Solo one day project @ BeCode: ARAI 5
Gain practical knowledge about Python OOP programming.
Build a Terminal version of Hangman game.
- First thing first, convince yourself not to pannick. This way or another everything going to be just fine!
- Once calmed down, start working...
- Break the project to smaller tasks and build it task by task.
- Learn while doing, because it's the best learning.
- Once you have a stable working version, push to main and tag.
- Keep improving, but don't forget to work on a branch to keep stable version clean.
- Stable again, push to branch, create a pull request, review, and merge to main.
- When reaching a milestone or adding improvements, ad a tag.
- A random word is selected from the list of available words and presented to a player with undescores representing each letter.
- A player is asked to enter a letter:
- Only A-Z letter can be accepted,
- If a player enters a wrong character or more than one character, the question is repeated,
- If a player enters a letter that has been played already, a message is presented and the question is repeated.
- A letter enterred is checked in the list of the letters that construct this word:
- If a letter entered by a player does not appear in the word:
- A meesage stating that the guess was wrong appears,
- Number of lives is rduced by one.
- If a letter entered appears in the word, a meesage stating that the guiess was right appears,
- The word is presented again:
- In case any letters guessed right, they appear in the right positions,
- The intro message is adjusted to the situation:
- You haven't guessed any letters in case of no correct guesses,
- You guessed these letters correctly in case of at leas one correct guess.
- If all letters are guessed correctly, the game stops and the winning message is presented.
- The list of wrongly guessed letters is presented,
- Player's status message is presented with:
- Number of played turns,
- Total number of turns available (a.k.a lives),
- Number of errors made so far.
- If a letter entered by a player does not appear in the word:
- At the end of a turn with a correct guess, a player is presented with an option to guess the whole word:
- A player has a choice to continue without taking this attemp or try to guess the whole word,
- If a player guesses correctly, the game is over and the winning message is presented,
- Else the game continues, if and only if the user has live/s left.
- If a player runs out of lives, the loosing message is presented.
- The winning message presents the word and the game summary:
- Total number if turns used,
- Number of lives left,
- Total number of errors made.
- Please note! When a player fails to guess the whole word, it doesn not count as an error.
The gameto be played in Terminal:
- Comand line
- Power Shell
- Git Bash Anything works!
Just make sure you have Python v3.11 or higher installed on your machine.
- Open Terminal.
- Move to the project directory.
- Run python
- Enjoy the game!
- The first working version has to be submitted end of the day 2023-06-14. [Tag: v0.1]
- The final version to be submitted on 2023-06-15. [Tag: v1.0 or higher]
- Author: Vitaly Shalem
- This project is part of BeCode's AI Bootscamp training, group ARAI 5