The Mind ElectricMind ElectricJail BarsFlyer BackgroundPrison ReformA Touch Of DarknessBar ArtworkTouch Of DarknessPrison ArtBritain leads way in putting crooks behind barsThe Prison Reform Trust found 140,000 were imprisoned in England and Wales in 2017, 40,000 more than in Germany.58
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Child Support QuotesChild Support LawsChild Support PaymentsSupport QuotesPrison LifeNeedy PeopleMedical MalpracticeParental RightsPrison CellHow Could a Religious Person Commit a Crime?A high administrative official in our synagogue embezzled a great sum of money from the congregational offerings. He is well versed in Torah, and certainly knows the difference between right and wrong. So, how is it possible that he did such a thing?1
Charcoal InspirationWildlife QuotesCircus LionZoo ArtDiscovery MuseumPrison ArtLion DrawingWildlife PicturesSavage BeautyCharcoal InspirationLion peers out of an animal cage wagon92
Episode InteractiveGacha BackgroundJail CellPrison CellChristian CouplesEpisode BackgroundsGacha BackgroundsSolitary ConfinementThe CrucibleJail Cell Window510
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Jail MemeBird PeopleInternet DatingSilly DogsFunny LifeSigmund FreudBehind BarsLife HumorCats MeowTop 10 of Anything and EverythingSome cats can be so naughty and evil that it makes we wonder why there isn't more cats behind bars. Keeping them away from dogs, in jail where they belong.26
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