iOS Custom Badge, Support UIView, UITabBarItem, UIBarButtonItem
iOS自定义Badge组件, 支持UIView, UITabBarItem, UIBarButtonItem以及子类
- iOS 8+
- Xcode 8+
Objective-C : 拖入PPBadgeView/objc文件夹中的.h与.m文件, #import "PPBadgeView.h" 开始使用
Swift : 拖入PPBadgeView/swift文件夹中的.swift文件开始使用
Objective-C: dragged into the .h file with the .m file in the PPBadgeView / objc folder, #import "PPBadgeView.h" then,start using
Swift: Drag the .swift file into the PPBadgeView / swift folder to get start
- Objective-C :
pod 'PPBadgeView'
then#import <PPBadgeView.h>
- Swift :
pod 'PPBadgeViewSwift'
thenimport PPBadgeViewSwift
如果发现pod search PPBadgeView/PPBadgeViewSwift 不是最新版本,在终端执行pod setup命令更新本地spec镜像缓存(时间可能有点长),重新搜索就OK了
If you find pod search PPBadgeView / PPBadgeViewSwift is not the latest version, in the terminal of the pod setup command to update the local spec image cache and re-search. (it may take you a long time)
// Cartfile
github "jkpang/PPBadgeView" ~> 3.0.0
// Terminal
carthage update --platform iOS
view = UIView, UITabBarItem, UIBarButtonItem及其子类(subclass)
// 添加带文本内容的Badge, 默认右上角, 红色, 18pts
// Add Badge with text content, the default upper right corner, red backgroundColor, 18pts
[view pp_addBadgeWithText:@"99+"];
// 添加带数字的Badge, 默认右上角,红色,18pts
// Add the Badge with numbers, the default upper right corner, red backgroundColor, 18pts
[view pp_addBadgeWithNumber:1];
// 添加带颜色的小圆点, 默认右上角, 红色, 8pts
// Add small dots with color, the default upper right corner, red backgroundColor, 8pts
[view pp_addDotWithColor:nil];
(注意: 此方法需要将Badge添加到控件上后再调用!!!)
Set the height of Badge, because the Badge width is dynamically and variable.By changing the Badge height in proportion to facilitate the layout.
(Note: this method needs to add Badge to the controls and then use it !!!)
@param points 高度大小
[view pp_setBadgeHeight:25];
设置Badge的偏移量, Badge中心点默认为其父视图的右上角
Set Badge offset, Badge center point defaults to the top right corner of its parent view
@param x X轴偏移量 (x<0: 左移, x>0: 右移) axis offset (x <0: left, x> 0: right)
@param y Y轴偏移量 (y<0: 上移, y>0: 下移) axis offset ( Y <0: up, y> 0: down)
[view pp_moveBadgeWithX:-7 Y:5];
[view pp_setBadgeLabelAttributes:^(PPBadgeLabel *badgeLabel) {
badgeLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
badgeLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:13];
badgeLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];
// 数字增加/减少, 注意:以下方法只适用于Badge内容为纯数字的情况
// Digital increase /decrease, note: the following method applies only to cases where the Badge content is purely numeric
[view pp_decrease];
[view pp_increase];
view = UIView, UITabBarItem, UIBarButtonItem及其子类
// 添加带文本内容的Badge, 默认右上角, 红色, 18pts
// Add Badge with text content, the default upper right corner, red backgroundColor, 18pts
view?.pp.addBadge(text: "99+");
// 添加带数字的Badge, 默认右上角,红色,18pts
// Add the Badge with numbers, the default upper right corner, red backgroundColor, 18pts
view?.pp.addBadge(number: 1);
// 设置Badge的高度,因为Badge宽度是动态可变的,通过改变Badge高度,其宽度也按比例变化,方便布局
// (注意: 此方法需要将Badge添加到控件上后再调用!!!)
// Set the height of Badge, because the Badge width is dynamically and variable.By changing the Badge height in proportion to facilitate the layout.
// (Note: this method needs to add Badge to the controls and then use it !!!)
/// 设置Badge的偏移量, Badge中心点默认为其父视图的右上角 Set Badge offset, Badge center point defaults to the top right corner of its parent view
/// - Parameters:
/// - x: X轴偏移量 (x<0: 左移, x>0: 右移) axis offset (x <0: left, x> 0: right)
/// - y: Y轴偏移量 (y<0: 上移, y>0: 下移) axis offset ( Y <0: up, y> 0: down)
view?.pp.moveBadge(x: -7, y: 5)
// 自定义badge的属性: 字体大小/颜色, 背景颜色...(默认系统字体13,白色,背景色为系统badge红色)
// Custom badge properties: font size / color, background color... (default system font 13, white, background color is system Badge Red)
view?.pp.badgeView.textLabel.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13)
view?.pp.badgeView.textLabel.textColor =
// 数字增加/减少, 注意:以下方法只适用于Badge内容为纯数字的情况
// Digital increase /decrease, note: the following method applies only to cases where the Badge content is purely numeric
• 2018.09.13(tag:2.2.0):
支持Xcode10, Swift4.2 <-> support Xcode10 and Swift4.2
• 2018.04.10(tag:2.1.0):
1. 支持Xcode9.3, Swift4.1 <-> support Xcode9.3 and Swift4.1
2. Update
Objc: - (void)pp_setBadgeHeightPoints:(CGFloat)points
==> - (void)pp_setBadgeHeight:(CGFloat)height
Swift: func setBadgeHeight(points: CGFloat)
==> func setBadge(height: CGFloat)
3. Add: (fix issus #8:
Objc: - (void)pp_setBadgeFlexMode:(PPBadgeViewFlexMode)flexMode;
Swift: func setBadge(flexMode: PPBadgeViewFlexMode = .tail)
• 2017.09.23(tag:2.0.0):
支持iOS11, Swift4 <-> support iOS11 and Swift4
• 2017.08.28(tag:1.1.2-PPBadgeViewSwift):
修复PPBadgeViewSwift给UITabBarItem会崩溃的bug <-> Fix PPBadgeViewSwift to UITabBarItem will crash bug
• 2017.06.27(tag:1.1.1):
添加英文注释 <-> Add English comments
• 2017.06.27(tag:1.1.0):
Removes the private API property "UITabBarSwappableImageView" code
• 2017.06.21(tag:1.0.0):
初始化到CocoaPods <-> Initialize to CocoaPods
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