If you have a modern browser, you can use the live WASM web version here.
You can use the web application that uses WASM or the CLI tool for batch processing.
To install the CLI, run
cargo install --git https://github.com/romnn/film-borders.git --bin film-borders
cargo install filmborders --bin film-borders
For local testing, you can also install the current version locally:
cargo install --bin film-borders --path .
sudo apt install linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic linux-`tools-name -r`
cargo install flamegraph
sudo cargo flamegraph -o my_flamegraph.svg -- apply --image ./samples/sample1.jpg --output ./output/sample1.png --border 0 --scale 1.00
film-borders apply --image ~/Downloads/testscan.jpg --width 2000 --height 1500 --border 10 --rotate 90
For a list of options, see
film-borders apply --help