Lists (14)
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Semantic segmentation applied to historic topogrpahic maps
Potrace based multi-colored raster to vector tracer. Inputs PNG/JPG returns SVG
A typeface of people sillhouettes, to make it easy to build web graphics featuring little people instead of dots.
PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation
Python script to download and resample LiDAR HD from IGN.
tree species with corresponding translation
Use MapLibre GL JS with the full potential of Svelte’s reactivity.
Castor - decision support model for forest and land management
Quarto Wizard is a Visual Studio Code extension that assists you in managing Quarto projects.
Code and maps for 2024's 30 Day Map Challenge
An R interface to OpenStreetMap API for fetching and saving data from/to the OpenStreetMap database
UI to update collection and item meta data in STAC catalogs
Expandable Datasets for Earth Observation
interactive multi-dimensional data-driven web maps
An example implementation of OpenPBR in a WebGL pathtracer
shiukaheng / potree-loader
Forked from pnext/three-loaderPoint cloud loader for ThreeJS, based on the core parts of Potree
GDAL-compatible file format driver designed for fast access to imagery
Python Package for Airborne RGB machine learning