趣味を同じくする人と集まってコミュニケーションとりたいのに、都心にハッカースペースがない! そんなご要望にお答えして2018年6月、大井町駅前にハッカースペースを作りました! 現在は秋葉原駅前に移転しています。
In June 2018, we opened a hackerspace in Oimachi, which is very close to Tokyo station and Haneda airport. We're now located in Akihabara, Tokyo.
ハッカースペースをご存知でしょうか? Wikipediaによると「コミュニティとして運営するワークスペースで、コンピューターや科学、技術、デジタルアートなどに興味を持つ人々が出会い、コラボできる場所」とあります。
Do you know what hackerspace is? According to Wikipedia, a hackerspace is a community-operated, often "not for profit", workspace where people with common interests, such as computers, machining, technology, science, digital art, or electronic art, can meet, socialize and collaborate.
Basically, it is a shared coworking space with several paid plans and is especially for geeks who wish to overcome feelings of loneliness working alone.
The concept of hackerspace originated in Germany in the 1990s and now hackerspaces are everywhere except Japan. That's why we took action.
Tools/Machines available
Lumix S1H | S-X50 | S-E2470 | S-R1635 |
instax mini LiPlay | LS C300X | ARTCISE AS85C | Manfrotto 504HD-535K |
Wi-Fi | Projector | 100 inch screen | Whiteboard |
初代Amazon Echo | 2代目Echo Dot | Echo Tap | 初代Echo Show & 5 |
Echo Spot | Google Home | Google Home Hub | LINE Clova |
ScanSnap | インクジェットプリンター(5円/枚) | カラーレーザープリンター(10円/枚) | 3Dプリンター(無料、フィラメント持ち込み) |
工具一式 | はんだごて | 超音波カッター | 溶接機 |
シュレッダー | PS4 | 電子ピアノ | Bose Soundbar 700+sw |
Other tools/instruments available
○大型3Dプリンター (Qidi Tech, X-MAX)
Large size 3D printer (Build size: 300mm x 250mm x 300mm)
・キッチン Kitchen
・VUI電子レンジ (Alexaから声で操作できる改造電子レンジ) VUI microwave (Steve turned a regular microwave into one with VUI
" rel="nofollow">https://twitter.com/torachitech2/status/1065959270137573377
・冷蔵庫 Fridge
・圧力炊飯器 Pressure rice cooker
・やかん Kettle
・ドリル Electric drill
・電気鍋 Electric cooker
・電気圧力鍋(とあるメーカーさんからいただいた量産前試作機です)Pre-mass production prototype electric pressure cooker that an engineer from a manufacturer gave to us
・炭酸水製造機(どんな液体でも炭酸化できます)Liquid carbonater (you can carbonate any liquid)
・ひみつのピザ窯(室内で600℃まで昇温するAC100V電気ピザ窯です) Electric pizza oven that heats up to 600℃/1112°F with AC100V)
" rel="nofollow">https://twitter.com/torachitech2/status/1183754994790436865
・ドライフルーツメーカー Food dehydrater
・エアベッド Air mattress
・オシロスコープ Digital LCD oscilloscope
Other tools/instruments previously available
○鋳物コンロ(9300kcal, 家庭用コンロの3倍の火力)
Cast iron wok stove burner with igniter (9,300kcal, x3 powerful than a regular household stove.)
○業務用ガス炊飯器 (炊飯量容量8〜22合, 火力4,100kcal)
Gas rice cooker (Cook amount is from 8 to 22 cups. 4,100kcal.)
Tools that will be available in the near future
・レーザーカッター Laser cutter
・VUIトースターオーブン Toaster oven with VUI
Membership Plans(Currently not available)
◆シルバー会員 7,500円/月
◆ゴールド会員 25,000円/月
24時間365日利用可。イベント主催可(2,000円/時間)。シャワー利用・睡眠・宿泊可。 週1泊まで
◇プラチナ会員 60,000円/月
○ロボット使用オプション 32,500円/月
○オープンハウス 無料 (不定期)19:00-22:00
Silver JPY 7,500/Month 24/7. Student discount JPY-3,000
Gold JPY 25,000/Month 24/7. Hosting events(JPY 2,000/hr). Taking a shower & a nap. Staying overnight (1/week)
Platinum JPY 60,000/Month 24/7. Hosting events. Taking a shower & a nap. Staying overnight.
Rental robot JPY 42,500/Month Optional plan for Silver, Gold, and Platinum membership
Open house Free Wed 19:00-22:00 (Sign up required)
Hands-on classes
Currently offered only in Japanese
興味のある方は If you are intested
Please join the following meetup group!
How to reach us
Code of Conduct
The Akihabara Hackerspace is dedicated to providing a harassment-free environment for all. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and derisive comments regarding technical background. Members or Guests asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
Be careful in the words that you choose. All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate. Remember that sexist, racist, and other exclusionary jokes can be offensive to those around you. Excessive swearing and offensive jokes are not appropriate for the Akihabara Hackerspace. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down other members or guests. Behave professionally.
Disciplinary action
If a member or guest engages in behavior that violates the anti-harassment policy, the Board of Directors may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the space. Thank you for helping make this a welcoming, friendly space for all!
Don’t endanger other members or guests. Sleeping anywhere on the hackerspace property is not allowed unless you have written permission from the board of directors. The Akihabara Hackerspace is a smoke-free property.
We expect prospective members to visit the hackerspace at least twice before applying, but currely no membership plan is available.