Author: William Green
Version: 1.0.0
An application for searching cities from around the world. I'm building this application as a way to better understand how to consume and use a REST API.
- Fork repository and download to local machine.
- navigate to folder directory in terminal.
- execute
npm run dev
This application will be using the following technlology:
- react.js - Javascript framework.
- react bootstrap - reactive and styled web components.
- axios - Asyncronous requests.
- locationiq - Location finding and map generating API.
02-26-2024 10:12pm - Application initialized.
02-28-2024 12:27am - Application now has the ability to retrieve location and name information from user input.
03-1-2024 10:40pm - Application now displays a map of the city being searched.
03-1-2024 11:20pm - Application displays errors returned during searches. - Automatically generate .gitignore files
locationiq - Location API tools
Estimate of time needed to complete: 20 min
Start time: 9:50p
Finish time: 10:27p
Actual time needed to complete: 37 min
Estimate of time needed to complete: 45 min
Start time: 9:00p
Finish time: 12:31A
Actual time needed to complete: 3h 31m
Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 h
Start time: 9:20p
Finish time: 10:41p
Actual time needed to complete: 1h 21m
Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 h
Start time: 12:00p
Finish time: 1:20p
Actual time needed to complete: 1h 20m
Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 h
Start time: 7:00a
Finish time: 9:23p
Actual time needed to complete: 2h 23m