StampitOOP is better with stamps: Composable object factories.
Stars: ✭ 3,021 (+8064.86%)
Design-PatternsProject for learning and discuss about design patterns
Stars: ✭ 16 (-56.76%)
Lw oopcmodified from
Stars: ✭ 159 (+329.73%)
BashClassBashClass is an Object Oriented Programming language that compiles to BASH 4.4
Stars: ✭ 40 (+8.11%)
MooseMultiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment
Stars: ✭ 652 (+1662.16%)
Lucene SolrApache Lucene and Solr open-source search software
Stars: ✭ 4,217 (+11297.3%)
Spark SolrTools for reading data from Solr as a Spark RDD and indexing objects from Spark into Solr using SolrJ.
Stars: ✭ 411 (+1010.81%)
Designpatternsphpsample code for several design patterns in PHP 8
Stars: ✭ 20,158 (+54381.08%)
MovementMovement is an easier, simpler way to explore and use NIEM. Want to join the Movement and contribute to it? Start here.
Stars: ✭ 19 (-48.65%)
Xxl CrawlerA distributed web crawler framework.(分布式爬虫框架XXL-CRAWLER)
Stars: ✭ 561 (+1416.22%)
AttrsPython Classes Without Boilerplate
Stars: ✭ 3,786 (+10132.43%)
PrimroseA syntax-highlighting text editors that renders to an HTML5 Canvas
Stars: ✭ 451 (+1118.92%)
BlacklightBlacklight provides a discovery interface for any Solr ( index.
Stars: ✭ 670 (+1710.81%)
GlobjectsC++ library strictly wrapping OpenGL objects.
Stars: ✭ 431 (+1064.86%)
EssaEmbeddable SCADA for Small Applications
Stars: ✭ 7 (-81.08%)
JanusgraphJanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database
Stars: ✭ 4,277 (+11459.46%)
Bash Oo FrameworkBash Infinity is a modern standard library / framework / boilerplate for Bash
Stars: ✭ 5,247 (+14081.08%)
SparklerSpark-Crawler: Apache Nutch-like crawler that runs on Apache Spark.
Stars: ✭ 362 (+878.38%)
WukongAn ORM Client library for SolrCloud
Stars: ✭ 10 (-72.97%)
RubyThe Ruby Programming Language [mirror]
Stars: ✭ 18,713 (+50475.68%)
GobyGoby - Yet another programming language written in Go
Stars: ✭ 3,296 (+8808.11%)
Laconia🏺 A minimalist MVC framework.
Stars: ✭ 307 (+729.73%)
ForexFortran User Defined Exceptions Handler
Stars: ✭ 17 (-54.05%)
Php Docker Boilerplate🍲 PHP Docker Boilerplate for Symfony, Wordpress, Joomla or any other PHP Project (NGINX, Apache HTTPd, PHP-FPM, MySQL, Solr, Elasticsearch, Redis, FTP)
Stars: ✭ 503 (+1259.46%)
Manong Ssm基于SSM框架的Java电商项目
Stars: ✭ 306 (+727.03%)
Proxymanager🎩✨🌈 OOP Proxy wrappers/utilities - generates and manages proxies of your objects
Stars: ✭ 4,556 (+12213.51%)
Go2o基于DDD的o2o的业务模型及基础, 使用Golang+gRPC/Thrift实现
Stars: ✭ 700 (+1791.89%)
EoEOLANG, the Programming Language
Stars: ✭ 442 (+1094.59%)
Dockerfiles50+ DockerHub public images for Docker & Kubernetes - Hadoop, Kafka, ZooKeeper, HBase, Cassandra, Solr, SolrCloud, Presto, Apache Drill, Nifi, Spark, Consul, Riak, TeamCity and DevOps tools built on the major Linux distros: Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu
Stars: ✭ 847 (+2189.19%)
Wordpress Plugin SkeletonA WordPress plugin skeleton built using object-oriented principles and the MVC pattern.
Stars: ✭ 434 (+1072.97%)
KvisionObject oriented web framework for Kotlin/JS
Stars: ✭ 658 (+1678.38%)
RsolrA Ruby client for Apache Solr
Stars: ✭ 416 (+1024.32%)
Drl Theme ManagerXcode File Template to generate theme manager for Swift 3+
Stars: ✭ 12 (-67.57%)
Devops Python Tools80+ DevOps & Data CLI Tools - AWS, GCP, GCF Python Cloud Function, Log Anonymizer, Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Impala, Linux, Docker, Spark Data Converters & Validators (Avro/Parquet/JSON/CSV/INI/XML/YAML), Travis CI, AWS CloudFormation, Elasticsearch, Solr etc.
Stars: ✭ 406 (+997.3%)
CactoosObject-Oriented Java primitives, as an alternative to Google Guava and Apache Commons
Stars: ✭ 615 (+1562.16%)
GravityGravity Programming Language
Stars: ✭ 3,968 (+10624.32%)
Wp ControllersThe OOP Developer's best friend for working with objects in WordPress
Stars: ✭ 25 (-32.43%)
Design PatternsContains examples of design patterns that implemented in php
Stars: ✭ 375 (+913.51%)
PysolrPysolr — Python Solr client
Stars: ✭ 582 (+1472.97%)
MonkeyInterpreter with support for class, linq, sql, net, http, fmt, json and A realtime syntax highlighting REPL.
Stars: ✭ 347 (+837.84%)
Git To SolrIndex git history into a Solr repository
Stars: ✭ 31 (-16.22%)
Java design patternsJava 实现的面向对象设计模式示例, 创建者、抽象工厂、工厂方法、原型、单例、适配器、桥接、组合、装饰器、备忘录、观察者、状态、策略、模板方法、访问者
Stars: ✭ 547 (+1378.38%)
30log30 lines library for object orientation in Lua
Stars: ✭ 313 (+745.95%)'s relevancy feedback solr plugin created by Simon Hughes (Dice). Contains request handlers for doing MLT style recommendations, conceptual search, semantic search and personalized search
Stars: ✭ 19 (-48.65%)
Dynamix🍥 A new take on polymorphism in C++
Stars: ✭ 504 (+1262.16%)
SolrnetSolr client for .Net
Stars: ✭ 853 (+2205.41%)
Akita🚀 State Management Tailored-Made for JS Applications
Stars: ✭ 3,338 (+8921.62%)
Stars: ✭ 16,163 (+43583.78%)
Taoshop开源电子商务项目,SpringBoot+Dubbo技术栈实现微服务,实现一款分布式集群的电商系统. 项目releases链接: (开发中...)
Stars: ✭ 491 (+1227.03%)
SolidКнига о принципах объектно-ориентированного дизайна SOLID
Stars: ✭ 280 (+656.76%)
DesignpatternslibraryA comprehensive design patterns library implemented in C#, which covers various design patterns from the most commonly used ones to the lesser-known ones. Get familiar with and learn design patterns through moderately realistic examples.
Stars: ✭ 485 (+1210.81%)
SunspotSolr-powered search for Ruby objects
Stars: ✭ 2,934 (+7829.73%)
Trace.moeAnime Scene Search by Image
Stars: ✭ 3,231 (+8632.43%)
Stars: ✭ 12,009 (+32356.76%)
SolrbulkSOLR bulk indexing utility for the command line.
Stars: ✭ 35 (-5.41%)
WenoofWENO interpolation Object Oriented Fortran library
Stars: ✭ 27 (-27.03%)