How to Clean a Burnt-On Mess on a Glass Cooktop Stove

If you need to clean a burnt-on mess on a glass cooktop, your cleaning job doesn’t have to be difficult!

After years of using and repairing a 30-year-old oven with electric coils and drip pans, my husband and I finally upgraded to a glass cooktop oven. When our new oven was delivered and our old one was carted away, it was a happy day for sure.

But I wasn’t used to caring for a new oven … or a glass cooktop.

I’ve been pickier at what I use to clean it, and I’ve tried to avoid messy cooking and baking. My stovetop has stayed fairly clean – until last week. I was attempting to make rice pudding when everything boiled over the side of the pot – and became a crusted-on, burnt-on mess:

Sometimes, you desperately need to clean burnt-on messes from your glass cooktop stove. Here's one of my recent cooking messes.

How to Clean a Burnt-On Mess on a Glass Cooktop

I tried – and tried again – wiping the glass cooktop with a damp washrag. But absolutely nothing happened.

And then I remembered my handy dandy non-scratch scrubby sponge with metallic threads.

These metallic sponges have saved the day in the past. They’ve helped me effortlessly clean off ceiling fan blades that were grimy with caked-on grease. It’s removed all the grease and grime off my range hood without any scratches.

So I wondered … could it possibly remove the burnt-on mess without scratching my glass cooktop?

I wet it with warm tap water, gave it a try … and the burnt-on residue started disappearing before my very eyes.

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Sometimes, you desperately need to clean burnt-on messes from your glass cooktop stove. Here's halfway through my simple cleaning process ...Sometimes, you desperately need to clean burnt-on messes from your glass cooktop stove. Here's halfway through my simple cleaning process ...

Since there was still a little bit of crusted on rice pudding, I used one of my favorite cleaning tools, the Lil’ Chizler.

After the Lil’ Chizler scraped the crust off, I followed up with the metallic sponge and it washed right off.

Sometimes, you desperately need to clean burnt-on messes from your glass cooktop stove. Here's the finished product!Sometimes, you desperately need to clean burnt-on messes from your glass cooktop stove. Here's the finished product!

Now that I can relax about cleaning messes off my stovetop, I’ll cook like I normally do (a little sloppily).

And I’ll be quick to grab my metallic scrubby sponge the next time something burns on my stovetop.

If you don’t have a metallic scrubby sponge, though, you could use Weiman Glass Cooktop Spray. One Good Thing by Jillee has another great cleaning solution, too.!

If you need to clean a burnt-on mess on a glass cooktop, your cleaning job doesn't have to be difficult!If you need to clean a burnt-on mess on a glass cooktop, your cleaning job doesn't have to be difficult!If you have a glass cooktop, what do you do to clean a burnt-on mess?

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Images courtesy of Pexels, Adobe Stock, and Hilary Bernstein.


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