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Stand-alone WebIDL Parser in Python. Requires Python 3.7+.

Parses WebIDL per: (plus a few legacy compatability items)

This parser was created to support a W3C specification parser and pre-processor, it's API is geared towards finding and identifying various WebIDL constructs by name. However, all of the WebIDL source is parsed and stored in the construct objects. The parser has error recovery and preserves the entire input for re-serialization and markup of the WebIDL constructs.


Standard python package installation:

pip install widlparser


Import the widlparser package and instantiate a Parser.

import widlparser

widl = widlparser.Parser()

Either pass the WebIDL text to be parsed in the constructor or call the Parser.parse(text) method.

Parser class

class Parser([text[, ui]])

The Parser's constructor takes two optional arguments, text and ui. If present, text is a string containing the WebIDL text to parse. ui.warn() will get called with any syntax errors encountered during parsing (if implemented). ui.note() will get called for any legacy WebIDL that was ignored during parsing (if implemented).


All top-level WebIDL constructs are stored in source order in the 'constructs' attribute.


An index of the relative complexity of the Constructs defined in the parsed WebIDL. Useful as an index for specification test coverage


Parse additional WebIDL text. All parsed constructs will be appended to the 'constructs' attribute.


Clears all stored constructs.


Return a named construct. If a single name is provided, a breadth-first search through all parsed constructs is performed. Alternatively, a path (names separated by "/" or ".") may be passed to target the search more narrowly. e.g.: find("Foo/bar/baz") looks for an Attribute 'baz', inside a Method 'bar', inside an Interface 'Foo'.


Return a list of named constructs. Accepts the same search paths as Parser.find(name).

Parser.normalized_method_name(name [, interface_name=None])

Provide a normalized version of a method name, including the names of all arguments, e.g. "drawCircle(long x, long y, long radius)" becomes: "drawCircle(x, y, radius)". If a valid set of arguments is passed, the passed argument names will be returned in the normalized form. Otherwise, a search is performed for a matching previously parsed method name. The search may be narrowed to a particular interface by passing the name fo the interface or callbak in interface_name.

Parser.normalized_method_names(name [, interface_name=None])

Return a list of all possible normalized names for the method. If the method has optional arguments, the list will contain all possible argument variants. The first item in the list will always be the value returned from normalized_method_name.


Returns a marked-up version of the WebIDL input text. The passed 'marker' object will get called back to markup individual elements of the WebIDL. See the Markup section for mroe detail.


All Constructs accessed from the parser's Parser.constructs attribute or returned from the parser's find() method are subclasses of the Construct class. The base class provides the following:

The name of the construct.


Contains a string indicating the type of the construct. Possible values are: "const", "enum", "typedef", "interface", "constructor", "attribute", "iterable", "maplike", "setlike", "stringifier", "serializer", "method", "argument", "dictionary", "dict-member", "callback", "implements", "extended-attribute", and "unknown".


The name of the construct and all of its parents in path form, e.g.: 'Interface/method_name(argument)/argument'.


For 'method' Constructs, contains the normalized method name, otherwise None.


For 'method' Constructs, contains the list of all possible normalized method names, otherwise None. Methods have multiple possible normalized names if they contain optional arguments or are variadic.


For 'method' Constructs, contains the normalized method name, otherwise the name of the construct.


The parent construct, if it has one. Throws a KeyError if it is a top-level Construct in the source WebIDL.


A bool specifying whether the construct has a parent or not (and thus whether .parent will throw or not when accessed.)


A list of extended attributes, or None. Extended attributes are stored as Constructs, those of the forms: 'identifier', 'identifier=identifier', 'identifier(ArgumentList)', 'identifier=identifier(ArgumentList)', or 'identifier(Type,Type)' are parsed. The first identifier is stored in 'Construct.attribute', the second, if present, is stored in '', arguments are stored in 'Construct.arguments'. Extended attributes not mathing those five forms contain a list of tokens in 'Construct.tokens' and their name is set to 'None'.


A list of any extended attributes matching the Constructor or LegacyFactoryFunction form. Any constructors present will be prepended to the 'members' attribute of an 'interface' Construct.


An index of the complexity of the construct. See Parser.complexity_factor.


Find a member of the construct. For 'callback' Constructs with an interface, will search the interface.


Return a list of members of the construct matching the name. For 'callback' Constructs with an interface, will search the interface.


Find a method within the construct.


Return a list of methods within the construct matching the name.

Construct.find_argument(name[, search_members=True])

Find an argument within the construct. If 'search_members' is true, all members will be searched as well. This allows distinguishing between arguments of a callback versus arguments of a callback interface's methods.

Construct.find_arguments(name[, search_members=True])

Return a list of arguments within the construct mathcing the name. If 'search_members' is true, all members will be searched as well. This allows distinguishing between arguments of a callback versus arguments of a callback interface's methods.


Returns a marked-up version of the Constructs's WebIDL source text. See Parser.markup(marker) for information.

Construct Subclasses

Each Construct will be an instance of a Construct subclass corresponding to its 'Construct.idl_type'. Specific subclasses provide the following additional attributes:


The Type Production of the Const.


The ConstValue Production of the Const.


The EnumValueList Production of the Enum.


The Type Production of the Typedef.


The Type Production of the Argument.


The Symbol "variadic" or 'None'.


The Symbol "optional" or 'None'.


The Default Production of the Argument or 'None'.


One of the following Constructs or Productions: Const, Serializer, Stringifier, StaticMember, Iterable, Maplike, Setlike, Attribute, SpecialOperation, or Operation.


Contains a list of any arguments present or 'None'.


The Symbol "partial" or 'None'.


The Inheritance Production of the Interface or 'None'.


A list of InterfaceMembers.


The Type Production of the DictionaryMember.


The Default Production of the DictionaryMember or 'None'.


The Inheritance Production of the Dictionary or 'None'.


A list of DictionaryMembers.


The return Type Production of the Callback.


Contains a list of any arguments present or 'None' for interface callbacks.


The 'interface' Construct of the callback, or 'None' for function callbacks.


A string of the type implemented in the ImplementsStatement.


The ExtendedAttribute sub-type Production of an ExtendedAttribute. See below. Each of the below ExtendedAttribute sub-type also has an '.attribute' attribute designating the first identifier in the ExtendedAttribute. ExtendedAttributes other than Constructor or LegacyFactoryFunction types will also contain this identifier in the '.name' attribute.


Contains a list of any arguments present or 'None'.


Contains a string of the identifier present after the "=".


Contains a string of the identifier present after the "=".


Contains a list of any arguments present or 'None'.


The first Type Production of the pair.


The second Type Production of the pair.


Contains a list of tokens in ExtendedAttributes not matching one of the five basic types.


Contains a list of tokens that did not match the WebIDL grammar.


When calling the parser's 'markup(marker)' method, the passed 'marker' is an object that will get called to help generate the markup for each construct, several productions, and to encode the raw text. Markup and encode calls will happen in source order, the text will be split at markup boundaries. The markup methods will be passed the plain text content of the construct or primitive and the construct object in question. Each method must return a tuple of two values (string or None), the prefix and suffix to be injected into the resultant markup surrounding the construct or production. Implementation of all markup methods are optional.

markup_construct(text, construct)

Will be called for each construct.

markup_name(text, construct)

Will be called once per construct with the name of the construct.

markup_type(text, construct)

Will be called for each Type prododuction. Note that types may be nested e.g. unions, sequences, etc.

markup_primitive_type(text, construct)

Will be called for each PrimitiveType production within a Type, e.g. "unsigned long long", "float", "boolean", etc.

markup_buffer_type(text, construct)

Will be called for each BufferRelatedType production witin a Type, e.g. "ArrayBuffer", "DataView", "Int8Array", etc.

markup_string_type(text, construct)

Will be called for each StringType production within a Type, e.g. "ByteString", "DOMString", or "USVString".

markup_object_type(text, construct)

Will be called for each ObjectType production within a Type, e.g. "object" or "Error".

markup_type_name(text, construct)

Will be called when user defined type names are referenced.

markup_keyword(text, construct)

Will be called for each keyword.

markup_enum_value(text, construct)

Will be called for each value in an enum declaration.


Will be called to encode each text run.


The parser itself is iterable and indexable. Top-level constructs can be tested by the 'in' operator and retrieved by name or index via []. The str() function can also be used on the parser to re-serialize the parsed WebIDL. The serialized output is nullipotent, i.e. str(parser.Parser(text)) == text

Constructs are also iterable and indexable to access members. Additionally constructs can be re-serialized as valid WebIDL via the str() function.

All other WebIDL input is stored in the various constructs as Production objects. Refer to the source file for details. Productions can be re-serialized as their source WebIDL via the str() function.


Stand-alone WebIDL Parser in Python






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