HHMI janelia
- http://www.voigtslab.org
rotating-2p-image-correction Public
code for Voigts & Harnett, Somatic and dendritic encoding of spatial variables in retrosplenial cortex differs during 2-D navigation
Sending data back and forth between bonsai and a pyqt python program via Osc
minimal spike extraction and sorting
whisker_tracking Public
Unsupervised whisker tracking in freely behaving mice/rats
mountainlab-js Public
Forked from flatironinstitute/mountainlab-jsMountainLab is data processing, sharing and visualization software for scientists. It is built around MountainSort, spike sorting software, but is designed to be more generally applicable.
regularized_models_demo Public
Demonstrates a few simple applications of L2 regularization
syringe_pump Public
simple, precise syringe pump, optimized for price of batches of ~10-50
UpdatedMar 2, 2019 -
chronic_window_spacer Public
machined holder to replace stacked cover slip windows
MIT License UpdatedMay 19, 2018 -
headstage Public
Forked from open-ephys/headstage32-channel headstage based on the Intan RHD2132 chip
PLSQL UpdatedOct 23, 2017 -
2d_lighthouse_tracking Public
2d tracking with valve lighthouse on teensy
public-presentations Public
Forked from jonnew/public-presentationsMy public presentations
HTML UpdatedMay 26, 2017 -
Miniscope_Analysis Public
Forked from daharoni/Miniscope_AnalysisMATLAB analysis functions for Miniscope project.
MATLAB UpdatedFeb 23, 2017 -
Oat Public
Forked from jonnew/OatReal-time position tracker for behavioral research
plugin-GUI Public
Forked from open-ephys/plugin-GUIOpen Ephys GUI with plugin architecture
C++ UpdatedJun 4, 2016 -
test code for optimal time series rendering