helps managing Azure DevOps entities.
You can easily install as a global dotnet tool:
dotnet tool install --global AzdTool
You can then invoke the tool using the following command: azd-tool
For now you can:
- Browse Agent Pools, Jobs, Projects, Pipelines, Builds, Repositories, Branches, Pull-requests, Tags.
- Unit/Batch abandon Pull-requests.
- Unit/Batch cancel Jobs and Builds.
- Unit/Batch delete Branches and Tags.
It is super simple to add new features.
Use it at your own risk !
AzdTool.dll <organization> [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
<organization> Organization
-h, --help Prints help information
-p, --pat Use a PAT instead of interactive browser credential
browse <organization> Browse Organization
Let's say you own
AzdTool foo
If you want to use a personal access token instead of using your browser for authenticating:
AzdTool foo --pat PAT