Tosca Interview Questions and Answers
Last updated on Nov 15, 2024
Tricentis Tosca refers to Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications. It is among the top testing tools that help in overall testing available in the market. Over time, it has evolved as a top competitor in automation tools. So, it is easy to land a job as a Tosca expert, and it will guarantee you a promising career.
In this post, we will discuss Tosca Interview Questions for those aiming to grab a good job offer for beginners and experienced. These questions are gathered after conferring with experts and analyzing data collected from several interviews held earlier for the Tosca job position. Look at these interview questions and answers below that are frequently asked to gain confidence before you attend an interview. Otherwise, just go through them to enhance your learning curve.
Now, let's explore the Tosca interview questions for beginners and experienced in detail.
- Tosca Interview Questions and Answers for Beginners
- Tosca Interview Questions for Experienced
- Tosca Interview Questions and Answers - Advanced
Most Frequently Asked Tosca Interview Questions
- What is Tosca Testsuite
- What are the advantages of Tosca Testsuite
- What is synchronization in Tosca?
- Explain about Tosca Query Language
- How can we perform API testing?
- What is Tosca WebAccess?
- Can you explain the concept of Test Case Design?
- Can we run a template in the Scratchbook?
Tosca Interview Questions and Answers for Beginners
1. What is Tosca Testsuite?
Ans: Tosca Testsuite, built by Tricentis Technology and Consulting GmbH, is an advanced testing tool primarily developed using C#, with Java and VB6 also contributing to its creation. It is extensively used for end-to-end functional and regression testing of software products. Many notable firms, such as Toyota, Starbucks, Allianz, BMW, and Whole Foods, have adopted this software.
2. What is the use of Tosca Qc/Alm integration?
Ans: TCShell, an integral part of Tosca Commander, offers command-line control. It operates in two modes: Interactive mode, providing a user-friendly GUI, and Script mode, where users execute pre-written command scripts with limited control.
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3. What is TCShell?
Ans: TCShell, an integral part of Tosca Commander, offers command-line control. It operates in two modes: Interactive mode, which provides a user-friendly GUI, and Script mode, which allows users to execute pre-written command scripts with limited control.
4. What are the loops available in Tosca?
Ans: Tosca offers two loops: Incremental Loops, executed a preset number of times, and Dynamic Loops, which run until a specific condition is met, akin to do-while or while loops.
5. What are the advantages of Tosca Testsuite?
Ans: Tosca Testsuite's benefits include intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, scriptless and model-based automation, a user-friendly GUI, asset reusability, and notably reduced regression testing time.
6. What is the methodology that the Tosca tool is based on?
Ans: Tosca is a leading automation testing tool based on a model-based test automation approach. It helps complete functional testing and allows software testers to perform tests more quickly.
7. What are the components of the Tosca Testsuite package?
Ans: The Tosca Testsuite package comprises four main components: Tosca Commander (akin to an IDE), Tosca Executor (for test execution), Tosca XScan (for scanning input fields), and the Test Repository (for workspace storage).
8. What types of testing can be done with Tosca?
Ans: Tosca supports various testing types, including GUI testing, mobile testing, API testing, BI and data warehouse testing, and exploratory testing.
9. What is Tosca CI?
Ans: Tosca CI enables automated test case execution directly from a build server. The CI client runs tests and reports results in XML format to the build server. The popular CI tools for continuous testing are Jenkins, Travis CI, Bamboo, etc.
10. What is synchronization in Tosca?
Ans: Synchronization in Tosca aligns automated test case execution with application speed using processes and events. Here, the “WaitOn” ActionMode manages the process efficiently.
11. What is Exploratory Testing?
Ans: Exploratory testing in Tosca is a dynamic approach combining learning, test design, execution, and result interpretation. It is classified under the Execution Section in Tosca Commander.
12. What is a recovery scenario in Tosca?
Ans: A recovery scenario in Tosca outlines steps for the tool to follow in unexpected situations. It also ensures continued test execution or relevant handling of test failures.
13. What is a template in Tosca?
Ans: Templates in Tosca are structured models for creating reusable, consistent test cases. They are particularly beneficial for tests with similar step sequences.
14. What are the types of errors in Tosca?
Ans: Tosca identifies three error types: Verification failure (unmet expected results), dialogue failure (application errors), and User Abort (manual test termination).
15. What is Test Data Management?
Ans: TDM refers to managing the data required for the Test Cases. When creating a workspace, Tosca automatically connects to the common repository where the test data resides. We can connect to another test data source and manually change the connection string to a different storage.
16. Can Tosca be integrated with Jira?
Ans: Yes, integration of Tosca with Jira is feasible and beneficial. It mainly uses the Tasktop Integration Hub within Tosca Connect. This link fosters improved collaboration between development and testing teams by coexisting failed tests in Tosca with defects logged in Jira.
Tosca Interview Questions for Experienced
17. What are the Tosca stages after the execution of a test?
Ans. Tosca will have to go through the following four stages after test execution.
- Pass.
- Fail.
- Error.
- No result
18. What happens if the recovery scenario fails?
Ans: If a recovery scenario in Tosca fails, the tool soars to the next higher-level recovery scenario. If all scenarios fail, the test case is marked as failed.
19. What is the use of Rescan?
Ans: Tosca's Rescan feature enables you to reconsider already scanned modules, which will benefit when UI updates occur.
20. Define business parameters in Tosca.
Ans: In Tosca, business parameters are customizable values for test cases, including XML elements, headers, JSON data, settings, and response details. These can be manually set within modules and are adjustable if payloads change.
21. Explain the Tosca Query Language.
Ans: Tosca Query Language or TQL is vital to crafting complex search queries in Tosca. It elegantly drives through a project's landscape, focusing on objects, their relationships, and attributes. The nuanced nature of TQL, being context-sensitive, allows for a customized approach to querying within Tosca's environment.
22. Can we perform Excel operations in Tosca?
Ans: Tosca excels in collaborating with Excel, allowing seamless operations. It utilizes specific Excel modules that must be imported into the workspace. Installing MS Excel 2003 or 2007 is essential for optimal functionality. It showcases Tosca's compatibility with Microsoft's software.
23. How can we fetch test data from Excel using Tosca?
Ans: Tosca offers dual methods for importing test data from Excel. For single TestCase scenarios, TemplateInstance is used. It effectively produces the required number of test cases from Excel datasets. For cases involving various TestCases and external data sources, the Excel Engine module or custom VB scripts can import Excel data efficiently.
24. How can we identify objects in the Tosca Testsuite?
Ans: In the Tosca Testsuite, finding an object is a key to test automation. The suite offers four distinct methods for object finding:
- Finding by properties, where objects are recognized based on their inherent attributes.
- Finding by the anchor involves using a stable neighboring object as a reference point.
- Identifying by image, where objects are identified through visual recognition.
- Identification by index, which relies on the object's position within a list or a collection.
25. How can we use multiple browsers in the same test case in Tosca?
Ans: We cannot trigger different browsers in Tosca. However, we can perform cross-browser execution. We can use buffers to automate a TestCase with an app running on other browsers. Using buffers, we can change the value in the test configuration parameter at runtime. By using the TBox Set Buffer, we specify which browser needs to be used for each buffer.
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26. How can we run ExecutionLists?
Ans: ExecutionLists in Tosca can be launched. Users can simply select the 'Run' option from the context menu in Tosca Commander or utilize the F6 key as a shortcut for execution in the Execution section. Further, you can choose the ExecutionLists of your choice through Ctrl + left mouse button to execute more than a list.
27. How can we run tests in ScratchBook?
Ans: Tosca's ScratchBook feature offers flexibility in test execution. It allows users to perform trial runs on TestCases with options such as running objects immediately upon creation or arranging and executing them in a specific order through drag-and-drop functionality.
28. What is the difference between ExceutionLists and ScratchBook?
Ans: ExecutionLists in Tosca serve to gather and execute a set of completed TestCases at a time. On the other hand, ScratchBook is designed to run individual TestCases. It is handy for testing newly created or incomplete TestCases.
29. Can we perform a PDF comparison using Tosca?
Ans: Tosca supports PDF comparisons through the TC PDF Compare tool, which is available on the Tosca Exchange Portal. This tool allows users to compare two PDF files. It highlights differences in the ExecutionLog post-execution.
30. Can we create TestCase templates manually?
Ans: Using the Tosca BI modules, Creating TestCase templates manually is possible in Tosca. Users can produce templates by right-clicking on a test case and selecting the “Convert to Template” option from the context menu.
31. What is the need for the test configuration parameter?
Ans: Test configuration parameters in Tosca are essential for setting object values. They simplify test maintenance, reduce repetitive tasks, and enhance the test automation process's efficiency.
32. How can we perform API testing?
Ans: API testing in Tosca is conducted using the Tosca API Scan. This tool allows for the complete scanning of API definitions and functions. It also enables end-to-end testing that verifies an API's performance and error handling features.
33. How does Tosca Testsuite support Risk-Based and Model-Based Testing?
Ans: Tosca Testsuite's support for Model-Based and Risk-Based Testing is evident in its ability to describe test cases through application scans. The suite's automation model decouples test logic from the automation logic. It facilitates automated and manual test cases with precise input and verification data.
34. How can you check within Tosca whether a file exists in a specific directory?
Ans: Tosca includes a "TBox File Existence" function, allowing users to verify the presence of a file in a specified directory. This feature contains attributes like the directory path and the file name and supports action modes like Verify or WaitOn
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35. What is TOSCA Commander?
Ans: Tosca Commander is the central user interface of the Tosca Testsuite, which is integral for designing, running, maintaining, and analyzing test cases. It encloses various sections like Requirement, Test Case, Modules, Execution, Reporting, and Test Script Design. All these make it a cornerstone of the Tosca Test suite.
36. What are the various post-execution statuses in Tosca?
Ans: Post-execution, Tosca classifies test results into:
- No result
- Error
- Passed and
- Failed.
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37. What are the advantages of linking Tosca test cases with the requirements?
Ans: Linking test cases with requirements ensures:
- Testing aligns with specific needs.
- Overview of high-level requirement coverage for test analysis.
38. What are the benefits of the specifications connected to the Tosca test cases?
Ans: Linking specifications with test cases in Tosca provides:
- A method to track requirement coverages.
- A complete view of demand coverage for efficient test analysis.
39. Define the TOSCA ScratchBook limitations.
Ans: The ScratchBook, used for temporary execution logs during test development, has limitations:
Repeated execution of a test step's action may lead to loss of details.
Execution logs may not always be accessible.
40. What do you mean by String Operations?
Ans: String operations in Tosca, typically involving regular expressions, include:
- Counting specific characters or words.
- Aligning words and verifying numeric structures.
Note: The AidPack module is required for string operations.
41. Why does Tricentis TOSCA require ScratchBook?
Ans: ScratchBook is essential in Tosca for:
- Conducting trial runs of new or improved test cases.
- Temporarily logging execution outcomes.
- Ability to run complete or partial test cases.
42. In Tricentis Tosca, Describe the organizational units of testing procedures.
Ans: In Tosca, the automated testing includes the following organizational units:
- Specification
- Planning
- Logging
- Execution
- Analysis
43. What is Tosca WebAccess?
Ans: Tosca WebAccess is:
- A web interface for workspace access via browsers.
- Independent of Tricentis Tosca Commander installation.
- Allows accessing workspace data stored on the Workspace server via a client browser.
44. How can Tosca Connect be integrated with HP ALM?
Ans: Integration steps include:
- Installing the Rest API.
- Using Tasktop with a license.
- Accompanying Tosca test scripts with HP ALM's Test Plan and Test Lab modules.
- Ensuring recent Execution logs in Tosca are accessible in ALM Testlab.
45. How many different kinds of logs are there in Tosca?
Ans: Tosca provides two types of logs:
- ActualLog: Maintains the latest and most recent execution results.
- ExecutionLog: It is produced when archiving the execution log is enabled.
46. What do you mean by BDD in TOSCA?
Ans: BDD in Tosca stands for Behavior-Driven Development, a software development technique derived from agile methods. It produces workable documentation describing behavior and actions in text, which is used as executable documentation.
47. List the default object components in TOSCA.
Ans. Default objects in Tosca are found in the standard.tce file, include:
- Standard modules like TBox XEngines and Automation Tools.
- Virtual folders.
- Standard Reports.
48. What does an ActionMode Constraint do?
Ans. The ActionMode `Constraint '' in Tosca helps search specific values, such as locating a particular value in a table column
Do you want to explore Tosca more? Then, read our updated article - Tosca Tutorial.
49. What do you mean by Frequency class?
Ans: The Frequency class in Tosca calculates event damage values based on frequency and quantity, ranging from 0 to 10.
50. What do you mean by TOSCA Classic Engine?
Ans: The Classic Engine in TOSCA orchestrates test execution, leveraging a structure where test cases are constructed as business-focused objects. This engine processes these objects and connects them with test scripts through specific steering activities.
51. What do you mean by Damage class?
Ans: The Damage class in Tosca calculates the damage values for events, ranging from 0 to 10, based on cost.
52. What is a Distributed Execution in TOSCA?
Ans: Distributed Execution in TOSCA involves executing many test scripts across different devices. It is achieved by setting up TestEvents in Tosca Commander, which enables efficient and scalable testing.
Tosca Interview Questions and Answers - Advanced
53. What purpose do TestMandates serve?
Ans: TestMandates in TOSCA are designed to execute test batches at preset times. It's crucial for domain-specific projects in sectors like banking and insurance. They enable parallel execution of different execution list elements without impeding the primary list
Tosca Interview Questions for 7 years Experience
54. What is TOSCA, and what are its primary features and benefits?
Ans: TOSCA, standing for Test Automation Suite for Continuous Testing, offers end-to-end testing solutions. Key features include model-based test automation, seamless integration, and efficient data management. Benefits include speedy test creation, enhanced reusability, and optimal support in Agile and DevOps.
55. Explain the difference between manual testing and automated testing. How does TOSCA facilitate automation?
Ans: Manual testing involves direct human involvement, while automated testing uses tools and scripts. TOSCA streamlines automation with its model-based approach. It reduces the need for complex coding and focuses on efficient test design and maintenance.
56. How do you create a test case in TOSCA? Explain in brief.
Ans: Creating a test case in TOSCA involves launching TOSCA Commander, modeling test steps using its graphical interface, defining test data, and executing the test case with TOSCA Executor.
57. What is the significance of modules in TOSCA, and how do you use them effectively?
Ans: Modules in TOSCA summarize test steps for reuse, enhancing efficiency and maintainability. Effective use involves locating repetitive actions, creating modules, and integrating them across multiple test cases.
58. How does TOSCA support data-driven testing, and why is it important?
Ans: TOSCA facilitates data-driven testing by allowing parameterization of test data and creating versatile test cases with varying inputs. It increases scenario coverage and reduces redundancy. It uses the TCD (test case design) approach.
59. What are TOSCA Execution Lists, and how do they help in test execution?
Ans: Execution Lists in TOSCA are grouped test cases for organized and efficient execution, allowing for classification based on criteria like priority or functionality.
60. Discuss the concept of test automation frameworks. Have you worked with any specific frameworks in TOSCA?
Ans: In TOSCA, test automation frameworks provide structured guidelines for test design and execution. My experience includes working with TOSCA's data-driven frameworks and enhancing test reusability and maintainability.
61. How do you handle dynamic elements or elements with changing properties in TOSCA scripts?
Ans: Managing dynamic elements in TOSCA involves effectively assisting dynamic behaviors with stable identifiers, regular expressions, and waiting for statements.
62. Can you explain the concept of Test Case Design?
Ans: Test Case Design in TOSCA involves crafting test scenarios, steps, and expected outcomes to form the foundation of automated testing. This approach ensures clarity in objectives and enhances test coverage.
63. What is the role of Test Configuration and Test Data Management in TOSCA?
Ans: Test Configuration in TOSCA involves setting up test environments, while Test Data Management (TDM) handles data provisioning. Both are essential for executing tests under controlled, repeatable conditions.
64. Describe the process of integrating TOSCA with version control systems like Git.
Ans: Integration involves setting up a Git repository for TOSCA projects, configuring TOSCA to work with Git, utilizing TOSCA's version control features, and managing project versions collectively.
65. Have you used TOSCA's Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing (CI/CT) capabilities? If so, how?
Ans: I have integrated TOSCA with CI/CT pipelines, using tools like Jenkins to automate testing as part of development. It ensures continuous testing and early issue identification.
66. How do you handle exception handling and error reporting in TOSCA test scripts?
Ans: In TOSCA, exception handling involves managing errors using conditional statements and error blocks, with built-in reporting features for detailed analysis.
67. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using TOSCA for cross-browser testing.
Ans: TOSCA excels in code reusability and browser-independent test design for cross-browser testing. However, compared to specialized tools, it may require additional configuration for complex scenarios.
68. What is TOSCA's approach to handling mobile application testing? Have you used it for mobile automation?
Ans: TOSCA's Mobile Engine facilitates mobile app testing on Android and iOS. My experience with mobile automation in TOSCA involves creating test cases and utilizing the mobile engine to test devices or emulators.
69. How do you generate reports and analyze test results in TOSCA?
Ans: TOSCA offers customized reporting and analytics for test execution, including integration with third-party tools for advanced analysis.
70. Explain the concept of reusable test assets and their significance in TOSCA.
Ans: Reusable test assets in TOSCA, like test cases and modules, greatly promote efficiency and consistency and reduce effort in test case creation and maintenance.
71. Have you worked with TOSCA's API testing capabilities? If yes, describe your experience.
Ans: My experience with TOSCA's API testing includes creating test cases for RESTful and SOAP APIs, defining API endpoints, and managing request parameters and expected responses.
72. How do you handle Test Data Management and parameterization in TOSCA?
Ans: In TOSCA, TDM includes creating data sets separate from test cases and parameterizing them for reuse. The TDM module facilitates this process, enhancing test coverage.
73. Can we run a template in the Scratchbook?
Ans: Running templates directly in the Scratchbook may not be a default feature in TOSCA. Instead, templates are typically executed via Test Configurations in TOSCA Commander.
74. What options are available if you want to run a test in the Scratchbook?
Ans: In TOSCA's Scratchbook, tests can be run using the "Execute" option for the current test case, the "Debug" option for step-by-step analysis, or "Run Configuration" for running with specific settings.
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75. Will recovery scenarios work in the Scratchbook?
Ans: TOSCA's Scratchbook is mainly intended for quickly creating and debugging tests, with recovery scenarios managed in test suites or through the TOSCA Commander interface.
76. Differentiate between Tosca and Selenium.
The following are the key differences between Tosca and Selenium:
- Tosca is a leading automation tool for testing, with licensed and paid versions. Selenium is a free and open-source automation tool for app testing.
- Tosca has integrated reporting features, but Selenium has no in-built reporting features.
- The Selenium tool requires scripting in different languages, such as Java, Python, etc. But Tosca doesn’t require any scripting or coding as it is very easy to use.
- Tosca supports test data management, but Selenium doesn’t support this feature.
- Tosca supports testing APIs, whereas Selenium doesn’t support API testing.
77. Define Instantiation in Tosca.
Ans. In Tosca, instantiation is a process to create instance test cases. These test cases are template-based and defined under the section test case design. This process is also called data-driven testing.
78. Nam the various looping statements in Tosca.
Ans. Tosca supports the following looping statements: IF, DO, & WHILE to execute TestSteps with different sections.
79. Explain about DokuSnapper in Tosca.
Ans. In Tosca, DokuSnapper is a function that creates MS Word documents. These documents include all the data related to the executed test steps. The document’s name consists of the execution timestamp and the script name. To allow DokuSnapper to configure options, go through the steps below: Settings > Settings Dialog > Settings Engine > Settings DokuSnapper.
In this blog, you have gone through a detailed list of top Tosca interview questions with the help of industry experts. Tosca is a leading test automation tool, and learning these skills can open the door for a great software testing career. To enhance your career with the latest IT skills, visit the HKR Trainings website to explore various courses.
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