have learnt.
A spects

V ery m uch

M uch

L ittle

Expressing doubts
Responding to doubts
Reading reports
W riting reports

F. Summary
I n th is u n it you learn:

H o w to express an d respon d to dou bts.

Expressi ng dou bts
Im not so sure
I doubt it.
Im rather doubtful
I dont think .
I dont really believe


Respon d i ng to dou bts

I feel quite sure about it.
You just wait and see.
Im very optimistic about it.
Well, I think it ..
It will be great.

Reports (see U n it 4)

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3. Pronou ns
Pronouns are w ords to replace other nouns or noun phrases. Com mon pronouns in
English are he, she, they, I, you, we, and it.


C ou ntab le an d u ncou ntab le nou ns


w ater

The w ords on the left are cou ntab le nou ns because w e can count
them. They have singular and plural forms (w ith s / -es), e.g.
mountain and mountains.
M agma, air, w ater, soil, etc are u ncou ntab le nou ns because w e
cannot count them. They have only one form, e. g. w ater (not
w aters).

C. Vocabulary List


bank (river bank) [bQNk] kb

: tanah sepanjang tepi sungai

displacement [dIspleIsmnt] kb

: pergeseran

fault planes [f lt pleIn] kb

: lem peng bu mi yang bergeser

flash flood [flzS fl d] kb

: pasang surut

mine blast [maIn blAst] kb

: peledakan tambang

moment scale [mUmnt skeIl] kb

: skala momen

nuclear experiment [njuki IksperImnt] kb

: percobaan nu klir

periodic floods [piri dIk fl d] kb

: banjir berkala

pond [p nd] kb

: danau kecil / kolam

reservoirs [rezvwA] kb

: w ad u k / danau buatan

river channel [rIv tSQnl] kb

: terusan sungai

seismic w ave[saIzmIk weIv] kb

: gelombang sesemik

se w age pipes [suIdZ paIp] kb

: saluran / pipa pembuangan

tectonic earthquake [tekt nIk TkweIk] kb

: gem pa tektonik

tectonic faults [tekt nIk f lt] kb

: proses patahnya lem peng bu mi

tectonic plate [tekt nIk pleIt] kb

: lem pengan tektonik

volcanic earthquake[v lkQnIk TkweIk] kb

: gem pa v ulkanik

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Semester 1 Review

C hoose the su itab le expression to com p lete the short d ialogues.


H ereka

: W hat do you think of m y new tie d ye shirt?

: D id you make it on your o w n?

H ereka
: Yes, I did.
a. I doubt it.
b. C an you sho w me ho w to make tie d ye shirt?
c. C ertainly!
d. W o w , its great!
2. Laila
Sanusi : Sure. I said that you should mix all of the ingredients together.
: O h, alright. Thanks.
a. Could you repeat that again?
b. Repeat!
c. Really?
d. A re you sure?

H ereka :
: O f course, thats all you need to do.


A re you sure thats all the steps?

C ertainly.
O f course, thats all you need to do.

A sep
: Thank you. I made it from recycled paper.
a. W o w , thats a w esome!
b. A re you sure thats all of the steps?
c. D ont mention it.
d. Thanks, Ida.

5. Fred y
A di
: W ell see. Im sure w e can finish our assignment just on time.
a. Im sure that w e can do this.
b. A re you sure?
c. I doubt that w e can finish our assignment.
d. Really?

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6. Ratu
: Lets ask everyone in our class to help clean the beach.
K etut
: that they are w illing to. N ot everyone cares for our nature.
: Yeah, but its w orth trying.
a. M m m..
b. C ertainly
c. Really
d. I doubt
7. Panji
: Really?
Bay u
a. Right.
b. Really.
c. A bsolutely.
d. A re you sure?
8. Ramon
D anias

: Sure. The fourth step is to check the printers name. C lick the small arro w
printer that youre using.
Could you repeat the fourth step?
W ill you help me, please?
O K , thanks.

9. Yapis

: T y pe the nu mber of copies that you w anted to print. Then, click

O K .

: is that it?
: Yes thats all.
a. M m m

Y up, thats all

Thanks so much
A nytime

10. Ratu
K etut

: I dont think w e can clean the river.

: .

Im sure w e can do it
M m m
D ont mention it

11. A di
: A re you sure?
I w an
a. I doubt it.


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b. Im uncertain about it.

c. Im sure.
d. A re you sure?
12. A jeng

: .

D anias

: Yes, Im also very disappointed w ith w hat careless people done to

the nature.
a. Thats very disappointing
b. I agree
c. I doubt it
d. Im sure
13. Bonar

: Is it possible to make other people a w are of the loss that they can cause?

: I dont think w e can make everyone a w are of their
damaging action.

a. O K.
b. W hat w as that again?
c. Im very certain about it.
d. Im not so sure about it.
14. Laila

: Then, cut shapes from unused paper or magazine to decorate the

D iah
: .
a. I dont kno w
b. I doubt it
c. Im perfectly sure
d. Right

15. D iah
: W o w , the card that youve made is beautiful.
: .
D iah
: Yes, Im perfectly sure.
a. A re you sure?
b. This is terrific.
c. This is a w esome.
d. O h, no!

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I I. Read the text an d choose the correct answ er for every q uestion belo w.
Q uestions 11-15 are based on the man ual belo w.
H o w to operate a b len der
M ake sure the sw itch is off.
Place ingredients into the blender container. A d d some w ater if needed.
Put the lid on.
Place the container on the motor housing.
Plug in the cable.
Select one of t w o speed buttons as required. Use P U LSE sw itch for precision
blending. W hen ad ding ingredients or seasonings, remove the small lid for
ad ding things in the mid dle of the blender lid.
A fter grinding, press the sw itch off.
U nplug the cable.

16. W hat does the manual tell you?

a. H o w to grind.
b. H o w to use a blender.
c. H o w to make use a refrigerator.
d. H o w to operate a mixer.
17. W hat do w e press w hen w e w ant a very smooth result?
a. O ff sw itch.
b. O n sw itch.
c. O ne sw itch.
d. Pulse sw itch.
18. H o w many speed buttons are there?
a. O ne.
b. T w o.
c. Three.
d. Four.
19. W hat is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe something.
b. To instruct something.
c. To narrate a story.
d. To argue on something.


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20. D o

you al w ays have to ad d w ater?

O f course.
N o.
C ertainly.

21. Use P U LSE sw itch for precision blending. The w ord w hich is not the synony m of the
underlined w ord, E X C EPT.
a. fine
b. w ell
c. chunks
d. excellent
22. W hat do w e do w hen w e w ant to ad d something in the blender?
a. O pen the lid.
b. O pen the small closure on the lid.
c. Plug in the cable.
d. Place the container on the motor housing.
23. W hen do w e plug the cable in?
a. Before placing the container on the motor housing.
b. Before putting the lid on.
c. A fter placing the container on the motor housing.
d. A fter pressing the sw itch on.
24. The follo w ing are the synony ms of lid, E X C EPT.
a. cover
b. top
c. close
d. cap

Q uestions 16-20 are based on the fol lo w i ng text.

O rangutans or Pongo pygmaeus belong to the Primate order. The orangutan spends
most of its time in trees. Each evening it builds a ne w treetop nest. They are endangered
because of habitat lost and poachers keep on killing, o w ning, and exporting orangutans.
They only live on the island of Borneo and in the northern corner of the island of
Su matra.
O rangutans are characterized by rough, long, red dish-bro w n fur. M ale orangutans

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are about 95 cm (37 in) in length and about 77 kg (170 lb) in w eight. Females are smaller,
reaching about 78 cm (31 in) in height and w eighing only about 37 kg (81 lb). The male
has p uffy cheeks and a hanging throat-pouch. This pouch contains air sacks that help
prod uce a groaning, bubbling call, w hich can be heard at least 1 k m (0.6 mi) a w ay.
H alf of the orangutans diet consists of fruit, but they also eat young leaves, soft
inner bark, termites, eggs, and occasionally monkeys.
W hen a female is read y to mate, she w ill seek out an ad ult male. O rangutan are
mam mals; females give birth to a single infant about once every four to eight years. The
gestational period for orangutans is just under nine months, nearly the same as in
hu man beings. Infants stay very close to their mothers for the first three years until they
dont consu me their mothers milk.
Adapted from: M icrosoft Encarta 2006. 1993-2005 M icrosoft Corporation. A ll rights reserved.

25. W hy are orangutans endangered?

a. H abitat lost and hunting.
b. H unting and helping.
c. K illing and reserving.
d. H abitat lost and saving.
26. W hat is the males throat-pouch for?
a. D igesting.
b. K eeping food.
c. Prod ucing a lou d groaning and bubbling call.
d. Prod uce bubbling call and keeping food.
27. W here are the orangutans habitats?
a. O nly in Borneo island.
b. O nly in the Java island.
c. In Borneo and Su matra island.
d. In Borneo, Su matra, K alimantan island.
28. H o w often do orangutans give birth?
a. O nce a year.
b. T w ice a year.
c. O nce every three years.
d. O nce every four to eight years.
29. H o w long do orangutan babies consu me their mothers milk?
a. N ine months.
b. Three months.
c. Three years.
d. O ne year.


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30. Infants stay very close to their mothers for the first three years. The underlined
w ord means .
a. O rangutan babies
b. O rangutans
c. ad ult orangutans
d. old orangutans
31. W hat is the function of the first paragraph?
a. Explaining w hat orangutan is.
b. Explaining orangutans diet.
c. Explaining orangutans habitat.
d. Explaining orangutans anatom y.
32. W hat is the third paragraph about?
a. W hat orangutan is.
b. O rangutans diet.
c. O rangutans habitat.
d. O rangutans anatom y.
33. W hen a female is read y to mate, she w ill seek out an ad ult male. The
underlined w ord refers to .
a. an orangutan baby
b. male orangutans
c. ad ult female orangutans
d. female orangutans
34. W hat does the last paragraph tell you?
a. O rangutans habitat.
b. O rangutans diet.
c. O rangutans reprod uction.
d. O rangutans anatom y.
35. The w ord poacher means .
a. hunter
b. animal saver
c. pet lover
d. animal lover

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Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


Before having a conversation w ith someone, sometimes you need to attract his / her
attention. D o you kno w ho w to do it?
People al w ays w ant to share ne ws that they have got w ith others, especially the
interesting one. D o you happen to kno w ho w to tell interesting ne ws effectively?
D o you like w atching television, listening to the radio, or accessing the internet?
From those media, you can get a lot of information. In this unit, you w ill be exposed to
reports on information technology facilities. Besides reading reports, you w ill have the
opportunity to w rite your o w n reports on IT facilities w hich interest you most through fun

A. Lead-in

T ask 1

Picture 6.1

N ame each i n formation tech nology faci l ity belo w .

Picture 6.2

Picture 6.4
Picture 6.3

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T ask 2


A nsw er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on your k no w ledge. Share

your answ ers w ith your classmates i n grou ps of four.

W hich facilities are you familiar w ith?

W hich facilities are you interested in?
W hich facilities do you find difficult to use?
W hich facilities do you usually use in your daily life?
H o w do you usually tell ne ws to your relatives w ho live far a w ay?

B. Lesson Proper

Focus on L isten i ng an d Spea k i ng

T ask 3

L isten to the d ialogue bet w een a lad y, a pol iceman, an d A d i.

N otice ho w the lad y an d A d i attract the pol icemans attention.
T hen, answ er the q uestions. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the
A p pen d ix.

Situation: A lady reports to a policeman that she has lost her mobile phone. Fortunately, Adi finds
the mobile phone. He gives it to the policeman, and the policeman gives it back to the lady.
Q uestions
1. W hat is the lad ys problem?
2. W hat does the lad y do w hen she kno ws that her mobile phone is gone?
3. W ho finds the lad ys mobile phone?
4. H o w does the lad y attract the policemans attention? W hat does she say?
5. H o w does A di attract the policemans attention? W hat does he say?

Necessity is the mother of invention.
The need for something forces people to find a way of obtaining


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T ask 4

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions.

In the dialogue bet w een a lad y, a policeman, and A di in Task 3, you find
t w o expressions w hich are used to attract someones attention.
1. The lad y says E X C USE M E, O F FI C ER.
2. A di says SIR.
You can use other expressions to attract someones attention, for example:
In formal situations
M ay I have your attention?
Excuse me.
Good morning. (Greetings)

In informal situations
H i.
H arry. (names)
Look! (and other im peratives)

T ask 5

L isten to some short d ialogues an d then w rite do w n the expressions

of attracti ng someones attention you f i n d i n the d ialogues. T he
l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

Picture 6.5

Picture 6.6

Picture 6.7

Expressions to A ttract Someones A ttention


D ialogue 1


D ialogue 2


D ialogue 3

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T ask 6

L isten to a report on the i nternet an d then com p lete the fol lo w i ng

poi nts to chec k your com prehension. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the
A p pen d ix.

1. W hat the internet is

2. H o w the internet connects people
3. W hat the internet can do
________________________________________________________________________ Picture 6.8
Internet computer
4. W hat the internet provides people w ith
5. Forms of messages the internet can send

T ask 7

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng d ialogue an d then answ er the

q uestions to chec k your com prehension. A fter that, act it out w ith
your partner.

W ayan Lega w a

: H i, Ida. H ave you heard about our English home w ork?

: O ur English home w ork? W hat is it?

W ayan Lega w a

: Its i nteresti ng. M rs H ayati w ants us to submit it

through e-mail.
: E-mail? Thatll be great.

W ayan Lega w a


W ayan Lega w a

: D o you think it w ould benefit us?

: Yes, of course. W e can search for a lot of information in
the internet w hile submitting our assignments or
home work. You have got an e-mail account, havent you?
: Yes. But... I havent opened m y e-mail for three months. I

W ayan Lega w a

think its alread y blocked.

: D ont w orry. I can help you unblock your e-mail.
: Really? Thank you very m uch.
: N o worries.

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Q uestions
1. W hat are they talking about?
2. W hat is the interesting ne ws?
3. W hat benefit w ill they get according to Ida?
4. W hat does W ayan Lega w a w orry about?

H o w does W ayan Lega w a tell Ida the interesting ne ws? W hat does he say?

T ask 8

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions.

In the dialogue bet w een W ayan Lega w a and Ida, you find an expression to tell
interesting ne ws. W ayan Lega w a says ITS I N T ERESTI N G to tell Ida the he has got
interesting ne ws. There are many other expressions you can use to tell interesting ne ws,
for exam ple:
In formal situations
I announce that.
This is our great pleasure that.

T ask 9


In informal situations
I have interesting news.
I have excellent news.
M arvellous, there.

C om p lete the fol lo w i ng d ialogues w ith su itab le expressions (to tel l

i nteresti ng ne ws) based on the cl ue (p icture).

A di, ______________
W hat is it?
O ur school has a
w ebsite on the

Picture 6.9

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________________ there w ill
be extra pay ment for you all
on your great job.

Picture 6.10


G u ys, ____________

W hat is it?

Its a m usic concert.

M any famous
m usicians w ill

Picture 6.11


Elizabeth, _________

W hats so

Ive found that the

prices of the com puters
in the exhibition are
30% lo w er than normal

Picture 6.12


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W hats so

Ive found a site containing

cool pictures of football
players and w e can
do w nload them for free.

Picture 6.13

T ask 10

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng ru le.

In the dialogue bet w een W ayan Lega w a and Ida, you find that the, that, th i n k ,
month, through, and three are pronounced differently.


think [TINk]

the [D or DI]

through [Tru]

that [DQt]

three [TrI]
month [m nT]

T ask 11

Pronou nce the w ords an d classi f y w hether they are pronou nced [T]
or [D].








w ithin

m yth






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T ask 12
Fred y
Fred y

I n pairs, com p lete the fol lo w i ng d ialogue w ith su itab le expressions

an d then act it out w ith your partner.
: .... Ive got something to tell you. ....
: Interesting? W hat is it about?
: Its about our school. .... Its great, you kno w .
: You m ust be joking. Its w onderful. W e can access ... from the
: A ll stu dents are allo w ed to use the internet d uring the school hours.
: Yes. Ill tell others about it. ....
: Youre w elcome.

Fred y

T ask 13

I n pairs, perform a short d ialogue based on the fol lo w i ng situation.

In the near future your parents are going to install internet connection for your
com p uter and it can help you do your home w ork and assignments. You tell your
classmates this interesting ne ws.

T ask 14

W or k i n pairs an d choose t w o of the fol lo w i ng i n formation

tech nology faci l ities an d then tel l i nteresti ng ne ws on them. You
are free to tel l an y i nteresti ng ne ws about the faci l ities. T el l the
ne ws to your partner.

Picture 6.14 Mobile Phone


Picture 6.15

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Floppy Disk

Picture 6.16 Yahoo Mobile

T ask 15

Picture 6.17 Flash Disk

Read the fol lo w i ng report on e-mai l an d then com p lete the

su m mary. Present your su m mary to the class oral l y. T he q uestions
may hel p you ma k e your su m mary more organ i zed.
E- M A I L

E-mail is a popular com m unication facility. E very day, people in this w orld w ho
have internet access send billions of e-mail messages. E-mail can send any messages
around the w orld.
A n e-mail is sim ply only a text message. In the beginning and even today, e-mail
messages contain a short piece of text. A t present, attachment makes many e-mail
messages quite longer. W ith attachments, e-mail messages continue to be more
sophisticated. It can send au dio files, au dio-video files, pictures, docu ments, etc.
People can register to a certain email service provider. They w ill get their email
ad dress in the format of ---- (email account)@----(email service provider). The @ sign is
to indicate that the user is 'at' some service provider.
W ith the W orld W ide W eb, email starts to be made available w ith friendly w eb
by providers such as Yahoo and H otmail. N o w , e-mail is usually w ithout charge.
E veryone has at least one email ad dress. A t present, e-mail is used by not just millions,
but hundreds of millions of people.
Adapted from:

Su m mary
1. W hat is e-mail?

H o w does e-mail deliver messages to the recipient?


3. W hat is an attachment in e-mail?


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T ask 16


I n grou ps of f i ve, p lay a game. T he ru le is si m p le. Your teacher has

f i ve p ictures of I T faci l ities. Your job is to guess the items. You are
al lo w ed to ask on l y 5 q uestions for each item. T he q uestions are
about its si ze, shapes, etc. W rite the items i n the tab le belo w . W rite
the cl ues that lead to your guess.

C lues


Focus on Rea d i ng an d W riti ng

T ask 17

I n grou ps of four, answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on your

k no w ledge.

1. A re you familiar w ith SMS?

2. H o w often do you usually send SMS?
3. To w hom do you usually send SMS?
4. D o you have any idea about ho w SMS w orks?
5. D o you kno w features of SMS?

Which letter is always trying to find reasons?


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T ask 18

Read the fol lo w i ng report on e-mai l an d f i n d the mean i ngs of the

w ords i n the box based on the context. T hen, read agai n the text an d
answ er the q uestions. You may w or k i n pairs.

S M S (Short M essage Serv ice)

S M S (Short M essage Serv ice) is a com m unications system w hich exchanges
short text messages bet w een mobile telephone devices. The SMS facilitates the
develop ment and gro w th of text messaging.
M essages are sent to a Short M essage Service C entre (SMSC) w hich provides a
store-and-for w ard mechanism. It attem pts to send messages to their recipients. If a
recipient is not reachable, the SMSC queues the message for later retry. Some
SMSCs also provide a "for w ard and forget" option w here message delivery is tried
only once. M essage delivery is best effort, so there are no guarantees that a message
w ill actually be delivered to its recipient. D elay or com plete loss of a message is not
uncom mon, particularly w hen sending bet w een net w orks. Users may choose to
req uest delivery reports, w hich can provide confirmation that the message has
reached the intended recipient.
The maxim u m single text message size is either 160 7-bit characters, 140 8-bit
characters, or 70 16-bit characters. C haracters in languages such as A rabic, C hinese,
K orean, Japanese or Slavic languages (e.g., Russian) m ust be encoded using the 16bit U CS-2 character encoding.
Larger content (kno w n as "long SMS" or m ultipart or segmented SMS) can be
sent using m u lti p le messages, in w hich case each message w ill start w ith a user
data header (U D H ) containing segmentation information. Long messages are often
billed as equivalent to m ultiple SMS messages.
Adapted from:

W ords

M eanings

1. confirmation [k nfmeISn] kb

2. delay [dIleI] kb

3. delivered [dIlIvd] ks

4. develop ment [dIvelpmnt] kb

5. device [dIvaIs] kb

6. exchange [IkstSeIndZ] kb

7. intended [IntendId] ks

8. provide [prvaId] kkt

9. queue [kju] kkt

10. recipient [rIsIpint] kb

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Q uestions
1. The text is about ....
a. the benefit of SMS
b. ho w text messages are delivered to the recipient
c. SMS and its features
d. SMS bill
2. W hat does SMS technology do to facilitate people to com m unicate w ith others?
a. It exchanges short text messages bet w een mobile phones.
b. It streams video to television.
c. It delivers sounds using electromagnetic w aves.
d. It sends messages through the internet.
3. In sending SMS, some operators use transmission w hich tries only once called .

store and for w ard

for w ard and forget
store and forget
for w ard and save

4. To get a positive confirmation that the message has reached the intended receiver,
w e can request for ....
a. SMS bill
b. reply
c. store and for w ard mechanism
d. delivery report
5. M essage delivery is best effort. (paragraph 2)
The sentence im plies that .
a. every SMS that w e send w ill al w ays deliver to the recipients
b. there are some SMSs w hich might be delayed or not sent to the recipients
c. some SMSCs have the authority not to deliver certain messages
d. almost all SMSCs find it difficult to deliver SMSs
6. W hat does the third paragraph tell us about?
a. The nu mber of characters in an SMS.
b. SMS bill.
c. The main feature of SMS.
d. M obile phone.
7. Long messages are often billed as equivalent to m ultiple SMS messages. (last
The sentence means .


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long SMS is billed as one single SMS

people w ill not get extra charge w hen using long SMS
every SMSC has different rules in billing long SMS
the SMS is billed per 160 characters even though you can send more characters

It attempts to send messages to their recipients. (paragraph 2)

The w ord it in the sentence refers to....
a. the SMSC
b. the for w ard and forget mechanism
c. the store-and-for w ard mechanism
d. the mobile phone

9. The w ord request in paragraph 2 is similar in meaning to ....

a. ask for
b. get
c. collect
d. disap pear
10. The w ord m ultiple in the last paragraph is opposite in meaning to ....
a. nu merous
b. many
c. several
d. fe w

N otes
The text above is a report text. It explains w hat SMS is as w ell as its features. The
main elements of the text are general information about the subject and its specific

T ask 19

D eci de w hether the fol lo w i ng statements are T R U E or F A LSE based

on the report on S M S i n T ask 18. C orrect the F A LSE ones.


1. SMS is a mediu m of com m unication

through mobile phone.
2. SMS can send text, au dio, and even
video messages.

C orrections

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3. W hen w e send an SMS, w e send it

directly to the mobile phone w e aim
4. D elivery report provides confirmation
that the message has reached the
intended recipient.
5. Long messages are often billed as
equivalent to a single SMS message.

T ask 20

I n pairs, read the text about e-mai l i n T ask 18 agai n an d then f i n d

the mai n i dea of each paragrap h.

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4


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Search for as man y w ords related to i n formation tech nology as

possi b le i n the fol lo w i ng box. Share the w ords you f i n d w ith a

T ask 21

T ask 22

I n pairs, read a report on W orl d W i de W eb an d then answ er the

q uestions.
W orl d W i de W eb

The W orld W ide W eb, or sim ply W eb, is a w ay of accessing information

over the mediu m of the Internet. It is an information-sharing model that is built on
top of the Internet.
The W eb uses the H T TP protocol, only one of the languages spoken over
the Internet, to transmit data. W eb services, w hich use H T TP to allo w applications
to com m unicate in order to exchange business logic, use the W eb to share
The W eb also utilizes bro wsers, such as Internet Explorer or N etscape, to
access W eb docu ments called W eb pages that are linked to each other via
hy perlinks. W eb docu ments also contain graphics, sounds, text and video.

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Through key w ord-driven Internet research using search engines, like Google,
millions w orld w ide have easy, instant access to a vast and diverse amount of online
information. Com pared to encyclopedias and traditional libraries, the W orld W ide W eb
has enabled a su d den and extreme decentralization of information and data.
Adapted from

Q uestions
1. W hat is the W orld W ide W eb according to the text?
2. W hat is the use of H T TP in a W eb?
3. W hat does the internet use to access W eb documents called W eb pages?
4. instant access to a vast and d i verse amount of online information.
W hat are the Indonesian equivalents of the w ords V A ST and D I V ERSE?
5. C om pared to encyclopedias and traditional libraries, the W orld W ide W eb has
enabled a su d den and extreme decentral i zation of information and data (the last
W hat does the sentence mean?

T ask 23

Stu d y the report on W orl d W i de W eb i n T ask 22 agai n an d then i n

grou ps of four, w rite a si m i lar report on V oice T elep hon y ( V oIP).
You may f i n d texts i n the l i brary, ne wspapers, or other sources for
i n formation about V oIP. You can refer to the fol lo w i ng q uestions as
your gu i del i ne i n w riti ng your report.

Q uestions
1. W hat do V oIP and IP stand for?
2. Is V oIP equivalent to traditional telephone? W hy?
3. W hat are the benefits of V oIP?
4. W hat are the problems of V oIP?
5. W hat is peoples response to the development of V oIP and w ho uses V oIP
no w adays?

T ask 24

I n pairs, i magi ne an i n formation tech nology faci l ity you dream of.
W rite do w n everyth i ng you w ant about the faci l ity, for exam p le
ho w it shou l d w or k an d the w ay you w ant to use it. Read the
descri ption to your class.


H o w it w orks
2. H o w it connects people
3. The features it has


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4. W ho can use the facility

5. O ther things about the facility

C. Homework

T ask 25

T ask 26

I n pairs, w atch a T V program me or a mov ie an d then note do w n

expressions to attract someones attention an d to tel l i nteresti ng
ne ws you f i n d i n the program me.

I n pairs, read the fol lo w i ng report an d then answ er the q uestions.

C om pare your answ ers w ith your classmates.

A flopp y disk is a thin piece of magnetisable material inside a protective
envelope. The size of the disk is usually given as the diameter of the magnetic media,
w ith the t w o most com mon sizes being 5.25 inch and 3.5 inch. A lthough both sizes
are called floppies, the name actually comes from the 5.25-inch size, in w hich both
the envelope and the disk itself are thin enough to bend easily.
Both sizes of floppies are removable disksthat is, they m ust be inserted into
a com patible disk drive in order to be read from or w ritten to. This drive is usually
internal to, or part of, a com p uter. Inside the drive, a motor spins the disk inside its
en velope and a read / w rite head moves over the surface of the disk on the end of an
arm called an actuator. The head in the flop p y drive is m uch like that in a tape
recorder. To record information, the head magnetizes a small area on the surface of
the disk in a certain direction. To read information stored on the disk, the disk
controllercircuitry that controls the disk drivedirects the actuator to the location
of the information on the disk. The head then senses the direction of magnetization
of a small area on the disk and translates this into a signal that gets stored in R A M
until the C P U retrieves it. M ost flopp y drives today are double sided, w ith one head
on each side of the disk. This doubles the storage capacity of the disk, allo w ing it to
be w ritten to on either side
Information is organized on the disk by dividing the disk into tracks and
sectors. Tracks are concentric circular regions on the surface of the disk; sectors are
pie-shaped w edges that intersect each of the tracks, further dividing them. Before a
flop p y disk can be used, the com p uter m ust format it by placing special information
on the disk that enables the computer to find each track and sector.
M icrosoft Encarta 2006. 1993-2005 M icrosoft Corporation. A ll rights reserved.

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Q uestions
1. W hat is the report mainly about?
2. W hat is the main feature of flopp y disk?
3. H o w does it w ork according to the text?
4. H o w do people utilize it?
5. W ho uses the facility no w adays?

T ask 27

I n grou ps of four, w rite a si m p le report on one of the fol lo w i ng I T

faci l ities. You can use the q uestions as your gu i del i ne i n
develop i ng the report.


M obile phone

Q uestions
1. W hat is the report mainly about?
2. W hat is the main feature of the facility?
3. H o w does it w ork according to the text?
4. H o w do people utilize it to send messages to others?
5. W ho uses the facility no w adays?

D. Evaluation

T ask 28

I n pairs, ma k e d ialogues based on the fol lo w i ng situations.

1. You have found im portant information about a report you are doing from the
internet. You are trying to tell your friend about it.
2. You have got t w o tickets to the com p uter exhibition. You are trying to tell one of
your friends about it. You also w ant to ask her to company you to the exhibition.
3. You have some information on a ne w ty pe memory. It runs faster than the previous
model and it is cheaper. You tell your friends about this interesting ne ws so they can
sw itch to this ne w hard w are.


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T ask 29

Read the report on stream i ng v i deo belo w an d then answ er the

q uestions.

Streaming video is a sequence of " moving images" that are sent in
com pressed form over the Internet and displayed by the vie w er as they arrive.
Streaming media is streaming video w ith sound. W ith streaming video or streaming
media, a W eb user does not have to w ait to do w nload a large file before seeing the
video or hearing the sound. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream and is
played as it arrives. The user needs a player, w hich is a special program that
uncom presses and sends video data to the display and au dio data to speakers. A
player can be either an integral part of a bro wser or do w nloaded from the soft w are
maker's W eb site.
Streaming video is usually sent from prerecorded video files, but can be
distributed as part of a live broadcast "feed." In a live broadcast, the video signal is
converted into a com pressed digital signal and transmitted from a special W eb
server that is able to do m ulticast, sending the same file to m u lti p le users at the same
Adapted from:,,sid186_gci213055,00.html

Q uestions
1. W hat does streaming video send in com pressed form over the internet?
a. Text messages via mobile phones.
b. Sequence of moving pictures.
c. Text messages plus attachment.
d. A W eb.
2. W hat is the main benefit of streaming video?
a. Users can send text messages to others.
b. Users can call others using the internet.
c. Users should not do w nload the file before seeing the video.
d. Users can access m uch information via H T TP.
3. W hy do the users need a player?

To play the video and au dio data.

To bro wse many other W ebs.
To call others through V oIP.
To attach more files to the messages.

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4. A player can be either an integral part of a bro wser or do w nloaded from the
soft w are maker's W eb site. (paragraph 1)
The sentence im plies .
a. Users cannot play the video if there is no player available on the W eb
b. E very video has an integrated player
c. Users cannot do w nload any player soft w are unless they are the W ebs maker
d. N ot all players are available on the W eb
5. ...sending the same file to m u lti p le users at the same time. (paragraph 2)
The w ord m u lti p le is similar in meaning to .
a. hardly
b. nu merous
c. average
d. normal

E. Reflection
H o w m uch do you learn from th is u n it? Put a tic k ( ) i n the right box accord i ng to
ho w m uch you have learnt.
A spects

V ery m uch

A ttracting someones attention

Telling interesting ne ws
U nderstanding report texts
W riting report texts


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M uch


F. Summary
I n th is u n it you learn:


H o w to attract someones attention, for exam p le:

In formal situations:
I beg your pardon
May I have your
Excuse me
Could I mention that?


In informal situations:
H arry (N ames)
Look (and other imperatives)

H o w to tel l i nteresti ng ne ws, for exam p le:

In formal situations
In informal situations
I announce that
I have big news
This is our great pleasure I have excellent news
marvelous, there is


Report texts
A report text consists of general information of the item and specific features
of the item discussed. The social function of report texts is to present
information about something.

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G. Vocabulary List

access [Qkses] kb

: akses

attachment [tQtSmnt] kb

: lam piran

certain [stIn] ks

: tertentu

charge [tSAdZ] kb

: biaya

delay [dIleI] kb

: penundaan

deliver [dIlIv] kkt

: menyam paikan

develop ment [dIvelpmnt] kb

: perkembangan

diverse [daIvs] ks

: bermacam-macam

do w nload [daUnlUd] kkt

: mengund uh

exchange [IkstSeIndZ] kb

: pertu karan

guarantee [gQrnti] kkt

: menjamin

protocol [prUtk l] kb

: bahasa kom p uter

provide [prvaId] kkt

: menyediakan

recipient [rIsIpint] kb

: penerima

retry [rItraI] kki

: mencoba kembali

streaming video [strimiN vIdiU] kb : pengiriman video


submit [s bmIt] kkt

: mengu m p ulkan

transmit [trQnzmIt] kkt

: mengirim kan

uncom press [ nk mprs] kkt

: mengekstrak

vast [vAst] ks

: sangat besar

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It is our nature that w e usually w ant to share ne ws w e have got w ith others. C an you
tell ne ws to others very w ell?
W hen you have something to share w ith others, w hat do you say to offer w hat you have
got? Learn ho w to use the right expressions w hen offering someone something.
D o you like reading stories? Some of the stories may be ones about honesty. In this
unit, you w ill find interesting stories about honesty. Besides reading the stories, you w ill
have the chance to w rite your o w n stories on honesty through realistic guided as w ell as
independent tasks. Learn those and more in this unit.

A. Lead-in

T ask 1

H ave you ever read the fol lo w i ng stories? I f so, w rite the title of the
stories an d, i n one sentence, w rite do w n w hat each story is about.

Title: ___________________________________
It is about

Picture 7.1

Title: ___________________________________
It is about

Picture 7.2

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Title: __________________________________
It is about
Picture 7.3

T ask 2

A nsw er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on your k no w ledge. Share

your answ ers w ith your classmates i n grou ps of four.

1. D o you have an y unhapp y experience because someone lied to you?

2. D o you believe that people are allo w ed not to tell the truth for critical reasons?
3. W hat do you do if you have some food and there is someone looking very
4. W hat do you say w hen you offer someone your food to share w ith?
5. W hat do you say w hen you offer your classmates something?

B. Lesson Proper

Focus on L isten i ng an d Spea k i ng

T ask 3

L isten to the d ialogue bet w een A sep an d E l i zabeth an d then answ er

the q uestions. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

Situation: Asep and Elizabeth are in the library. They are looking for short stories for the coming
English class which will be a story telling class. Asep knows that the first turn will be Adis. Asep
thinks that it would be interesting.
Q uestions
1. W hat are they doing in the library?
2. W hat are they preparing for?
3. W hy is A dis turn very interesting?
4. W hat does A sep tell Elizabeth?
5. H o w does A sep tell Elizabeth the interesting ne ws? W hat does he say?


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T ask 4

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions.

In the dialogue bet w een A sep and Elizabeth in Task 3, you find some
expressions to tell interesting ne ws. A sep says IT W IL L BE I N T ERESTI N G
O N H O W T O T E L L A ST O RY to tell Elizabeth the interesting ne ws.
You can use other expressions to tell interesting ne ws, for exam ple:
In formal situations

In informal situations

I announce that .

I have interesting news.

This is our great pleasure that.

It will be nice because....

I find it remarkable that .

M arvellous, there.

T ask 5

L isten to some short d ialogues an d then w rite do w n the i nteresti ng

ne ws you f i n d i n the d ialogues an d ho w they are expressed. T he
l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.
Interesting N e ws


D ialogue 1


D ialogue 2


D ialogue 3


What is the word that everybody always says

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T ask 6

N o w , l isten to a story of a shep herd. L isten to the story an d then

answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions to chec k your com prehension. T he
l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

Q uestions
1. W hat does the story tell us about?
2. W ho w as the main character of the story?
3. W hat did he do?
4. W hat did he beg from the goat? W hat w as the reply?
5. W hat moral value do you learn from the story?
Picture 7.4 A goat and a shepherd

T ask 7

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng d ialogue an d then answ er the

q uestions. A fter that, act it out w ith your partner.

Situation: Asep comes to Palatans house because Palatan needs some help. Palatan offers him
A sep
A sep
A sep
A sep
A sep
A sep
A sep
A sep


: H i, Palatan.
: H i A sep. Please come in.
: Thanks.
: W hat can I get you? Tea or coffee?
: Coffee, please.
: W ith sugar or cream?
: W ith cream. Thanks.
: O kay. H eres your coffee.
: Thanks. W hats your problem, any w ay?
: You kno w , m y English is not good at all. I w ant you to help me
learn English.
: The same problem Ive ever had. D o you like reading books or
: Yes, novels. W hy?
: W ell, A di told me that his English gets better after he reads a lot.
Then, I tried it and it w orked.
: Really? Thats interesting. Ill try to read more English books.
Thanks for the ad vice.
: N o problem.

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Q uestions
1. W hy does Palatan in vite A sep to his house?
2. W hat is Palatans problem?
3. W hat does A sep tell Palatan to do?
4. W hy does A sep suggest the method?
5. H o w does Palatan offer A sep something to drink? W hat does he say?

T ask 8

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions.

In the dialogue bet w een A sep and Palatan, you find an expression of offering
something. Palatan says W H A T C A N I G E T Y O U and W IT H SU G A R O R C RE A M to
offer A sep some drink.
There are some other expressions you can use to offer someone something, for exam ple:
In formal situations
Would you like...?
What can I get you?
I wonder if I might offer you....

T ask 9


In informal situations
Will you have?
Please take...
Chocolate? Coffee? (or other nouns)

O f fer someth i ng based on the cl ue.


Yes. Thank you.

Picture 7.5

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Thank you.

Picture 7.6



Yes, I think I need to read it.

Thanks for offering.

Picture 7.7


Yes. Thank you. I love mango!

Picture 7.8


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You like mango, dont you?



You look unhapp y w ith the

assignment. _________________

Yes, thanks for your

kindness. I do need your

Picture 7.9

T ask 10

I n pairs, have a short d ialogue based on the fol lo w i ng gu i del i ne.

Situation: This holiday you will have a vacation to Bali. You offer your cousin to come with
you to Bali.

G reet your cousin.

You tell your cousin interesting ne ws that you w ill have a vacation to Bali.
Your cousin thinks that it is a w esome.
You offer her to go w ith you.
She accepts your offer happily.

T ask 11

I n pairs, perform a short d ialogue based on the fol lo w i ng situation.

You can refer to the gu i del i ne i n T ask 10.

O ne of your classmates tells you that your school w ill have a bigger library and
more collections, especially English books. You think that it is interesting. Your
classmate offers you w hether you w ant to see the plan. She kno ws w here to see
the design of the library.

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T ask 12

Read the story of G ossi per belo w an d then com p lete the su m mary.
Present your su m mary to the class oral l y.
G ossi per

A w oman repeated a bit of gossip about a neighbour. W ithin a fe w days the

w hole com m unity kne w the story. The person it concerned w as deeply hurt and
offended. Later the w oman responsible for spreading the ru mour learned that it
w as com pletely untrue. She w as very sorry and w ent to a w ise old sage to find out
w hat she could do to repair the damage.
" Go to the marketplace," he said, "and p urchase a chicken, and have it killed.
Then on your w ay home, pluck its feathers and drop them one by one along the
road." A lthough surprised by this ad vice, the w oman did w hat she w as told.
The next day the w ise man said, " N o w go and collect all those feathers you dropped
yesterday and bring them back to me."
The w oman follo w ed the same road, but to her dismay, the w ind had blo w n
the feathers all a w ay. A fter searching for hours, she returned w ith only three in her
hand. " You see," said the old sage, "it's easy to drop them, but it's im possible to get
them back. So it is w ith gossip. It doesn't take m uch to spread a ru mour, but once
you do, you can never com pletely undo the w rong."
Adapted from

Su m mary
1. The main character of the story
2. The problem that the character faced
3. H o w the character solved the problem
4. H o w the story ended
5. The moral value


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T ask 13

L isten agai n to the story i n T ask 6 an d then retel l the story i n your
o w n w ords. W or k i n grou ps of four.

The characters of the story

W hat hap pened to the characters
H o w they solved the problems
H o w the story ended
M oral value you learn from the story

Focus on Reading and Writing

T ask 14

I n pairs, answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions.

1. H ave you ever lied to someone?

2. H o w do you feel if someone lies to you?
3. W hat do you kno w about honesty?
4. D o you like to have relations w ith honest people?
5. D o you kno w any story about honesty?

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T ask 15

N o w , read the story of an honest w oodsman an d h is axe an d you

may f i n d some answ ers i n T ask 14. T hen, answ er the q uestions b y
choosi ng the correct answ ers.
A n H onest W oodsman an d H is A xe

There w as once an honest W oodsman w ho lived w ith

his family in a forest. H e w orked hard, cutting do w n trees so
he could sell the fire w ood. This is ho w he su pported his
family. A ll day long you could hear the sound of his faithful
axe ringing through the w oods.
O ne day he w as cutting do w n trees near the edge of a
deep pool of w ater in the forest. W ith strong, stead y strokes
he chopped a w ay until it gre w quite late in the day. The
W oodsman w as tired, for he had been w orking since early
morning, and his strokes w ere not as strong and stead y as Picture 7.10 A xes
they had been. H e raised his tired arms high for a final blo w and his axe slipped, fle w
out of his hands and landed w ith a plonk into the pool, sinking to the bottom.
The W oodsman cried out, N o! A ll is lost! A s he stood, w ringing his hands,
p ulling his hair and w eeping, the god M ercury su d denly appeared.
W hat is w rong W oodsman? asked the god. The W oodsman w ept, M y axe fell
into the w ater! It is too deep and I cannot get it back! M y axe is all I have to make a living
w ith, and I dont have enough money to bu y a ne w one. M y family w ill have nothing to
H earing this, M ercury dove w ith a splash do w n to the bottom of the pool. W hen
he surfaced he held in his hand an axe that glinted in the setting sun, for this axe w as
made of p ure gold! M ercury held u p the golden axe and asked, Is this your axe,
W oodsman?
The W ood mans mouth fell open and his eyes gre w large w ith desire as he
looked at the golden axe, but he shook his head. N o. That is not m y axe.
M ercury dove again w ith a splash do w n to the bottom of the pool. This time
w hen he surfaced he held in his hand an axe that sparkled like the silvery drops of w ater
falling from it, for it w as made of p ure silver!
Is this your axe, W oodsman? asked M ercury. The honest W oodsman gazed
w ith amazement at the beautiful silver axe, but again shook his head and said, N o. That
is not m y axe. M y axe is just an ordinary old axe w ith a plain w ooden handle.
M ercury dove do w n for the third time w ith a splash, and w hen he surfaced he
held in his hand the W ood mans battered old axe. Is this your axe, W oodsman? he
The W oodsman w as so glad his axe had been found! H e cried out, Thats m y
axe! H e eagerly took the axe and thanked the kind god again and again. M ercury


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looked at the W ood man and smiled. I ad mire your honesty, W oodsman. A nd it shall be
re w arded. You may keep all three axes, the gold and the silver as w ell as your o w n.
A nd then M ercury disappeared as su d denly as he had come.
The W oodsman gathered the three axes in his arms and hurried home w here he
w as met by his w ife. She w as so happ y w hen she sa w the gold and silver axes, she cried
out, H usband! W ell never be hungry again!
Adapted from

Q uestions
1. The story is about ....
a. the golden axe
b. an honest w oodsman
c. God M ercury
d. the secret pool

W hat did the w oodsman do to earn money?

a. Selling golden and silver axes.
b. Selling home-made axes.
c. Selling axes and fire w ood.
d. C utting do w n trees and selling the fire w ood.


H o w did he lose his axe?

a. H e lost his grab on the axe because he w as tired.
b. H e dropped it intensely to call M ercury.
c. H e p ut it near the pool and fell in it by accident.
d. H e played w ith his axe and dropped it coincidentally.


W hat axes did M ercury sho w the w oodsman before the ugly one?
a. A bronze and a golden axes.
b. A steel and a golden axes.
c. A golden and a silver axes.
d. A silver and a steel axes.


W hat re w ard did the w oodsman get from M ercury?

a. H e deserves his o w n axe only.
b. H e deserved all the axes.
c. God M ercury gave him a lot of food.
d. God M ercury gave him a beautiful w ife.


N o! A ll is lost!
W hat does the expression means?
a. The w oodsman lost all his money.

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b. The w oodsman lost the only friend in his life.

c. The w oodsman lost his self-esteem because of his lying.
d. The w oodsman lost his only thing to make money.

H usband! W ell never be hungry again!

W hy did the w ife say so?
a. Because they w ould be able to w ork harder and got more money using the axes.
b. Because they could get money for their food by selling the axes.
c. Because they could hire people to help them cutting trees in the forest.
d. Because the axes had a secret po w er of resisting the users from hunger.


A nd it shall be re w arded.
The w ord it in the sentence refers to....
a. the w oodsmans axe
b. the w oodsmans honesty
c. the golden axe
d. the silver axe


H e eagerly took the axe and thanked the kind god again and again.
The w ord eagerly in the sentence is similar in meaning to....
a. reluctantly
b. w eakly
c. un w illingly
d. excitedly

10. I ad mire your honesty, W oodsman.

The w ord honesty in the sentence is opposite in meaning to....
a. lying
b. integrity
c. clearance
d. openness

T ask 16

D eci de w hether the fol lo w i ng statements are T R U E or F A LSE based

on the report on S M S i n T ask 18. C orrect the F A LSE ones.

1. The w oodsman lived from selling

fire w ood.
2. H e dropped his axe accidentally.


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C orrections

3. The w oodsman said that his axe w as

the golden one.
4. M ercury liked the w oodsmans
5. E ventually, the w oodsman did not get
his axe back.

N otes:
The text in Task 15 is a narrative text. The text has three main com ponents.
They are the beginning, events of the story, and the end of the story. The beginning
of the story introd uces characters, setting, and other general information about the
story. E vents of the story tell w hat hap pens to the characters. A nd the end of the
story tells the reader ho w the problem is solved.
The social function of stories is to entertain the readers.

T ask 17

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng ru le.

In the story of the honest w oodsman, you find some adjectives and ad verbs. Some
adjectives in the story are honest, tired, and ugl y. Some ad verbs in the story are
coi nci dentl y, su d den l y, and eagerl y.

A d jecti ves
In gram mar, an adjective is a w ord w hich modifies a noun or pronoun and giving
more information about w hat the noun or pronoun refers to.
Exam ple 1: There w as an honest w oodsman.
The w ord honest in the exam ple refers to house. It gives information that the
w oodsman w as honest. Usually it is located just before the noun it refers to.
Exam ple 2: The w oodsman w as honest.
The w ord honest in the exam ple refers to the w oodsman. It is located after to be.
Sometimes, an adjective is not al w ays a p ure adjective. It can be verb+ing or
2. A d verbs
In gram mar, an ad verb is a w ord w hich modifies verbs and adjectives. A n ad verb
indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answ ers questions such as ho w ,
w hen, w here, and ho w m uch.

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Exam ple 1: The bravel y-spoken w ords w ould return to trouble the rebel.
In this sentence the ad verb bravel y modifies the adjective spo k en.
Exam ple 2: U n fortu natel y, the bank closed at three today.
In this exam ple, the ad verb u n fortu natel y modifies the entire sentence.

I n d i v i d ual l y, do the fol lo w i ng crossw ord p u z z le.

answ ers w ith a classmates.
H int: the words are adjectives and adverbs.

T ask 18

C om pare your


A cross
2. physically po w erful
3. w ith a great interest
5. in a very short time
8. telling the truth
9. opposite of special

1. w ith sadness
2. stable
4. made of w ood
6. the opposite of good-looking
7. satisfied
8. need some food to eat

T ask 19C om p lete the fol lo w i ng sentences b y usi ng the w ords i n the box.
su d denly







1. ..., M ercury appeared in front of the w oodsman.

2. The w oodsman w as offered t w o precious axes by M ercury. ..., he remained


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H e answ ered the questions from M ercury....

The axe w as ... made of gold.
W hen M ercury brought back his axe, he ... took the axe.
M ercury w as ... hap p y w ith the w oodsmans honesty.
The story w as ... fake.

T ask 20

The w oodsman cut do w n trees near the edge of a deep pool.

The w oodsman w as tired.
H is strokes w ere not as strong and stead y as they had been.
The axe w as made of p ure gold.
M ercury held u p the golden axe.
H e held in his hand an axe w hich w as made of p ure silver.
H e held in his hand the W oodsmans ugly old axe.

T ask 21


Stu d y the fol lo w i ng sentences an d u n derl i ne the ad jecti ves. T he

f irst one has been done as an exam p le.

I n pairs, stu d y the story of the honest w oodsman i n T ask 15 agai n

an d then w rite a story of T he Boy W ho C ried W ol f. You can fol lo w
the q uestions belo w .

W ho is the main character of the story?

W hat did he do to entertain himself?
W hat did the villagers think about w hat he did to entertain himself?
H o w did he lose all his sheep?
W hat moral value do you learn from the story?

T ask 22

M a k e grou ps of f i ve. Your teacher w i l l gi ve you sentences that

shou l d be p ut i nto a good story. W rite do w n the story an d read it
out to the class. C om pete w ith other grou ps an d w i n a special
re w ard from your teacher. T he sentences are i n the A p pen d ix.

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C. Homework

T ask 23


I n pairs, go to the l i brary or access the i nternet an d f i n d t w o stories

about honesty an d then su m mari ze them. T he fol lo w i ng q uestions
may hel p you ma k e your su m maries more organ i zed.

W ho w ere the characters of the story?

W hat is the story about?
H o w did the main character remain to be honest?
W hat re w ard did the main character get?
W hat lesson do you learn from the story?

T ask 24

Read the fol lo w i ng story an d then com p lete the poi nts.
A T est for the K i ng
A Folktale from Central Java

There w as a small kingdom called M ergosono. A lthough M ergosono w as small,

it w as famous because the king w as a very good and w ise man.
O ne day, the gods heard about the kings goodness and w isdom. So, they
decided to test him. The king of the gods sent four of his gods to M ergosono to test the
king. A t that time, the kings son, Pangeran Sembara w as stu d ying abroad. O ne of the
gods disguised as Pangeran Sembara and t w o others as villagers w hile one disguise as a
villager w ho w as killed by Pangeran Sembara. The t w o villagers then w ent to see the
king to tell him about the death of their friend. They said that they sa w the prince killed
their friend. I accept your report. But m y son hasnt returned from his stu d y. I w ill hold
m y ju dgment until his return. If m y son indeed killed your friend then I w ill give him
the p unishment he deserves. But if you lie then I w ill p unish you for ruining m y familys
good name, said the king.
W hen the t w o villagers left, the king called his trusted ad visors. H e asked for
their opinion about this matter. They all agreed that if the report w as true then the prince
should be p unished. The king w as sad to hear that but he kne w he had to u phold the
la w .

The next morning the false prince came to see his father. H e ad mitted
killing the villager. So the king decided to execute the prince for his w rong doing.
The next day the prince w as going to be hung as his punishment. W hen the
executioner hanged the prince, su d denly his bod y disap peared and a voice w as heard


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across the field. K ing of M ergosono, you really are a w ise and justified king. You pass
m y test. So I w ill give you and your people prosperity as long as you and your
descendant stay true and w ise. D ont be sad. Your son is w ell and on his w ay home to
see you. W hen the sound w as gone, the people of M ergosono yelled w ith joy. Their
prince w as safe and they kne w that their king w as a w ise man. W hen the prince finally
arrived home, they held a party to celebrate the event.
Adapted from

A T est for the K i ng

1. The characters
2. The problem faced by the characters
3. The ending of the story
4. M oral value

T ask 25

I n grou ps of four, w atch one of the fol lo w i ng f i l ms or you can

choose your o w n f i l m. N ote do w n expressions to tel l i nteresti ng
ne ws an d to of fer someone someth i ng that you f i n d i n the f i l m.
Report it to the class.

Film list:
1. C harlie and the C hocolate Factory
2. C ars
3. Su perman Returns

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D. Evaluation

T ask 26

I n pairs, have some d ialogues based on the fol lo w i ng situations.

A ct them out w ith your classmate. Use the expressions you have

1. Your English teacher tells everyone that next exam w ill be open book one for
some reasons. You tell this interesting ne ws to one of your friends w ho is absent.
2. Your school appoints you to be the representative in the province story w riting
com petition. You tell this ne ws to your parents.
3. You are in a bus stop. You offer a seat to an old lad y.
4. O ne of your friends forgets to bring a pen w ith her. You offer her your pen.
5. Your father looks very tired after w orking. You offer him some food or
something to drink.

T ask 27

Read the story of G eorge W ash i ngton and then answ er the
q uestions.
G eorge W ash i ngton an d the C herry T ree

W hen George W ashington w as about six years

old, he w as made the w ealthy master of a hatchet of
w hich, like most little boys, he w as extremely fond. H e
w ent about cutting everything that came his w ay.
O ne day, as he w andered about the garden
am using himself by hacking his mother's pea- sticks. H e
found a beautiful, young English cherry tree, of w hich his
father w as most prou d. H e tried the edge of his hatchet
Picture 7.11 Goerge Washington
on the trunk of the tree and barked it so that it died.
and his father
Some time after this, his father discovered w hat had hap pened to his favourite
tree. H e came into the house in great anger and demanded to kno w w ho the naughty
person w as w ho had cut a w ay the bark. N obod y could tell him anything about it.
Just then G eorge, w ith his little axe, came into the room. H is father asked him about the
tree. This w as a hard question to answ er, and for a moment G eorge w as staggered by it,
but quickly recovering himself he cried: "I cannot tell a lie, father, you kno w I cannot tell
a lie! I did cut it w ith m y little axe."


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Surprisingly, the anger died out of his father's face, and taking the boy tenderly
in his arms, he said: " M y son, that you should not be afraid to tell the truth. It is more to
me than a thousand trees! Yes, though they w ere blossomed w ith silver and had leaves
of the p urest gold!"
Adapted from

Q uestions
1. W hat did George W ashington like to do?
a. H elping his father planting trees.
b. H arvesting cherry w ith his father.
c. L ying to his father about w hat he did.
d. C utting everything that came his w ay.
2. W hat did he do w ith his fathers cheery tree?
a. H e cut it w ith his little axe.
b. H e burned it using his match.
c. H e took the cherry fruit.
d. H e w atered it too m uch causing it to w eaken.
3. W hat did his father do to him after he told him the truth?
a. H is father w as hap p y to kno w that his son w as very honest.
b. H is father got very angry and drove him out of the house.
c. H is father got very angry and demanded he should plant the tree.
d. H is father did nothing but silence.
4. D id he tell his father the truth about the tree?
a. N o, he just w ent w ay w hen he sa w his father.
b. N o, he pretended not to kno w about the cherry tree.
c. Yes, he did tell the truth that he cut the tree.
d. Yes, he told his father that he sa w someone cutting his tree.
5. ...taking the boy tenderly in his arms
The w ord tenderly in the sentence is similar in meaning to .
a. eagerly
b. roughly
c. quickly
d. gently

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E. Reflection
H o w m uch do you learn from th is u n it? Put a tic k ( ) i n the right box accord i ng to ho w
m uch you have learnt.
A spects

V ery m uch

M uch

O ffering someone something

Telling interesting ne ws
Reading narrative texts
W riting narrative texts

F. Summary
I n th is u n it you learn:

H o w to tel l i nteresti ng ne ws, for exam p le:

In formal situations


I announce that

I have interesting news.

This is our great pleasure that

It will be nice because...

I find it remarkable that

M arvellous, there

H o w to of fer someth i ng, for exam p le:

In formal situations
Would you like...?
What can I get you?
I wonder if I might offer you....


In informal situations

In informal situations
Will you have?
Please take...
Chocolate? Coffee? (or other

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N arrati ve texts
A narrative text is one that inclu des three main com ponents. They are
the beginning, events of the story (com plication), and the end of the story. The
beginning of the story introd uces characters, setting, and other general
information about the story. E vents of the story tell w hat happens to the
characters. A nd the end of the story tells the reader about ho w the problem is
The social function of narrative stories is to entertain the readers.

G. Vocabulary List
abroad [br d] kk

: ke luar negri

ad mit [dmIt] kkt

: mengak ui

battered [bQtd] ks

: lusuh

blo w [blU] kkt

: meniu p

chop [tS p] kkt

: memotong

deserve [dIzv] kkt

: berhak

die out [daI aUt] kki

: menghilang

dismay [dIsmeI] kkt

: mencemaskan

eagerly [igli] kk

: dengan tak sabar

executioner [eksIkjuSn] kb

: algojo

faithful [feITfUl] ks

: setia

feather [feD] kb

: bulu

fond of [f nd v] ks

: bangga

glint [glInt] kki

: bercahaya

hack [hQk] kkt

: memotongi

handle [hQndl] kb

: pegangan

hatchet [hQtSIt] kb

: kam pak kay u

honest [ nIst] ks

: jujur

horn [h n] kb

: tand u k

ju dgment [dZ dZmnt] kb

: pengadilan

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justified [dZstIfaId] ks

: benar

offended [fendId] ks

: tersakiti

ordinary [ dnri] ks

: biasa

peace [pis] ks

: damai

plain [pleIn] ks

: polos

pluck [pl k] kkt

: mencabuti

ruin [ruIn] kkt

: manjatuhkan, merusak

sage [seIdZ] kb

: orang bijak (guru)

sparkle [spAkl] kki

: berkilau

stead y [stedi] ks

: mantap, terus-menerus

undo [ ndu] kkt

: mengembalikan

w ise [waIz] ks

: bijak

w ring [rIN] kkt

: meremas

yell [jel] kki

: berteriak


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People w ho have a party or any other celebrations usually in vite others to attend
the events. D o you kno w the appropriate w ay to in vite someone? If you are in vited to an
event, w hat do you say if you are going to come?
D o you like reading stories? Some of the stories may be stories about friendship. In
this unit, you w ill be exposed to stories about friendship. Besides reading the stories, you
w ill have the chance to w rite your o w n stories through challenging guided as w ell as free

A. Lead-in
T ask 1

Picture 8.1

Picture 8.3

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng situations. Label the possi b le

relationsh i p of the peop le.

Picture 8.2

Picture 8.4

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T ask 2

A nsw er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on your k no w ledge. Share

your answ ers w ith a classmate.

1. N ame your best friends.

2. W hy do you think that they are your best friends?
3. W hen you have a birthday party, ho w do you invite them?
4. If you are invited to your friends birthday party and you can come, w hat do you
5. If you are invited to your friends birthday party but you cannot come, w hat do
you say?

B. Lesson Proper

Focus on Listening and Speaking

T ask 3

L isten to a d ialogue bet w een San usi an d Lai la an d then answ er the
q uestions. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

Situation: Sanusi tells Laila that he will give a new hat to A nto as a birthday present. Sanusi
invites Laila to come to A ntos birthday party with him and she accepts Sanusis invitation.
Q uestions
1. W hat does Laila think about Sanusis hat?
2. H o w does Laila praise Sanusis hat?
3. H o w does Sanusi in vite Laila to A ntos birthday party? W hat does she say?
4. D oes Laila accept the in vitation? W hat does she say?



What did the doctor say when the invisible man

called to make an appointment?


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T ask 4

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions.

In the dialogue bet w een Laila and Sanusi, you find the expression of in viting and
accepting in vitations.
Sanusi says W O U L D Y O U LI K E T O C O M E W IT H M E T O A N T O S BIRT H D A Y
P A RT Y T O N I G H T to in vite Laila to go to A ntos birthday party w ith him.
Laila says T H A T SO U N DS V ERY N I C E w hich indicates that she accepts the invitation.
There are many expressions you can use to invite and to accept invitations, for
exam ple:
In viting
We should be delighted if you .
Id like you to .
Shall we .
What about ?
Come and .

T ask 5

A ccepting in vitations
Id be delighted to.
Id like to very much.
I wont say no.
Thatll be great.
O kay.

L isten to some short d ialogues an d then w rite do w n the i n v itations

you f i n d i n the d ialogues an d w hat the rep l ies are. T he l isten i ng
scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.


D ialogue 1


D ialogue 2


D ialogue 3


D ialogue 4


D ialogue 5


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T ask 6

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng ru le.

From the dialogue bet w een Laila and Sanusi, you learn ho w to pronounce stay,
home, and b irth day:
stay [steI]
home [hUm]
birthday [bTdeI]
The w ords consist of a feature of sound called a diphthong. A diphthong means
the union of t w o vo w els. In English, there are 8 diphthongs. They are:

T ask 7



/ aI /

by, shy, w hy, life, hide, side, etc.

/ eI /

page, date, name, same, save, etc.

/ e /

air, chair, hair, pair, w ear, bear, etc.

/ aU /

house, mouth, ho w , no w , sound, etc.

/ U /

go, lo w , note, cold, hold, code, etc.

/ u /

cure, p ure, tour, d uring, etc.

/ I/

boy, joy, toy, voice, oil, coin, etc.

/ I /

clear, fear, near, tear, here, etc.

L isten an d repeat after the teacher.

w ild, pie, w ife, nine, hide.

male, tale, game, brave, make.
w ear, air, hair, pair, stare, fair.
mouth, do w n, to w n, bro w n, house.
go, so, code, lo w , w rote, hope.

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T ask 8

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng d ialogue an d then answ er the

q uestions. A fter that, act it out w ith your classmate.

Situation: Ketut Tantri finds some numbers of the English homework difficult. She invites Tagar
to come to her house to help her.
K etut Tantri
K etut Tantri
K etut Tantri
K etut Tantri

K etut Tantri

: H i, Tagar. H o w s your English home w ork?

: W ell, there are some difficult questions, but Ive done w ith m y
home w ork. W hat about you?
: I havent finished doing it. Youre right. There are some difficult
questions that I cant answ er.
: A re they nu mber 5 and nu mber 9?
: Yes, youre right. You find those nu mbers difficult, dont you?
: Yes, but I read the textbook and found the answ ers to the questions.
: Really?
By the w ay, tonight Ida, Elizabeth, and I w ill have a stu d y group.
W ill you join us?
: Id l i k e to very m uch, b ut m y l ittle brother w ants me to
accom pan y h i m to the toy store. Ive promised him. Im sorry.
: N o problem. Ill read the textbook again. See you tomorro w then.
: Good luck.

Q uestions
1. W hat are they talking about?
2. W hat nu mbers do they find difficult to answ er?
3. H o w does K etut Tantri in vite Tagar? W hat does she say?
4. H o w does Tagar refuse the invitation? W hat does he say?
5. W hy does Tagar refuse K etut Tantris in vitation?



A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.

Said the flea, "Let us fly!"
Said the fly, "Let us flee!"
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

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T ask 9

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions.

In the dialogue bet w een K etut Tantri and Tagar, you find an expression of refusing
invitation. Tagar says I D LI K E T O V ERY M U C H , B U T M Y LIT T L E BR O T H ER
W A N TS M E T O A C C O M P A N Y H I M T O T H E T O Y ST O RE to refuse K etut Tantris
in vitation.
There are many other expressions you can use to refuse invitation, for exam ple:
In formal situations
Thats very kind of you but
U nfortunately, .
However, thank you for inviting me.

T ask 10

In informal situations
Thank you for asking me, but.
Id like to, but.
Im afraid I cant because.
Sorry, I cant (because)

I n pairs, com p lete the fol lo w i ng d ialogues usi ng the su itab le

expressions. T hen, act them out w ith your classmate.

A ndi
A ndi
A ndi

: H i, E l v ira. H ave you got an y p lan th is w ee k en d?

: W ell. M y mom w ants me to stay at home. W hat is it?
: N othing. together.
: Im sorry . But, thanks for asking.
: N o problem.

A di
A di
A di

: H i, A di. Its time to take a break.

: Yes. I kno w .
: W hy are you still in the library? Lets .
: T han k you very m uch, b ut .
: O kay.
: .
: Thats fine.

A sep
A sep


: H i, Sanusi. H o w s your assignment?

: Ive got some difficulties doing it.
: M e too. I need your help to prepare for tomorro w s exam.
: Yes. W hat can I do for you?

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A sep
A sep

T ask 11


: .
: your house at 7.
: Thank you.
: Youre w elcome.

I n pairs, have a short d ialogue based on the fol lo w i ng poi nts.

G reet your partner.

Tell your partner that you and your friends are going to the cinema tonight.
You in vite another classmate to come w ith you.
H e refuses the in vitation for some reason.
You insist that he should come because it is to celebrate your birthday.
H e finally accepts your in vitation.
You thank him.

T ask 12

I n pairs, perform a short d ialogue based on the fol lo w i ng situation.

You can refer to the gu i del i ne i n T ask 11.

Your friend in vites you to come to her house for a grou p project. You actually have
another thing to do but she tells you that you have to finish it by this w eekend. Then,
you accept the invitation.

T ask 13

L isten to the story of a frien dsh i p bet w een a mouse an d a frog an d

then deci de w hether the fol lo w i ng statements are T R U E or F A LSE
to chec k your com prehension. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the
A p pen d ix.
C orrections

1. The frog and the mouse w ere

2. The frog and the mouse lived
3. The frog played the rope just for

Picture 8.5 Mouse and Frog

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4. The frog consciously sank the

5. The ha w k ate only the dead mouse.

T ask 14

Read the story of Bear an d T w o T ravel lers belo w an d then

su m mari ze it. T he q uestions may hel p you ma k e your su m mary.
Present your su m mary to the class oral l y.
T he Bear an d the T w o T ravel lers

O nce, there w ere t w o men w ere travelling together. They w ere best friends
and they al w ays did everything together.
O n the w ay, they su d denly met Bear. They felt scared and tried to save
themselves. Su d denly, their friendship w as gone. O ne of them individ ually climbed
u p quickly into a tree and covered himself in the branches. The other one fell flat on
the ground because he sa w that he w ould be attacked. The man held his breath and
pretended ap pearance of death. H e held his breath as long as he could because he
kne w that ear w ould not attack dead people. The Bear came u p and felt w ith his
nose. Bear smelt him all over. The Bear soon left him, because Bear w ould not touch
a dead bod y.
W hen Bear w as quite gone, the other man got do w n from the tree and
hu morously asked his friend about w hat the Bear had w hispered in his ear. Then, his
friend said that the Bear gave him ad vice. The other man then asked w hat the Bear
ad vised him. Then, his friend said that the Bear ad vised him not to travel w ith
someone w ho leaves his friend at the ap proach of danger.
Adapted from

Q uestions
1. W ho are the main characters of the story?
2. H o w w as their friendship?
3. H o w did they save themselves from Bear?
4. W hat w as the end of the story?
5. W hat moral value do you learn from the story?


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T ask 15

Your teacher w i l l gi ve you an d your partner t w o smal l sl i ps of

paper w ith some w ords on it. T hen, your teacher w i l l start the story
an d you have to conti n ue the story b y ma k i ng sentences you
develop from the w ords on the sl i ps of paper. Your turn is
accord i ng to the n u m ber on your sl i p. T he sl i ps are i n the
A p pen d ix.

Teacher: The goats had a village of their own and a chief and everything. The hyenas also had
their own village and a chief.

Focus on Read i ng an d W riti ng

T ask 16

I n grou ps of four, answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on your

k no w ledge.

W hich one is easier, looking for friends or enemies?

W hy should people make friends?
W hat w ill hap pen if w e do not have any friends?
W hat are the criteria of a good friend?
H o w do you usually make friends?

T ask 17

Read the story of Q uac k l i ng an d guess the mean i ngs of the w ords
based on the context. A fter that, answ er the q uestions b y choosi ng
the correct answ ers.
Q uac k l i ng

O nce there w as a very small d uck w ith a very lou d quack. H e is called as
Q uackling. H e w as clever and he w orked hard. H e w as very rich. Indeed, the king
himself o w ed him some.
A year w ent by, then t w o, and then three, and the K ing never paid him back. H e
felt that it w as the time for him to see the K ing and got his money back. So he took a bag
for the money, and started to go to the castle.
In his journey to the castle, he quacking and saying that he w anted his money
back. Before long, he met Lad der, River, and Beehive. They w ere w ondering w here
Q uackling w anted to go that time. They w ondered if they could accom pany him to the

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castle. Then Q uackling O ne can never have too many friends. A nd he asked them into
his bag.
Soon after, Q uackling arrived at the K ings castle. H e protested right up to the
guards and told them that he came for his money. The guards w ent inside and told the
K ing.
The K ing thought that he could easily make Q uackling gave u p. The K ing
ordered guards to p ut Q uackling in the pit so they p ut Q uackling in the pit and left him
there. Q uackling cried for help. H e then remembered Lad der. So he called out Lad der to
help him. Q uick as a blink, Lad der w as out of the bag. Lad der leaned K ing.against the
side of the pit, and Q uackling climbed out. Then Q uackling stood there, calling the K ing.
The K ing did not give u p so easily also. H e then ordered guards to p ut Q uackling
in the pot and set it on the fire. H elp! cried Q uackling. Im in a ste w! Then he
remembered River. So he called out River. Q uick as a w ink, River came out of the bag.
River p ut out the fire and flo w ed a w ay. Then Q uackling got out and continued calling
for the K ing
Then the K ing asked guards to bring Q uackling to him. So they brought
Q uackling to the K ing. The K ing grabbed him. Q uackling cried for help. Q uick as you
can think, Beehive w as out of the bag. The bees rushed from the hive and started to sting
the K ing. H e fled from the castle, and the bees follo w ed.
H ooray! cried the people of the castle, and the prime minister said, W e never
liked that K ing any w ay. So they p ut Q uackling on the throne and gave him a cro w n.
W ill you be our K ing? said the guards. W hy not? said Q uackling. O ne can never
have too many friends.
Adapted from

accom pany [k mpni] kkt

guard [gAd] kb
lean [lin] kki
o w e [U] kkt
pit [pIt] kb
protest [prtest] kkt
rush [rS] kki
ste w [stju] kb
w onder [w nd] kki

: ...
: ...
: ...
: ...
: ...
: ...
: ...
: ...
: ...
: ...

Q uestions
1. The story tells us about ....
a. the friendship bet w een the K ing and Q uackling
b. the value of a friendship
c. the life of Q uackling
d. the struggle for the throne


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2. W ho accom panied Q uackling to the castle?

a. The K ing, Lad der, and River.
b. The K ing, Lad der, and Beehive.
c. River, Lad der, and Beehive.
d. The K ing, Beehive, and River.
3. W hat did Q uackling w ant from the K ing?
a. H e w anted his money back.
b. H e w anted the K ing gave a w ay his cro w n.
c. H e w anted to sho w that he had got many friends.
d. Together w ith his friends, he w anted to kill the K ing.

H o w did the K ing w elcome Q uackling?

a. The K ing gave Q uackling a lot of obstacles.
b. H e delegated the prime minister to w elcome Q uackling and friends.
c. H e prepared a party to w elcome Q uackling and friends.
d. The K ing directly w elcomed Q uackling and friends.

5. Finally, the K ing left the castle after being chased by ....
a. Q uackling and friends
b. River
c. Lad der
d. The bees
6. O ne can never have too many frien ds.
The expression im plies that .
a. People w ill have too many friends if they do not limit themselves
b. W e should not have too many friends
c. W e should not stop making friends w ith anybod y
d. It is not good w hen w e have too many friends
7. H e fled from the castle.
The w ord he in the sentence refers to .
a. Q uackling
b. Beehive
c. Lad der
d. The K ing
8. W ill you be our K ing?
The w ord you in the sentence refers to .
a. Q uackling
b. Lad der

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c. Beehive
d. River
9. So they p ut Q uackling on the throne and gave him a cro w n.
W hat are the Indonesian equivalents for throne and cro w n?
a. Singgasana dan permata.
b. Permata dan mahkota.
c. Singgasana dan mahkota.
d. Permata dan tahta.
10. Q uackling cried for help.
The w ord cry in the sentence is similar in meaning to....
a. w eep
b. scream
c. laugh
d. w hisper

T ask 18

D eci de w hether the fol lo w i ng statements are T R U E or F A LSE

based on the story of Q uac k l i ng i n T ask 17. C orrect the F A LSE

C orrections

1. Q uackling w as a big laz y d uck.

2. H e w ent to the castle for his money.
3. Q uackling w ent to the castle w ith his
4. The K ing gave Q uackling many
5. Q uackling finally got his money.

T ask 19

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng ru le.

In the story, you find several names, for exam ple Q uackling, Lad der, River,
and Beehive.
M ost of names does not have articles and are w ritten in initial capital letters,
for exam ple:
1. Personal names: Purna Setia w an, N i K adek Sarasw ati D e w i, A de Irma N asution,


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2. Tem poral names: January, February, Sunday, M onday, C hristmas D ay,

Independence D ay, etc.
3. Geographical names: Indonesia, Jakarta, Palangkaraya, Jayap ura, M ount M erapi,
Lake Toba, Lake Sarangan, etc.

T ask 20

Re w rite the fol lo w i ng j u m b led paragrap hs i nto a good story. T he

story is about the legen d of Surabaya. T hen, com p lete the poi nts.
T he Legen d of Surabaya

Sura bit Bayas tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. H e bit very hard until Sura finally
gave u p. H e w ent back to the sea. Baya w as very hap p y. H e had his place again. The
place w here they w ere fighting w as a mess. People then al w ays talked about the fight
bet w een Sura and Baya. They then named the place of the fight as Surabaya, its from
Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile.
O n one hot day, Sura and Baya w ere looking for some food. Su d denly, Baya sa w a goat.
Y u m m y, this is m y lunch, said Baya. N o w ay! This is m y lunch. You are greed y! I
have not eaten for t w o days! said Sura. Then Sura and Baya fought as usual. A fter
several hours, they w ere very tired. Sura had a plan to stop their bad habit. Im tired of
fighting, Baya, said Sura. M e too. W hat should w e do to stop fighting? D o you have
any idea? asked Baya. Yes, I do. Lets share our territory. I live in the w ater, so I look
for food in the sea.
A long time ago in East Java there w ere t w o strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura w as a
shark and Baya w as a crocodile. They lived in a sea. A ctually, they w ere friends. But
w hen they w ere hungry, they w ere very greed y.

A nd you live on the land, right? So, you look for the food also on the land. The border is
the beach, so w e w ill never meet again. D o you agree? asked Sura. H m m... let me think
about it. O K , I agree. From no w on, I w ill never go to the sea again. M y place is on the
land, said Baya. Then they both lived in the different places.
But one day, Sura w ent to the land and looked for some food in the river. H e w as very
hungry and there w as not m uch food in the sea. Baya w as very angry w hen he kne w that
Sura broke the promise. H ey, w hat are you doing here? This is m y place. Your place is
in the sea! But, there is w ater in the river, right? So, this is also m y place! said Sura.
Then Sura and Baya fought again. They both hit each other.
Adapted from

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C haracters

W hy they fought

W here they lived after the


W hat the agreement w as


W ho broke the agreement


H o w the story ended


T ask 21

T he fol lo w i ng are parts of the story of Baru k l i nti ng D ragon. I n

pairs, rearrange the parts i nto a good order an d then w rite the story
based on the p lot. Read out the story to the class.

Shepherds w ere eaten by the

dragon except one, the ugliest.

V illagers w ent to the mountain

to get the dragon but the dragon
had gone.

The 10 shepherds sheltered in a

cave w hich w as actually
Baru klintings mouth.

The 9 shepherds drove the

ugliest out of the cave arrogantly.


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There lived Baru klinting (a

dragon) on a mountain.

D ragon flied.

T ask 22

I n pairs, do the fol lo w i ng crossw ord p u z z le.








A cross
3. travel
6. open and close eyes quickly
8. a special chair for a king or a
10. stand diagonally
11. a pot for boiling food
13. a strong and fast bird

1. a circular head-je w ellery used
by a king or queen
2. stop on a tree (v)
4. box or another place w here bees
live in
5. p ull
6. an insect w ith sting
7. the ruler of a territory
9. difficulties
12. w ink

C. Homework

T ask 23


I n d i v i d ual l y, f i n d t w o stories about frien dsh i p from story boo ks,

the i nternet, or other sources an d answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions
based on the stories.

W ho are the characters of the story?

W hat happened to the characters?
W hat did the characters do to solve their problems?
H o w did the story end?
W hat moral value do you learn from the story?

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T ask 24

I n pairs, read the fol lo w i ng story an d w rite some poi nts. Re w rite
the story based on your poi nts.
T he Stu p i d D og
Folklore from Central Sulawesi

D E ER have horns, right? But long time ago, deer did not have horns. Instead,
dogs had horns. H o w did the deer get the horns? H ere is the story. It w as a very hot
day. A cou ple of deer w ent to a river to drink. They w ere husband and w ife. A fter
arrived in the lake, they im mediately drank some w ater.
Su d denly, the w ife sa w an animal coming. M y husband, w ho is he? W o w! H e
is very handsome w ith his horns, said the female deer. O h, thats m y friend. H e is a
dog. By the w ay, did you say he is more handsome than me? asked the male deer.
H e w as jealous. O f course not, you are still more handsome than he is. But I have to
ad mit that his horns are beautiful. If you have those horns, I think you w ill look very
attractive. O k, then, I have an idea ho w to take the horns from the dog. Just w ait
H i, ho w are you? asked the male deer to the dog. Im just fine, answ ered
the dog. H o w about you? N ot really good. You see m y w ife over there? She thinks
that I cannot run fast like other male deer. D o you mind if w e have a running match?
I really w ant to practise, said the male deer. D ont w orry, m y friend. Lets have the
running match no w .
A fter that, the running match began. The male deer w on. Then, he tried to
cheer the dog u p. W ell, dont be sad. You cannot run fast because you have your
horns on your head. W hat if you let me w ear the horns, asked the male deer. O K ,
but please w ear the horns carefully. I dont w ant them to be broken. D ont w orry. I
w ill be very careful, replied the male deer. A nd then he im mediately p ut the horns
on his head. W o w? M y w ife is right. I really look great w ith these horns, said the
male deer to himself. Then, they started the running match again. The male deer ran
as fast as he could. H e ran very fast and did not stop. H e w as trying to steal the dogs
horns. H ey come back! Bring back m y horns! the dog w as very angry. U ntil no w ,
dogs al w ays try to catch deer. The dogs w ant to get their horns back.
Adapted from

1. The characters


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2. The events in the story

3. The ending of the story
4. M oral value of the story

T ask 25

I n pairs, w rite some d ialogues based on the fol lo w i ng situations.

A ct them out w ith your partner.

1. Your friend invites you to come to her house to finish an assignment. You can come.
2. Your father w ants you to accom pany him to a w ed ding party. You are happ y to do
3. Your friend asks you to accom pany her to go to a mall. You cannot go because you
are doing your home w ork.

D. Evaluation

T ask 26

A di
A ditya
A di
A ditya
A di
A ditya
A di
A ditya

C om p lete the fol lo w i ng d ialogue w ith the correct expressions.

T hen, act it out w ith your partner.
: H i, A ditya. W ill you come to Rias party tonight?
: Yes, I w ill. W hats u p?
: N othing. (1).
: (2).
: Thatll be nice.
: Yes. O h hey, thats Lina.
H i, Lina.
: H i, gu ys. W hats u p?
: Its about Rias party. W e plan to go to the party together. (3)?
: Id love to. But (4).
: W hy?

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A di
Lina and A ditya

T ask 27

: N othing. I just w ant to stay at home this w eekend. Im Sorry.

: Thats no problem. G u ys, the bells ringing. Lets go back to the
: O kay.

I n pairs, perform a short d ialogue based on the fol lo w i ng situation.

Your friend invites you to come to his birthday party. You cannot come because you
are sick.

T ask 28

Read the story of T he C olour of Frien dsh i p an d then answ er the

q uestions b y choosi ng the correct answ er.
T he C olour of Frien dsh i p

O nce u pon a time the colours of the w orld started to quarrel.

A ll claimed that they w ere the best.
The most im portant.
The most useful.
The favourite.
G reen said, "clearly I am the most im portant. I am the sign of life and of hope. I
w as chosen for grass, trees and leaves. W ithout me, all animals w ould die. Look over the
countryside and you w ill see that I am in the majority."
Blue interru pted, " you only think about the earth, but consider the sk y and the
sea. It is the w ater that is the basis of life and dra w n u p by the clou ds from the deep sea.
The sk y gives space and peace and serenity. W ithout m y peace, you w ould all be

Yello w chuckled, " you are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and
w armth into the w orld. The sun is yello w , the moon is yello w , and the stars are
yello w . E very time you look at a sunflo w er, the w hole w orld starts to smile.
W ithout me there w ould be no fun."
O range started next to blo w her tru m pet, "I am the colour of health and strength.
I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of hu man life. I carry the most
im portant vitamins. Think of carrots, pu m p kins, oranges, mangoes, and papayas. I don't


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hang around all the time, but w hen I fill the sk y at sunrise or sunset, m y beauty is so
striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."
Red could stand it no longer he shouted out, "I am the ruler of all of you. I am
blood - life's blood! I am the colour of danger and of bravery. I am w illing to fight for a
cause. I bring fire into the blood. W ithout me, the earth w ould be as em pty as the moon.
I am the colour of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the popp y."
Purple rose u p to his full height. H e w as very tall and spoke w ith great pom p, "I
am the colour of royalty and po w er. K ings, chiefs, and bishops have al w ays chosen me
for I am the sign of authority and w isdom. People do not question me! They listen and
Finally Indigo spoke, m uch more quietly than all the others, but w ith just as
m uch determination: " Think of me. I am the colour of silence. You hardly notice me, but
w ithout me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, t w ilight and
deep w ater. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."
A nd so the colours w ent on boasting, each con vinced of his or her o w n
su periority. Their quarrelling became lou der and lou der. Su d denly there w as a startling
flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour do w n
relentlessly. The colours crouched do w n in fear, dra w ing close to one another for
In the mid dle of the quarrel, rain began to speak, " you foolish colours, fighting
amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. D on't you kno w that you w ere
each made for a special p urpose, unique and different? Join hands w ith one another and
come to me."
D oing as they w ere told, the colours united and joined hands and became a
beautiful rainbo w .
Adapted from

Q uestions
1. The story tells us about ....
a. the beauty of colours.
b. the beauty of rainbo w .
c. the beauty of rain.
d. the beauty of friendship.

H o w many colours w ere quarrelling?

a. 6 colours.
b. 7 colours.
c. 8 colours.
d. 9 colours.

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3. W hy did Purple think that he w as the best colour?

a. Because he thought that he w as the colour of life and hope.
b. Because he thought that he w as the colour of silence
c. Because he thought that he w as the colour of royalty and po w er.
d. Because he thought that he w as the colour of danger and bravery.
4. W hat did Rain tell them to do to solve the quarrel?
a. Solve it through a com petition.
b. Go to God and asked the truth.
c. Join him to be a storm.
d. Join their hands and be the rainbo w after him.
5. The

w riter tries to tell that ....

differences should not make separation
any separation could not be reunited
rainbo ws w ill al w ays come after the rain
the rainbo ws are made of the unique colours



What do you call a fish that only cares about himself?


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E. Reflection
H o w m uch do you learn from th is u n it? Put a tic k ( ) i n the right box accord i ng to
ho w m uch you have learnt.
V ery m uch

A spects

M uch


In viting someone
A ccepting in vitations
Refusing in vitations
Reading stories
W riting stories

F. Summary
I n th is u n it you learn:

H o w to i n v ite someone, for exam p le:

We should be delighted if you
Id like you to
Shall we
What about ?
Come and


H o w to accept an d ref use i n v itations, for exam p le:

A ccepting In vitations
Id be delighted to
Id like to very much.
I wont say no.
Thatll be great.
O kay.

Refusing In vitations
Thats very kind of you but.
Thank you for asking me, but.
Id like to, but.
Sorry, I cant (because)

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3. Proper N ou ns
Proper nouns are names of specific people, places, countries,
months, days, magazines, and so on. M ost proper nouns do not have
articles and are w ritten in initial capital letters.
Proper nouns are used to mention:
a. Personal names G una w an, Ida A y u, Pepelepi, etc.;
b. T em poral names C hristmas D ay, January, Sunday, etc.;
c. G eograp h ical names Lake Toba, M ount M erapi, Indonesia, etc.;

G. Vocabulary List


ad mit [dmIt] kkt

: mengak ui

ad vise [dvaIz] kkt

: memberi nasehat

approach [prUtS] kb

: datangnya

border [b d] kb

: batas

cro w n [kraUn] kb

: mahkota

flat [flQt] ks

: rata

greed y [gridi] ks

: kikir

hop [h p] kki

: melom pat

horn [h n] kb

: tand u k

immediately [ImidItli] kk

: dengan segera

jealous [dZels] ks

: cemburu

lean [lin] kki

: miring

pit [pIt] kb

: ruang ba w ah tanah

share [Se] kkt

: membagi

tail [teIl] kb

: ekor

territory [terItri] kb

: daerah kek uasaan

throne [TrUn] kb

: singgasana

tie [taI] kkt

: mengikat

w ickedness [wIkIdns] kb

: kejahilan

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People like exchanging information, inclu ding ne ws. People usually share
interesting ne ws they have w ith others. H ave you ever shared interesting ne ws w ith
others? H ave you ever got interesting ne ws from others? H o w do you respond to the
interesting ne ws you receive? D o you kno w ho w to respond to ne ws properly?
D o you like reading English stories? Some of the stories may be legends. In this
unit, you w ill be exposed to legends. Besides reading, you w ill have the chance to w rite
your favourite legends through challenging guided as w ell as free tasks.

A. Lead-in

T ask 1

D o you al w ays share i nteresti ng ne ws you have got w ith peop le

arou n d you? Remem ber i nteresti ng ne ws you have got recentl y an d
then w rite them do w n i n the fol lo w i ng form.

Interesting N e ws You H ave Got

T ask 2

People You Usually Share W ith

A nsw er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on your k no w ledge. Share

your answ ers w ith a classmate.

1. H o w do you feel if your achievement is the best in your class?

2. H o w do you tell your parents about this ne ws?
3. W hat response may they give w hen you tell them this ne ws?

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B. Lesson Proper

Focus O n L isten i ng an d Spea k i ng

T ask 3

L isten to the d ialogue bet w een A d i an d Lai la an d then answ er the

q uestions. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

Situation: Adi participates in a N ational Writing Competition. Laila knows that Adi wins the
competition. She tells Adi this interesting news.

Picture 9.1

Q uestions
1. W hat interesting ne ws does Laila tell A di?
2. H o w does Laila get the ne ws?
3. D oes A di feel hap p y about the ne ws? W hy? W hy not?
4. H o w does A di respond to the ne ws? W hat does he say?
5. W hat does A dis response im ply?

What does number 1 say to number 7?


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T ask 4

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng expressions.

In the dialogue bet w een A di and Laila in Task 3 you find that Laila is hap p y w ith the
interesting ne ws. A di responds to the interesting ne ws by saying RE A L L Y? ITS
W H A T I W A N T T O H E A R.
There are many other expressions you can use to respond to interesting ne ws, for
exam ple:
In formal situations

In informal situations

Im glad to hear that.

Im happy with the news.
I can feel that youre happy.

T ask 5

Really? Thats interesting.

Thats great.
I think she deserves it because ....

L isten to some short d ialogues an d then w rite do w n the i nteresti ng

ne ws you f i n d i n the d ialogues an d ho w peop le i n the d ialogues
respon d to the ne ws. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.
N e ws


D ialogue 1


D ialogue 2


D ialogue 3


D ialogue 4


D ialogue 5

T ask 6


L isten to the story of Pan yalahan V i l lage an d then com p lete the
fol lo w i ng f lo w chart. T he l isten i ng scri pt is i n the A p pen d ix.

The characters:

W hat hap pened:



M oral value:

H o w the story ended:


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T ask 7

Stu d y the fol lo w i ng ru le.

In the story of Panyalahan V illage you find the w ord thought [T t]. The letters gh in
the w ords are not pronounced. They are silent letters. In English, there are seven
silent consonant letters. They are:
1. Silent b: bomb, debt, doubt, climb, nu mb, etc.
2. Silent g: vignette, assign, reign
3. Silent gh: fight, night, light, right
4. Silent k and c: knee, kneel, kne w , knife, m uscle
5. Silent p: receipt, psychology, pneu monia
6. Silent t: castle, listen, w histle, bristle
7. Silent w: wrap, bow, wreck, write, bowling

T ask 8

kno w
w rest
w rinkle
d u mb
thu mb

T ask 9
A ndi
A ndi
A ndi


L isten an d repeat after the teacher. T hen, grou p the w ords w h ich
have the same si lent sou n d.

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng d ialogues an d then answ er the

q uestions. A fter that, act it out w ith your partner.
: H i, Laila. H ave you got ne ws about M rs H ayati?
: M rs H ayati? O ur best English teacher? W hat is it?
: Shes going to A ustralia.
: A ustralia? W hy is she going to A ustralia?
: Shes got a scholarship and takes the M A program me.

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A ndi
A ndi
A ndi
A ndi

: So, she takes the M A program me for free?

: A s I heard, yes. Its all free of charge for her.
: I think she deserves it. You kno w , shes the best English teacher in our
: Youre right. N o w onder if the government gives her the scholarship.
: Lets just pray for her and may she return to this school.
: W ere all going to miss her.
: Yes. Shall w e congratulate her?
: N ice idea. Lets meet her and congratulate her.
: A fter you.

Q uestions
1. W hat are they talking about?
2. W hat interesting ne ws does A ndi tell Laila?
3. H o w does Laila respond to the ne ws? W hat does she say?
4. W hat does Lailas response im ply?
5. W hat do they think they need to do to M rs H ayati?

T ask 10


I n pairs, com p lete the fol lo w i ng d ialogues usi ng the expressions

you have learned an d then choose t w o of them an d act them out
w ith your classmate.

W hats so

D u de,

W e can open our
notes in the exam.

W ell have an
open- book test for
M ath.

Picture 9.2

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G u ys______________

W hats u p?

_______. I cant
w ait till this

Since w eve got great marks

for the English exam, M rs
H ayati w ill treat us at the
restaurant this afternoon.

Picture 9.3


G u ys, ___________

C ome on.
Tell us.

W ell have extra hours for

English. Its an after-school
program me.

Picture 9.4



W hats so


Ive found a book containing

pictures of D avid Beckham
in action.

Picture 9.5


_______. W e can
have more time to
learn and practise
our English.

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Laila, ___________

W hat is it
Thats great.


Picture 9.6

T ask 11

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng situation an d then ma k e a short

d ialogue relevant to the situation. Use the gu i del i ne to ma k e your
d ialogue more organ i zed.

Situation: Your teacher tells you that you will get a scholarship because of your achievement. You
deserve it because you are great in every subject. You tell this news to your parents.
G u i del i ne
1. You
2. Your parents
3. You

T ask 12

: greet and tell the interesting ne ws

: respond to the ne ws, tell you to keep stu d ying hard
: promise to keep stu d ying hard.

It is no w your turn to have your o w n d ialogue. I n pairs, perform a

short d ialogue based on the fol lo w i ng situation. You can refer to
the gu i del i ne i n T ask 11.

O ne of your classmates w ins the gold medal at the physics O ly m piad. Your
teachers plan to have a surprise party for him this afternoon. You tell this ne ws
to other classmates so that they can participate in the party. They think that he
deserves such a party and they are w illing to help prepare for the party.

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T ask 13

Read the legen d of Situ Bagen d it belo w an d then su m mari ze it. T he

f lo w chart may hel p you ma k e your su m mary more organ i zed.
Present your su m mary to the class oral l y.
Situ Bagen d it

N yai Bagendit w as a w ido w . She w as the richest person in the village. She had a
very big house full of je w ellery. She also had many servants w orking for her. N yai
Bagendit w as also kno w n for her bad attitu de. She did not like to help others. W henever
the villagers needed some money, they borro w ed the money from her. H o w ever, w hen
they returned it, the villager had to pay double. If they w ere not able to return the debt,
N yai Bagendit w ould ask her servants to take the villagers belongings.
N yai Bagendit also hated beggars. She thought that beggars w ere laz y people. She
never felt sorry to any beggars coming to her house. So w hen the old beggar came to her
house, N yai Bagendit im mediately to ask her to go. Go a w ay you laz y old w oman! Go
out of m y house! Please, N yai, give me some money or just give me some food. I'm so
hungry, said the beggar. Food? You asked for food? This is m y house not a restaurant.
Go no w! I dont w ant to see you here!
N yai Bagendit then thre w a stone to the old beggar. The old beggar w as very sad.
She then said, " N yai Bagendit, I kno w you are the riches person in this village. You have
anything but you never help other people. You are not grateful to God. W ait for the
p unishment from God. You w ill be p unished!" The old beggar then left N yai Bagendit's
house. " H a ha ha! You are right. I'm the richest person here. So no one can p unish me, not
even G od can p unish me!" N yai Bagendit w as very arrogant. N yai Bagendit then w ent
back to her big house.
N ot long after that, an earthquake hap pened. H er house fell do w n. N yai Bagendit
cried for help. " H elp me! Somebod y please help me!" But nobod y listened her crying for
help. N obod y in the village felt the earthquake. A mazingly, the earthquake only
hap pened in N yai Bagendit's house. The land w as opened. It w as so big that the entire
N yai Bagendit's house and all her w ealth w ere gone. The villagers just w atched w hat
hap pened to N yai Bagendit and her house. They w ere amazed. They kne w that G od
p unished N yai Bagendit for behaving badly and never helped other people. Slo w ly, the
place w here N yai Bagendits house stood became lake. Since then, people named the lake
as Situ Bagendit. It means Lake Bagendit.
Adapted from


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The main character:


W ho she w as:

W hat hap pened to her:


W hat she did:


H o w the story ended:


The moral value you learn:


Focus on Read i ng an d W riti ng

T ask 14

I n grou ps of four, answ er the fol lo w i ng q uestions based on your

k no w ledge.

D o you believe in legends?

H o w many legends do you kno w?
W hat Indonesian legends do you kno w m uch about?
D o you find some moral values in the legends you kno w?
Is there any legend from your region? If so, w hat is it about?

T ask 15

Read the legen d of M an i k A ng k eran belo w an d f i n d the mean i ngs

of the w ords i n the box. T hen, answ er the q uestions.
M an i k A ng k eran

A long time ago, lived a very rich family in Bali. The father w as Sidi M antra. H e
w as very famous for his su pernatural po w er. H e lived hap pily w ith his w ife and his only
child M anik A ngkeran. M anik A ngkeran w as a spoiled son. H e also had a bad habit. H e
liked to gamble. Because of his bad habit, his parents soon became poor. They al w ays

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ad vised M anik A ngkeran to stop his bad habit, but he never listened to them. Instead he
kept on begging to his parents to give him a lot of money. The parents then did not have
the heart to see him begging.
Sidi M antra, his father, then w ent to A gung M ountain. There lived a mighty
dragon w ith his great su pernatural po w er. H e could provide je w elleries to those w ho
could say the right prayers and ring the bell. Sidi M antra had the bell and he also kne w
the prayers. " M y name is Sidi M antra. I have a problem. M y son likes to gamble. H e
made me poor. A nd no w he asks a lot of money. I w ant to give him some, but no w I
w ant him to promise to stop his bad behaviour," explained Sidi M antra after he met the
Sidi M antra then said the prayers and rang the bell. Su d denly, je w elleries came
out from the dragon's bod y. H e w as very hap p y and im mediately brought the
je w elleries home. This time Sidi M antra w anted M anik A ngkeran really to stop
gambling. The son then promised. But soon he broke the promise. H e kne w about the
H e heard that his father got the je w elleries from the dragon living in A gung M ountain.
So he stole his father's bell then w ent there. A fter arrived in A gung M ountain, M anik
A ngkeran rang the bell. The dragon kne w him. "I w ill give you anything you w ant but
you have to promise to stop gambling. Remember the karma!" then the dragon gave him
the je w elleries. M anik A ngkeran w as very hap p y. Su d denly he had a bad idea. H e
w anted to kill the dragon and stole all his je w elleries.
The dragon kne w his plan and w ith his great po w er he killed M anik A ngkeran.
Sidi M antra w as very sad. H e asked the dragon to bring his son back to life. The dragon
agreed but they had to live in different places. A fter fe w moments, M anik A ngkeran
lived again.
Then Sidi M antra used a stick to make a big line bet w een them on the ground.
From the line, w ater flo w ed. Soon it became a river. Finally it became a strait. It
separated Java and Bali. People then named the strait as Bali Strait.
Adapted from

W ords
behaviour [bIheIvj] kb
bell [bel] kb
gamble [gQmbl] kki
habit [hQbIt] kb
instead [Insted] kk
je w ellery [dZulri] kb
mighty [maIti] ks
po w er [paUw] kb
prayer [pre] kb
straits [streIts] kb


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Indonesian equivalents

Q uestions
1. The story tells us about ....
a. the death of M anik A ngkeran
b. the story of the holy dragon in A gung M ountain
c. the story of Sidi M antra
d. the beginning of Bali Strait

H o w w as M anik A ngkerans attitu de?

a. H e w as a clever boy.
b. H e w as a diligent boy.
c. H e w as a spoilt boy.
d. H e w orked hard to make money.

3. W hat w as M anik A ngkerans bad habit w hich made his parents poor?
a. gambling.
b. robbing.
c. drinking alcohol.
d. partying.
4. W here did Sidi M antra get the je w ellery?
a. Tanah Lot Beach.
b. A gung mountain.
c. The H oly Tem ple.
d. Bali Strait.

H o w did Sidi M antra get the je w ellery?

a. By praying to God.
b. By digging the secret treasure in A gung M ountain.
c. By killing the mighty dragon.
d. By praying to the dragon and ring the bell.

6. W hat did M anik A ngkeran do w hen he kne w ho w his father got the je w ellery?
a. H e stop ped gambling.
b. H e asked more and more money from his father.
c. H e stole the bell and w ent to the A gung M ountain.
d. H e killed the dragon and took all the je w elleries.
7. W hat made M anik A ngkeran killed?
a. H e o w ed too m uch money from the crou pier.
b. H e w as killed by his o w n father w hen trying to get the bell.
c. H e w as killed d uring his journey to A gung M ountain.
d. H e w as killed d uring the battle w ith the mighty dragon.

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8. W hat made Sidi M antra feel very sad?

a. H e found his son dead.
b. H e could not get the je w elleries for his son.
c. H e could not defeat the mighty dragon.
d. H e sa w his son begging for je w elleries.
9. W hat did the dragon w ant Sidi M antra to do if M anik A ngkeran lived again?
a. H e had to give the dragon some je w ellery.
b. H e had to live in a different place from his son.
c. H e had to leave M anik A ngkeran.
d. H e had to kill him by his o w n hand.
10. H o w did Sidi M antra separate himself from M anik A ngkeran?
a. By driving M anik A ngkeran out of their house.
b. By giving M anik A ngkeran to the dragon as a servant.
c. By dra w ing a line bet w een them w hich change into a strait.
d. By killing himself and let M anik A ngkeran free to choose his life.

T ask 16

I n pairs, stu d y the fol lo w i ng ru le.

Read the story of M anik A ngkeran once again and then stu d y the forms of verbs used
in the story.
Lets take some sentences from the story.
Su b ject

Pred icate

O b ject/C om p lement


w as

very famous for his ...


k ept on

begging ...

The dragon

k ne w

his plan

Sidi M antra


a stick to...


Past V erb

O bject / C om plement

In the table above, you find that to talk about actions or situations in the past you can
use the follo w ing pattern: Su b ject + Past V erb + O b ject/C om p lement


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T ask 17

I n pairs, read the story of T he U n hap p y C en dra w asi h an d then

com p lete the fol lo w i ng chart. U n derl i ne w ords that i n d icate the
past tense.

C haracters:

W hat hap pened:


M oral value of the story:


H o w the story ended:


T he U n hap p y C en dra w asi h

Fol k lore from P apua
M r and M rs Bro w n Bird lived in a jungle in Pap ua. M r Bro w n al w ays
com plained about his feathers. H e thought they w ere ugly. H e w as jealous w ith his
friend, M r G reen Bird. "I w ant to have beautiful feathers like M r G reen Bird. H is feathers
are not bro w n like mine. They are very beautiful," said M r Bro w n Bird to his w ife.
" H oney, you have to be grateful w ith your feathers. W ith feathers like this,
hu mans are not interested in us. So they w ill not hunt us," said M rs Bro w n Bird. M r
Bro w n Bird then w ent to the G od of Jungle. "I w ant to have beautiful feathers like M r
G reen Bird's feathers, said M r Bro w n Bird. " D on't w orry. I can make your w ish comes
true. Just choose one color." " H m m I don't k no w . H o w about red? Yello w? G reen? I'm
confused." The G od of Jungle w as u pset. " C hoose no w!" M r Bro w n Bird then looks u p to
the sk y. H e had an idea. " A ha! I kno w w hich color to choose. I don't w ant one color of
m y feathers. I w ant many colors. I w ant m y feathers to be colorful like the rainbo w in the
sk y." N ot longer after that, M r Bro w n Bird's feathers w ere colorful.
W hen he w ent home, his w ife did not recognize him. " H oney, it's me. I'm your
husband." " N o, m y husband is not like you! H is feathers are bro w n!" said M rs bro w n
Bird. M r Bro w n Bird tried very hard to con vince his w ife realized that he w as really her
husband. " You are very stu pid, m y husband. W it color like these, hu mans w ill hunt you.
W hat if thy also take our children? N o w , please go a w ay! O ur lives are in danger if you
are still here," said M rs Bro w n Bird. She is crying. M r Bro w n Bird w as very sad. H e
thought he just made a very big mistake. H e then left his house. H is name then changed
into C endra w asih. It meant a bird of paradise.
Adapted from

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T ask 18

I n pairs, rearrange the fol lo w i ng j u m b led paragrap hs i nto a good

story an d then su m mari ze it. You may refer to the poi nts to ma k e
your su m mary more organ i zed.
T he C ry i ng Stone
a Fol k t a le from W est K a l imant an

O n the w ay to the market, everybod y ad mired the girl's beauty. They

w ere also curious. Behind the beautiful girl, there w as an old w oman w ith a
sim ple dress. The girl and her mother looked very different!
" H ello, pretty lad y. W ho is the w oman behind you?" asked them. She is m y
servant, answ ered the girl.
The mother w as very sad, but she did not say anything.
The girl and the mother met other people. A gain they asked w ho the
w oman behind the beautiful girl. A gain the girl answ ered that her mother w as
her servant. She al w ays said that her mother w as her servant every time they
meet people.
O ne day, the mother asked the girl to accom pany her to go to the market
to bu y some food. A t first the girl refused, but the mother persuaded her by
saying they w ere going to bu y ne w clothes. The girl finally agreed. But she asked
her mother to w alk behind her. She did not w ant to w alk side by side w ith her
mother. A lthough her mother w as very sad, she agreed to w alk behind her
" M other, please forgive me!" she cried and asked her mother to forgive
her. But it w as too late. H er w hole bod y finally became a big stone. People then
called it the crying stone or batu menangis since there w ere tears falling do w n the
In a small village, a girl lived w ith her mother. The girl w as very
beautiful. E very day she p ut make-u p and w ore her best clothes. She did not like
to help her mother w ork in a field. The girl w as very laz y.
A t last, the mother could not hold the pain any more. She prayed to God
to p unish her daughter. God answ ered her prayer. Slo w ly, the girl's leg turned
into stone. The process continued to the u p per part of the girl's bod y. The girl
w as very panick y.
Adapted from

Poi nts to i ncl u de:

1. The characters of the story
2. W hat hap pened to the characters
3. W hy the mother w anted G od to p unish her daughter


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4. H o w the story ended

5. The moral value of the story

T ask 19

I n pairs, develop the fol lo w i ng poi nts i nto a good story. It is the
story of Ra w a Pen i ng from C entral Java. You may search the
i n formation about the story from the l i brary, the i nternet, an d other

1. O nce, there w as an orphan boy.

2. H e sa w a party and begged for food.
3. The villagers treated the boy poorly.
4. A n old lad y gave him food.
5. H e suggested that the old lad y should take her mortar if there w as a flood.
6. The boy p unished the villagers on their arrogance by the flood.

T ask 20

I n pairs, do the fol lo w i ng crossw ord p u z z le. T hen, com pare your
answ ers w ith your classmates.

A cross
2. large area of w ater
surrounded by land
6. sw ear
7. a traditional Story
10. a story from the past that
may or may not be true
12. a sheet of cotton

1. fine
3. little consideration for others
4. sound of long / s /
5. standing diagonally
8. vam pire
9. jungle
11. mens best friend

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C. Homework

T ask 21


I n pairs, f i n d t w o legen ds from the i nternet or l i brary an d then

su m mari ze them. T he fol lo w i ng q uestions may hel p you ma k e your
su m maries more organ i zed.

W ho are the characters in the story?

W hat hap pened to the characters?
W hat problems did the characters have to face?
H o w did the characters solve the problems?
H o w did the story end?
W hat moral value do you learn from the story?

T ask 22

I n pairs, read the fol lo w i ng story an d w rite the mai n poi nts of the
story. Report the poi nts to the class.
M enti k o Betuah
Fol k lore from N anggroe A ceh D arussa l am

A long time ago, there w as a kingdom in Semeulue, N anggroe A ceh D arussalam.

The king and the queen had a son, the prince. They loved the prince very m uch. They
al w ays gave him anything he w anted and that made him gre w as a spoiled young man.
The king realized his mistake. H e w anted to give the prince a lesson. H e asked the prince
to leave the palace and became a merchant.
"I w ill give you some money. Use the money only for trading. D on't come back
until you are rich!" asked the king.
The prince w as sad. H e kne w his father w as angry w ith him because he w as a
spoiled boy. H e then promised himself that he could become a great merchant.
A fter he left the palace, he w ent to a village. W hile he w as w alking, he sa w some kids
w ere trying to shoot a bird using their slingshots.
"Stop! D on't hurt the bird! I'll give you some money if you stop hurting him,"
said the prince. A fter that, he gave some money to those kids.
Later, he sa w some men w ere torturing a snake. A gain, the prince asked them to
stop hurting the snake. H e also gave them some money. H e kept on giving some money
to people w ho tortured animals. Finally he did not have any money at all. H e w as so
w orried. H e kne w he could not become a merchant w ithout any money in his pocket. H e
w as also scared of going home. H is father w ould be very angry at him.
N ext, the prince w ent to the forest. H e did not kno w any w here to go. W hile he w as
sitting under a big tree, a giant snake came to him. H e w as so frightened.


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" D on't w orry, young man. I w ill not eat you. I am the king of snakes in this
jungle. I heard you helped many animals from being tortured. N o w , I w ant to give
you a gift. This is M entiko Betuah. This magical stone can give you anything you
w ant."
The prince w as hap p y. H e asked the M entiko Betuah to give him a lot of
money. A mazingly, the prince later had a lot of money. So he w ent home and told his
father that the money w as from his business as a merchant.
The prince kept the M entiko Betuah carefully. H e w ent to a goldsmith and
asked him to make the magical stone as a ring. U nfortunately, the goldsmith stole the
M entiko Betuah. The prince w as angry. L uckily he had made friends to the animals.
Then they all helped him find the M entiko Betuah.
A cat, a dog, and a mouse w ent together to find the magical stone. They
finally found the goldsmith. H o w ever they could not enter his house, only the mouse
could. A fter w aiting for a moment, the mouse came out of the house. H e said he
could not find the magical stone. A fter that they all w ent back to the palace. The cat
and the dog did not kno w that the mouse actually had found the magical stone. H e
w as hiding it in his mouth. H e then gave the M entiko Betuah to the prince. H e w as so
hap p y and said that the mouse w as the hero.
The cat and the dog w ere jealous and angry. They tried to kill the mouse.
That's w hy until no w cats and dogs al w ays try to catch mice.
Adapted from anggroe%20Aceh%20D arussalam

1. The characters
2. The events in the story
3. The ending of the story
4. The moral value of the story

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T ask 23

I n pairs, have d ialogues based on the fol lo w i ng situations.

1. Your father has good ne ws about your holiday.

2. You kno w that one of your classmates has recovered from his w ound.
3. Your classmate gets a re w ard for his excellent com position. You respond by saying
that he deserves it.
4. Your teacher tells you that you w ill represent your school in a national story-telling
com petition. Your teacher thinks you deserve it as you are good.
5. You w ant to tell your classmate that you w ill have a vacation to Egy pt. Your
classmate responds by saying that it is nice and congratulates you.

D. Evaluation

T ask 24

I n pairs, perform a d ialogue based on the fol lo w i ng situation. A ct it

out w ith your classmate.

Your grou p has an assignment to w rite the legend of M alin K undang. You and your
grou p look for the materials. You accidentally find some sources. You tell your
classmates about the interesting ne ws.

T ask 25

Read the story of Sangi H u nter belo w an d then answ er the

q uestions.
Sangi the H u nter
Fol k lore from Centra l K a l imant an

A long time ago in C entral K alimantan, a great hunter named Sangi lived. E very
time he w ent to the jungle to go hunting, he brought a lot of animals home. Sangi lived
w ith his family on a riverside.
A s al w ays, Sangi w ent to the jungle. H e sa w some footprints of a w ild hog. H e
slo w ly follo w ed the footprints. The footprints ended in a big tree. Sangi thought the hog
w as behind the tree. Slo w ly he w alked around the tree then he w as really amazed. H e
sa w a big dragon w as trying to sw allo w a w ild hog. The hog w as so big that the dragon
could not sw allo w it easily.
A fter several times trying to sw allo w , finally the dragon gave u p. Su d denly, the
dragon looked at Sangi. H e w as really shocked! H e w anted to run very fast. H e thought
the dragon w ould eat him alive.


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Though Sangi had tried to run, his feet could not move at all. The dragon
slo w ly came to him. Then they w ere face to face. W hen the dragon w as exactly in front
of him, it turned into smoke. W hen the smoke w as gone, there w as a handsome man.
H e said, ''Eat that w ild hog. This is your p unishment for seeing me try to eat.'' ''I can't.
I am a hu man. I cannot eat a w ild hog that big,'' said Sangi. ''Yes, you can. If you are a
dragon, you can eat that hog,'' said the man.
Then Sangi changed into a dragon. A fter that, he ate the hog. Later, he changed
back as a hu man. ''W hat hap pened to me? W hy could I change as a dragon?'' said
Sangi. ''It also hap pened to me years ago. I did w hat you did. I sa w a dragon ate then
the dragon made me a dragon. It is great to be like us. W e are half dragon and half
hu man. You can change to be a dragon or hu man anytime you like. Besides that, you
can be forever young. I'm more than 100 years old but I still look young right?'' said
the man.
H e continued, ''There is one condition that you have to do. D on't tell anyone
that you are a half dragon and half hu man. If you did, you could be a dragon forever
and unable to change back as hu man,'' said the man. A fter that, he disap peared.
Since then, Sangi had t w o lives, one as a dragon and one as a hu man. H e also looked
young although he w as really old. People al w ays asked the secret, but he never told
them w hy he could look young forever.
O n his 150th birthday, people could not stand it any more. M ore and more
people asked him. Sangi gave u p. H e told them that he w as actually half dragon and
half hu man. People w ere laughing at him. They did not believe that.
''I am a dragon!'' screamed Sangi. H e w as u pset because they did not believe him.
Right after Sangi finished saying that, his bod y w as shaking. Slo w ly he changed as a
dragon. People w ere scared. They w ere running a w ay.
Sangi w as really sad. H e regretted for telling them his secret. H e kne w he
could not live in the village w ith his family any more. H e w ent to the river and lived
there. Since then, people named the river Sangi River.
Adapted from

Q uestions
1. W hat does the story tell us about?
a. A dragon w ho w as killed by Sangi.
b. The people lived near to Sangi River.
c. The beginning of Sangi River.
d. The dragon w ho stayed in Sangi River.
2. W hat did Sangi usually do in the jungle?
a. C utting trees.
b. H unting hogs.
c. H unting dragons.
d. K illing w ild animals.

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3. W hat footprint did Sangi find in the jungle?

a. H ogs.
b. D ragons.
c. H u mans.
d. Tigers.
4. W hat did Sangi do so that he turned to be a dragon?
a. K illing the dragons hog.
b. N oticing a dragon sw allo w ing a hog.
c. Telling the secret of the dragon to the people in the village.
d. H unting in the forest.
5. W hat w as the benefit of being a dragon?
a. H e could hunt for hogs easily.
b. H e could sw allo w hogs.
c. H e could be forever young.
d. H e could be a famous man.
6. W hat hap pened if Sangi told someone that he w as a dragon?
a. H e w ould be more famous.
b. H e w ould turn into a hog.
c. The dragon w ould kill him.
d. H e w ould be a dragon forever.
7. W hat made him telling that he w as a dragon?
a. H e w anted to sho w off.
b. The dragon told him to.
c. People kept asking w hy he al w ays looked young.
d. Someone had alread y kno w n his secret.
8. W here did he go after he turned into a dragon forever?
a. To the sea.
b. To the river.
c. To the mountain.
d. To the fores.t
9. ...then he w as really amazed.
The Indonesian equivalent of the w ord amazed in the sentence is .
a. takjub
b. tak ut
c. senang
d. risau
10. H e regretted for telling them his secret.
The w ord regret in the sentence is similar in meaning to .
a. be hap p y
b. amaze
c. am use
d. be sorry


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E. Reflection
H o w m uch do you learn from th is u n it? Put a tic k ( ) i n the right box accord i ng to
ho w m uch you have learnt.
A spects

V ery m uch

M uch


Telling interesting ne ws given

Responding to interesting ne ws
Reading stories
W riting stories

F. Summary
I n th is u n it you learn:

H o w to respon d to i nteresti ng ne ws, for exam p le:

In formal situations
Im glad to hear that.
Im happy with the news.
I can feel that youre happy.

In informal situations
Really? Thats what Im waiting
Thats great.
I think she deserves it because ...

2. T he Si m p le Past T ense
O bjectives: to talk about actions or situations in the past.
Pattern: Subject + V erb 2(Past form) + O bject / C om plements

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G. Vocabulary List
ad mire [dmaI] kkt
attitu de [QtItjud] kb
curious [kjUris] ks
debt [det] kb
footprint [fUtprInt] kb
gambling [gQmblIN] kb
goldsmith [gUldsmiT] kb
hog [h g] kb
lamentation [lmenteISn] kb
merchant [mtSnt] kb
mighty [maIti] ks
panick y [pQnIki] ks
riverside [rIvsaId] kb
servant [svnt] kb
slingshot [slINS t] kb
spoiled [sp Il] kb
straits [streIts] kb
torture [t tS] kkt
treasure [treZ] kb


: mengagu mi
: sikap
: penasaran
: utang
: jejak kaki
: ju di
: pengrajin emas
: babi
: kesedihan
: pebisnis
: k uat
: panik
: tepi sungai
: pelayan
: ketapel
: manja
: selat
: menganiaya
: harta benda

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Semester 2 Review
L isten i ng section
A . I n th is section, you w i l l l isten to short con versations bet w een t w o peop le. C hoose
the best answ er to each q uestion. A nsw er the q uestions based on w hat is stated
b y the spea k er.

A lad y

: O fficer, I have some trouble here.

: Yes, M aam. W hat can I do to help?

H o w does the lad y attract the policemans attention?

a. By saying excuse me.
b. By saying officer.
c. By saying that she has some trouble.
d. By saying that she needs some help.

A di

: H i, Putri. G uess w hat, I w ill spend m y holiday in Bali.

: Thats great.

W hat does A di tell Putri?

a. A d vice.
b. Interesting ne ws.
c. Bad ne ws.
d. A n order.
3. Ida
W ayan Lega w a

: This is m y luck y day. M y mother finally allo ws me to go to

the com p uter course.
: Im glad to hear that.

W hat good ne ws does Ida tell W ayan Lega w a?

a. H er mother allo ws her not to take the com p uter course.
b. H er mother allo ws her to take the com p uter course.
c. W ayan Lega w a may join Ida taking the com p uter course.
d. W ayan Lega w a may join Idas mother taking the com p uter course.

4. Elizbeth
C lassmates

: G u ys, M r Sartono has just told me that our marks for the
semester exam are very good.
: Thank God.

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H o w do Elizabeths classmates respond to the ne ws?

a. They are sad.
b. They are hap p y.
c. They are sorry.
d. They ignore the ne ws.

5. Putri
Fred y

: I have to tell you this ne ws. O ur school w ill provide us w ith free
internet access.
: Thats great. Its good ne ws for everyone in this school.

H o w does Fred y respond to the good ne ws w hich is given by Putri?

a. H e feels sorry.
b. H e feels hap p y.
c. H e hates the ne ws.
d. H e does not give any response.
6. Sanusi

: Laili, I forgot to return your book. Sorry.

: N o problem.

W hat expression does Sanusi say?

a. A pologizing.
b. O ffering something.
c. C om pliment.
d. Thanking.
7. Putri
G alih

: Excuse me. W hat time is it?

: Its 7.30.
: Thanks.

W hat does Putri say to G alih?

a. Thanking.
b. O ffering drinks.
c. Suggesting.
d. A d vising.
8. Fred y

: Putri, m y classmates and I plan to go to the movie tonight. W ill

you join us?
: To the movie? O f course, I w ill. Thanks.

W hat does Fred y say to Putri?

a. H e asks for apology.


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b. H e thanks Putri.
c. H e in vites Putri.
d. H e expresses sy m pathy to Putri.

N isa
Fred y
N isa
Fred y

: Putra, do you have any agenda tonight?

: N o. W hats u p?
: C an you come to m y home this afternoon? I need some help for
the M athematics home w ork.
: Yes. Ill come at around 2. See you then.

H o w does Fred y respond to N isas in vitation?

a. H e accepts it.
b. H e refuses it.
c. H e ignores it.
d. H e gives no response.
10. A di

: Laili, I w onder if you can go to Ritas birthday party w ith me

: Id love to, but m y mother w ants me to look after m y little brother
tonight. Im really sorry.

W hat is Lailis response to A dis in vitation?

a. She accepts it.
b. She refuses his in vitation.
c. She w ants to go w ith him.
d. She has got someone to go w ith her.
C om p lete the fol lo w i ng d ialogues.
Fred y : ... (11), do you kno w w here Tina is?
Laila : She is in the com p uter room.
W hats u p? You look hap p y.
Fred y : Ive just read the ne wspaper. H er article on the develop ment of
information technology w on the President A w ard.
Laila : ... (12)? ... (13). Shes in the canteen. Youd better tell her.
Fred y : O kay, ... (14).
Laila : N o problem.

a. Laila
b. Good night
c. Goodbye
d. N ice to talk to you

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a. Really
b. Thanks
c. A mazing
d. Good


a. Thats bad
b. Thats good ne ws
c. Thats a pity
d. H o w horrible


a. G oodbye
b. Thanks
c. Sorry
d. See you then

Q uestions 15-24 are based on T ext 1.

T ext 1
Television is a system of mass com m unication. It
in volves the transmission of images and sound to distance
screens. The transmission can be done through electromagnetic
w aves or through cable system (T V cable).
Television is an im portant facility of com m unication. In
average, people in A merica w atch television for 31 hours per
w eek w hile in Britain people w atch television for 25 hours per
w eek. Television has the ability to bring people to get to kno w
others from various nationalities. Television is also the first
mediu m to present ne ws and current affairs to the p ublic
For many years, many of the most im portant
international events have been experienced as T V events.
Television also reports various international issues and political
conflicts. But, some com mentators have claimed that the era of
television is coming to an end. It is because there are many
other com m unication facilities are in vented. In spite of these
changes, T V remains probably the most im portant form of mass
com m unication of the late 20th century.
Adapted from


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15. W hat is the most suitable title for the text?

a. Information technology.
b. C om m unication technology.
c. Television.
d. T V cable.
16. W hat is the p urpose of the text?
a. Telling the history of television.
b. D escribing the people w ho use television service.
c. Reporting television and its features.
d. D escribing the com ponents of television.
17. Television is a system of mass com m unication.
The sentence is likely the ... of the text.
a. general statement
b. orientation
c. detailed information
d. argu ment
18. W hich statement is correct according to the report on television?
a. A merican people w atch television as m uch as those in Britain.
b. Britain people have more portions of w atching television than A mericans.
c. A merican people have more portions of w atching television than Britain.
d. A ll people in the w orld w atch television less than 12 hours per w eek.
19. W hat is the main idea of paragraph 1?
a. Television is a system of mass com m unication.
b. Television transmits sounds and images.
c. M any people in the w orld use television as the source of information.
d. Television is the most im portant mass com m unication facility in 20th century.
20. H o w does television send information?
a. It transmits and receives sound.
b. It sends text messages through the mobile phone.
c. It in volves the transmission of sounds and pictures to distant monitors.
d. It manages the com p uter net w ork.
21. The w ord it in paragraph 3 refers to .
a. television
b. television develop ment
c. com mentators
d. com mentators claim

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22. The com mentators claim that the era of television has ended because .
a. people are interested in ne wspaper as the information source
b. television is so expensive
c. television provides out-of-date information
d. many ne w information technology facilities are in vented
23. The transmission can be done through electromagnetic w aves or through cable
system (T V cable). (paragraph1)
The w ord w ave in the sentence has a similar meaning to....
a. mediu m
b. facility
c. device
d. signal
24. But, some com mentators have claimed that the era of television is coming to an
end. (paragraph3)
The w ord com mentator in the sentence can be replaced by....
a. argu ment
b. opinion
c. observer
d. broadcaster
Q uestions 25-29 are based on T ext 2.
T ext 2
T he La k e of C olour
O nce u pon a time, there w as a kingdom. The kingdom had a kind and w ise
king named Prabu. H e and all his people lived in hap piness. There w as only one
thing that made Prabu and his people sad. Prabu did not have any children. There
w as no prince or princess in the kingdom.
O ne day, Prabu w ent to the jungle to pray God. E very day he begged for a
child. A nd after several time, the dream came true. The Q ueen got pregnant. A ll
people in the kingdom felt hap p y so did Prabu and the K ing. M any of them sent
presents to the palace.
The queen gave birth of a beautiful princess and Prabu and all his people got
hap pier. M any of the people sent presents to the palace. E veryone in the kingdom
loved her. So did the K ing and the Q ueen. E verything she w anted m ust be realized.
She became a spoiled girl.
H er 17th birthday w as coming and Prabu prepared a beautiful necklace as her
birthday present. The party w as so cro w ded and all people in the kingdom came
and attended the party.


Scaffolding | English for Grade V II Students

A nd then, Prabu presented the necklace to his beloved daughter and said that
the beautiful necklace w as presented by all people in the kingdom. Su d denly, the
Princess thre w the necklace and said that she did not like the necklace. She said that
she did not w ant to accept that necklace.
A ll people, inclu ding Prabu and he Q ueen, w ere sad and began to cry. Then,
there w as a miracle. Su d den l y, the Earth w as crying. It made a pool of w ater. The
palace w as getting full. Soon the place became a big lake. The lake sank the entire
kingdom and became Telaga W arna (Lake of Colour).
Adapted from

25. W hat is the text about?

a. The rising of a princess.
b. The love of parents.
c. The life of a kingdom led by king Prabu.
d. The beginning of Telaga W arna.
26. The lake sank the entire kingdom and became Telaga W arna (Lake of C olour).
(last paragraph)
This part of the text is the ... of the story.
a. orientation
b. com plication
c. resolution
d. conclusion
27. The w riter w rote the text to ... to the readers.
a. entertain and narrate a story
b. propose some opinions
c. express some ideas
d. persuade the readers
28. H o w w ere the people of the kingdom?
a. A ll people in the kingdom lived hap pily.
b. A ll people suffered from diseases.
c. A ll people w ere very poor.
d. There w as no one having children.
29. H o w did the K ing and his people feel about the birth of the Princess?
a. They hated the birth.
b. They w ere unhap p y.
c. They did not expect this.
d. They w ere hap p y.

Scaffolding | English for Grade V II Students


30. W hy did people in the kingdom send gifts to the palace?

a. They paid tax to the kingdom.
b. They w ere forced to do so.
c. They w ere hap p y w ith the birth of their princess.
d. They w anted to meet Prabu.
31. H o w did the Princess become a spoiled girl?
a. She al w ays w anted to look beautiful.
b. The K ing al w ays gave her anything she w anted.
c. H er mother w anted her to be the Q ueen.
d. The people of the kingdom loved her very m uch.
32. W hat did the Princess do w ith the necklace given by the K ing?
a. She thre w it out.
b. She accepted it.
c. She gave it to the people of the kingdom.
d. She kept it and thanked the K ing.
33. W here did the w ater come from?
a. A very heav y rain.
b. Tsunami.
c. Tears of the people and the earth.
d. Flood.
34. Su d den l y, the Earth w as crying.
The w ord su d den l y in the sentence has similar meaning to .
a. expectedly
b. unexpectedly
c. predictably
d. naturally
35. The lake sank the entire kingdom and became Telaga W arna (Lake of C olour).
(last paragraph)
The w ord entire in the sentence is op posite in meaning to....
a. half
b. full
c. com plete
d. w hole


Scaffolding | English for Grade V II Students

" A valanche. " M icrosoft Student 2007 [D V D]. Redmond, W A: M icrosoft corporation, 2006.
_____. (1998). English K-6 Modules. Sy dney: Board of Stu dies N SW .
A gustien, H elena, (2004). M ateri Pelatihan Terintegrasi Bahasa Inggris (Vol. 1). Jakarta:
D ep diknas.
A gustien, H elena, (2004). M ateri Pelatihan Terintegrasi Bahasa Inggris (Vol. 2). Jakarta:
D ep diknas.
Blundell, Jon et al. 1982. Function in English. O xford: O xford U niversity Press.
Board of Stu dies. English K6 Modules. N e w South W ales.
BS N P. 2006. Standar Isi. Jakarta.
Bygate, M ., Skehan, P. and Sw ain, M . (E ds.). 2001. Researching Pedagogic Tasks in Second
Language Learning, Teaching and Testing. Essex: Pearson E d ucation Limited.
http: / /
http: / / w w w
http: / / w w w / 12ne ws / recipes / articles / indonesiandarin041607-C R.html
http: / / w w w .cd
http: / / w w w .E-ho w .com
http: / / w w w .eho w .com / ho w_8520_make_pep perrmint-cand y.htm
http: / / w w w
http: / / w w w .ho wstuff w
http: / / w w w
http: / / w w w
http: / / w w w .lk
http: / / w w w
http: / / w w w .m

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http: / / w w w .virgina.m

http: / / w w w . w
JetFlash T M M anual
Landoll, A mericas Best V ol. I A C ollection of Savory Recipes
Lite-O n C D-R O M , a M anual
M ad ya, Su w arsih. 2000. Learning English Pronunciation Systematically. Yogyakarta:
State U niversity of Yogyakarta
M icrosoftEncharta 2006. 1993-2005 M icrosoft C orporation. A ll Rights reserved.
M icrosoftEncharta 2007. 1993-2006 M icrosoft C orporation. A ll Rights reserved.
M olinsk y, Steven J and Bliss, Bill. 1986. ExpressWays English for Communication.
Jersey: Engle w ood C liffs
M urphy, Ray mond. 1985. English Grammar In Use. C ambridge: C ambridge
U niversity Press
N unan, D . (1989a). Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. C ambridge:
C ambridge U niversity Press.
N unan, D . and Lock w ood, J. (1992a). The A ustralian English Course: Task-based English for
Post-beginners (Students Book 1). C ambridge: C ambridge U niversity Press.
N unan, D . and Lock w ood, J. (1992b). The A ustralian English Course: Task-based English for
Post-beginners (Teachers Book 1). C ambridge: C ambridge U niversity Press.
Priyana, Joko. (2002). Developing E FL Task-Based Language Instruction in an Indonesian
Primary School Context. U np ublished D issertation.
Tomlinson, B. (E d.). 1998. M aterials Development in Language Teaching. C ambridge:
C ambridge U niversity Press.
W illis, J. (1996). A Framework for Task-Based Learning. Essex: Longman.


Scaffolding | English for Grade V II Students

Unnitit 11

Picture 1.1, Picture 1.2 w w w, Picture 1.3

w w w .abcne,
w w w,
w w w, Picture 1.6,
Picture 1.7
w w w .sw allo w, Picture 1.8
w w w, Picture 1.9,
w w w,
w w w .p u m p kinpatchesand, Picture 1.12 w w w .p u m p kinpatchesand ,
Picture 1.13 w w w .p u m p kinpatchesand, Picture 1.14 w w w .e H o w .com, Picture
1.15 1.17 w w w, Picture 1.18 w w w , Picture 1.19
w w w

UU nn it
it 22

Picture 2.1, Picture 2.2 http: / / w w w k

Picture 2.3 Picture 2.4 http: / / Picture 2.5
w riters docu ment, Picture 2.6 - 2.11 M anual, N okia 2300 Picture 2.12 w riters docu ment,
Picture 2.13 w w w .mobile w, Picture 2.14 - 2.15 M anual, JetFlash T M

Unnitit 33

Picture 3.1 w w w, Picture 3.2, Picture 3.3, Picture 3.4 w riters docu ment, Picture 3.5 w w w .cs-m
Picture 3.6, Picture 3.7 ne w y, Picture
3.8 w w w, Picture 3.9, Picture 3.10 w riters
docu ment,
w w w .motherand,
referate.mez, Picture 3.13, Picture 3.14 w riters
docu ment, Picture 3.15 hometo w, Picture 3.16 3.22 w riters docu ment, Picture
3.23 w w w, Picture 3.24 w riters docu ment, Picture 3.25 w w w,
Picture 3.26 3.30 w w w, Picture 3.31, Picture 3.32
w w w .jo-hansen.d k,
w w w . w,Picture
milehighrev.ty, Picture 3.35 w w w

Scaffolding | English for Grade V II Students


U n it 4
U n it 4
Picture 4.1 4.11 M icrosoft Encarta 2007, Picture 4.12 w w w, Picture 4.13
4.14 M icrosoft Encarta 2007, Picture 4.15 w, Picture 4.16 M icrosoft Encarta
2007, Picture 4.17, Picture 4.18 4.20 M icrosoft Encarta 2007

U n it 5
U n it 5
Picture 5.1 w w w .bananabay, Picture 5.2 midto w nlife.ty, Picture
w w w,
w w w,
5.5, Picture 5.6 ne, Picture 5.7
geology. w ced u.pima.ed u,
midto w nlife.ty,
w w w , Picture 5.10 w w w .mtholyoke.ed u, Picture 5.11 w w w .pariz,
Picture 5.12 w w w, Picture 5.13 M icrosoft Encarta 2007, Picture 5.14 M icrosoft
Encarta 2007

U n it 6
U n it 6
Picture 6.1 http: / / Picture 6.2 http: / / Picture 6.3 Picture 6.4 Picture 6.5 - 6.9 w riters
docu ment, Picture 6.10 w w w, Picture 6.11 - 6.13 w riters docu ment,
Picture 6.14 - 6.17

U n it 7
U n it 7
Picture 7.1 http: / / w w w Picture 7.2 http: / / w w w
Picture 7.3 http: / / w w w .american.ed u http: / / w w w . w Picture 7.4 - 7.9
w riters docu ment, Picture 7.10 http: / / w w w Picture 7.11
http: / / w w w

U n it 8
U n it 8
Picture 8.1 http: / / / Picture 8.2 http: / / w w w Picture
8.3 http: / / w w w k Picture 8.4 http: / / w w w

UUnnitit 99
Picture 9.1- 9.8 W riters docu ments.


Scaffolding | English for Grade V II Students

Appendix 1: Listening Scripts

T ask 2
K etut Tantri
K etut Tantri
K etut Tantri
K etut Tantri
K etut Tantri

K etut Tantri

K etut Tantri

: W hat are you doing K etut?

: Im going to make some ice cream.
: You kno w ho w to make ice cream?
: Yes, of course.
: Real l y?
: A bsol utel y.
: W ill you sho w me ho w?
: O f course. Ill sho w right no w .
: G reat.
: First, you need to prepare the ingredients. Youll need a cu p of milk,
cu p of sugar, a cu p of w hip cream, teaspoon of vanilla extract, and
teaspoon of salt. Then, you need some equip ment. They are a small and a
big can, -1 cu p of rock salt, 3-4 cu ps of ice cube, cloth or to w el, and
some tape.
: O K , then w hat do w e have to do?
: First, w e have to mix all of the ingredients. Then, pour the ingredients
mixture into the small can. A fter that, close the lid and seal it w ith a tape.
Then, p ut the small can into the large can. N ext, p ut the ice into the large
can (around the small can). A fter that, ad d the rock salt into the ice. A nd
then, close and seal the large can. Then, w rap the large can w ith a cloth or
to w el and shake and roll the can for 15 minutes. Thats it.
: A re you sure? Thats easy!
: Yes, thats it. Its very easy.

T ask 8

To make a pitcher of lemonade you w ill need 6 l emons, 1 cu p Sugar , 8 cu ps i ce d

w ater , and 1 cu p of boiling w ater . N o w , to make it first, you have to s queeze the
juice from the lemons into a bo w l. Then, set lemon rinds aside; strain lemon juice into a
large pitcher. A fter that, a d d the sugar and iced w ater. A nd then, you have to stir
until the sugar is dissolved. O nce its done, set it aside. N ext, p lace lemon rinds in a
bo w l and ad d the boiling w ater. Let it stand until w ater is cold. Then, d iscard the rinds,
ad d w ater to pi t cher and stir w ell. Refrigerate the lemonade until w ell chilled.
Taken from

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


T ask 3
Fred y : Sanusi, could you sho w me ho w to turn on and off a com p uter?
Sanusi : Sure. To turn on a com p uter, first you have to turn the po w er su p ply on,
then press the C P U po w er on, and after that press the monitor po w er
button on.
Fred y : Thats it?
Sanusi : Yes, thats it.
Fred y : H o w do you turn it off?
Sanusi : To turn it off. First you have to click the start menu, then click turn off
(on the bottom of the start menu display), after that w ait until three
options ap pear (stand by, turn off, and restart), and then click turn off
again, and finally turn off the monitor and the po w er su p ply.
Fred y

: Im sorry, I didnt catch the third step. C an you repeat it?

Sanusi : Sure. You just w ait a second until three options ap pear. They are stand
by, turn off, and restart. Then click turn off.
Fred y : O K , thanks.
Sanusi : Youre w elcome.

T ask 5
1. Laila

: Sorry a plane just passed by and I couldnt hear w hat youve said.
Could you repeat that w ord?
: Sure. I w as just asking if you could sho w me ho w to use a scanner.


A ji
D anias

: W hat w as that again? I missed w hat you have just said.

: I said that you should turn the po w er su p ply on first.


A yu
E do

: Im sorry, w hat did you say?

: I w as just asking you if you kno w ho w to print a file.


H ereka
H ereka

: Be sure to turn the printers po w er on.

: Im sorry I cant hear you clearly. C ould you repeat that again?
: I said you should not forget to turn the printer on.


M r Fred y


: You al w ays have to follo w these steps every time you w anted turn off
the com p uter.
M rs H ayati : Im sorry, w ould you mind repeating that w ord again, please?
M r Fred y : I said that you should al w ays follo w these steps every time you turn off
a com p uter.

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

T ask 6
There are nine steps to activate a mobile phone w ith M ultimedia C ard (M M C). But,
before removing the cover, al w ays remember to sw itch off the po w er and disconnect the
charger or any devices. N o w , the first step is to open the phone by sliding the phone
cover to w ards the bottom of the phone. The second step is to open the memory card
holder by p ulling it u p gently. Insert the SI M card into the lo w er slot. M ake sure that the
beveled corner of the SI M card is facing to w ard the top of the phone and that the golden
contact area on the card is facing do w n w ard. The third step is to insert the M ultimedia
C ard (M M C) into the holders slot. M ake sure that the beveled corner and the golden
contact area of the M M C are facing do w n w ard. The fourth step is to close the memory
card holder by pressing it do w n w ard until locked. The fifth step is to alight the golden
contact of the battery w ith the corresponding corners on the phone, and p ush the
op posite end of the battery until it snaps into the place. The sixth step is to close the
phone cover by sliding it to w ards the top of the phone. The seventh step is to connect the
po w er cord to the charger and the other end of the po w er cord from the charger to the
base of the phone. The eighth step is to connect the charger to an A C w all outlet. The
battery indicator bar on the display starts scrolling. W hen the battery is fully charged,
the bar stops scrolling. The last step is to turn on the phone by pressing and holding the
po w er button on the top of the phone.
Adapted from: M anual Book, Nokia 3230


T ask 3
A di
: W hat is this?
A sep : Its a piggy bank.
A di
: W o w , its cool!
A sep : A nd its easy to make too.
A di
: Really? H o w?
A sep : A ll you need is a plastic bottle, a cutter, and paint or fabric. You can also ad d
beads or button if you w ant; if so youll also need some glue.
A di
: W hat do w e do then?
A sep : First, use a cutter and cut a thin rectangle on the top part of the bottle, enough to
slip a coin. Then, paint or cover the bottle w ith fabric. If you w ant to paint it, you
should sand the plastic bottle first. A fter that, decorate the bank by pasting beads
or button.
A di
: Youre so creative.
A sep : N o, not really. Im just trying to recycle unused stuff, like plastic bottle.
A di
: T hats a w on derf u l th i ng to do.
A sep : Thanks.

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


T ask 9
W i n dsoc ks
To make a w ind sock out of a plastic bottle first you need to cut the top and the bottom
off a t w o litre bottle, to have a perfect cylinder. Then, p unch 4 holes (w ith a hole p unch)
spaced evenly on top. A fter that, tie a 12 inch piece of fishing line to each hole. N ext,
attach all four to a large sw ivel snap used in fishing. Sand the bottle and paint w ith
paints any design you w ish. W hen its dry, p unch holes every an inch around the
bottom. Then, tie a 3 foot piece of ribbon in each hole. V ary your colours or make them
all the same. Finally, hang u p and enjoy.
A dapted from: w w w .ma ast t les.html.htm, Contributed by C a thy
W i l l i ams, ca

T ask 3



: Sanusi, is there any endangered animal from the area you come from?
: W ell, in K alimantan therere orangutans and theyre endangered.
: O h, I see. D o you kno w w hy theyre endangered?
: W ell, I w as told that the orangutan is endangered because of habitat
destruction and they are shot, caught, and sold to circus, and other attraction
sho ws.
: Real l y? Thats very sad.
: Yes I kno w . W hat about in Banten? Is there any endangered animal there?
: Yes there is. In U jung K ulon theres also an endangered animal. W e have
Javanese rhinoceros or w hat w e usually called one-horn rhinoceros.
: M m
: Theyre endangered because of habitat loss and hunting. N o w , there are
only about 60 of them left in the w orld.
: A re you serious?
: Yes. You can find them in U jung K ulon and in V ietnam national park.
: I hope their nu mber can increase soon.
: Yes. I hope so too.

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

T ask 7
O rangutans or Pongo pygmaeus belong to the Primate order. The orangutan
spends most of its time in trees. Each evening it builds a ne w treetop nest. They are
endangered because of habitat lost and poachers keep on killing, o w ning, and
exporting orangutans.
They only live on the island of Borneo and in the northern corner of the island of
Su matra.
O rangutans are characterized by rough, long, red dish-bro w n fur. M ale
orangutans are about 95 cm (37 in) in length and about 77 kg (170 lb) in w eight.
U n it(31
5 in) in height and w eighing only about
Females are smaller, reaching about 78 cm
37 kg (81 lb). The male has p uffy cheeks and a hanging throat-pouch. This pouch
contains air sacks that help prod uce a groaning, bubbling call, w hich can be heard at
least 1 k m (0.6 mi) a w ay.
H alf of the orangutans diet consists of fruit, but they also eat young leaves,
soft inner bark, termites, eggs, and occasionally monkeys.
W hen a female is read y to mate, she w ill seek out an ad ult male. O rangutan
are mam mals; females give birth to a single infant about once every four to eight
years. The gestational period for orangutans is just under nine months, nearly the
same as in hu man beings. Infants stay very close to their mothers for the first three
years until they dont consu me their mothers milk.
Adapted from: M icrosoft Encarta 2006. 1993-2005 M icrosoft Corporation. A ll rights reserved.


T ask 2
Ramon : D id you hear that?
Bay u : W hat?
Ramon : A nother landslide occurred.
Bay u : D o you think w e can stop landslide?
Ramon : I dou bt it. W e can prevent landslide, but I dont think w e can stop it.
Bay u : W ell, I think youre right. W hat can w e do to prevent landslide?
Ramon : I think w e should start planting trees and stop cutting them do w n for a start.
Bay u : I dont th i n k w e can really stop careless people cutting trees do w n.
Ramon : W el l, I th i n k its possi b le to do that, as long as everyone takes part in it.
Bay u : Yes, but do you really think that the government can make people listen to them
and do w hat they tell them to do?
Ramon : Yes, Im pretty opti m istic about it.

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


T ask 6
A landslide is a geological phenomenon w hich inclu des different ty pes of ground
movement, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallo w debris flo ws. W e
usually also say that landslide is w hen a large amount of soil and rocks falls do w n the
side of a hill, cliff, or mountain.
Landslide can occur naturally or because of hu mans action. N atural causes of
landslide inclu des erosion by river, heav y rains or sno w melt, glacier melting, ocean
w aves w hich create over steepened slopes, earthquakes, volcanic eru ptions, thunder and
lightning, and groun d w ater pressure. H u man cause of landslide inclu des vibrations
from machinery, traffic and road construction, blasting, mining, and logging.
Taken from:


T ask 3
A lad y
A lad y

: Excuse me, officer. I lost m y mobile phone.

: C an you describe it clearly?
: Its a black N okia. A nd. M m... I think I drop ped it around this block
about 10 minutes ago.
: Right, M aam. You can fill in this form and w ell inform you if w e
find it .

A Lad y
A di
A di
A lad y

: A lright.
: Sir.
: Yes. W hat can I do for you?
: Ive found this mobile phone, Sir.
: W ell. Lets see. Is this your mobile phone, M aam?

A di

: Youre w elcome.

: Yes, Im very certain that this is mine. Thanks, kid.

T ask 5
1. A di: Excuse me, could you help me move this table?
Fred y: Yes, of course.
2. A di : Fred y! D ont touch that button!
Fred y: O h, okay.
3. Fred y: Look! I think Ive found your C D .
Laila: O h, yes its mine. Thank you very m uch.
Fred y: A nytime.


Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

T ask 6
The internet is a mediu m of com m unication. It connects com p uters through net w ork
connections. W e can com m unicate w ith people around the w orld using the internet. W e
can get a lot of information from the internet and w e can also send e-mail to others.
N o w adays, video streaming can be done through the internet. The internet can help
people to com m unicate w ith others, w hether it is text, au dio, video, or video-au dio.
Adapted from


T ask 3
A sep
A sep
A sep
A sep
A sep
A sep

T ask 5
1. A di

M other

: H i, Elizabeth. Looking for stories too?

: O h, hi. Yes, but I havent found one.
: D o you kno w w ho the first turn is?
: N o. Its you?
: N o. Its A di. It w ill be interesting because M rs H ayati believes that A di
w ill give us some tips on ho w to tell a story.
: W ell, that w ill be good. I al w ays like the w ay A di speaks in English. H es
just good and fluent.
: D o you kno w ho w A di im proves his English?
: N o. But I heard that he takes some English courses. M ay be thats the
w ay he gets his English better.
: N ot only English courses, he told me that reading English short stories
im proves his English m uch.
: Really? It means that w e can also im prove our English through reading
: Thats com pletely possible.

: M om, Ive got interesting ne ws for you. In m y English story telling class,
Ive got the first turn and everythings going so w ell and I got A for m y
: C ongratulations. You deserve it. You have done tight w orks for it.

Elizabeth : A di, its a w esome. Youll represent our school in the national story
telling contest.
A di
: Youre kid ding me? I havent even kno w n it.
Elizabeth : I sa w the announcement this morning. Just check it in the announcement
A di
: O kay. Thanks for the ne ws. Ill confirm it w ith M rs H ayati.

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students



A di

: M rs H ayati, is it true that Im going to the national story telling

M rs H ayati : Yes, I find it remarkable that H ead master ap points you to represent
our school in the national story telling contest.
A di
: Its m y great pleasure to represent our school in the national story
telling contest. Ill prepare m yself read y for the contest.

T ask 6
T he G oat an d the Shep herd
O nce u pon a time there w as a Shepherd w ho w anted to bring back a stray goat to
his flock. H e w histled and sounded his horn, but, one of the goats paid no attention to
his com mand. A t last the Shepherd thre w a stone, and broke one of its horns. In an
instant, the shepherd became very terrified. H e then begged the Goat not to tell his
master about it. The Goat replied, " W hy, you silly fello w , the horn w ill speak although
Im silent."
The moral value of the story is d o not try to hide things w hich cannot be hid.
Adapted from


T ask 3



: T hat sou n ds very n ice. M ay A y u come w ith us?

: Thatll be fine. The more people, the more fun w ell get.
: Yes, I agree w ith you.
: O kay. See you on Saturday then. Bye.
: Bye.

T ask 5
1. A di


H i, Lai la.
H i Sanusi. W hat a nice hat you have.
Yes, I plan to present this as a birthday gift for A nto.
W o w . Thats nice of you.

: Thank you. By the w ay, w ou l d you l i k e to come w ith me to A ntos

b irth day party ton ight?

: Laila, w here did you bu y the book?

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

A di

: In the book store next to the post office.

: W ould you like accom pany me t the book store this afternoon?
: O kay.

2. M r E dison : Shall w e go for launch?

M r H aman : Thatll be very nice. Thank you.
3. Elizabeth

: Ill be pleased if you come to m y birthday party tonight.

: I w ont say no. Thank you.

4. Father

: W e should be delighted if you w ould come to our house for the

Your teacher : Its m y great pleasure. Thank you.

5. Fred y
A sep
W ayan Lega w a

: G u ys, Lets go to the canteen. Today, its on me.

: I w ont say no.
: Thatll be very nice.

T ask 13
T he Frog an d the M ouse
There once w as a frog and a mouse w ho w ere very good friends. They did not have
the same kind of house to live in. The mouse lived in a hole in the ground and the frog
lived in the w ater. The frog could live in the w ater, but the mouse could not. W hen they
w anted to visit, the frog w ould have to come out of the w ater. W hen their visit w as
finished, the frog w ould hop back into the w ater, and the mouse w ould run back into his
hole in the ground.
O ne day the frog came out to visit w ith the mouse. W ickedness entered into his
heart. H e got some rope and tied his foot and the mouse's foot together. H e w as just
playing around. But, after the frog finished visiting, he ju m ped right back into the w ater
w ithout untying the rope. H e had totally forgot that his feet w ere still tied together to the
The mouse could not live in w ater, and it died. A fter a w hile the mouse got bigger
and came out to the top of the w ater. A ha w k sa w him and, w ith a fly do w n, took both
the dead mouse and the live frog u p into the air. The ha w k alighted in a tree and ate
both of them. They both met death.
Adapted from

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


T ask 3
A di
A di
A di
A di
A di

T ask 5
1. M aria

: A h, A di. Just the person I w anted to meet.

: H i. W hat is it?
: I have got i nteresti ng ne ws for you. Your article on the h istory
of Yogya k arta w on the national com petition.
: W hats so interesting?
: Its about your article on Indonesian culture w on the national
com petition.
: Real l y? Its w hat I w ant to hear. W here did you get the
: I sa w the information in front of the teachers office.
: I w ant to see it. Thanks for the information.
: N o problem. C ongratulations, Elizabeth.
: Thank you.

: Its interesting. M r Sartono said that w ell have a free vacation to

Jogja and M agelang.
: Thatll be great. W e can visit Prambanan and Borobu d ur Tem ples.

A di
2. M r Jar w o
M r Brata

: Finally, this project succeeds.

: Im glad to hear that. Thank you.

3. Putri

: Its interesting. M y brother has Indonesian Folklore, a book Im

looking for.
: Thats great. W e can finish our project on Indonesian folklores.

Fred y
4. Ida
A sep

: Finally Ill have a vacation to Bali.

: I think you deserve it after the hard w ork you did.

5. Laila
A ngelina

: M u m m y, Ive got A for English.

: C ongratulation, honey. You deserve it for you hard stu d y.


Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

T ask 6
The Story of Panyalahan V illage
A Folklore from West Java
L O N G time ago in Tasik malaya, W est Java, lived a young cou ple. They w ere
farmers. They lived hap pily w ith their baby. The cou ple also had some animals. O ne of
them w as a tiger.
W hen the cou ple w ent to w ork on the pad d y field, the tiger looked after their baby.
A s usual, the cou ple w ent to the pad d y field. Before they left, they asked the tiger to look
after their baby. W e w ill go to the field no w . Look after our baby, okay? The tiger
nod ded. So, the cou ple w ent to the field. They w orked from morning until afternoon.
W hen the cou ple arrived home, the tiger w elcomed them. The tiger acted
differently. H e w agged his tail and rubbed his bod y to the cou ples legs. H e looked very
hap p y. The husband became suspicious. W hy does this tiger behave strangely? H e does
not act as usual? he thought. The husband looked at the tiger carefully. H e w as
shocked. The tigers mouth w as full of blood. Then he remembered his baby. H e thought
the tiger had eaten the baby. W hy is your mouth full of blood? he asked the tiger.
You m ust have done something bad to m y baby! H ave you killed him? W hy did you do
that? he w as very panicked. The husband took his knife and killed the tiger in anger.
Then they both entered the house. They w ere shocked. They looked at each other.
Their baby w as sleeping peacefully in his cradle. H e w as not eaten by the tiger. Q uickly,
the w ife took the baby and kissed him. The baby w oke u p. H e opened his eyes and
smiled. The cou ple found a very large snake under the cradle. The snake w as dead and
full of blood. O h, m y w ife, the husband said. W e have done a terrible thing. The tiger
is not guilty! Look at the dead snake. The tiger m ust have killed him. H e had saved our
baby, but I killed him. O h, m y God! W hat have I done? I am so sorry. Forgive me, m y
dear tiger. Forgive me, please? The cou ple felt very guilty.
They have killed their faithful tiger. It all hap pened because they did not check the
baby first before they killed the tiger. Since then, the cou ples village w as called
Panyalahan. The w ord Panyalahan derives from the w ord nyalahan, w hich means
w rong guess.
Adapted from

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


Appendix 2: Answer Key

U n it 1
T ask 33

U n it 4
T ask 8



U n it 4
T ask 23



U n it 5
T ask 31




Rev ie w 1



































U n it 6
T ask 16



U n it 6
T ask 25


U n it 9
T ask 13


U n it 7
T ask 14


U n it 7
T ask 25


U n it 9
T ask 21

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students



U n it 8
T ask 16


U n it 8
T ask 25


Rev ie w 2



































Appendix 3: Teachers Scripts

U n it 2

T ask 20
Installing A vira A ntivirus

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


U n it 7
T ask 22
The Fox, The Cock and the D og C unning O ften O ut w it Itself.
1. " Good ne ws, good ne ws!" he cried.
" W hy, w hat is that?" said the C ock.
2. "It is only m y master's D og.
3. " K ing Lion has declared a universal peace.
4. " W hy, that is good ne ws," said the C ock; "and there I see some one coming.
5. A nd so saying he craned his neck for w ard and looked afar off.
" W hat is it you see?" said the Fox.
6. H e is coming to w ards us.
7. H e sa w a C ock roosting high u p beyond his reach.
8. N o animal may hurt a bird from no w on, but all shall settle together in brotherly
9. O ne moonlight night, there w as a Fox.
10. The Fox w as creeping around about a farmer's hen-cage.
11. W e can share the good ne ws."
12. W hat, going so soon?" he continued, as the Fox began to turn a w ay as soon as he
kne w that is w as the dog w ho w as coming through.
13. " W ill you not stop and congratulate the D og on the reign of universal peace?"
14. "I w ould gladly do so," said the Fox, "but I fear he may not have heard of K ing Lion's

UUnNitI T8 8
T ask 15


ran very fast
very mid dle of the enem y's village
several hyenas w ere coming
I am your chief's guest
the chief of the hyenas

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students

accepting in vitations
action verbs
ad miring something or somebod y
asking for certainty
asking for repetition
attracting someones attention
expressing doubts
expressing gratitu de
inclusion of details
narrative text
offering something
proced ural text
proper noun
refusing in vitations
report text
responding to doubts
responding to ne ws given
responding to uncertainty

: expressions said to in vite someone to do something

: verbs that describe an action
: expressions said to look at someone or something w ith
: expressions said to ask if someone is sure about
: expressions said to ask someone to say something
: expressions said to make someone come near
: w ord w hich links different sections of a sentence
: w ords that connect sentences to indicate that the
sentences are still related
: t w o vo w el sounds w hich are pronounced together
: expressions said to say that you are not sure about
: expressions said to thank someone
: w ords that are used to ask for detailed information
of something
: a story
: w ord w hich can be the subject of a verb and is used to
refer to a person or thing
: expressions said to say that you w ill give something or
do something
: w ord w ith a noun or pronoun as its object to sho w
place or time
: a text w hich tells the readers the w ay in w hich
something ought to be carried out
: w ords to replace other nouns or noun phrases
: proper nouns are names of specific people, places,
countries, months, days, magazines, and so on
: expressions said to refuse in vitations
: a text w hich is used to present information about
: expressions said to respond to doubts
: expressions said to respond to ne ws given
: expressions said to respond to uncertainty

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


sho w ing attention

silent letters
stress pattern
telling interesting ne ws
the sim ple past tense


: expressions to sho w that you are listening / noticing

: letters w hich are not pronounced
: lou dness of your voice w hen you pronounce a
w ord or syllable
: expressions said to tell interesting ne ws
: expressions said to talk about actions or situations
in the past

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


accepting in vitations, 155

action verbs, 12
adjective, 143
ad miring something or somebod y, 43
ad verb, 143
asking for certainty, 3
asking for repetition, 23
attracting someones attention, 111

offering something, 135

preposition, 54
proced ures, 14
pronoun, 94
proper noun, 164

conjunction, 31
connective, 51
countable noun, 90

refusing in vitations, 158

report text, 70, 121
responding to doubts, 82
responding to ne ws given, 177
responding to thanks, 26
responding to uncertainty, 3

degree of com parison, 73
diphthong, 156
double letter vo w els, 47

expressing doubts, 82
expressing gratitu de, see thanking

inclusion of details, 33
in viting, 155

minimal pairs, 6

sho w ing attention, 63
silent letters, 178
stress pattern, 87

telling interesting ne ws, 113, 133
thanking, 26
the plural sound of s or es, 68
the pronunciation of th, 115
the sim ple past tense, 186

uncountable noun, 90

narrative text, 143

Scaffolding | English for Grade I X Students


Diunduh dari

caffolding: English for Junior High School Students Grade IX disusun dengan acuan
Standar Isi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris 2006. Materi dan tugas pembelajaran
dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip Pendekatan Komunikatif untuk
mengembangkan kompetensi siswa dalam keempat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu
menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis yang diorganisasikan ke dalam dua siklus
pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan menekankan
pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa lisan (menyimak dan berbicara), siklus tulis
mengembangkan keterampilan dalam berbahasa tulis (membaca dan menulis). Sesuai dengan
prinsip keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan keempat
keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus tulis tersusun atas
empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan terhadap bahasa Inggris, penjelasan
mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris secara
terbimbing maupun bebas. Untuk pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas
terstruktur berupa pekerjaan rumah dan evaluasi.

Joko Priyana, Ph.D., memperoleh gelar sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dari
IKIP Negeri Yogyakarta tahun 1989, MA dalam bidang TESOL dari Canberra
University, Australia tahun 1995, dan Ph.D. dalam bidang Applied Linguistics
dari Macquarie University Sydney tahun 2003. Sejak tahun 1990 penulis adalah
dosen pada program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di FBS UNY.

Riandi, saat ini sedang menyelesaikan studi S1 pada program studi Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Anita P. Mumpuni, saat ini sedang menyelesaikan studi S1 pada program studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

ISBN 979-462-961-8
Buku ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) dan
telah dinyatakan layak sebagai buku teks pelajaran berdasarkan Peraturan
Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 34 Tahun 2008 tanggal 10 Juli 2008
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