Desyray– I loved your story; I could totally relate. Your photos are nice. You hair is beautiful! I can definitely see “FREE” in your 1st and 4th images, your smiles look natural and you look relaxed. Overall, nice job.
ReShonda– Loving the hair!! Love the photographs!! Your mighty mane looked mighty beautiful. Looove the “natural backgrounds” in your photos. Images 4, 5 and 7 are your best because you look most comfortable and relaxed…NATURAL. You looked a little stiff in the remaining photos. Super cute outfits. I think I would have rather seen a big red hobo bag more so than the hat that really served no purpose but all-in-all seeing your photos would make me want your hair. Good job!
Chassity– You’re right, being “FIERCE” is a choice and you did it well! You look brilliant in basic black. Love the hair/makeup and simple accessories. The body movements/poses were relaxed and natural. The facial expressions were great in every photo. The first 2 photos screamed fierce with a capital “F”. What can I say… as a reader, I would want to be this girl. Gorgeous.
Kala G.- I like that you attempted to show the different sides to your personality. The 1st photo, in regards to styling, I think the look would have been better without the jacket. The 2 different prints would have made better sense with your unapologetic anthem but regardless I still like the fact that you mixed the two prints…that’s something I would do. I would have liked for you to have shown more of your hair. It’s so beautiful and you have so much of it that I feel you could have done more with it to make your photos a little more eye-catching. In regards to “Unique” being your muse, you could have really gone far to bring that point of view to us.
Carlie– You made me smile when you said you wanted people to say, “wow, I want my hair like that”. NOW you’re thinking like a model! You want the readers/viewers to WANT TO BE YOU.. WANT THAT PRODUCT/ITEM. Photos 1, 2 and 4 are your best. The makeup is electric and I love that you were one with NATURE by being on the grass. In the first photo, that color blue and that type of fabric looks great on you! Your hair looks great and yes, I would want your hair!
Jalitia– First of all, it might have been a blessing that both your photographers cancelled. Frankly I looove the 2nd and 4th photo!! I love film and the unique look it gives to images. Fierce was your muse and fierce is what comes to mind when I see photo #2. Up to this point your photos didn’t stand out to me but honestly photos 2 and 4 are your best photos today. The black/white photo would have been great as well IF you had some life in your eyes and the body was positioned differently. The shadows are great and the flowers are a nice touch. I like the afro/braids combo style. I would have liked to have seen a little more detail in regards to the hairstyle since you were promoting the Kynx product but all-in-all you’ve done a much better job with this challenge but you still need to work on your facial expressions and displaying life in your eyes.
Nefertiti– A bold move to try to represent all 5 muses.. I like that!!! And the stories that went along with each muse were awesome. The first 2 photos are great. I don’t like the harsh dark shadows on the remaining photos because it makes it difficult to see the hair. I think it would have been better to have a different outfit per muse and a different hair style per muse to show range in regards to the “fierce”, “free” and “unique” muses. Those things as a whole would have made me want your hair and what you were selling.
We’re getting down to the wire and we’re almost left with the top models in this competition. NOW it’s getting difficult. My top 3 are: Chassity, ReShonda, and Carlie
My pick to leave this week will be: Kala G. My challenge winner is: Chassity