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Akwai mala`ikan dake kawo wahayi shine Mala`ika Jibril, dukkannin Manzannin Allah sun san shi kuma sun taba ganin shi amman a siffar Mutum, shine malamin duka Manzanni da Annabawa.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

Mala'ika Jibril
September 29 (en) Fassara
Digiri commander-in-chief (en) Fassara
hoton mala aik

Mala'ika Jibril: Wannan yana daya daga cikin mala'ikun Allah Madaukakin Sarki sannan shi ne shugaban dukkanin Mala'ikun Allah, kuma shi ne Mala'ikan da Allah ya ke ba shi sako daga sama zuwa ga sauran manzanninSa (Annabawa), tun daga kan Annabi Nuhu har ya zuwa kan Annabi Muhammad (SAW).

Diddigin Bayanai

gyara sashe
  1. Denise Aigle The Mongol Empire between Myth and Reality: Studies in Anthropological History BRILL, 28 October 2014 08033994793.ABA p. 110.
  2. A.C.S. Peacock Early Seljuq History: A New Interpretation Routledge 2013 08033994793.ABA p. 123.
  3. The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Political, Social and Military History edited by Spencer C. Tucker, Priscilla Mary Roberts p. 917 [1]
  4. The Iraq Effect: The Middle East After the Iraq War By Frederic M. Wehrey p. 91 [2]
  5. Jonathan Brown The Canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim: The Formation and Function of the Sunnī Ḥadīth Canon Brill 2007 08033994793.ABA p. 313
  6. Ahmed, Imad-ad-Dean. Signs in the heavens. 2. Amana Publications, 2006. p. 170. Print. 08033994793.ABA
  7. Nicolas Laos The Metaphysics of World Order: A Synthesis of Philosophy, Theology, and Politics Wipf and Stock Publishers 2015 08033994793.ABA p. 177
  8. Robert Rabil Salafism in Lebanon: From Apoliticism to Transnational Jihadism Georgetown University Press 2014 08033994793.ABA chapter: "Doctrine"
  9. "Generational Changes in the Leadership of the Ahl-e Sunnat Movement in North India during the Twentieth Century". Archived from the original on 2020-03-17. Retrieved 2019-09-15.