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All Projects → tonyday567 → mvc-todo

tonyday567 / mvc-todo

Licence: BSD-3-Clause license
A haskell implementation of todoMVC

Programming Languages

3896 projects

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Haskell TodoMVC Example

Haskell is a strongly-typed, lazily-evaluated, functional programming language.

This example demonstrates an idiomatic haskell approach to the TodoMVC problem domain involving:

  • compilation of haskell to javascript using ghcjs.
  • The specification of a Model representing the problem domain, consisting of
  • specification of Abstract Data Types (ADTs) for inputs, state and outputs.
  • an algebra between state and actions.
  • Use of the mvc library for specification, asynchronicity and separation of model, view and controllers.
  • The creation of Views that consume model outputs, by using vanilla javascript effects.
  • The creation of Controllers that produce model inputs, by listening for Dom events using vanilla javascript.


The recipe below handles the bits and bobs you need to do every re-compile. This includes a compression step via closure.

stack build --exec "pandoc -f markdown -i other/ -t html -o index.html --filter pandoc-include" --exec "java -jar $(stack path --local-bin)/closure-compiler-v20170124.jar --js_output_file=other/mvc-todo-auto.js $(stack path --local-install-root)/bin/mvc-todo-auto.jsexe/all.js" --exec "java -jar $(stack path --local-bin)/closure-compiler-v20170124.jar --js_output_file=other/mvc-todo.js $(stack path --local-install-root)/bin/mvc-todo.jsexe/all.js"
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