caffemodel2pytorch Public
Forked from vadimkantorov/caffemodel2pytorchConvert Caffe models to PyTorch
Python UpdatedMay 30, 2020 -
awesome_video_person_reid Public
Forked from AsuradaYuci/awesome_video_person_reidpapers collection and understanding for video person re-identification
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MARS-Attribute Public
trackets-level person attributes on the MARS dataset
pytorch-gradual-warmup-lr Public
Forked from ildoonet/pytorch-gradual-warmup-lrGradually-Warmup Learning Rate Scheduler for PyTorch
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Video-Person-ReID Public
Forked from jiyanggao/Video-Person-ReIDVideo-based Person ReID Method Implementations on MARS
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Forked from PPshrimpGo/CompetitionListIt is a list for ML/DL/DM competitions.
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Forked from guodongxiaren/READMEREADME文件语法解读,即Github Flavored Markdown语法介绍
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Forked from OpenRA/OpenRAOpen Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X.
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Forked from hnzhangshilong/TeamTalkTeamTalk is a solution for enterprise IM
Objective-C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 4, 2016 -