software that can store your password safely in encrypted form. made by @ayushnagar123 @aksharanigam1112 @090max anushka
Jan 22, 2019 - C
C++ is a popular and widely used mid-level language. It was designed as an extension of the C language.
software that can store your password safely in encrypted form. made by @ayushnagar123 @aksharanigam1112 @090max anushka
Contains My implementation of Frequently used Data structures and Algorithms.
Neo-Gui - SDL2 based cross-plattform Gui-Toolkit
Learning the Linux Programming Interface using C/C++
A reflective enum implementation for embedded C++
An example of a FreeGLUT project in Code::Blocks with MinGW.
NSU Physical Faculty Bachelor tasks solutions
A random category based quote generator in C/C++
A small game engine & a small game made by the engine
Implementation of different algorithms in (Python, C, C++, Java)
Created by Bjarne Stroustrup
Released October 1985