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DISCUSSES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISCUSSES?

Need another word that means the same as “discusses”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “discusses” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Discusses” are: hash out, talk over, discourse, talk about

Discusses as a Verb

Definitions of "Discusses" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “discusses” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • To consider or examine in speech or writing.
  • Speak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion.
Definitions of "Discusses" as a verb

Synonyms of "Discusses" as a verb (4 Words)

discourseEngage in conversation.
She could discourse at great length on the history of Europe.
hash outChop up.
talk aboutExpress in speech.
talk overUse language.
Synonyms of "Discusses" as a verb (4 Words)

Usage Examples of "Discusses" as a verb

  • We discussed our household budget.
  • The class discussed Dante's `Inferno.
Usage Examples of "Discusses" as a verb

Associations of "Discusses" (30 Words)

chatSongbirds having a chattering call.
She chatted to her mother on the phone every day.
communicationThe successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.
A communications network.
conciliatorSomeone who tries to bring peace.
He was seen as a conciliator who would heal divisions in the party.
confabulateFabricate imaginary experiences as compensation for loss of memory.
She could be heard on the telephone confabulating with someone.
conferHave a conference in order to talk something over.
We conferred about a plan of action.
conferenceTake part in a conference or conference call.
He gathered all the men around the baize table for a conference.
consultAn act of consulting a professional a consultation.
If you consult a solicitor making a will is a simple procedure.
contentionA point asserted as part of an argument.
The teams were in fierce contention for first place.
contentiousnessAn inclination to be quarrelsome and contentious.
contributorSomeone who contributes (or promises to contribute) a sum of money.
He became a regular contributor to the magazine.
controversialGiving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement.
Years of wrangling over a controversial bypass.
controversyProlonged public disagreement or heated discussion.
The design of the building has caused controversy.
counselAdvice, especially that given formally.
The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud.
debateHave an argument about something.
There has been much debate about prices.
dialogueProvide a film or play with a dialogue.
Passages of dialogue.
discourseSpeak or write authoritatively about a topic.
The language of political discourse.
discussionA detailed treatment of a topic in speech or writing.
The book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic.
disputationFormal academic debate.
Scholastic disputations.
disputeResist (a landing or advance.
The accusations are not disputed.
enthuseCause to feel enthusiasm.
Public art is a tonic that can enthuse alienated youth.
forumA court or tribunal.
We hope these pages act as a forum for debate.
hasselNorwegian chemist noted for his research on organic molecules (1897-1981.
interlocutorA person who takes part in a conversation.
negotiable(of a route) able to be traversed; passable.
Walkways must be accessible and negotiable for all users.
panelDecorate with panels.
A control panel.
parleyA negotiation between enemies.
They disagreed over whether to parley with the enemy.
polemicalOf or involving dispute or controversy.
A polemical essay.
promptingPersuasion formulated as a suggestion.
After some prompting the defendant gave the police his name.
quarrelTake exception to or disagree with (something.
He will quarrel like hell if he see black pods on the trees.
talkDiscussion talk about is a less formal alternative for discussion of.
Be careful his secretary talks.
Associations of "Discusses" (30 Words)

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