A One Inch CMOS sensor (IMX283) camera board designed for Raspberry Pi
A stepper motor driven, 3D printed and Arduino controlled pan/tilt mount.
3d printed Raspberry Pi camera with the essential filmmaking tools
Android Matrix messenger application using the Matrix Rust Sdk and Jetpack Compose
3d printed Raspberry Pi gonzo camera with the essential filmmaking tools
Write your screenplay in plain text and run it through this program to make it look good
Tool for pretty printing and optimizing Lightning Network channels.
Read the temperature with K-type thermocouple. Raspberry pi python
awwbees / BespokeSynth
Forked from BespokeSynth/BespokeSynthSoftware modular synth
Luppp is a live performance tool, created by OpenAV productions.
Lightweight matrix client with legacy and mobile browser support
🐧 Arch Linux ARM for your PinePhone/Pro and PineTab/2
Simple example app of rendering user generated images to the display
DarkIce is a live audio streamer. It records audio from an audio interface (e.g. sound card), encodes it and sends it to a streaming server. This is the official development repository of Darkice.
Generic modular bot for Matrix (and via it irc, telegram, slack, etc..)
Flash/Rescue SD Card image for PinePhone and PineTab. This is NOT a bootloader
A fancy, customizable, keyboard-operable Qt/QML & Python Matrix chat client for encrypted and decentralized communication.
REST APIs for Core Lightning written with node.js