Xuebing's tools for computational biology (C/C++)
- To compile locally, one should have a recent version of GCC that is compatible with the g++ option -std=c++11. For Mac users, this can be done by installing the most recent version of Xcode.
- R is required for making figures.
- Download the source code from xtools page on github: https://github.com/xuebingwu/xtools (bottom right, "Download ZIP")
- Unzip the downloaded file:
unzip xtools-master.zip
- Go to folder 'xtools-master/src', type 'make' to compile the source code:
cd xtools-master/src
- The compiled programs are in the folder 'bin'.
- To recompile, type 'make clean' then 'make'.
Source code, compiled binaries (Linux), documentation, and examples can be found on github page:
This software is currently unpublished, so please just cite the homepage (thanks!).
Copyright (c) 2014 Xuebing Wu. See LICENSE.txt for further details.