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Panes library overlay for Brick library providing composition and isolation for Haskell TUI apps.


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The Brick Panes library is an overlay for the Brick TUI (Text User Interface) library that allows individual TUI screen areas to be independently developed and then easily composed into the overall application. This library can be used to develop an application in a modular fashion where the screen is divided into a number of “panes” that individually handle their display and (optionally) their events with pane-specific internal state. These discrete panes provide a general interface that can then easily be composed to provide the wholistic application functionality.


Brick is oriented around the display of and interaction with Widgets. This a nice overall design and lends itself well to discrete management of different types of TUI functionality. The panes library builds on top of Brick Widgets to address the following higher-level compositional issues encountered when building a TUI application:

  1. Different Widgets have different interfaces. A Widget must be called via a widget-specific API. Fundamentally however, there are a number of common higher-level operations that an application performs for which the details are a lower-level concern.
  2. Various application functionality can be isolated into different aspects, but frequently the individual aspects are made up of multiple, cooperating widgets that share some state. Managing this state and coordinating the activities of an inter-Widget aspect can be done via application-specific wrapper Widgets, but often it’s desirable to view Widgets as the basic building blocks (er.. “bricks”) of the application and to then have a higher level of abstraction for handling the different aspect “areas” of the application.

This library provides the Pane as self-contained collector for Widgets that manage a particular aspect of the application within the global context of the entire application. It also provides a Panel, which is a composition of multiple Pane objects that maintains a simple general API while internally managing the Pane objects which compose the Panel.

The Haddock documentation describes the API, and the remainder of this README is an evolutionary introduction to developing an application with Panes.

Example Program

To introduce the Panes library in a manner that reveals the motivation and interaction in a layered approach, the documentation here will demonstrate building a sample application step-by-step.

The sample application that will be developed here is called “mywork-example” and is designed to help the software developer keep track of their work. This is a simple little application that reads an input JSON file that provides information about different projects the developer is working on and then allows the developer to browse and manage the information about those projects.

Note: there is a more complete implementation of this example at, which has many more features, but which is no longer suitable for simple demonstration purposes. The mywork-example is incomplete and not fully functional, and users who would like to see or use the more featureful implementation should use the one at the above link.

The underlying data for the mywork-example application consists of a list of Projects, where each Project has a top-level description. For each project, there are a number of Locations, which represents various locations the project can be found at; the Locations can include local directories, code repositories (e.g. github), and publication sites (e.g. Hackage). Each Location can have a date associated with it (statically or dynamically) as well as user-specified Notes. In addition, the files in a project can be viewed in a simple scrollable region.

Let’s start by defining the underlying data structures that will be used to represent those projects in memory, and which can be serialized to a JSON storage file:

import           Data.Text ( Text )
import           Data.Time.Calendar

newtype Projects = Projects { projects :: [Project] }
  deriving Generic

data Project = Project { name :: Text
                       , role :: Role
                       , description :: Text
                       , language :: Either Text Language
                       , locations :: [Location]
  deriving Generic

data Role = Author | Maintainer | Contributor | User
  deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Generic)

data Language = Haskell | Rust | C | CPlusPlus | Python | JavaScript
  deriving (Eq, Generic)

data Location = Location { location :: Text
                         , locatedOn :: Maybe Day
                         , notes :: [Note]
  deriving Generic

data Note = Note { note :: Text
                 , notedOn :: Day
  deriving Generic

Each of these definitions will have an aeson ToJSON derivation so that our projects can be read from and written to a local JSON-format file.

Note that the ToJSON instances along with other administrative definitions are not shown here: this is a simple README and not intended to be a literate Haskell program, and the actual implementation of this mywork-example example can be found in the samples/mywork directory of this repository).

Since this is a TUI application, we will now design the overall appearance of the application:

+---------------------------- mywork-example v0.1 --------------------------+
| Projects: 30 (Author=8, Contributor=19, User=2), 2017-08-28 to 2022-09-10 |
| Project    | Location (for currently selected project in list)       Date |
| List       | Location                                                Date |
|            |   :                                                       :  |
|            |                                                              |
|            |                                                              |
|            |                                                              |
|            |--------------------------------------------------------------|
|            | Date - Note for currently selected location                  |
|            |  :       :                                                   |
|            |                                                              |
|            | [this is only visible if a Location is selected]             |
| search: XX |                                                              |
|  F1 - Load/Save    F2 - Add Project   F3 - Add Location   F4 - Add Note   |

There will be a summary line across the top and a list of projects on the left side. Location information for the currently selected project in the list will be shown on the right side, and notes for a location will be shown if the location is highlighted. The bottom will show function keys that can be used to perform activities. Each of these areas will be a Pane.


  • It should be possible to move the cursor between the Project List Pane and the Location Pane via the Tab/Shift-Tab key; none of the other areas are focusable.
  • Typing when the Project List Pane is focused will modify the “search” selection and the visible entries in the list.
  • The function keys are global (they do not depend on which Pane is focused), although they may be disabled (and visually marked differently) if not applicable in the current mode.
  • The Load/Save operation will bring up a modal dialog window, as will the Add Project operation. Being modal, both of these hold focus until dismissed.
  • And finally, Ctrl-Q will quit the application in any state, and ESC will exit from any current dialog, or if there is no dialog, ESC will exit the application.

Given the above core data structures, visual depiction, and general functionality, we can start to use the brick-panes library to build up this application in stages.

Startup and Configuration

Our application will need to perform some general initialization at startup time to declare the Brick environment. This includes initializing global state. Since the Panes will each internalize their own state management, the global state only needs to maintain elements that are globally necessary. For our application, this will be the name of the project JSON file, the current Project data, and the Brick focus ring. This could be passed on the command line or read from various configuration sources, but for this simple introduction, it will just start out with a hard-coded name (although this might change later due to the Load operation).

data MyWorkCore = MyWorkCore { projFile :: FilePath
                             , myProjects :: Projects
                             , myWorkFocus :: FocusRing WName

initMyWorkCore = MyWorkCore { projFile = "projects.json"
                            , myProjects = Projects mempty
                            , myWorkFocus = focusRing [ WProjList, WLocation ]

The name parameter for the Brick Widget instances will be handled by a simple declaration:

data WName = WSummary | WProjList | WLocation | WNotes | WOps | WLoader

For this simple application, there is no application-specific event type. This could be specified as () directly, but we will use a convenient type synonym to differentiate supplying this type for Brick Event types v.s. other types:

type MyWorkEvent = ()  -- No app-specific event for this simple app

Each Pane will be identified by its own identifying datatype which will provide an instance of the Pane class. The Pane class is defined in brick-panes:

class Pane n appEv pane | pane -> n where

where the n parameter is the same type that the application will provide to Brick’s Widget types.

Note each Pane will need a distinguishing Type. If there is already a Type that is a reasonable representation of the data in the Pane, that type can be used, otherwise a plain data type can be created, as is the instance here for the summary and operations panes. We’ll start by creating a couple of the primary panes, and then come back later to add the additional panes.

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

data SummaryPane
data OperationsPane

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent SummaryPane where ...
instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent Projects where ...
instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent OperationsPane where ...

The other types for the instance and the actual instance details will be defined later. It’s also worth noting that it can be convenient to define each Pane in its own module file; when done in this manner, the Pane’s data type is the only thing that needs to be exported from the module (if defined in that module).

This core state will be wrapped by the brick-pane Panel object, which collects the various Pane instances, and the result is provided to Brick to initialize the application. Here’s a summary of the brick-panes definitions for a Panel.

data Panel n appEv state (panes :: [Type]) where ...

basePanel :: state -> Panel n appev state '[]
basePanel = ...

addToPanel :: Pane n appev pane u
           => PaneFocus n
           -> Panel n appev state panes
           -> Panel n appev state (pane ': panes)
addToPanel n pnl = ...

data PaneFocus n = Always | Never | WhenFocused | WhenFocusedModal

To initialize our Brick application with the core state and the Panes defined above:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

type MyWorkState = Panel WName MyWorkEvent MyWorkCore
                   '[ SummaryPane
                    , Projects
                    , OperationsPane

initialState :: MyWorkState
initialState = addToPanel Never
               $ addToPanel WhenFocused
               $ addToPanel Never
               $ basePanel initMyWorkCore

myworkApp :: App MyWorkState MyWorkEvent WName
myworkApp = App { appDraw = drawMyWork
                , appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor
                , appHandleEvent = handleMyWorkEvent
                , appStartEvent = return ()
                , appAttrMap = const myattrs

myattrs = attrMap defAttr
            (editAttr, white `on` black)
          , (editFocusedAttr, yellow `on` black)
          , (listAttr, defAttr `withStyle` defaultStyleMask)
          , (listSelectedAttr, defAttr `withStyle` bold)
          , (listSelectedFocusedAttr, defAttr `withStyle` reverseVideo)

main = defaultMain myworkApp initialState

In this initialization, we’ve defined the full type for the application, which consists of the base (global) type of MyWorkCore, followed by a type-level list of the panes in the application. The initialization function does not need to explicitly reference the type of each Pane, but it should add them in the reverse order they are specified in the type list (the $ composition is right-to-left, so the order of the two lists is the same). When adding each Pane, the parameter specifies what the focus policy for delivering events to that Pane should be. In our application, the SummaryPane will never receive events, the Projects list pane will receive events when focused, and the OperationsPane events will be handled globally rather than by the Pane since they should apply in any state, regardless of the focus.

All that’s left is to define the drawMyWork and handleMyWorkEvent functions, as well as filling in the instance declarations introduced above.


When drawing the application, the normal Brick drawing activities are performed, but drawing Panes in the Panel can be done very generically:

drawMyWork :: MyWorkState -> [Widget WName]
drawMyWork mws =
    $ withBorderStyle unicode
    $ borderWithLabel (str $ " mywork-example " <> showVersion version <> " ")
    $ vBox $ catMaybes
      panelDraw @SummaryPane mws
    , Just hBorder
    , panelDraw @Projects mws
    , Just hBorder
    , panelDraw @OperationsPane mws

This is a very simple function that defers the drawing of each Pane to that Pane via the panelDraw function. The panelDraw return values are a Maybe value where Nothing indicates that the Pane should not currently be drawn; this will be used later when we add the modal FileLoader and AddProject panes.

Event Handling

The event handler is also fairly normal to Brick, except that here again, the Panel provides a common function to call that will dispatch the event to the various Panes depending on the current focus target and the individual Pane’s event receptivity that was specified as the argument to the addToPanel initialization call.

handleMyWorkEvent :: BrickEvent WName MyWorkEvent -> EventM WName MyWorkState ()
handleMyWorkEvent = \case
  AppEvent _ -> return () -- this app does not use these
  -- Application global actions
  --   * CTRL-q quits
  --   * CTRL-l refreshes vty
  --   * ESC dismisses any modal window
  VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'q') [Vty.MCtrl])  -> halt
  VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'l') [Vty.MCtrl])  -> do
    vty <- getVtyHandle
    liftIO $ Vty.refresh vty
  -- Otherwise, allow the Panes in the Panel to handle the event
  ev -> do state0 <- get
           (_,state) <- handleFocusAndPanelEvents myWorkFocusL state0 ev
           put state

The Panel will need to be able to access the focus ring in the base global state to determine the current focus. It will need a Lens to do this, so we will create a simple lens definition here to accomodate that; the lens accessor for the field itself can be created through a number of different processes aside from the manual method used below, and brick-panes supplies the onBaseState lens to translate from the outer state (defined below) to the base global state.

coreWorkFocusL :: Lens' MyWorkCore (FocusRing WName)
coreWorkFocusL f c = (\f' -> c { myWorkFocus = f' }) <$> f (myWorkFocus c)

myWorkFocusL :: Lens' MyWorkState (FocusRing WName)
myWorkFocusL = onBaseState . coreWorkFocusL

It is useful to observe that the handleMyWorkEvent handler did not need to define handlers for Tab~/~Shift-Tab to switch between panes: the Pane’s handleFocusAndPanelEvents handles these events automatically.

Initial Panes

At this point, all the general application code is ready to go. More will be added later, but now it’s time to turn our attention to the individual Panes.

Summary Pane

Previously we introduced the need for an instance Pane for each Pane, including this SummaryPane, but no instance details were provided. Here, the brick-panes Pane class will be developed in more detail in parallel with the SummaryPane’s instance.


To begin with, it will be necessary to allow the Pane to have internal state, and to initialize that internal state. The Pane class supports this via a data family declaration and an initPaneState method as defined in brick-panes:

class Pane n appEv pane | pane -> n where
  data (PaneState pane appEv)  -- State information associated with this Pane
  type (InitConstraints pane initctxt) :: Constraint
  initPaneState :: (InitConstraints pane i) => i -> PaneState pane appEv

  type (InitConstraints pane initctxt) = ()

An `InitConstraints~ constraint is attached to the initPaneState method, and that constraint is defined as part of the Pane instance. This allows the Pane instance to specify any constraints that are needed to accomodate actions that will be performed in the initPaneState method. By default, there are no InitConstraints.

At this point, you might recall that the initialization of the Panel was performed by calls to addPanel, which only passed information about whether events should be delivered to the state, but there was nothing providing the i argument that is defined here for the initPaneState method. That’s because the Pane class is defined in a very general fashion, but when the Pane is used as part of a Panel, the i parameter defaults to the sub-type of the Panel that has already been initialized. This means that for the SummaryPane initialization call, the i parameter will be:

Panel WName MyWorkEvent MyWorkCore '[ Projects, OperationsPane ]

Recall that this is the same as MyWorkState except it is missing the SummaryPanel entry in the type list. When initializing the Projects pane, then the type will contain only the OperationsPane, and the OperationsPane initialization will have access only to the base MyWorkCore type information. This heirarchy of availability may affect the order in which the Panes should be specified in the top-level type if some Panes will need access to information from other Panes. This will be explored in more detail below, but at the present moment, the SummaryPane will have no internal state, so it will not need any InitConstraints defined:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent SummaryPane where
  data (PaneState SummaryPane MyWorkEvent) = Unused
  initPaneState _ = Unused


To draw the pane, the Pane class provides another method, along with a corresponding constraint that can be used to encode any necessities for the draw implementation (which again default to () representing no constraints).

class Pane n appEv pane | pane -> n where
  data (PaneState pane appEv)  -- State information associated with this Pane
  type (InitConstraints pane initctxt) :: Constraint
  type (DrawConstraints pane drwctxt n) :: Constraint
  initPaneState :: (InitConstraints pane i) => i -> PaneState pane appEv
  drawPane :: (DrawConstraints pane drawcontext n, Eq n)
           => PaneState pane appEv -> drawcontext -> Maybe (Widget n)

  type (InitConstraints pane initctxt) = ()
  type (DrawConstraints pane drwctxt n) = ()

The drawPane method takes two arguments and returns a Maybe. As discussed earlier in the general application drawing section, a Pane can return Nothing to indicate it shouldn’t be drawn at the present time. The SummaryPane is always drawn, so it will always return a Just value.

The first argument provided to the drawPane method is the data family value defined for this pane and initialized by the initPaneState.

The second parameter is an abstract context for drawing. As with the initPaneState method, the Pane class defines this in a very generic manner, but when the Pane is used in a Panel, the Panel provides the sub-state of the Panel that includes the current Pane, but not the elements preceeding it in the type list. Here, the SummaryPane is the first element in the MyWorkState, so its drawPane will receive the full MyDrawState value, but the panes beneath it will receive subsequently lesser sub-type portions.

For the SummaryPane, the drawPane instance will need to display the number of Projects sub-divided by the Project Role, as well as the full date range for all Projects. To obtain this information, it will need access to the Projects data that is contained in the global base state MyWorkCore. To obtain this information, it needs to translate the drawcontext argument to the Projects list contained in the base global state; it can indicate this need via the DrawContext as follows:

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent SummaryPane where
  data (PaneState SummaryPane MyWorkEvent) = Unused
  type (DrawConstraints SummaryPane s WName) = ( HasProjects s )
  initPaneState _ = Unused
  drawPane _ s = Just $ drawSummary (getProjects s)

drawSummary :: Projects -> Widget WName
drawSummary prjs = ...

The HasProjects constraint is a class that our application will defined as capable of providing the getProjects method. The instance of that class for the global base MyWorkCore object is simple, and the instance of that class for a Panel wrapper of that global base state can use the onBaseState lens previously discussed:

class HasProjects s where
  getProjects :: s -> Projects

instance HasProjects MyWorkCore where
  getProjects = myProjects

instance HasProjects (Panel WName MyWorkEvent MyWorkCore panes) where
  getProjects = getProjects . view onBaseState

Now all that’s needed is the body of the drawSummary function itself:

drawSummary :: Projects -> Widget WName
drawSummary prjcts =
  let prjs = projects prjcts
      prjcnt = str $ "# Projects=" <> show (length prjs) <> subcounts
      subcounts = (" (" <>)
                  $ (<> ")")
                  $ List.intercalate ", "
                  [ show r <> "=" <> show (length fp)
                  | r <- [minBound .. maxBound]
                  , let fp = filter (isRole r) prjs
                  , not (null fp)
      isRole r p = r == role p
      dateRange = str (show (minimum projDates)
                       <> ".."
                       <> show (maximum projDates)
      locDates prj = catMaybes (locatedOn <$> locations prj)
      projDates = concatMap locDates prjs
  in vLimit 1
     $ if null prjs
       then str "No projects defined"
       else prjcnt <+> fill ' ' <+> dateRange

Note that all of the complexity of this drawing functionality, as well as determining the arguments to it are internal to the Pane implementation (usually in its own file) and supporting classes and instances; the top-level draw operation retains its simplicity.

Summary Pane Notes

Since the Summary pane does not have internal state to be updated and it does not handle events, the above is sufficient to fully define the SummaryPane!

Project List Pane

Now that the SummaryPane has been implemented, we turn our attention to the Project List Pane. This pane will also need access to the list of Projects, but it can re-use the previously defined HasProjects class in its constraints where necessary.


This Pane is slightly more complex: it will contain a Brick.Widgets.List and also a Brick.Widgets.Edit to handle the search filter. There are two choices here: create the Brick.Widgets.List widget as part of the long-term Pane state, or dynamically create the Brick.Widgets.List widget each time it is drawn. The former choice is better, since the Brick.Widgets.List will then automatically maintain its own internal state such as the currently selected item, etc. Thus, the Pane state will need to contain these two Brick widgets and the initialization method should prepare them.

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent Projects where
  data (PaneState Projects MyWorkEvent) = P { pL :: List WName Text
                                            , pS :: Editor Text WName
  type (InitConstraints Projects s) = ( HasProjects s )
  initPaneState s = let prjs = projects $ getProjects s
                        pl = list WPList (Vector.fromList (name <$> prjs)) 1
                        ps = editor WPFilter (Just 1) ""
                    in P pl ps

Note that both the List and the Editor widgets require a unique WName value. These values should also be added to the global WName definition previously introduced above.

This is also a good demonstration of the encapsulation that the brick-panes library provides: the primary application simply needs the ability to display and allow selection of a project. The actual details of how the display is performed and how the selection is performed is not visible or important outside of the implementation of the Pane.


Drawing this pane is relatively simple and primarily just invokes the draw for the two Widgets it contains.

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent Projects where
  data (PaneState Projects MyWorkEvent) = P { pL :: List WName Text
                                            , pS :: Editor Text WName
  type (InitConstraints Projects s) = ( HasProjects s )
  type (DrawConstraints Projects s WName) = ( HasFocus s WName )
  initPaneState s = let prjs = projects $ getProjects s
                        pl = list WPList (Vector.fromList (name <$> prjs)) 1
                        ps = editor WPFilter (Just 1) ""
                    in P pl ps
  drawPane ps gs =
    let isFcsd = gs^ focused == Just WProjList
        lst = renderList (const txt) isFcsd (pL ps)
        srch = str "Search: " <+> renderEditor (txt . head) isFcsd (pS ps)
    in Just $ vBox [ lst, fill ' ', srch ]

Unlike the SummaryPane, this pane’s draw code does not necessarily access to the global base state, but it does need access to the FocusRing in order to tell the List renderer if the list has focus. This can be done by defining another class HasFocus that will be similar to the HasProjects class described above; since this is a very common need, the brick-panes library already provides this class (with a getFocus lens method) and a Panel instance for it, so all that is needed here is the instance definition to extract the FocusRing from the global base state.

instance HasFocus MyWorkCore WName where
  getFocus f s =
    let setFocus jn = case focused jn of
          Nothing -> s
          Just n -> s & coreWorkFocusL %~ focusSetCurrent n
    in setFocus <$> (f $ Focused $ focusGetCurrent (s^.coreWorkFocusL))

One thing to note about the draw implementation above is that the focused indication passed to both the list and edit widgets is not based on their individual WName values but instead on the WName of the Projects Pane itself. This is because the pane will receive focus and will direct events to both widgets (which conveniently do not overlap in their event handling). There is no specific additional differentiation or selectability between the list and edit widgets.

Event Handling

As with the initialization and the drawing Pane operations, there is an operation and corresponding constraint defined by brick-panes for allowing the Pane to handle events:

class Pane n appEv pane | pane -> n where
  data (PaneState pane appEv)   -- State information associated with this pane
  type (InitConstraints pane initctxt) :: Constraint
  type (DrawConstraints pane drwctxt n) :: Constraint
  type (EventConstraints pane evctxt) :: Constraint
  type (EventType pane n appEv)
  initPaneState :: (InitConstraints pane i) => i -> PaneState pane appEv
  drawPane :: (DrawConstraints pane drawcontext n, Eq n)
           => PaneState pane appEv -> drawcontext -> Maybe (Widget n)
  focusable :: (EventConstraints pane eventcontext, Eq n)
            => eventcontext -> PaneState pane appEv -> Seq.Seq n
  handlePaneEvent :: (EventConstraints pane eventcontext, Eq n)
                  => eventcontext
                  -> EventType pane n appEv
                  -> PaneState pane appEv
                  -> EventM n es (PaneState pane appEv)
  updatePane :: UpdateType pane -> PaneState pane appEv -> PaneState pane appEv

  -- A set of defaults that allows a minimal instance specification
  type (InitConstraints pane initctxt) = ()
  type (DrawConstraints pane drwctxt n) = ()
  type (EventConstraints pane evctxt) = ()
  type (EventType pane n appev) = Vty.Event  -- by default, handle Vty events
  focusable _ _ = mempty
  handlePaneEvent _ _ = return
  type (UpdateType pane) = ()
  updatePane _ = id

The additional element involved in handling events is the EventType type family declaration above, which can be used to specify which type of Event the Pane will respond to. Brick Events are arranged in a heirarchy of relationships, where the higher level event can handle Mouse events and application-level as well as Keyboard events, and the EventType can be set to indicate which type of event this Pane should be provided with (where the default is Keyboard events). The Panel’s handleFocusAndPanelEvents will automatically pass the correct EventType to the Pane handlePaneEvent method.

There is also a new focusable method in the Pane class, which is used to determine if any Widgets that are part of the Pane can be members of the FocusRing at the current time. This is used by the Panel after processing each event to determine the new FocusRing contents. This is frequently used in concert with returning Nothing from the drawPane method, but it is independent and allows for potentially multiple Widgets to be focusable. Since the Projects Pane is always focusable, it will return its own WName value as the single response.

Similar to drawing then, event handling for the Projects Pane consists of simply passing the event to the underlying widgets. As noted above, passing the same event to multiple widgets could cause confusion, but in this case the only common events are the arrow events, and since the edit widget height is 1 it should ignore the vertical arrows that will be used to navigate the list entries. The handleEditorEvent called internally expects a BrickEvent, so the EventType must be specified accordingly. And finally, a couple of helper lenses are defined:

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent Projects where
  data (PaneState Projects MyWorkEvent) = P { pL :: List WName Text
                                            , pS :: Editor Text WName
  type (InitConstraints Projects s) = ( HasProjects s )
  type (DrawConstraints Projects s WName) = ( HasFocus s WName )
  type (EventType Projects WName MyWorkEvent) = BrickEvent WName MyWorkEvent
  initPaneState s = let prjs = projects $ getProjects s
                        pl = list WPList (Vector.fromList (name <$> prjs)) 1
                        ps = editor WPFilter (Just 1) ""
                    in P pl ps
  drawPane ps gs =
    let isFcsd = gs^ focused == Just WProjList
        lst = renderList (const txt) isFcsd (pL ps)
        srch = str "Search: " <+> renderEditor (txt . head) isFcsd (pS ps)
    in Just $ vBox [ lst, fill ' ', srch ]
  handlePaneEvent _ ev ps =
    do ps1 <- case ev of
                VtyEvent ev' -> do
                  r <- nestEventM' (pL ps) (handleListEvent ev')
                  return $ ps & pList .~ r
                _ -> return ps
       srch <- nestEventM' (ps ^. pSrch) (handleEditorEvent ev)
       return $ ps1 & pSrch .~ srch
  focusable _ _ = Seq.singleton WProjList

pList :: Lens' (PaneState Projects MyWorkEvent) (List WName Text)
pList f ps = (\n -> ps { pL = n }) <$> f (pL ps)

pSrch :: Lens' (PaneState Projects MyWorkEvent) (Editor Text WName)
pSrch f ps = (\n -> ps { pS = n }) <$> f (pS ps)

Project List Pane Notes

At this point, the Project List pane is now fully defined. In addition, the Pane class is almost fully described: there will only be one more member that will be introduced later in this development description.

Operations Pane

The Operations Pane specifies the operations that can be performed and the key sequences that initiate them. This Pane does not itself take focus: the key bindings are application global. It may be however that certain key bindings are inactive in the current mode.


This Pane stores no internal data, so no internal storage or initialization is needed.

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent OperationsPane where
  data (PaneState OperationsPane MyWorkEvent) = Unused
  initPaneState _ = Unused


This Pane is drawn with the ability to adjust the presented operations to indicate if they are active or not. It must therefore have a class constraint that can indicate the active state for those bindings:

class HasSelection s where
  selectedProject :: s -> Maybe Project

The main instance for this will be for the Project List pane’s state:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

instance HasSelection (PaneState Projects MyWorkEvent) where
  selectedProject = fmap snd . listSelectedElement . pL

That pane state is not generally available outside the implementation for that pane however, so how will this information be available to the Operations Pane? The brick-panes library provides an `onPane` lens that can access a particular Pane’s state from anywhere “above” that Pane in the Panel type list, provided that the `PanelOps` constraint can be satisfied. This can be used to define a `HasSelection` instance that will work for the Panel.

instance ( PanelOps Projects WName MyWorkEvent panes MyWorkCore
         , HasSelection (PaneState Projects MyWorkEvent)
  => HasSelection (Panel WName MyWorkEvent MyWorkCore panes) where
  selectedProject = selectedProject . view (onPane @Projects)

However, the first attempt to build with this will receive the following error:

samples/mywork/Main.hs:67:18: error:
  • No Projects in Panel
    Add this pane to your Panel (or move it lower)
    (Possibly driven by DrawConstraints)

This indicates that the Projects Pane is above the Operations Pane, so the latter cannot satisfy the `HasSelection` instance. To fix this, simply re-order the type list for the main state and the initialization operation:

type MyWorkState = Panel WName MyWorkEvent MyWorkCore
                   '[ SummaryPane
                    , OperationsPane
                    , Projects

initialState :: MyWorkState
initialState = addToPanel Never
               $ addToPanel Never
               $ addToPanel WhenFocused
               $ basePanel initMyWorkCore

By “stacking” Panes in the right order in the Panel, most cross-pane dependencies can be satisfied. If there are cases where a total ordering is not possible, then state maintained by a Pane may need to be moved into the global base state to break the dependency cycle.

Now that the `HasSelection` is defined to determine if a Project is currently selected, the draw functionality for the Operations pane can be made sensitive to that setting.

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent OperationsPane where
  data (PaneState OperationsPane MyWorkEvent) = Unused
  type (DrawConstraints OperationsPane s WName) = ( HasSelection s )
  initPaneState _ = Unused
  drawPane _ gs =
    let projInd = case selectedProject gs of
                    Nothing -> withAttr (attrName "disabled")
                    Just _ -> id
        ops = List.intersperse (fill ' ')
              [ str "F1-Load/Save"
              , str "F2-Add Project"
              , projInd $ str "F3-Add Location"
              , projInd $ str "F4-Add Note"
    in Just $ vLimit 1 $ str " " <+> hBox ops <+> str " "

And the final change is to add the following to the myattrs map:

, (attrName "disabled", defAttr `withStyle` dim)

Event Handling

The OperationsPane does not directly handle events: all key bindings it describes are handled by global event handling, which will be added later. The `OperationsPane` is now fully defined and no more is needed at the moment.

Adding the Location Pane

The next step in the design of the application is to add the Location Pane, which wasn’t previously defined. We’ll need to add the Pane to the global Panel type and initialization:

type MyWorkState = Panel WName MyWorkEvent MyWorkCore
                   '[ SummaryPane
                    , OperationsPane
                    , Location
                    , Projects

initialState :: MyWorkState
initialState = focusRingUpdate myWorkFocusL
               $ addToPanel Never
               $ addToPanel Never
               $ addToPanel WhenFocused
               $ addToPanel WhenFocused
               $ basePanel initMyWorkCore

The Location Pane was added “above” the Projects pane, because it will need to show the Location for the currently selected Pane, which it will need to retrieve via the HasSelection constraint in the same manner as the OperationsPane.

In addition, there is a new focusRingUpdate function called to modify the initial state. This function is provided by brick-panes and its responsibility is updating the FocusRing based on the current set of focusable Panes. Here, this adds the Location and Projects panes to the focusable list. The focusRingUpdate function should also be called whenever something happens that would modify the focus ring (e.g. a modal…).

Rather than showing how each aspect of the Location Pane is defined, the whole thing is presented here at once:

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent Location where
  data (PaneState Location MyWorkEvent) = L { lL :: List WName (Text, Maybe Day) }
  type (InitConstraints Location s) = ( HasSelection s, HasProjects s )
  type (DrawConstraints Location s WName) = ( HasFocus s WName, HasSelection s )
  initPaneState gs =
    let l = L (list WLList mempty 2)
        update x = do p <- selectedProject gs
                      prj <- DL.find ((== p) . name) (projects $ getProjects gs)
                      return $ updatePane prj x
    in fromMaybe l $ update l
  drawPane ps gs =
    let isFcsd = gs^ focused == Just WLocation
        rndr (l,d) = (txt l
                      <+> hFill ' '
                      <+> (str $ maybe "*" show d)
                     <=> str " "
    in Just $ renderList (const rndr) isFcsd (lL ps)
  focusable _ ps = focus1If WLocation $ not $ null $ listElements $ lL ps
  handlePaneEvent _ ev ps = do r <- nestEventM' (lL ps) (handleListEvent ev)
                               return $ ps & lList .~ r
  type (UpdateType Location) = Project
  updatePane prj ps =
    let ents = [ (location l, locatedOn l) | l <- locations prj ]
    in L $ listReplace (V.fromList ents) (Just 0) (lL ps)

lList :: Lens' (PaneState Location MyWorkEvent) (List WName (Text, Maybe Day))
lList f ps = (\n -> ps { lL = n }) <$> f (lL ps)

In the above, the final method for the Pane is introduced: the updatePane method, along with the UpdateType specification (which previously defaulted to ()). The UpdateType specifies the type of the value passed to the updatePane method’s first argument. This method is called externally with the specified argument whenever the Pane’s internal state should be updated. Here, it is intended to be called with the Project for which the Location pane should show the locations, and it will update the internal Brick.Widges.List with those locations. This is also called directly from the initPaneState when there is a selection at initialization time.

Also of interest is the new focus1If function called by the focusable method. This brick-panes function is a convenience helper that returns the first argument in a single-entry Sequence if the second argument is true. The automatic call of focusRingUpdate performed internally by the Panel at the end of handling each event will use the return values of the focusable methods to update the FocusRing appropriately. The focus1If helper is being used to indicate that the Location Pane should not receive focus unless there are actual locations being displayed.

Note that a WLList value was added to the WName type as well, and the main drawMyWork is updated to draw the Location pane:

drawMyWork mws =
    $ withBorderStyle unicode
    $ borderWithLabel  (str $ " mywork-example " <> showVersion version <> " ")
    $ vBox $ catMaybes
      panelDraw @SummaryPane mws
    , Just hBorder
    , Just $ hBox $ catMaybes
      [ hLimitPercent 20 <$> panelDraw @Projects mws
      , Just vBorder
      , panelDraw @Location mws
    , Just hBorder
    , panelDraw @OperationsPane mws

The Location Pane’s updatePane should be called whenever the Projects Pane selection is changed, to update the Locations displayed. This is handled by extending the application’s primary event handler to detect these changes and explicitly call the updatePane as seen in the modified excerpt here:

-- Otherwise, allow the Panes in the Panel to handle the event
ev -> do state0 <- get
         let proj0 = selectedProject state0
         (_,state) <- handleFocusAndPanelEvents myWorkFocusL state0 ev
         let mprj = do pnm <- selectedProject state
                       guard (Just pnm /= proj0)
                       Data.List.find ((== pnm) . name)
                                      (projects $ getProjects state)
         let state' =
               case mprj of
                 Just p -> state & onPane @Location %~ updatePane p
                 _ -> state
         put state'

Location Pane Notes

At this point, the development of the application is progressing nicely. Each additional Pane is defined with its own isolated specification, information exchanged with other Panes is explicit and controlled by the Constraints, and global application changes needed are just to ensure that the Pane is added to the initialization operations and type, ensure it is part of the drawing code, and add any special event handling needed for that Pane.

Most of the rest of the development of the mywork-example application will follow this pattern, but it’s worth looking at one additional aspect: modal panes.

File Load/Save Pane

The File Load/Save (a.k.a. FileMgr) Pane is somewhat different from the previous panes in that it is a modal pane: it is invisible until activated, and while activated it holds the focus until de-activated.

The design and appearance of the FileMgr Pane will be a centered modal window, displaying a Brick FileBrowser Widget at the top, help information below that, and a Save button at the bottom.

The Save button will be selectable via the Tab~/~Shift-Tab events, and hitting Space or Return while the button is selected will perform the save action on the to the currently selected file in the file browser.

When the FileBrowser Widget is selected, normal browsing can be performed, and Return will load the currently selected file and dismiss the FileMgr modal pane, whereas ESC at any point will dismiss the FileMgr modal pane without making any changes.

Pane Implementation

The FileMgr Pane itself is implemented in the manner we have come to expect, although there are a couple of adjustments:

data FileMgrPane

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent FileMgrPane where
  data (PaneState FileMgrPane MyWorkEvent) =
    FB { fB :: Maybe (FileBrowser WName)
         -- ^ A Nothing value indicates the modal is not currently active
       , myProjects :: Projects
         -- ^ Current loaded set of projects
       , newProjects :: Bool
         -- ^ True when myProjects has been updated; clear this via updatePane
  type (InitConstraints FileMgrPane s) = ()
  type (DrawConstraints FileMgrPane s WName) = ( HasFocus s WName )
  type (EventConstraints FileMgrPane e) = ( HasFocus e WName )
  initPaneState gs = FB Nothing (Projects mempty) False
  drawPane ps gs = drawFB gs <$> fB ps
  focusable _ ps = case fB ps of
                     Nothing -> mempty
                     Just _ -> Seq.fromList [ WFBrowser, WFSaveBtn ]
  handlePaneEvent bs ev ts =
    let isSearching = maybe False fileBrowserIsSearching (ts^.fBrowser)
    in case ev of
      Vty.EvKey Vty.KEsc [] | not isSearching -> return $ ts & fBrowser .~ Nothing
      _ -> case bs^.getFocus of
             Focused (Just WFBrowser) -> handleFileLoadEvent ev ts
             Focused (Just WFSaveBtn) -> handleFileSaveEvent ev ts
             _ -> return ts
  type (UpdateType FileMgrPane) = Bool
  updatePane newFlag ps = ps { newProjects = newFlag }

fBrowser :: Lens' (PaneState FileMgrPane MyWorkEvent) (Maybe (FileBrowser WName))
fBrowser f ps = (\n -> ps { fB = n }) <$> f (fB ps)

myProjectsL :: Lens' (PaneState FileMgrPane MyWorkEvent) Projects
myProjectsL f wc = (\n -> wc { myProjects = n }) <$> f (myProjects wc)

The first observation is that the actual Projects list is moved here from the global base state. This is to allow the FileMgr to easily access and replace the Projects data when a file is loaded or saved.

There is also a flag that indicates when the Projects has been changed. This will be needed to inform the Projects Pane that it needs to update its list values. The flag is set internally when a new set of Projects is loaded, and the updatePane can be called to clear the flag once the Projects Pane has been updated.

The focusable is also modified to return a list of the two sub-widgets. This is to support the automatic selection of active widget via the Tab~/~Shift-Tab event handling provided by the Panel implementation. (The WName datatype is extended in the obvious manner with these new constructors.)

To support the export of the new newProjects flag, the HasProjects class is slighly updated, and provide an instance for this Pane and any super-Pane types, but not for the base global state.

class HasProjects s where
  getProjects :: s -> (Bool, Projects)

instance ( PanelOps FileMgrPane WName MyWorkEvent panes MyWorkCore
         , HasProjects (PaneState FileMgrPane MyWorkEvent)
  => HasProjects (Panel WName MyWorkEvent MyWorkCore panes) where
  getProjects = getProjects . view (onPane @FileMgrPane)

instance HasProjects (PaneState FileMgrPane MyWorkEvent) where
  getProjects ps = (newProjects ps, myProjects ps)

Various miscellaneous and obvious adjustments will need to be made to accomodate the change in return value; these are not shown here.

The application type and initialization are updated to include the new Pane, with the indication that the pane should receive Events only when modally-active:

type MyWorkState = Panel WName MyWorkEvent MyWorkCore
                   '[ SummaryPane
                    , OperationsPane
                    , Location
                    , Projects
                    , FileMgrPane

initialState :: MyWorkState
initialState = focusRingUpdate myWorkFocusL
               $ addToPanel Never
               $ addToPanel Never
               $ addToPanel WhenFocused
               $ addToPanel WhenFocused
               $ addToPanel WhenFocusedModal
               $ basePanel initMyWorkCore

The drawing and handling functions are also not shown here; their implementation is relatively straightforward and doesn’t reveal any new brick-pane concepts. When a file is actually loaded, the handler will update the myProjects field with the loaded data and set the newProjects to True.

Of note is the initialization: the Brick FileBrowser initialization must be performed in the IO monad. Conveniently, this Pane is modal and not displayed by default, so there is an Event which causes it to be displayed and which can provide the monadic context for the initialization in the global event handler:

VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (Vty.KFun 1) []) -> do
  fmgr <- liftIO initFileMgr
  modify ((focusRingUpdate myWorkFocusL) . (onPane @FileMgrPane .~ fmgr))
-- Otherwise, allow the Panes in the Panel to handle the event
ev -> do state0 <- get

Note here the call to focusRingUpdate: the Panel event handler automatically calls this, but that handler is not used in this situation, so the FocusRing should be explicitly updated with this function. If this update is omitted, the modal will not visibly show the focused state until the next event (that calls the Panel’s event handler) is processed.

In the FileMgr Pane implementation, the initFileMgr function is defined:

initFileMgr :: IO (PaneState FileMgrPane MyWorkEvent)
initFileMgr = do
  fb <- newFileBrowser selectNonDirectories WFBrowser Nothing
  return $ initPaneState fb & fBrowser .~ Just fb

Also in the global event handler, the new projects flag is checked, and if it is True, it is reset to False and the Projects Pane is notified of the new Projects data:

ev -> do proj0 <- gets selectedProject
         s <- get
         (_,s') <- handleFocusAndPanelEvents myWorkFocusL s ev
         put s'
         (new,prjs) <- gets getProjects
         when new $
           modify $ \s -> s
                          & focusRingUpdate myWorkFocusL
                          & onPane @Projects %~ updatePane prjs
                          & onPane @FileMgrPane %~ updatePane False

This invokes the Projects Pane updatePane method which is added to support updating the displayed projects based on the new data:

instance Pane WName MyWorkEvent Projects where
  type (UpdateType Projects) = Projects
  updatePane newprjs =
    (pList %~ listReplace (Vector.fromList (name <$> projects newprjs)) (Just 0))
    (pSrch . editContentsL %~ Text.Zipper.clearZipper)

There’s also an alternative to saving and returning the new indication from handleFocusAndPanelEvents: the transition detection within brick-panes. In the above example, the first element of the tuple returned by handleFocusAndPanelEvents is discarded, but it is a PanelTransition object. There are two brick-panes functions that take a PanelTransition as an argument: enteredModal and exitedModal. These can be used to detect if the current event handling caused a modal to be newly displayed or dismissed, and this can be used to perform various actions. The following shows the global event handler code that might use this method:

ev -> do proj0 <- gets selectedProject
         s <- get
         (trns,s') <- handleFocusAndPanelEvents myWorkFocusL s ev
         put s'
         when (exitedModal @FileMgr trns s') $
           modify $ \s -> s
                          & focusRingUpdate myWorkFocusL
                          & onPane @Projects %~ updatePane (snd $ getProjects s)
                          & onPane @FileMgrPane %~ updatePane False

This implementation is slightly less efficient since it will perform the updates on every exit from the FileMgr modal even if there were no changes to the Projects it manages, but it demonstrates the usefulness of the PanelTransition indication. There is also a isPanelModal function that returns True if the Panel is currently showing a Modal pane.

Finally, the draw function is modified to draw the modal (if drawable) before the other Panes, drawing those Panes with the "disabled" attribute if the modal is active.

drawMyWork mws =
  let mainPanes =
          borderWithLabel  (str $ " mywork-example " <> showVersion version <> " ")
          $ vBox $ catMaybes
            panelDraw @SummaryPane mws
      allPanes = catMaybes [ panelDraw @FileMgrPane mws ] <> mainPanes
      disableLower = \case
        (m:ls) -> m : (withDefAttr (attrName "disabled") <$> ls)
        o -> o
  in joinBorders . withBorderStyle unicode <$> disableLower allPanes

FileMgr Pane Notes

Not all of the details of the FileMgr modal Pane implementation are shown above, but the remainder is relatively mechanical. The samples/mywork-example directory can be consulted for the more complete implementation details.

Closing Notes

At this point, all of the functionality provided by the brick-panes library has been introduced, along with examples of code utilizing that functionality. We have seen how to add a new Pane, including modal panes, and how to coordinate both information sharing and isolation between the various Panes.

Rather than pedantically walk through the remainder of the creation of the mywork-example application implementation, the completion and extensions of this sample application are left as exercises for the reader:

  • Implement the Notes Pane, displaying the Notes associated with the selected Location.
  • Implement the Add Project operation
  • Implement the Add Location operation
  • Implement the Add Notes operation
  • Add handling for the Projects Search box, modifying the display of the listed Projects based on the entry in the Search box.
  • Add error handling and display (e.g. loading invalid files)
  • Add display of additional Project information (description, language, role, etc.).

If this sample application is intriguing as a potentially useful application for daily use, a much more sophisticated and complete version is available from Hackage or


  • Why not just use Brick Widgets?

    Brick Widgets are a great abstraction, but they are a fairly low-level abstraction that don’t inherently support multiple, focusable sub-components and a generic abstraction interface.


Panes library overlay for Brick library providing composition and isolation for Haskell TUI apps.






Contributors 4
