Warwalrux' tools for doing $things
Warwalrux one-size-fits-all apache do-er.
asf does a lot of basic system-based apache.org oriented $stuff
run asf help
for details
check abuseipdb.com for the provided IP address. The script returns the number of times it's been reported.
a python-based tool for examining / converting various object types with Jinja.
hiera-eyaml wrapper evim (encrypted vim) and ecat (encrypted cat) NB: which doesn't actually specify vim, just the default system editor --
evim & ecat interpret the path for git checkouts in $launchpad for the following repos: - github.com/apache/infrastructure-p6 - github.com/apache/infrastrucure-puppet
this allows you to invoke eyaml-edit or eyaml-cat with all the fixins from anywhere in either repo to edit eyaml files.
a python based ditty that can load files containing one of several different common formats (ast, picl, yaml, json) and merge them using patented DEEP MERGE technology.
Generic Mouse wiggler using xdotool
Intercept the otp-md5 calls for OPIE implementations and return only the good bits.
REQUIRES: ~/.$USER.cred with a valid OTP-MD5 password inside on a single line.
Query GitHub / return result object
requires a Personal Access Token in a file somewhere.
Query github for a single repository object
requires a Personal Access Token in a file somewhere.
ghutils is a collection of useful GitHub actions. it also holds GraphQL queries and stuff. (GraphQL is arcane AF)
Python script that resolves IP addresses in output that is piped to it
An Apt repository tool that allows you to manage repositories individually list, update, and search for packages by repo, for the easy-making of life.
pic-sort is a script that leverages exif utilities and and heic converter to rename and organize jpg and heic files. for instructions: run the script with no arguments.
REQUIRES: exif, heif-gdk-pixbuf
mkics is a ICS file creator with a prompt that will generate a potrable .ics file
mkqr generates QR codes.