To build the SDKs for My API, simply install AutoRest via npm
(npm install -g autorest
) and then run:
To see additional help and options, run:
autorest --help
For other options on installation see Installing AutoRest on the AutoRest github page.
The following are the settings for this using this API with AutoRest.
# specify the version of Autorest to use
#version: 1.0.1-20170402
namespace: Api.Client
output-folder: .
input-file: swagger.json
csharp: # just having a 'csharp' node enables the use of the csharp generator.
output-folder : generated/csharp # relative to the global value.
enable-xml: true
azure-arm: true # 'azure-arm' is a declaration that the OpenAPI is an Azure arm resource (not specified as part of the generator name.)
add-credentials: true # generates `Credentials` property