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Showing posts with label god. Show all posts
Showing posts with label god. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Little Soul and the Sun

Many people don't understand why a loving God would create a world full of so much pain and suffering. The story of "The Little Soul and the Sun" adapted from the "Conversations With God" books does a nice job of explaining why that is. The excerpt below is the original version with some preamble taken directly from Book 1 and 3 of Conversations with God.

Book 1

Illness and disease are opposites of health and wellness, and are made manifest in your reality at your behest. You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you can be well again in a moment by simply deciding to be. Deep personal disappointments are responses which are chosen, and worldwide calamities are the result of worldwide consciousness.

Your question infers that I choose these events, that it is My will and desire they should occur. Yet I do not will these things into being, I merely observe you doing so. And I do nothing to stop them, because to do so would be to thwart your will. That, in turn, would deprive you of the God experience, which is the experience you and I have chosen together.

Do not condemn, therefore, all that you would call bad in the world. Rather, ask yourself, what about this have you judged bad, and what, if anything, you wish to do to change it.

Inquire within, rather than without, asking: “What part of my Self do I wish to experience now in the face of this calamity? What aspect of being do I choose to call forth?” For all of life exists as a tool of your own creation, and all of its events merely present themselves as opportunities for you to decide, and be, Who You Are.

This is true for every soul, and so you see there are no victims in the universe, only creators. The Masters who have walked this planet all knew this. That is why, no matter which Master you might name, none imagined themselves to be victimized— though many were truly crucified.

Each soul is a Master—though some do not remember their origins or their heritages. Yet each creates the situation and the circumstance for its own highest purpose and its own quickest remembering—in each moment called now.

Judge not, then, the karmic path walked by another. Envy not success, nor pity failure, for you know not what is success or failure in the soul’s reckoning. Call not a thing calamity, nor joyous event, until you decide, or witness, how it is used. For is a death a calamity if it saves the lives of thousands? And is a life a joyous event if it has caused nothing but grief? Yet even this you should not judge, but keep always your own counsel, and allow others theirs.

This does not mean ignore a call for help, nor the urging of your own soul to work toward the change of some circumstance or condition. It does mean avoiding labels and judgment while you do whatever you do. For each circumstance is a gift, and in each experience is hidden a treasure.

There once was a soul who knew itself to be the light. This was a new soul, and so, anxious for experience. “I am the light,” it said. “I am the light.” Yet all the knowing of it and all the saying of it could not substitute for the experience of it. And in the realm from which this soul emerged, there was nothing but the light. Every soul was grand, every soul was magnificent, and every soul shone with the brilliance of My awesome light. And so the little soul in question was as a candle in the sun. In the midst of the grandest light —of which it was a part—it could not see itself, nor experience itself as Who and What it Really Is.

Now it came to pass that this soul yearned and yearned to know itself. And so great was its yearning that I one day said, “Do you know, Little One, what you must do to satisfy this yearning of yours?”

“Oh, what, God? What? I’ll do anything!” The little soul said.

“You must separate yourself from the rest, of us,” I answered, “and then you must call upon yourself the darkness.’

“What is the darkness, o Holy One?” the little soul asked.

“That which you are not,” I replied, and the soul understood.

And so this the soul did, removing itself from the All, yea, going even unto another realm. And in this realm the soul had the power to call into its experience all sorts of darkness. And this it did.

Yet in the midst of all the darkness did it cry out, “Father, Father, why hast Thou forsaken me?” Even as have you in your blackest times. Yet I have never forsaken you, but stand by you always, ready to remind you of Who You Really Are; ready, always ready, to call you home.

Therefore, be a light unto the darkness, and curse it not.

And forget not Who You Are in the moment of your encirclement by that which you are not. But do you praise to the creation, even as you seek to change it.

And know that what you do in the time of your greatest trial can be your greatest triumph. For the experience you create is a statement of Who You Are—and Who You Want to Be.

Book 3

Do you remember the parable of The Little Soul and the Sun that I gave you in Book 1?


There is a second half to that parable. Here it is:

“You may choose to be any Part of God you wish to be,” I said to the Little Soul. “You are Absolute Divinity, experiencing Itself. What Aspect of Divinity do you now wish to experience as You?”

“You mean I have a choice?” asked the Little Soul. And I answered, “Yes. You may choose to experience any Aspect of Divinity in, as, and through you.”

“Okay,” said the Little Soul, “then I choose Forgiveness. I want to experience my Self as that Aspect of God called Complete Forgiveness.”

Well, this created a little challenge, as you can imagine. There was no one to forgive. All I have created is Perfection and Love.

“No one to forgive?” asked the Little Soul, somewhat incredulously. “No one,” I repeated. “Look around you. Do you see any souls less perfect, less wonderful than you?”

At this the Little Soul twirled around, and was surprised to see himself surrounded by all the souls in heaven. They had come from far and wide throughout the Kingdom, because they heard that the Little Soul was having an extraordinary conversation with God. “I see none less perfect than I!” the Little Soul exclaimed. “Who, then, shall I have to forgive?”

Just then, another soul stepped forward from the crowd. “You may forgive me,” said this Friendly Soul. “For what?” the Little Soul asked. “I will come into your next physical lifetime and do something for you to forgive,” replied the Friendly Soul.

“But what? What could you, a being of such Perfect Light, do to make me want to forgive you?” the Little Soul wanted to know. “Oh,” smiled the Friendly Soul, “I’m sure we can think of something.”

“But why would you want to do this?” The Little Soul could not figure out why a being of such perfection would want to slow down its vibration so much that it could actually do something “bad.”

“Simple,” the Friendly Soul explained, “I would do it because I love you. You want to experience your Self as Forgiving, don’t you? Besides, you’ve done the same for me.”

“I have?” asked the Little Soul. “Of course. Don’t you remember? We’ve been All Of It, you and I. We’ve been the Up and the Down of it, and the Left and the Right of it. We’ve been the Here and the There of it, and the Now and the Then of it. We’ve been the Big and the Small of it, the Male and the Female of it, the Good and the Bad of it. We’ve all been the All of It. “And we’ve done it by agreement, so that each of us might experience ourselves as The Grandest Part of God. For we have understood that. ... “In the absence of that which You Are Not, that Which You ARE, is NOT.

“In the absence of ‘cold,’ you cannot be ‘warm.’ In the absence of ‘sad,’ you cannot be ‘happy,’ without a thing called ‘evil,’ the experience you call ‘good’ cannot exist. If you choose to be a thing, something or someone opposite to that has to show up somewhere in your universe to make that possible.” The Friendly Soul then explained that those people are God’s Special Angels, and these conditions God’s Gifts. “I ask only one thing in return,” the Friendly Soul declared. “Anything! Anything,’ the Little Soul cried. He was excited now to know that he could experience every Divine Aspect of God. He understood, now, The Plan.

“In the moment that I strike you and smite you,” said the Friendly Soul, “in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could ever imagine—in that self-same moment.., remember Who I Really Am.’ “Oh, I won’t forget!” promised the Little Soul. “I will see you in the perfection with which I hold you now, and I will remember Who You Are, always.”

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Conversations with God

In my opinion, the most important thing we need to know is who we are and what our purpose is. The Complete Conversations with God is my favorite source for these answers. I have mentioned this/these books in many posts, but have not quoted from them much, so I will correct that here with a lengthy excerpt.

All physical life functions in accordance with natural laws. Once you remember these laws, and apply them, you have mastered life at the physical level.

What seems like punishment to you—or what you would call evil, or bad luck—is nothing more than a natural law asserting itself.

Then if I were to know these laws, and obey them, I would never have a moment’s trouble again. Is that what you’re telling me?

You would never experience your Self as being in what you call “trouble.” You would not understand any life situation to be a problem. You would not encounter any circumstance with trepidation. You would put an end to all worry, doubt, and fear. You would live as you fantasize Adam and Eve lived—not as disembodied spirits in the realm of the absolute, but as embodied spirits in the realm of the relative. Yet you would have all the freedom, all the joy, all the peace, and all the wisdom, understanding and power of the Spirit you are. You would be a fully realized being.

This is the goal of your soul. This is its purpose—to fully realize itself while in the body; to become the embodiment of all that it really is.

This is My plan for you. This is My ideal: that I should become realized through you. That thus, concept is turned into experience, that I might know my Self experientially.

The Laws of the Universe are laws that I laid down. They are perfect laws, creating perfect function of the physical.

Have you ever seen anything more perfect than a snowflake? Its intricacy, its design, its symmetry, its conformity to itself and originality from all else—all are a mystery. You wonder at the miracle of this awesome display of Nature. Yet if I can do this with a single snowflake, what think you I can do—have done—with the universe?

Were you to see the symmetry of it, the perfection of its design—from the largest body to the smallest particle—you would not be able to hold the truth of it in your reality. Even now, as you get glimpses of it, you cannot yet imagine or understand its implications. Yet you can know there are implications—far more complex and far more extraordinary than your present comprehension can embrace. Your Shakespeare said it wonderfully: There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Then how can I know these laws? How can I learn them?

It is not a question of learning, but of remembering.

How can I remember them?

Begin by being still. Quiet the outer world, so that the inner world might bring you sight. This in-sight is what you seek, yet you cannot have it while you are so deeply concerned with your outer reality. Seek, therefore, to go within as much as possible. And when you are not going within, come from within as you deal with the outside world. Remember this axiom:

If you do not go within, you go without.

Put it in the first person as you repeat it, to make it more personal:
If I do not
go within
go without

You have been going without all your life. Yet you do not have to, and never did.

There is nothing you cannot be, there is nothing you cannot do. There is nothing you cannot have.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More Than Entertainment?

I'll start this post with a quote from "Conversations with God" for you to consider.

So go ahead now. Ask Me anything. Anything. I will contrive to bring you the answer. The whole universe will I use to do this. So be on the lookout. This book is far from My only tool. You may ask a question, then put this book down. But watch. Listen. The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The story line of the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses your ear—all these devices are Mine; all these avenues are open to Me. I will speak to you if you will listen. I will come to you if you will invite Me. I will show you then that I have always been there. All ways.

Fictional movies, books and television shows in a few select cases have given me a sense that they have a broad spiritual message for humanity. So if you have not yet completely given up on these sources of entertainment, then I have some recommendations for you.

The movie "Avatar" contains the subtle message that planets are living beings, to be respected rather than exploited. This is perhaps the most important message that people entering the Golden Age will need to understand. The book "The Hunger Games" contains the subtle message of how to survive the end of civilization. If the Founders are correct, millions will face the same situation as Katniss in just a few years time, but rather than face it with despair, Katniss shows how simple hunter/gatherer skills combined with bartering can enable you to survive. In that vein, I plan to start a series of posts on wild edibles in the near future. Finally, the television show "Avatar: The Last Airbender" contains the subtle message that higher spiritual beings take birth on occasion to restore balance to the planet. The sequel "The Legend of Korra" also looks promising.

To reach a wide audience, these messages are then wrapped in a highly entertaining package filled with action, adventure, romance and drama. Presented as harmless fiction, the message enters the subconscious of the audience without them fully realizing what has taken place - a shift in consciousness. This strategy has likely been used since ancient times, and can even be seen in the great mythological epics from cultures around the world.

In India, one such mythological epic is know as The Mahabharata, which contains plenty of action, adventure, romance and drama on the surface, but at its heart contains one of the greatest spiritual scriptures in the world: The Bhagavad Gita. So starting shortly, I will begin presenting my interpretation of that epic story in the hopes of creating a highly entertaining package with a subtle spiritual message hidden within.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Earth History (part 10)

This is the tenth and final post on the history of the Earth based on the book: "Earth Changes and 2012: Messages From the Founders". For the final chapter in this series, the Founders present the story of Jesus. The picture above is Mary Magdalene and Jesus depicted as married. It is from a stained glass window of a Dervaig, Scotland church, circa 1908. Use the link below to read the full message at the author`s web site.

The Founders on Earth History Part 10

The soul known as Jesus was a direct fragment of the Sananda lineage. In other words, Sananda was the oversoul of Jesus. Sananda, having watched as humankind once again floundered in sorrow and ignorance, and having a desire to intervene in the affairs of man in a way that respected free will, incarnated in approximately 39 B.C., as the son of Joseph and Mary. This much is in general agreement with the biblical story. Jesus' birth date was approximately March 31st.

Lord Sananda, an eighth density celestial being, incarnated as Jeshua, or Joshua, depending on whose translation you use. Being from eighth density, he retained many of his spiritual abilities, despite the very dense environment he was born into. As a young child he was very psychic and foresaw many of the events that would later come to pass. Mary and Joseph were at odds with the political establishment to some degree, and they were NOT married when Mary became pregnant. The "virgin birth" story is made up. Certain ET factions have the capabilities of impregnating women without going through normal sexual means, but in this case Jeshua came in through normal means.

To avoid the social and political consequences of giving birth out of wedlock, and to remove themselves from the oppressive beliefs of the authorities, Mary and Joseph migrated toward Galilee, and eventually near the Dead Sea, where they briefly took refuge with the Essenes. Mary and Joseph left Jeshua in their care and returned to Galilee. Jeshua later joined the Essene Order. He spent three years building temples and housing for the Essenes, while attending their sacred teachings and learning the Essene way. Along the banks of the Dead Sea, Jeshua learned to have respect for Mother Earth and had a hand in helping bring the much-needed rain, scarce in that region. The Essenes were strict vegetarians and taught a respect for all life forms. They were regarded as strange and anti-social by the governments of the land, but were left largely alone, as they seemed to pose no threat, and always paid their taxes, even though they did not believe in such matters.

When Jeshua turned about 16, he and a group of fellow Essenes traveled East to India, where he met several Indian gurus and saints. He studied for about two years with a guru, who taught him a great deal about the mysteries of life. When he returned (and during a dangerous visit to see his parents in Galilee), he met and fell in love with Mary Magdalene, who was a dancer and entertainer, and only very briefly prostituted herself when times were tough. Mary M and Jeshua were deeply in love with each other and had a child. Because they were not married, they too became social outlaws. Some of Jeshua's Essene friends allowed Mary M to stay at the temples with Jeshua, against the rules of the elders. Jeshua, Mary M and their young son traveled to India a second time, where the child was blessed by the gurus. Word got out that Mary M had an illegitimate child, although nobody seemed to know the father (outside of the Essenes). Fearing for the child's life, Mary M and Jeshua left the child temporarily in the care of an Indian saint, and returned to Galilee. It was a few years later before they could return to India, and although they missed their son terribly, they knew he was all right.

Mary M and Jeshua paid another visit to their son a few years later, but he remained in the care of the Indian saints when they returned. The political climate was too unstable to risk bringing the child back with them to Galilee. Despite the short time they spent with their son, their influence helped him greatly as he grew up in India. Their son became a wise sage and his teachings added significantly to the climate of India.

Jeshua received several visions from spirit and his soul family and was told to teach higher spiritual principles to anyone who would listen sincerely. He began teaching earnestly in his late twenties, and gathered quite a following. At one point he had about fifty disciples. He and Mary M kept their relationship and child a complete secret, not even discussing this with the closest disciples. Being highly clairvoyant, Jeshua saw that the authorities would eventually kill him, but he was told by his own God Self to stay his course and teach as many people as possible the ways of spirit.

Jeshua's teachings were highly distorted in the Bible, but a few truths managed to get through. He taught that we are all created in the image and likeness of our Creator, and that we all have the abilities he demonstrated. He taught us to love one another and to forgive our enemies. He did NOT teach that the way to God was through him alone. Several of his disciples learned how to use their spiritual gifts of healing and clairvoyance, and there are ample stories in the Bible of John going on to perform similar healings. The story of Jeshua's involvement in the Melchizedek priesthood is also in the Bible, in Hebrews Chapter 7. Once Jeshua reached a certain level of awareness, his cosmic family in the celestial realms began communicating with him and reminding him of his position within the Melchizedek priesthood.

When Jeshua was brought to the cross, he immediately left his body consciously, instead of suffering for three days as is taught erroneously. During his life he continually "forgave them for they knew not what they did". After leaving his body, he holographically projected himself back into human form to appear to his disciples and Mary M on numerous occasions. The body left the tomb because grave robbers stole it. He had no need to resurrect it, as he was already able to materialize a new body once he returned to eighth density.

Lord Sananda has fragmented his soul several more times throughout history. At the present time, there are eight fragments of Sananda on the Earth. Some of these souls believe they are Jesus, and to a certain extent they are correct. All great souls are capable of fragmenting themselves dozens of times in order to do service work on lower density planets. Usually oversouls fragment into 12 souls at a time, but this is not set in stone. Many fragments remain in the higher densities to guide the fragments in the lower worlds. The term “fragment” does not mean incomplete or partial. Each of these fragments is a complete and sovereign being. This channel uses the cell dividing analogy to explain this in his writings.

The "Second Coming of Christ" refers to the return to Christ consciousness, or the celestial consciousness of higher densities. This was correctly interpreted by your Paramahansa Yogananda and many other yogis and saints. As most of you know, traditional Christianity has very little to do with the teachings of Jeshua, and a whole lot to do with sin and guilt. Fortunately, many souls are expanding their awareness beyond these primitive beliefs. We the Founders are grateful to see so many truly doing the "greater works" that Jeshua taught.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Earth History (part 4)

This is the fourth of ten posts on the history of the Earth based on the book: "Earth Changes and 2012: Messages From the Founders". The story of Maldek is quite epic and one of my favorites. It speaks for itself, so no need for further comments. Just read and enjoy! Use the link below to read the full message at the author`s web site.

The Founders on Earth History Part 4

Your Earth was not the only planet in your system that received ET attention. Ten million years ago there were three planets that harbored life forms – Earth, Mars and Maldek. These were the third, fourth and fifth planets from your sun at the time. Yes, the environment on the fourth and fifth planets was colder and less hospitable than on Earth, but that did not stop the ETs from colonizing these worlds. Those that came to Mars and Maldek were adventurous sorts, willing to endure the harsh winters and barren landscapes that dotted these planets – although there were forests and plant life in the equatorial regions, and plenty of water and ice in the polar regions.

Many of those souls that perished during the great flood of Earth reincarnated on Mars and Maldek. The civilizations already developing on those worlds were from many different star systems, and now the Pleiadean root race joined the mix. As you can imagine, the beings now residing on those worlds had dropped in vibration to the fourth density. Souls born into a fourth density world did not receive the same kind of loving attention that souls in seventh density experience. These outer planets were therefore a repository for a bizarre array of thought forms and thought creations, thereby resulting in a rich and varied astral realm – the realm of thought creation, imagination and the dream state.

Throughout this period, many beings from across the galaxy had taken notice of the Earth experiment and its neighboring planets. A group of souls from the Draco star system sent scout craft to Earth about 40 million years ago, and again roughly one or two million years before the great flood (about 12 million years ago). Although they did not settle en masse, their reports back to the Draconian councils put Earth, Mars and Maldek “on the map” for exploration and possible conquest.

Another group, from the constellation of Orion, also took notice of the fledgling Earth souls and their compatriots on Mars and Maldek. We of the 7th and 12th densities were still monitoring the Earth experiment closely, and these less than savory civilizations from Orion and Draco were not able to gain a foothold on Earth due to our careful observation. It would have been like marching into our laboratory and announcing they were taking over the experiment. We had a protective vibration around Earth and things like this didn’t happen – at least not at that time. However, the same protections were not afforded Mars and Maldek because, quite frankly, that was not our terrain. These planets were more of a “free-for-all.” And so come they did, in small numbers at first, as scouts and small settlements amidst the existing communities. Once interbreeding began to occur, the souls from Orion and Draco began incarnating as well. The Draco reptilian form found it hard to adapt to the Mars and Maldek environments, and reincarnation became the preferred method of infusing oneself into these worlds.

Both the Orion and Draco systems had a wide variety of conscious beings, and the explorers who settled on Mars and Maldek were quite aggressive and warrior-like in their mentality. Their main purpose in coming to Earth’s solar system was conquest and mining of natural resources. Basically, anything that would give them power and prestige. These souls had long ago forgotten their connection to Source, and felt they needed to take from others in order to feel whole and complete.

It was not long before war started to break out on Mars and Maldek. Due to Mars’ proximity to Earth, and the watchful gaze of our members, the Orions and Draconians were less willing to reincarnate in mass numbers on Mars. They preferred the relative distance of Maldek. They began coming in record numbers and pretty soon the Maldekian civilization numbered in the millions of souls. They built great cities out of stone, and in matching their consciousness, these cities had great fortresses and towers to afford protection from attack.

At some point, the Maldekian peoples discovered neutron technology and began manufacturing bombs and wartime implements. At that time (several million years ago) there were no safeguards in place to prevent the runaway consequences of this technology. Although the Maldekian civilization began over ten million years ago in Earth time, it continued to evolve into a series of warring factions. This warring attracted the attention of both benevolent and malevolent ET groups from various systems around the galaxy, but because of the non-interference agreement and protection of free will, little was done to intervene.

About 3,200,000 years ago, the conflicts escalated and the neutron weapons were deployed. It was supposed to be a “limited nuclear exchange” between two of the warring factions. At this point the DNA of the souls were a mixture of Draconian and Orion strands, both of which contained the aggressive genes. Each side in this conflict (although both sides had similar DNA) wanted to outdo the other, and the weapons grew increasingly larger and more numerous. The first exchange only destroyed a few thousand humanoids. The side most damaged would rebuild and retaliate, each time with greater devastation. Although it seemed to be discovered by accident, a particularly powerful neutron bomb was developed using a rare combination of elemental catalysts. The scientists involved in its development did not realize the extent of its destructive capabilities. This weapon was fired at a military base hidden underground in enemy territory. Within this base were hundreds of neutron weapons. The enemy, realizing the bomb was coming, attempted to get their base weapons airborne. Several dozen of the several hundred weapons were launched and exploded in the sky, creating a brilliant flash. However, they were unable to intercept the oncoming more powerful weapon and it entered the silos of the enemy and simultaneously ignited over 200 weapons buried in the ground. The combination of the explosion of the more powerful weapon and the 200 conventional nuclear weapons resulted in a powerful earthquake that tore apart the planet of Maldek and eventually broke it into hundreds of fragments, which became the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Over ten million souls perished in the blast, and these souls later reincarnated on Mars. We and the other benevolent groups were horrified at what happened and petitioned the Godhead for a greater level of intervention to prevent this from ever happening again. The resulting blast altered the orbits of Mars and Earth and severely disrupted the etheric bases on Jupiter and Saturn. A wave of electromagnetic disruption went out from the solar system and beings from all over the galaxy took notice. A council was convened in the Alcyone system, home of the Great White Brotherhood, and it was established that no more complete planetary destruction would be allowed anywhere in the galaxy.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Earth History (part 2)

This is the second of ten posts on the history of the Earth based on the book: "Earth Changes and 2012: Messages From the Founders". Use the link below to read the full message at the author`s web site.

The Founders on Earth History Part 2

As life began evolving from first density up through the various mineral and plant stages, there eventually came a level of sophistication and awareness, known as the animal stage, wherein it became possible for the higher-density souls to incarnate directly into the flesh and blood of these evolving life forms. This is the part that is hard to understand for most of you, but it is as if a tiny fragment of yourself (the animal consciousness) was reunited with the larger part of yourself (your 7D consciousness). To incarnate into an animal form, the tiny aspect (the consciousness of the animal) would have to merge with the larger aspect (the consciousness of the incarnating soul). The cosmic inbreath involves the merging and assimilating of soul fragments into larger and larger conglomerations of consciousness. Incarnation is one way this process is accomplished. The pinnacle of this evolutionary process is the humanoid form.

This humanoid form you find yourselves embodying was originally designed to be capable of experiencing seven different dimensions simultaneously. It had the capability to sit, stand, walk, run, leap, fly, and teleport itself from one place to another. All of these were considered valuable experiences of physicality and ethereality, for this body you inhabit was quasi-physical in the sense that it could be made translucent and fluid, or it could be as solid as you experience it now. This body was designed specifically to work with the gravitational and electromagnetic fields of evolving planets, and its density could be shifted at will from the first through seventh level.

During the 900 million year period of experimentation, there were many strange and exotic forms walking upon your planet. You are familiar with some of them, including the dinosaurs. These DNA forms were created as byproducts of our research, and the research of other groups who worked with us. There was a period known in your mythology as the Land of Pan. This civilization took place near the beginning of the 100 million year cycle, which is, incidentally, about one-half of a revolution of your sun around the central sun of your galaxy.

During the time of Pan, or Pangaea, as it is sometimes called, the DNA experimentation was still going on, and there were no safeguards built into the "Earth laboratory." This meant that various life forms could interbreed and create other exotic blends and hybrids. You are perhaps familiar with the Pegasis and Centaur and other creatures resembling a cross between horses and man, or horses and angels. There were many bizarre creatures roaming your world, all a product of genetic experimentation and interspecies breeding.

Embedded within the genetic codes of every species was the Infinite Creator's plan of evolution, known as the inbreath of Creation. The inbreath of Creation issues forth the universal law of increasing intelligence and self-awareness. All life forms during the inbreath have a blueprint of ascension along the evolutionary spiral, and so as the bizarre lifeforms of Pan began to grow in awareness, they developed various levels of judgment and discernment, through various mental and emotional faculties. They began to become aware of their Creator, and they also began to become aware that they were spirits embedded in various physical and etheric forms. As sparks of the original undifferentiated Source energy, they felt a longing to return to that Source. They began to realize that a part of that Source had split off from the vastness of Love and Light, and was going through this outer experience of embodiment. This is the allegorical reference to the tree of knowledge of good and evil in your religious teachings.

These life forms were given a realm of Creation in which to learn how to become Gods in their own right. This realm is known as the fourth dimension, or the realm of mind and knowledge and imagination. Within the blueprint of every life form is the desire to create like the Creator, just as within every child born of a human parent are the potentialities, hopes and desires of the parents. Every spark of divinity, as it experienced the various physical embodiments and species, was also developing its desire to become a Creator.

The Infinite Creator made a decision, a long time ago in Earthly terms, to place no limits on what could be created by its fledgling children. This was known as the Law of Free Will, and this Law has been the source of all pain and misery upon your world and countless others. The Creator gave each one of you the ability to create unlike the perfect blueprint. Within your fourth dimensional canvas, you could paint any picture you desired, from the lovely to the grotesque. The Creator wanted to experience every conceivable idea and see it manifest on the canvas of the imagination. And so it is that many of the Creator's flegling life forms experimented with their own DNA to the point of creating mishapen, malformed and convoluted creatures, with similar convoluted mental processes.

More details on how a 7D soul incarnates into a physical form, plus the first civilization on Earth is introduced: Pangaea. A time when mythological creatures roamed the Earth.

Earth History (part 1)

This next series of posts on the history of the Earth continues my summary of the Founders from their book: "Earth Changes and 2012: Messages From the Founders". The author, Sal Rachele, has made the messages that form this section of the book available for free online. I will go through all 10 parts in my next 10 posts, but I encourage you to read the full messages directly from his web site.

The Founders on Earth History Part 1

This Universe you find yourselves in began about 20 billion years ago as a point of light within the Mind of God. This point of light was contained within a greater point of light, which was contained within a greater point, etc., into infinity. There is an aspect of the Godhead that has always existed and that expands and contracts an infinite number of times. All of life is continually expanding and contracting, much like that device you look through with the colored glass - the kaleidoscope.

During one of the expansion phases, approximately 4.5 billion years ago, your world you call Earth was formed out of primordial dust and gas. Like all newly formed worlds, it was mostly hydrogen and a few other gases, not containing the kind of life you know. Throughout this physical chemical process, the Godhead, in an expansion phase, differentiated itself into units of consciousness, which later became known as "souls". These original souls, called the Founders, are what we represent to you. We were the original sparks of light that were showered out from the Infinite Source during this expansion. Our individuality began approximately one billion years ago, and we went forth to explore the creation.

We found millions of planets in their early stages of development, including your world, and we remained in the form of sparks, although actually to you we look like large blue-white stars. Due to our relatively rarified level of vibration (compared to the vibratory states of these worlds), we were unable to experience life directly on any of these worlds, so we would simply overlight, or hover above the atmosphere of these worlds and observe the chemical processes taking place.

At some point in the distorted time-space continuum, we decided to imbed a tiny part of ourselves into the evolving worlds in order to experience them more directly. To do this, we created a multitude of energy patterns, precursors to what you call the DNA molecule. You would call these precursors, "light packets" of conscious energy. These light packets were able to descend in vibration down to what you would call the 9th or 10th density. At that point, we were able to create intricate configurations of light codes, which you now call DNA keys. These DNA keys were the actual building blocks of life as you know it. We then densified these keys down to what you call 7th density, the first level of the actual DNA codes. As 7th density beings, we were finally able to experience this expanding Universe directly as inhabitants of evolving worlds.

We scattered our seed throughout the Universe, going to many regions of the ever-expanding galactic clusters. As the clusters differentiated further into individual galaxies, we began the process described above and "incarnated" into several regions of each galaxy. Your galaxy, the one you call the Milky Way, was seeded in several quadrants. Your quadrant began in what you call the Lyra/Vega region. It is here that the first 7th density forms were manifested, through manipulating and permutating the DNA codes. It took us nearly 900 million years to perfect this process, and it is only within the last 100 million years that we were able to create life forms in all the densities down to 3rd density.

God created the Founders about 1 billion years ago, and they in turn created all of the 7D souls in the universe, including us. Around 100 million years ago we began our journey down to 3D.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Divine Dispensations (part 4)

This is the fourth and final post on The Divine Dispensations, summarizing the Founders from their book: "Earth Changes and 2012: Messages From the Founders". The previous posts covered the first six Dispensations and can be read here:

The seventh Dispensation is The Intervention of God's Helpers and the eighth is The Arrival of the Enlightened Children. The idea behind the eighth dispensation is to bring about change from within society, and the best way to do this is through the incarnational process. There have been three waves of enlightened children born. The first wave was during the 1950's and 1960s baby boom, and are known as the Indigo Children. The second wave was during the 1980's and 1990's, and these are the Crystal Children. The third wave is still in progress and these are the Rainbow Children.

The Founders say that each group was more advanced than the previous group, so I would guess that the Indigos mostly came in at a 4D level of consciousness, while the Crystals at 5D and the Rainbows at 6D/7D. The Indigos, who are now adults, are the ones giving birth to the Crystal and Rainbow Children. The Founders describe a 7D Rainbow Child as having perfectly developed telepathic abilities and the ability to trigger spontaneous healing. They can mentally move objects that are nearby (psychokinesis) as well as far away (telekinesis). Eventually, they will learn levitation, teleportation and bilocation.

I've left the seventh Dispensation for last, as it was a modification of the Nostradamus prophecies. The channeled Nostradamus books had stated that ET intervention in the affairs of humans was not condoned by God, so all of the "good" ETs stayed clear, and only the "bad" ETs interfered (abductions, etc.). As such Nostradamus predicted a nuclear world war 3 and large scale destruction of the planet and human life. He felt only about 100 million humans would survive to see the Golden Age. As of 2007, the Founders state that God had now allowed ET intervention for disabling nuclear, neutron, electromagnetic and chemical weapons. This in turn avoids world war 3 and allows for 1 to 2 billion humans to survive to see the Golden Age, with post-2012 Ascension symptoms being the primary cause of death for the other 5 to 6 billion.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Divine Dispensations (part 3)

This is the third in my series of posts on The Divine Dispensations, summarizing the Founders from their book: "Earth Changes and 2012: Messages From the Founders". The previous posts covered the first four Dispensations and can be read here:

The fifth Dispensation is the The Spiral of Ascension. This Dispensation was introduced to address the problem of memory loss between lifetimes as discussed in part 2. It allowed for the physical human body to advance up with the soul to the next density level. Previously, you had to live in a 3D/4D body and constantly fight the tendency of the soul being pulled down to that level while trying to evolve up to 7D. On top of that, you had to relearn everything if you happened to die before reaching 7D.

The Founders talk about three types of bodies: physical, etheric and celestial. The physical body is conducive to 3D/4D, the etheric body is conducive to 5D/6D, and the celestial body is for 7D/8D/9D. They also use the terms carbon-based, silicon-based, and lithium-based; but note that the silicon/lithium bodies they are talking about are not visible to the optic nerve of a carbon-based human. They also use the term crystal body when referring to the 5D/6D form. The full name would be the silicon-based etheric crystal humanoid light form.

The Spiral of Ascension Dispensation allows for the physical human form to mutate into the etheric crystal form. However, for this to happen a soul was required to have most of its soul fragments reassembled in order to activate the Ascension Master Template DNA key mutation code. After 10,000,000 years of human life on Earth (I'll discuss our past in a future series of posts), only 300 souls have managed to meet this requirement; nowhere near good enough, so God issued The Mass Ascension Dispensation.

The Mass Ascension Dispensation was issued in 1950 and removes the requirement of needing to have most of your soul fragments reassembled in order to activate the Ascension transformation. If you remember from part 2, the Galactic Shift also began in 1950, so looking at the combined view we see that prior to 1950, the Earth was conducive to the 3D/4D human form, but during the Galactic Shift transformation it will gradually cease to support 3D human life. After 2100 it will only support the 4D physical human form as well as the new 5D etheric human form. Of course, as before, higher density beings will still be able to incarnate on Earth, but 3D humans will no longer be able to survive. The peak of this transition occurs between the years 2015 and 2035, when most humans will either evolve to 4D/5D or leave the Earth and incarnate on another planet still suitable for 3D human life. As discussed in part 1, the primary distinguishing characteristic between a 4D human and a 3D human is Love. The only emotion felt and expressed by a 4D human is Love. This is all that is required for you to move with the Earth into the Golden Age, and the way to purify your emotions is with a daily spiritual practice.

Once a soul reaches 4D they fully understand that the purpose of life is soul evolution, so God finally had a way of guaranteeing the return of all souls to 7D. Those souls that choose to remain in 3D will keep having to go through the Mass Ascensions and Galactic Shifts until they finally decide to make the shift to 4D. This was good, but God still wasn't happy, and another two more Dispensations were granted.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Divine Dispensations (part 2)

This is the second in my series of posts on The Divine Dispensations, summarizing the Founders from their book: "Earth Changes and 2012: Messages From the Founders". The previous post covered the first Dispensation "The Answer to the Separation" and can be read here:

The second Dispensation is the The Wheel of Reincarnation. It allows a soul fragment or incomplete soul to incarnate into human form. So in addition to solving the problem of involuntary fragmentation as discussed in part 1, voluntary fragmentation now also became possible. Through voluntary fragmentation a soul could incarnate on multiple planets simultaneously or even multiple times on the same planet. Also, fragmentation was not limited to 3D/4D environments, but could be used to incarnate into 5D and 6D environments as well. Today almost all humans on Earth are soul fragments. The only humans with a 7D soul are either avatars, walk-ins (Swami Rama was a walk-in), or part of The Enlightened Children Dispensation. So while this allowed a soul to greatly increase the amount it could experience simultaneously, it also introduced more problems. Due to the past life memory loss that occurs between lifetimes, souls were still making little to no progress in evolving back to 7D. The Spiral of Ascension Dispensation directly addresses this problem, but to understand that the two astronomical Dispensations need to be understood first.

The first of the astronomical Dispensations is the Precessional Alignment, which occurs once every 25,920 years. The next alignment will occur on December 21, 2012, where the poles of our planet will align with a group of quasars near the center of the milky way galaxy that are emitting scalar electromagnetic impulses. The effect of these impulses is to cause a sudden jump in soul integration/evolution as well as species evolution. This affects not only humans, but all life on Earth. Those already engaged in a spiritual practice and are familiar with the side effects of the resulting soul integration/evolution will notice only a stronger effect on that date, but those that are unaware of these side effects may not handle them that well. However, all of the hype surrounding December 21, 2012 is actually somewhat misplaced, as the precessional alignment is really only a preview of the main event coming later, which is the Galactic Shift.

The Galactic Shift, the second of the astronomical Dispensations, occurs once every 108 million years for our solar system. It takes 216 million years for our sun to make one revolution around the center of the milky way galaxy, so the Galactic Shift occurs twice per revolution. The Founders state that our scientists haven't factored in certain time/space distortions, so they think one revolution takes longer: 227 million years. The Galactic Shift is an emanation from the Central Sun of each galaxy that affects all solar systems in its path. Our solar system began the Galactic Shift around 1950 which will finish around 2100, but unlike the precessional alignment which is a one shot burst of energy, the Galactic Shift is a permanent change in energy level of the entire solar system. The remaining Dispensations have all been put into place to maximize the number of humans that are able to move with the Earth to this new higher energy level.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Divine Dispensations (part 1)

For the next few posts I'll try to summarize the most important information given by the Founders in their book Earth Changes and 2012: Messages From the Founders. Due to the nature of a summary there will be plenty of holes and gaps, but you will at least be introduced to some of the concepts. I've already provided two posts with important concepts explained that you should read first.

Now before I get to the Divine Dispensations, you need to understand the story of the human soul. We reside in one of many universes. In most universes, the beings act according to God's will, but in our universe God decided to experiment with free will. We were all created/born as 7D beings/souls with free will. Some chose to immediately evolve up to 8D in their journey to 12D, while we chose to first go down to 3D before evolving back up.

When I say down to 3D, there are three things to consider: soul/consciousness, vehicle/body, and environment. The Earth is currently an environment that is conducive to 3D and 4D souls. The carbon-based human form is also conducive to 3D and 4D souls. Our soul started as 7D, but when we incarnated into a human body on Earth, the vibration of our soul was also pulled down to a 3D/4D vibration. We forgot we were actually 7D beings that needed to evolve back to that state. The Divine Dispensations were introduced by God to help us evolve back up to 7D. Here's the list given by the Founders:

  • The Answer to the Separation
  • The Wheel of Reincarnation
  • The Precessional Alignments (every 25,920 years)
  • The Galactic Shifts (every 108 million years)
  • The Spiral of Ascension
  • The Mass Ascension
  • The Intervention of God's Helpers (Avatars and ETs)
  • The Enlightened Children

The Answer to the Separation, is God's answer to us forgetting that we are 7D beings who are one with God rather than separate from God. God programmed our DNA with certain keys and codes that would trigger at various intervals. As they trigger it creates an ever increasing desire within the individual to pursue a spiritual practice, which is the means for raising the vibration of the soul back to 7D. Initially this worked fine as the Earth was a clean and pure 4D environment, and humans were loving 4D beings that lived for thousands of years. This was enough time for the soul to evolve back to 7D.

At some point though 4D began to drop to 3D. How this happened is probably best explained by Anastasia. At 4D everyone feels equally loved, but then one day one person felt they were receiving less love than someone else, and the descent to 3D had begun; all of the other negative emotions began to pile in.

Up until this point God only knew love. He had never experienced a negative emotion before (God experiences what we experience). He was overjoyed to learn something new through this experience. In fact, negative emotions opened the door on a whole range of experience and learning on a massive scale. The experiment was proving to be a huge success. However, God also knew as did the souls who chose to travel to Earth that the risks of not being able to get back to 7D would be enormous, but God promised that no soul would be left behind.

Also, it is only through negativity that we are able to experience love in all of its different flavors, and the souls who make the sacrifice to provide us that negativity are making the biggest sacrifice of all. This point is also made in the "Conversations with God" books.

So the experience of negative emotions not only reduced our vibration 3D, but also caused our souls to fragment. All emotions with attachment cause soul fragmentation, which is why detachment is important. Even love given with an expectation of receiving something in return causes soul fragmentation. The only positive emotion is selfless or unconditional love. Love given freely with no attachment or expectation. Given this, many of us have now fragmented our souls into millions of pieces. Soul integration (bringing the pieces back together) is accomplished through a daily spiritual practice.

Now back to our story. The negative emotions and resulting fragmentation of our soul caused our bodies to decay faster and soon we started dying before getting back to 7D. So when we returned to spirit form after death our souls were incomplete and we had no mechanism to reassemble them. This required God to come up with another Dispensation and so The Wheel of Reincarnation was born.

Friday, March 19, 2010

God on the Golden Age

Since 2001 I'd focused my attention on Kriya Yoga while waiting for more of the Nostradamus prophecies to come true, then in 2008 the global financial crisis hit. Around the same time trailers for the film 2012 also started playing. My interest in the Golden Age was once again renewed, and after a bit of searching I discovered Matthew Ward.

Matthew publishes monthly updates on humanity's journey to the Golden Age. His main message on the Golden Age was published on December 31, 2007. It begins with God speaking to Matthew's mother, Suzy.

God - All right, Suzy, let’s talk about this topic that’s looming larger as the days pass: What will happen when you cross off the last day of 2011 on your calendar and you pin up the one for 2012? The thoughts in many minds about that year range from the sublime to the ridiculous, and since the latter is so quickly addressed, that’s where I’ll begin.

No, your world is not going to end. Earth is an eternal soul inhabiting a planetary body, and now that it’s back from the brink of destruction— thanks to the infusion of light from your “space” neighbors—and on the way back to its original vibrant health and beauty, she’s going to keep it for a long time to come.

With “ridiculous” accounted for, what is the “sublime” that you can expect 2012 to bring? Like everything else that happens anywhere, the choice is up to individuals, the decisions each makes. What I can tell you with certainty is, you who make the trip with Earth into the higher planes will be living in the promised Golden Age. In numerous of his messages, my Matthew-Self has accurately described the changes and challenges during the transition between now and your world in 2012 with its astounding differences that you will welcome wholeheartedly.

Suzy, I need your proficiency here, to find all the parts of his messages about this and organize and edit them so the information flows nicely and there’s no superfluous or repetitious material. So, will you work with me on this?

Suzy – Well, of course, if that’s what you want. But I’m curious—why you don’t just talk about this yourself?

God –I know all about your curiosity, Suzy. My preference for Matthew’s words goes back to this “umbrella God” of yours, the indivisible sum of every single soul in this universe, and to you, that collective multidimensional intelligence is inconceivable. It is to everyone there, and that’s my point. I want the information to come from a highly evolved soul whose fairly recent life on Earth and love bonds with some souls living there is a personal perspective as well as an authentic account of Earth’s journey into the Golden Age and what life there will be like. I can’t think of a more appropriate soul than your dear son, can you?

Suzy –God, you know perfectly well you’re playing up to my maternal genes, don’t you!

Yes, I do believe this is the same God that spoke with Neale in "Conversations with God". I don't believe Nostradamus ever made a clear link between 2012 and the Golden Age, but God certainly does. In my next post, I'll dive into Matthew's description of the Golden Age in detail.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Conversations with God

While I have no end of praise for the previously mentioned two yoga books, I've discovered that most people are not ready for the information they contain. The Nostradamus books also fall in the same category. Given that spiritual understanding is the single most important prerequisite for the Golden Age, I began looking for a more gentle mainstream introduction to the basic concepts and discovered the "Conversations with God" series.

Yes, more conversations through the spiritual dimensions of the universe, but no hypnosis this time. Neale heard the voice of God directly in his head. Do I believe he heard the voice of the one and only God of this universe? Well, yes, as close as words are able to provide an experience of God. God himself says that feeling, thought and experience are much better ways to have deeper and more meaningful knowledge of God. He goes on to say that the ultimate experience of God is known as Samadhi or the ending of the perceived separation between Man and God.

The renunciate seeks to end this separation through the experience some Eastern mystics have called Samadhi. That is, oneness and union with God; a melding with and melting into divinity.

I believe in the coming months millions of people are going to begin making a serious effort to figure out the truth for themselves. The spiritual path to Samadhi is the path to that truth.