APSL / Puput
Programming Languages
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Puput
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Puput is a powerful and simple Django app to manage a blog. It uses the awesome Wagtail CMS <https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail>
_ as content management system.
Puput is the catalan name for Hoopoe <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoopoe>
_ which is indeed a beautiful bird.
.. image:: http://i.imgur.com/3ByGQb6.png
Visit the documentation <http://puput.readthedocs.org>
_ for an in-depth look at Puput.
* Built with Wagtail CMS and Django
* Inspired in Wordpress and Zinnia
* Simple & responsive HTML template by default
* SEO friendly urls
* Support for Disqus comments
* Entries by author, tags, categories, archives and search term
* Last & popular entries
* Configurable sidebar widgets
* RSS feeds
* Related entries
* Extensible entry model
* Configurable default template color
* Social share of blog entries (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)
.. image:: http://i.imgur.com/d13sGI3.png
Examples of blog sites made with Puput
Open Study Room <https://openstudyroom.org/blog/>
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Ncora Blog <https://www.ncora.com/blog/>
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Ncora TV <https://www.ncora.com/tv/>
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APSL <https://www.apsl.net/blog/>
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Nautic Advisor <https://www.nauticadvisor.com/blog/>
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Trespams <http://trespams.com/blog/>
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Body Therapy <http://bodytherapy.ru/blog/>
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Astro <http://www.mallorcasoft.es/blog/>
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Kontrabando Film Festival <https://www.kontrabandofilmfestival.org/blog/>
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IP/DE <https://ipde.com/>
The setup process is explained `here <http://puput.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup.html>`_.
Related repositories
wordpress-to-puput <https://github.com/APSL/wordpress-to-puput/>
_: Import your Wordpress blog data into Puput. -
blogger-to-puput <https://github.com/APSL/blogger-to-puput/>
_: Import your Blogger blog data into Puput. -
zinnia-to-puput <https://github.com/APSL/zinnia-to-puput/>
_: Import your Zinnia blog data into Puput. -
docker-puput <https://github.com/APSL/docker-puput/>
_: Docker image for Puput blog. -
puput-demo <https://github.com/APSL/puput-demo/>
_: An example of blog Django app using Puput. -
divio-wagtail-puput <https://github.com/divio/divio-wagtail-puput/>
_: A Divio Cloud addon to install the Wagtail Puput weblog.