Polestar 4 2024 Model 3D
- Format yang tersedia: Image Textures: png 262.99 MBAlembic: abc 59.10 MBBlender: blend 53.45 MBAutodesk FBX: fbx 70.37 MBWavefront OBJ: obj 49.82 MBAgisoft Photoscan: ply 30.09 MBExtensible 3D: x3d 40.45 MB
- Poligon:1 485 914
- Sudut:1 527 626
- Animasi:No
- Bertekstur:
- Dimanipulasi:
- Material:No
- Low-poly:No
- Koleksi:No
- Pemetaan UVW:
- Plugin Digunakan:No
- Siap Cetak:No
- Pindai 3D:No
- Konten Dewasa:No
- PBR:
- AI Pelatihan:No
- Geometri:Polygonal
- Unwrapped UVs:Mixed
- Tampilan:210
- Tanggal: 2024-12-22
- ID Barang:546994
- Peringkat:
Polestar 4 2024 3d model
Polestar 4 is a coupe SUV with a battery electric drive produced by Polestar, standing between Polestar 2 and Polestar 3.It was presented at the Shanghai Motor Show on April 8,2023.The model was originally announced in 2021 and was teased several times before the official screening. According to the company's CEO Thomas Ingenlat, the Polestar 4 is not a modified version of the Polestar 3, as they “revised the entire design to create a new SUV coupe breed.”
Polestar 4 2024.This car is very popular and useful. This car was created by a professional and all the details of this car are also created. You can use this 3d model for your projects. When modeling, all the details of the car were analyzed in detail and made exactly the same as the original.
FBX file OBJ file ABC file PLY file 3dx file BLEND file
Vertices 1 527 626 Faces 1 485 914
Textures 8K (PBR(Bump, Albeto, Roughnesses, Metallic,Alpha))
Thank you!!!!
Siap Cetak: TidakJika Anda membutuhkan format yang berbeda, silakan buka Tiket Dukungan baru dan minta itu. Kita dapat mengonversi model 3D menjadi: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Kami tidak mengonversi adegan 3d dan format seperti .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt.!