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How to Base Jump, Skydive, & Fly Like a Bird in a Wingsuit
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How to Break into Locks with Beer Can Shims, Bump Keys & Just Plain Brute Force
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How to Hack a Vending Machine: 9 Tricks to Getting Free Drinks, Snacks & Money
Daredevils dangle from the skids of a helicopter and soar above the Alps with only a wingsuit for protection. The GoPro Bomb Squad have spent the last five years travelling the world to showcase their talents in disciplines as diverse as paragliding, speed flying, wingsuit cloud surfing, base jumping, and skydiving. The four friends formed the Bomb Squad in 2008 after approaching action camera maker GoPro in the hope of turning their extreme sports holidays into a full-time career.
If you've yet to witness B.A.S.E. jumping, it's an activity for adrenaline junkies first publicized by filmmaker Carl Boenish in '78. The freefall sport employs ram-air parachutes, and is most commonly executed in locations such as the highly elevated El Capitan rock formation of Yosemite National Park (El Capitan is also technically the birthplace of the sport).
Wingsuits are an invention of the Gods. Why? Because they give human beings incredible superhuman powers. First in the gallery below, a compilation of world renown daredevil Jeb Corliss' most amazing jumps. Second, Jeb's epic flight under the arms of Rio's gigantic Jesus Christ.
For some, adrenaline beats out every time.
Who wouldn't like to experience soaring through the skies like Iron Man? Purincess Labs has created a device that may create a somewhat similar experience (okay, not quite... but similar, nonetheless):
Amazing compilation video of thrill-seeking junkies making insane jumps. The top ten covers everything from base jumping to skiing to motocross to finally, what might just be the most insane: back in 1960, Joe Kittinger jumped from the edge of space in a giant helium balloon.
Felix Baumgartner plans to leap a record 120,000 feet, breaking four world records. If all goes well, Baumgartner will set records for highest altitude freefall, longest distance freefall, highest manned balloon fight, and fastest speed freefall (he will actually break the sound of speed!).
From Dying To Flying Dean Potter, one of National Geographic's Ten Adventurers of the Year, set a world record for base jumping in 2009.
Gliding + falconry = parahawking, a unique and exhilarating experience. Birds (vultures, eagles, hawks) are trained to "guide" a paraglider through thermals (columns of rising air in the lower altitudes of the Earth's atmosphere which provide large, soaring lifts). The birds also perform incredible acrobatic maneuvers. Developed by British falconer Scott Mason in 2001, Nepal is the home base for the sport.
Thanks to the squirrel suit, AKA wingsuit, man can move from land to air effortlessly. Matchstick's jumpers reach terminal velocity within 15 seconds, flying at 120 mph.
This new and way more extreme form of BASE jumping involves a modified jumpsuit that makes you into a human airfoil. Called a squirrel suit or bird suit, this new sport is as close as man has got to flying. The barrel roll is a sweet stunt that involves a huge level of control and skill. Reach terminal velocity pretty easily in a jump.
Here's how to bundle up your parachute before you base jump or skydive. This is pretty important to get right.
A brief video that illustrates parachute packing using the 'psycho method'. Part 1 of 2 shows the steps of; Sorting the 9 cells, slider, stabelisers, wrapping of the tail, flipping the pack job on its back, untwisting d-bag and cocking the pilot chute. Part 2 illustrates the final stages of the pack job called the 'psycho method'. These steps include; Making sure the pilot chute is cocked, roling the left 4 cells left, the other 4 cells right,the9th cell position, slider adjusting or...
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How to Assemble a Kitewing Watch closely and see how to assemble a Kitewing. There is no audio so it's a bit tricky to follow.
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How to Jibe with a Kitewing This video shows you how to make a tailwind turn or jibe when using a Kitewing.
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How to Tack with a Kitewing Learn how to change sailing direction while tacking with a Kitewing.
You can use Kitewing with your skis, snowboard, mountainboard, skates or in-line skates and more. This video will show you how to ride or sail your Kitewing.
This is a kitewing sailing complete instructional video. This kite is set up to fly on snow and ice. Kites can be used to kite surf, windsurf, and kiteboard on sand, dirt or water. This is not a standard kite like that in windsurfing or kiteboarding, but closer to the hang gliding style.
This video series is a must for anyone thinking of paragliding at all but especially powered paragliding. Our expert, Hugh Murphy, is the owner of his own para gliding company and he will walk you through every aspect of a powered paragliding trike from getting into the harness properly to how to stand up with the motor attached to your back to how to take off and land.
David Duke is rated as an advanced hang gliding pilot by the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association. He talks about the basics of hang gliding.
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How to Paraglide In this video series, Patrick Eaves shows you how to get started in paragliding. Remember, it's important to find an actual instructor to supplement anything you learn here.