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Paper 2016/952

ISAP -- Towards Side-Channel Secure Authenticated Encryption

Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel, and Thomas Unterluggauer


Side-channel attacks and in particular differential power analysis (DPA) attacks pose a serious threat to cryptographic implementations. One approach to counteract such attacks are cryptographic schemes based on fresh re-keying. In settings of pre-shared secret keys, such schemes render DPA attacks infeasible by deriving session keys and by ensuring that the attacker cannot collect side-channel leakage on the session key during cryptographic operations with different inputs. While these schemes can be applied to secure standard communication settings, current re-keying approaches are unable to provide protection in settings where the same input needs to be processed multiple times. In this work, we therefore adapt the re-keying approach and present a symmetric authenticated encryption scheme that is secure against DPA attacks and that does not have such a usage restriction. This means that our scheme fully complies with the requirements given in the CAESAR call and hence, can be used like other nonce-based authenticated encryption schemes without loss of side-channel protection. Its resistance against side-channel analysis is highly relevant for several applications in practice, like bulk storage settings in general and the protection of FPGA bitfiles and firmware images in particular.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published by the IACR in FSE 2017
authenticated encryptionfresh re-keyingpassive side-channel attackssponge constructionpermutation-based construction
Contact author(s)
christoph dobraunig @ iaik tugraz at
2017-02-21: revised
2016-10-04: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Christoph Dobraunig and Maria Eichlseder and Stefan Mangard and Florian Mendel and Thomas Unterluggauer},
      title = {{ISAP} -- Towards Side-Channel Secure Authenticated Encryption},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2016/952},
      year = {2016},
      url = {}
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