Tags: shadowplay1/discord-economy-super
Discord Economy Super v1.7.5 - Fixed JSDoc typos/mismatches. - Fixed the hard crash in **JSON** version when trying to claim `daily`, `work` or `weekly` rewards. - Fixed the INVALID_TYPE error when getting the currencies by ID. - **Updated the documentation** - updated the [FAQ](https://des-docs.js.org/#/docs/main/1.7.5/general/faq), added **shop** examples and more explanations of the code on [Examples](https://des-docs.js.org/#/docs/main/1.7.5/general/examples) page in the documentation + added the [Configuring Economy](https://des-docs.js.org/#/docs/main/1.7.5/general/configuring) page that explains everything about configuring the module and [Custom Item Data](https://des-docs.js.org/#/docs/main/1.7.5/general/custom-data) page explaining the `custom` property - check them out! - Minor bug fixes. - Added an option for `package.json` to disable the post-install greeting logs. To disable them, you need to add this in your `package.json`: ```json "discord-economy-super": { "postinstall": false } ``` To enable them back, you need to set the `"postinstall"` property of `"discord-economy-super"` object to `true`: ```json "discord-economy-super": { "postinstall": true } ``` (or simply remove this object from your `package.json`)
Discord Economy Super v1.7.3 **v1.7.3:** - Fixed typings. - JSDoc changes. - Fixed the missing configuration bug and hard crash on startup. - Removed unnecessary things. - Updated `EconomyItems` files. - Added a `stacked()` method in `InventoryManager` to get the array of stacked items in the inventory. - `InventoryItem.stack()` is no longer async! You can run it inside `Array.map()` safely now! - `UtilsManager.checkOptions()` method was renamed to `UtilsManager.checkConfiguration()` so it could make sense.
Discord Economy Super v1.7.3 **v1.7.3:** - Fixed typings. - JSDoc changes. - Fixed the missing configuration bug and hard crash on startup. - Removed unnecessary things. - Updated `EconomyItems` files. - Added a `stacked()` method in `InventoryManager` to get the array of stacked items in the inventory. - `InventoryItem.stack()` is no longer async! You can run it inside `Array.map()` safely now! - `UtilsManager.checkOptions()` method was renamed to `UtilsManager.checkConfiguration()` so it could make sense.
Discord Economy Super v1.7.1 **v1.7.1:** - Major bug fixes! - Major typings fixes! - Major JSDoc fixes! - Improved error handling and debugging. - Update checker fixes. - Fixed broken inventory cache issue on startup in MongoDB version! - **Custom currencies system! 🔥** - Added a new `customCurrencySet`, `customCurrencyAdd` and `customCurrencySubtract` events so the changes in any custom currencies could be tracked! - Added a new optional `currency` argument in **all item buying methods** that takes eaither *currency ID*, *name* or its *symbol* so the currency balance will be subtracted instead of core balance. Requires the `subtractOnBuy` option to be enabled. - Added a `stack()` method for **_inventory items_** that returns the **number of specific item (quantity)** and the **total price** of it in the inventory! - Added a new `clearDaily`, `clearWork` and `clearWeekly` methods in `CooldownItem` and `Cooldowns` classes to clear the specific cooldowns. - Added a `save()` method for `Shop-`, `Inventory-` and `History-` **items** that allows you to edit the item's object properties save the edited objext in database! - Added a `.toString()` method for some classes. - `Shop-`, `Inventory-` and `History-` **items'** `itemObject` property was changed to `rawObject` so it could make sense in the code - Now a warning will be displayed in console if using a dev version in both MongoDB and JSON versions (see the screenshot below). - Added the missing `buy()` method in `ShopItem` class. - Added the missing `clear()` method in `Items` class. - Fixed return values in database operations methods.
Discord Economy Super v1.7.0 **v1.7.0:** - Major bug/typings/JSDoc fixes! - Fixed all the caching issues in MongoDB version! - Added a `create()` methods in `EconomyUser` and `EconomyGuild` classes to match the `User-` and `Guild-` managers. - Added a new `deposit()` method in `Balance-` and `Bank-` managers and in `Balance` and `Bank` user classes. - Added a `clearMany()` alias for `clearSpecified()` method in `CacheManager`.
Discord Economy Super v1.6.9 **v1.6.9:** - Fixed bugs. - Fixed typings bugs. - Added missing JSDocs for `CacheManager` and all the `CachedItem`s! - Added a configuration example in *Initialation Example* on the [Examples](https://des-docs.js.org/#/docs/main/1.6.9/general/examples) page of the module.
Discord Economy Super v1.6.8 - Fixed bugs. - Fixed typings bugs. - Bank balance caching! - Fixed the hard crash in MongoDB version when trying to obtain a balance data for the user from the cache. - Added an `updateMany` alias for `updateSpecified` method in `CacheManager`.