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SyReNN: Symbolic Representations for Neural Networks


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SyReNN: Symbolic Representations for Neural Networks

SyReNN (pronounced Siren) is a library for analyzing deep neural networks by enumerating the linear regions of piecewise-linear (eg. ReLU) functions on one- and two-dimensional input "restriction domains of interest."

In particular, this repository contains the code described and utilized in the papers:

  1. Computing Linear Restrictions of Neural Networks, Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2019

    Links: Paper, Slides, Poster, BibTeX

  2. A Symbolic Neural Network Representation and its Application to Understanding, Verifying, and Patching Networks

    Links: arXiv

  3. Correcting Deep Neural Networks with Small, Generalizing Patches, NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Safety and Robustness in Decision Making

    Links: Paper, BibTeX

  4. SyReNN: A Tool for Analyzing Deep Neural Networks, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), 2021

    Links: Paper, BibTeX

  5. Provable Repair of Deep Neural Networks, Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2021

    Links: Preprint, BibTeX

Notation and Naming

In the papers, we often use mathematical notation that can be hard/impossible to use in ASCII-encoded code. Because of this, we use slightly different terminology in this repository than in the papers. Here is a rough translation dictionary

  • SyReNN refers to both this library and the symbolic representation that we compute (i.e., the linear partitions). In [1], this is referred to (when restricted to one-dimensional inputs) as "ExactLine." In [2], this is referred to as "the symbolic representation f-hat."
  • "ExactLine" is often used to refer to the SyReNN symbolic representation when the input restriction domain of interest is a one-dimensional line segment. It corresponds to ExactLine and curly-P in [1].
  • "Transforming" a line or polytope under a given network or layer involves computing SyReNN for that network or layer. It corresponds to the Extend and circle-times operators discussed in [1] and [2].



We provide two ways to build the code, either locally or in a Docker container. See each sub-section below for the prerequisites.

We recommend at least 16 GB of memory and 8 physical processor cores for running the library, although smaller machines should be able to run it. The reference environment is an AWS EC2 c5.metal instance using runexec to limit use to only the first 16 cores as shown in .bazelrc.

Note that because we compile (almost) everything from source, the first build will likely take a long time; at least a few minutes. Subsequent builds should be much faster. By default, each make initiated by Bazel will try to use $(nproc) / 4 processors available on your machine. However, Bazel will also parallelize the build, so this could result in a multiple of that number of threads. If you find your machine hanging or crashing, modify .bazelrc to specify a lower number of cores.

Local Builds

  1. You must install Bazel 4.0.0 and have binaries for building arbitrary C++ packages (eg. build-essential for Ubuntu).
  2. Furthermore, the libcairo2, libffi-dev, zlib1g-dev, zip, and libgmp3-dev packages are required for the Python code (but usually come pre-installed with most desktop Linux distributions).
  3. You must follow the "One-Time Setup" instructions in bazel_python to install a fresh copy of Python 3.7.4. This can be done per-user without root permissions. This is not necessary if you only want to run the server, e.g., if you just want to use the pysyrenn package from PyPI. It is, however, required to run any of the Python code in this repository with Bazel, including the Python tests.
  4. A Dockerfile is provided with a compatible setup for reference. Note that Bazel will automatically download and build copies of Intel TBB, Intel MKLDNN, Eigen, OpenBLAS, PyTorch, and all PIP dependencies to the Bazel environment when applicable --- they do not need to be manually installed.

Docker Builds

Alternatively, a Docker container is provided to simplify the build and running process. To use it, first build the image with ./ then prepend ./ to all of the commands below. For example, instead of make start_server, use ./ make start_server. Everything should be handled transparently.

NOTE: Benchexec is currently not supported under the Docker container due to permission errors. It is possible to resolve this by removing all of the user-related lines from Dockerfile, but that will likely cause issues with Bazel and generated file permissions.

NOTE: Docker-in-docker does not seem to currently be working. This means some builds will fail, although you should be able to run make start_server, bazel test //pysyrenn/..., and bazel test //syrenn_server/.... See this issue for a suggested fix.


There are two major things to configure before using the code:

  1. In syrenn_server/, modify the consexpr size_t memory_usage = ...; threshold to suit the desired memory usage. Please note that this is a rough upper-bound on memory usage per-call by the server and not exact. A reasonable default is half of the RAM available on your machine.
  2. (Optional) If you have benchexec installed and would like run under runexec, the last line in .bazelrc can be uncommented and updated with the desired parameters. WARNING: benchexec does not seem to be correctly flushing terminal input to the process, so if you use this you will need to pipe the input in (eg. echo -e "1\n" | make integrated_gradients_experiment). WARNING: The rules in third_party/ use benchexec within their Docker containers, so please comment out the runexec line in .bazelrc before running any of the rules in third_party/.

Running our Experiments

If you are only interested in reproducing the experiments from our papers, they are all included in the experiments/ directory and can be run using Bazel:

  1. Install the prerequisites.
  2. Clone this repository and run make start_server to start the C++ server.
  3. In a different terminal, navigate back to this repository and run make {experiment}_experiment where {experiment} is the name of the experiment you wish to run. See Makefile for a list of supported experiments. make all_experiments will run all experiments, but be warned this may take some time.

After running an experiment, results should appear in the directory experiments/results as a .exp.tgz archive (currently-running, incomplete, or errored experiments may store partial results in a sub-directory of experiments/results). See experiments/ for more information about the experiments.

Portions of the experiments from [2] use prior work ReluPlex and ERAN; scripts and documentation for running those are under third_party/.

Using in Your Own (Python) Project

SyReNN can also be used as a library ("PySyReNN") in your own Python project. Please note that we only test against Python 3.7.4.

  1. Install the prerequisites above.
  2. Clone this repository and run make start_server to start the C++ server.
  3. In a different terminal and in your own project directory (i.e., not in this repository), install PyTorch, then run pip3 install --user pysyrenn to install the Python front-end and client library.

You should now be able to import pysyrenn and use the front-end. See pysyrenn/frontend/, pysyrenn/helpers/, and experiments for usage examples.

Running our Tests

We have included a number of correctness tests for the library. All tests can be run with the command bazel test //.... HTML coverage reports for the PySyReNN front-end can be generated with make pysyrenn_coverage (an htmlcov/ directory should be created).

High-Level Overview

There are three main pieces to the library:

  1. syrenn_server/ contains C++ implementations of the underlying algorithms along with a gRPC server that exposes a thin Protobuf front-end to them.
  2. pysyrenn/ contains the Python client library, which corresponds to the pysyrenn pip package. It is subdivided into two sub-directories:
    1. pysyrenn/frontend/ contains a lightweight Python front-end to the C++ server. It provides an abstraction consisting of Layers and a Network containing a sequence of layers. It supports loading a Network from ERAN and ONNX file formats. The symbolic representation of a network can then be computed, given a bounded restriction domain of interest in V-representation.
    2. pysyrenn/helpers/ contains a number of helper methods that utilize the symbolic representation. Examples include computing exact integrated gradients and exactly characterizing decision boundaries. These strive to be relatively opaque with respect to the symbolic representation, eg., you can use the integrated gradients helper to exactly compute integrated gradients without ever worrying about the symbolic representation.
  3. experiments/ contains Python scripts which execute the experiments from our published work. These are particularly useful as examples of using the client library pysyrenn.

A few other directories also exist:

  • external/ contains Bazel BUILD rules for GTEST, Eigen, and TBB.
  • models/ contains Bazel rules either generating, downloading, or referencing trained models from the ERAN, ACAS Xu, and VRL projects (prior work). ERAN models are downloaded in WORKSPACE and referenced in models/BUILD. ACAS Xu models are downloaded and converted to the ERAN format by the Bazel genrule translate-acas-models and Python script SyReNN-compatible VRL models are included in this repository under vrl/eran/*.eran along with the code used to generate them from the official VRL repository.
  • third_party/ contains Docker images and Bazel rules for running the experiments from our paper that use ERAN and ReluPlex.
  • pip_info/ contains metadata for the PyPI package pysyrenn.

Note on Floating Point Arithmetic and Reproducibility

As mentioned in our papers, we utilize floating point arithmetic throughout the codebase. This can cause small errors in the computation of vertex positions, meaning that the symbolic representation produced by the server may not be perfectly accurate (although, in practice, it is quite accurate --- see our papers for examples).

Furthermore, as the MKL-DNN library used for efficient convolutions utilizes different algorithms and thus produces different results on different machines, exact numerical reproducibility is not guaranteed when executing on different machines. However, all reported results should be reproducible within a reasonable tolerance. If you are unable to reproduce some results, please contact us.

Finally, we note that many models have "non-linear hotspots" where floating point issues become particularly important, usually when the restriction domain of interest includes the origin (which causes most activations throughout the network to hover about 0, right on the edge between linear regions). For both numerical precision and performance, when possible, we recommend modifying queries to the transformer server to avoid the origin. An example of this is in experiments/ from [2], where we can a-priori guarantee a particular region about the origin maps back into the initial space, and thus avoid computing the symbolic representation in that region.

Usage & Documentation of Python Library

Please see pysyrenn/frontend/ and pysyrenn/helpers/ for documentation. The best usage examples are in experiments/, however there are also useful examples in pysyrenn/frontend/tests and pysyrenn/helpers/tests.

Information about supported layers can be found in syrenn_server/
